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Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

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The servers are more unstable than I've ever seen them on experimental. I'm in the UK and the UK 0-3 Chernarus server keeps kicking me for unstable connection. I'm struggling to get into the map and test things at the moment, and it's low pop.


EDIT: Perhaps they are being DDoS'd?

Edited by BrotherPlum
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I think this is all servers. I'm in UK and was getting the same, so i switched to EU experi. It's still the same on there, being kicked for "unstable connection".
Maybe the servers are crashing a lot due tot he patch (instability)?

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I am trying to connect to the experimental servers and cannot play for more than 5 minutes because the servers crash or perform badly until I get kicked. By "perform badly" I mean that cannot do actions or there's a delay of 10 seconds until they take effect; for example, turn torchlight on, combine rags, move bullets in my inventory, pick up items from the world...

I tried to connect again after being kicked, and I saw there was a queue of about 25 people when server was medium 5 minutes ago, so more people got kicked at the same time, so it's not only my problem. This happened repeatedly 5 or 6 times for about half an hour.

Apart from that and that I was not able to test anything, I like what I read about this patch. I hope that this is just a temporary issue with servers and not a bug in the actual update. I'll try again tomorrow.

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Great update! I love these features. Seeing how development has been for a while, this is finally turning from a good game to a better game. This is the main issue though that NEEDS to be fixed, cars. Cars on console are a big issue. Ive played PC and PS4 and i can see clearly that the cars on console are bad. PC isnt bad at all, yet it still happens sometimes. Also, glad you guys got an animator! Finally some unused assets can now be used, like the AUG or M249! If this is just one update, im excited for what will come next. 

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  On 9/3/2021 at 7:34 AM, Drknot said:

And still no leather clothes or BOW and ARROWS..... cmon!

I didn't realize they nuked leather clothes too. I still find it funny how excited everyone gets as they add stuff to the game that was present 5 years ago....and yet, I continue to play it. Still haven't found a game with as much replayability as dayz SA. 2000 hours and counting

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Every time i get close to a Toxic zone the server crashes.

I like this patch a lot, very cool.

I would prefer only static gas zones though with some broken gas containers, i saw a gas artillery land next to me in cherno it was very cool.

BUT I don't like how it affects the setting/atmosphere. It doesnt feel like a lonely post apocalypse anymore if the civilization outside of chernarus is alright and shoots artillery inside. Why not just leave chernarus then, why would I put up with all the f-ed up cannibals and killing squads and mustard gas bombings if i can just leave into the normal world.

That is the same reason I don't want the new heli explosion sound, It is also very cool and nice gameplaywise, but it hurts the setting/atmosphere too much for me. There are army helis flying around because there is no apocalypse and I don't like AI humans influencing what happens  in the game  (bombing me or dropping helis in).

Also I don't know if the artillery also spawns loot in the gas zone when it falls from the sky, this would completely ruin the setting/atmosphere for me and make no sense whatsoever, I do trust the devs thought to know about that... kind of maybe.

Completely animated helicrashes are also pure horror for me. Imagine not being able to distinguish between player helis and AI helis anymore. If some noob crashes his heli into the ground I want to be able to laugh at him without wondering wether it was an AI or an actual player.

Those things are very cool though, so if the devs decide to stick with them I guess i can get used to it.

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  On 9/3/2021 at 7:14 PM, Homeschooliazon said:

BUT I don't like how it affects the setting/atmosphere. It doesnt feel like a lonely post apocalypse anymore if the civilization outside of chernarus is alright and shoots artillery inside.

Yup, agree on this one.
Dynamic toxic zones are cool, but this changes the "feel" of the game for me.

But hey... it might not be for the worse, maybe we just need to get used to it.

  On 9/3/2021 at 7:14 PM, Homeschooliazon said:

That is the same reason I don't want the new heli explosion sound

TBH I like them, they just don't magically appear, but it's missing an animation tbh...

Now the question to ask is... what if you log out in a town, and you log back in and it's contaminated/toxic when you log in? Do you just die because you logged in at the wrong time?
IDK... maybe the dynamic toxic events shouldn't happen...


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  On 9/3/2021 at 7:53 PM, DefectiveWater said:

Now the question to ask is... what if you log out in a town, and you log back in and it's contaminated/toxic when you log in? Do you just die because you logged in at the wrong time?

Apparently you get a notification box that tells you were magically teleported outside the toxic zone. 🤣

I mean... whoever came up with the idea that the dynamic toxic zones can spawn into random TOWNS instead of military places only is a dumbass.

Nice way to indirectly nerf the whole in game base building since now there's a chance to randomly die inside your own base to some airstrike ... or abuse it defensively, for example your base getting raided and there will be an airstrike coming ... just re-log and get magically teleported outside the zone so you can flank the raiders. But then again, it also applies to raiders who can magically just disappear by relogging and getting teleported outside the town.

Oh well, most of the community servers will turn this BS off anyways or tweak the locations if it's possible. 🤷‍♂️

Edited by 'AZAZEL'
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Here is my feedback about toxic zones. I find the two static ones perfect, although dynamic ones are extremely frequent. I guess it's for testing purposes. Once in stable, I would make them very rare... possibly as rare as helicopter crashes. Maybe in NWAF and Tisy a bit more frequent? Otherwise, logging in and being in the middle of a toxic zone would become constant.

Furthermore, I am loving what I've seen about this update, but I still cannot properly play because the servers I have tried keep getting desynchronization issues and massive kick of players. My two favorite little big things; the breath sound when your filter is wearing out, and the "overlay" in the screen when wearing gas masks, motorcycle helmets, crusader helmets, NVG and welding masks.

Thank you and keep it up!

Edited by Nolhek
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Feel like the toxic zones kill you too quickly. I think the mechanic should work differently like if you were exposed the gas for only a second and get a cut, you should be able to douse yourself in water to remove the burning effects that's causing the cuts. I dont think minimal exposure should cause you to die, maybe a cough, a little nausea that after some time goes away if you leave and minimize your exposure. I also think the exposure should be cummulative. the more times you go back into the toxic zones the more severe your symptoms become. As a permanent effect on the character I think it would be great for gameplay if it was treatable, but no curable. Let say someone with toxic effects has shaky hands and nausea, blurred vision has to take the antidote to help relieve symptoms temporarily and they have to keep taking this medication.

Edited by Yojimbo2019
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I like that there's static toxic zones, but I agree with others who have said the dynamic ones don't really fit the game.  To me, it makes DayZ start to feel like PUBG.  Having static toxic zones makes sense, kind of like how Chernobyl became a "toxic zone" after the nuclear disaster.  I think the best loot on the map should be in the static toxic zones, making looting for the necessary gear to enter those zones worthwhile.

To be a new spawn and the first town you encounter gets toxic bombed feels a bit off to me.  As was mentioned previously, if the outside world is healthy enough to have military excursions repeatedly bombing Chernarus (or whatever map you're on), why would you stay in that area?  You would just keep looting in one direction until you were in the "infected-free" part of the world, especially once you realized the area was being bombed, wouldn't you?  While it is a cool aspect for the game, it takes away from what I always believed to be true -- that this was a worldwide infection and not contained in any way to only one part of the world.

I also think the gas bleeds are a bit too frequent -- about half as many of them feels about right.

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Went ahead and ignored gamerwarriors. Tired of reading whatever blather he spouts. Zero contribution to the forums. Dude made like 40 troll posts in a row.

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  On 9/3/2021 at 7:14 PM, Homeschooliazon said:

I don't like how it affects the setting/atmosphere. It doesnt feel like a lonely post apocalypse anymore if the civilization outside of chernarus is alright and shoots artillery inside. Why not just leave chernarus then, why would I put up with all the f-ed up cannibals and killing squads and mustard gas bombings if i can just leave into the normal world.

Yeh. Not too sure what this toxic artillery brings to the game other than a new way to die. It certainly doesn't make any real sense as far as the apocalypse lore goes. Who would be firing random shells of toxic gas into Chernarus and why?


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Steam does not show betas?? Showing only "none".

What is this?


Edit. Verifying files didn't help..

Edit2. Aaaaah now I got it...it's own game "DayZ Experimental" in Steam.

Edited by Edqar
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It is impossible to play, massive kick of the 30+ players wait 1 minute log in again, repeat. I could not play more than 3 straight minutes without desync or kicks. Btw when desync starts it is giant; between input of action and action to take effect sometimes it is 20 seconds, i.e. opening a door. This is in EU - UK 0-3 Experimental

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@Kyiara there really needs to be a hotfix of some sort for server stability. No point in experimenting this build when servers crap out every 5 minutes

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  On 9/4/2021 at 5:11 AM, Tonyeh said:

Yeh. Not too sure what this toxic artillery brings to the game other than a new way to die. It certainly doesn't make any real sense as far as the apocalypse lore goes. Who would be firing random shells of toxic gas into Chernarus and why?


I played a lot of 1.14 today and i do have to say that it is very funny watching towns get gasbombed IN THE VIDEOGAME DAYZ. It also does add to the constant fear of dying and i do like to have another crazyly violent thing to have to watch out for. It  also just looks and sounds badass. It would also be funny to trap someone in a house with broken legs, tied up, with locked doors just as the artillery comes *HAHAHAHA*.

But yeah it still doesnt feel 100% right with the vibe and lore of the game.

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I did setup an own exp server to find out what's causing the server crashes. After checking a few crash logs i found out its the infected spawn at police cars.


For server owners:

  1. open events.xml
  2. goto section "StaticPoliceCar"
  3. comment out line#725:  <secondary>InfectedPoliceHard</secondary>
  4. save the file


This solved the crashes for me. Have fun.

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