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Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

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  On 9/6/2021 at 4:02 AM, Parazight said:

This update needs some sort of flashbang effect upon log-in so that players can't just X-ray scan every structure within the nearest half-kilometer.

Can we make radiators like, 3 times as durable, please?

Will there be a server wipe with this update.

all shall be revealed in good time sire

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The artillery strikes are easy to explain lore wise, Chernarus is a quarantined zone and there are survivors trapped inside, outside nations are bombarding it to kill the infected, this makes sense in my way of thinking.

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  On 9/6/2021 at 10:02 AM, kumando said:

The artillery strikes are easy to explain lore wise, Chernarus is a quarantined zone and there are survivors trapped inside, outside nations are bombarding it to kill the infected, this makes sense in my way of thinking.

Oh, so they've managed to control the virus then.  They've quarantined all the infected.  Good. The zombie virus isn't really a problem then.  What's the lore behind sniper rifles and infected dressed up in NBC gear being there at the time of the strikes?  How does the lore explain how they got there precisely at the time of strikes?

I'm sort of curious as to how the meta will play out.  The team has affected balance by introducing the highest tier weapons in every corner of the map  (toxic zones) while also removing the count on those weapons at the same time.   No testing has been done to see how the metrics play out.  There's no way experimental will be up long enough to really tell, I imagine.  So, it will be interesting to see how much more 'arcadey' the game will get.

  On 9/6/2021 at 5:34 AM, rackinglad27 said:

all shall be revealed in good time sire

Please don't call me sir.  I work for a living.  :) 


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  On 9/6/2021 at 4:02 AM, Parazight said:

This update needs some sort of flashbang effect upon log-in so that players can't just X-ray scan every structure within the nearest half-kilometer.

Can we make radiators like, 3 times as durable, please?

Will there be a server wipe with this update.

This is especially a problem on consoles!!!!! 

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Does anyone have issues with the DE exp server? kicking from the server for unstable connection? And before you post anything the connection is super good 🙂

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A warning played over radio just before gas strikes would be awesome. It would give radios more of a purpose AND increase the chances of player interaction via radios.

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  On 9/6/2021 at 1:14 PM, Parazight said:

Oh, so they've managed to control the virus then.  They've quarantined all the infected.  Good. The zombie virus isn't really a problem then.  What's the lore behind sniper rifles and infected dressed up in NBC gear being there at the time of the strikes?  How does the lore explain how they got there precisely at the time of strikes?

I'm sort of curious as to how the meta will play out.  The team has affected balance by introducing the highest tier weapons in every corner of the map  (toxic zones) while also removing the count on those weapons at the same time.   No testing has been done to see how the metrics play out.  There's no way experimental will be up long enough to really tell, I imagine.  So, it will be interesting to see how much more 'arcadey' the game will get.

Please don't call me sir.  I work for a living.  🙂 


I actually called you sire. 😁 and hey I work for a living too, always 100% but I'll take a title for free anyday hehe

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Hello I have my opinion on the gas zones in a WOT down below.

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In short: Awesome update as always, but a few little things that i like to nitpick about. 😉

Edited by Homeschooliazon

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  On 9/6/2021 at 11:04 PM, Homeschooliazon said:

Hello I have my opinion on the gas zones in a WOT down below.

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In short: Awesome update as always, but a few little things that i like to nitpick about. 😉

You took the words right out of my mouth but especially agree that by all means the dynamic ones should not spawn any loot; as you say it does not make sense. For that, there is already the heli crashes and the static zones.

Also, the NBC infected should not be there when dynamic zone starts, that's not right at all and the gas is deadly enough. If when a dynamic zone starts, and you have an NBC suit and have to go inside it, you are lucky, but you will waste filter that could be use in a static zone instead where there is actual good loot.

So summarizing; the magical spawn of loot and NBC infected in the dynamic zones are pointless and nonsense from my point of view.

Furthermore, the loot in static should be adjusted a bit, too much to find 3-4 high tier weapons in one run in a full server.

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  On 9/7/2021 at 6:47 AM, Kathosky said:

You took the words right out of my mouth but especially agree that by all means the dynamic ones should not spawn any loot; as you say it does not make sense. For that, there is already the heli crashes and the static zones.

Also, the NBC infected should not be there when dynamic zone starts, that's not right at all and the gas is deadly enough. If when a dynamic zone starts, and you have an NBC suit and have to go inside it, you are lucky, but you will waste filter that could be use in a static zone instead where there is actual good loot.

So summarizing; the magical spawn of loot and NBC infected in the dynamic zones are pointless and nonsense from my point of view.

Furthermore, the loot in static should be adjusted a bit, too much to find 3-4 high tier weapons in one run in a full server.

what are you talking about? WOBO made a video on gas zones and he clearly states that high tier loot doesn't spawn when a dynamic toxic zone comes in. that's exactly as it should be and yes I agree it's a little odd that NBC infected just spawn in the gas cloud, that should be reworked.

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After having some problems playing in official experimental servers I managed to play in a community one with full population. After some days of "experimentation" I can clearly see that the two types of toxic zones should have a clear role each one. Here are my thoughts:

The static zones should be some kind of end goal that after roaming around the map gathering the NBC stuff you are ready to get into them to find some good loot which can only be found in helis and in these static toxic gas zones. Although the loot should be adjusted a bit. I see they should spawn no more than two high tier weapons.

The dynamic ones are mean to change gameplay instead of adding loot. They are cool and cannot imagine all situations that are going to change because of this, but I have the following suggestions from my point of view; first, the gas in these should be less deadly than the static ones. Maybe the same symptoms and sickness stages, but at a lot slower rate. The filters, in case you have one, last longer too in these. Make them so you can go in them only with a gas mask, but keep the bleeding effect from the skin at a lot slower rate than in the static ones. Make them slightly different color than static ones, orange maybe; second, they should not magically spawn high tier loot or any new loot by any means, that's the function of the static ones; third, they should kill the existing zeds, but they should not spawn NBC infected from nowhere, if you decide to go in here the gas should be enough penalty, either by wasting filters that could be used in the static ones to get good loot, or getting slowly intoxicated by the gas in case of no protection; fourth, they should be less common, but I believe the exact frequency is something hard to determine now, and can be found and adjusted over time in future updates.

As a vanilla player from long ago, I am loving the additions and changes of this update. I congrat the devs and I keep being excited about the future of DayZ, although you've set the bar high for 1.15 🙂

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  On 9/7/2021 at 7:12 AM, rackinglad27 said:

what are you talking about? WOBO made a video on gas zones and he clearly states that high tier loot doesn't spawn when a dynamic toxic zone comes in. that's exactly as it should be and yes I agree it's a little odd that NBC infected just spawn in the gas cloud, that should be reworked.

I watched WOBO's and I know. I say it because some people state that dynamic zones should magically spawn new loot.

Edited by Kathosky

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Everyone on Dayz now...







*Gas image nicked from Reddit.

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  On 9/6/2021 at 1:14 PM, Parazight said:

Oh, so they've managed to control the virus then.  They've quarantined all the infected.  Good. The zombie virus isn't really a problem then.  What's the lore behind sniper rifles and infected dressed up in NBC gear being there at the time of the strikes?  How does the lore explain how they got there precisely at the time of strikes?

I'm sort of curious as to how the meta will play out.  The team has affected balance by introducing the highest tier weapons in every corner of the map  (toxic zones) while also removing the count on those weapons at the same time.   No testing has been done to see how the metrics play out.  There's no way experimental will be up long enough to really tell, I imagine.  So, it will be interesting to see how much more 'arcadey' the game will get.

Please don't call me sir.  I work for a living.  :) 


I have some thoughts on this.

1) You need the gear before you can enter the zone, so you aren't going from freshie on the coast into Rify to get an M4A1 or whatever.

2) Removing the server max and replacing it with those weapons spawning in the contaminated areas was a tradeoff I suppose. I've argued FOR having weapons with a server max for a while and not relaxing those configs, but alas nobody listened to me. Most of the people complaining play on 100x loot/trader servers anyway so keep vanilla HARDER! 

3) Agreed that some testing is needed, but that can't happen in EXP. They have to make an educated guess and tweak it later. The nice thing is that it's simple changes to the mission files.


I don't look at these changes making the game "arcadey", I look at them as forcing different movement around the map. That's what PVE is supposed todo. Now maybe if we could get some care packages and/or infected camps (ala arma2:dayzmod) with more rare gear, we'd get even more movement.

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  On 9/7/2021 at 7:29 AM, Kathosky said:

The dynamic ones are mean to change gameplay instead of adding loot. They are cool and cannot imagine all situations that are going to change because of this, but I have the following suggestions from my point of view; first, the gas in these should be less deadly than the static ones. Maybe the same symptoms and sickness stages, but at a lot slower rate. The filters, in case you have one, last longer too in these. Make them so you can go in them only with a gas mask, but keep the bleeding effect from the skin at a lot slower rate than in the static ones. Make them slightly different color than static ones, orange maybe; second, they should not magically spawn high tier loot or any new loot by any means, that's the function of the static ones; third, they should kill the existing zeds, but they should not spawn NBC infected from nowhere, if you decide to go in here the gas should be enough penalty, either by wasting filters that could be used in the static ones to get good loot, or getting slowly intoxicated by the gas in case of no protection; fourth, they should be less common, but I believe the exact frequency is something hard to determine now, and can be found and adjusted over time in future updates.

I like your ideas, but I see the dynamic zones as simply pushing players around the map and discouraging bases in certain areas. Why go into them?

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  On 9/7/2021 at 2:59 PM, helpthedeadwalk said:

I like your ideas, but I see the dynamic zones as simply pushing players around the map and discouraging bases in certain areas. Why go into them?

This is a great post.  Why go into them at all?  Instead of finding and carrying a clown suit all over the place,  I'll just camp outside static zones and snipe people.  It's not like the high end tier weapons are limited anymore.  I don't want to carry around a full suit, I don't have anywhere to put it and bases are not secure whatsoever.

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  On 9/7/2021 at 3:09 PM, Parazight said:

This is a great post.  Why go into them at all?  Instead of finding and carrying a clown suit all over the place,  I'll just camp outside static zones and snipe people.  It's not like the high end tier weapons are limited anymore.  I don't want to carry around a full suit, I don't have anywhere to put it and bases are not secure whatsoever.

So this is just a gripe because of bases? Because you never needed gas clouds to snipe fools coming out of loot areas. You never even needed the best military gear to do that. 

Yet bases, especially in cities, were never safe to begin with. So what did we lose here really? If anything, the gas cloud can save your base from a raid while you're offline. Because since you do have storage in the base, there is no issue for you to have an NBC suit there and defend yourself even during duration of the toxic zone. 

Edited by William Sternritter
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  On 9/7/2021 at 2:59 PM, helpthedeadwalk said:

I like your ideas, but I see the dynamic zones as simply pushing players around the map and discouraging bases in certain areas. Why go into them?

Well, that's the function of dynamic zones, push you out or deviate your route to avoid that place that just got bombed.

Let's suppose that gas in the dynamic ones is not that deadly, that you can stay a few minutes before developing some irreversible sickness or death, and that a mask works to protect at least your respiratory system but still you get some cuts from your skin being exposed. The main function will still be the same, but it would also allow for other situations and variety. I know that DayZ surprises me often, so there are more, but these are some that I thought of:

1. You are desperate for water flashing red thirst, and you hear the arty and the village in front of you that was your hope get toxic clouds. You are lucky that you have a mask and a filter, so you have to go inside and have a limited time to search and fill your water bottle in the fountain, or you will die of thirst in your way to the next village/water source. Likewise, you have used many of your bandages since you don't have the full NBC suit.

2. You just had a fight in a village, killed a guy, you are flanking, and that village gets the event. You can try to get into the town and, taking advantage of less visibility, take the risk of looting that body.

3. You got shoot and are being chased by some bandits. You have a mask in your inventory and decide to go through the toxic cloud, hoping that those people behind don't have that kind of protection, so you can run away from them or surprise them flanking.

4. You have some campers trapped by looking at the door they are in, and the event happens. You have a mask/filter and again, hope they don't. You decide to wait a bit for them to come out and then manage to kill a couple in their escape from the toxic cloud.

It's just more variety. Not only, "oh shit, gas, we have to get out yes or yes".

That's what I think of when saying "not as deadly". As I pointed out in my last post, this is only for the dynamic zones. The static ones should be as deadly as now since they have good loot and to prevent that some lucky freshy that just found a mask in the nearest hospital gets a LAR or M4 straight away.

Edited by Kathosky
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  On 9/7/2021 at 3:26 PM, William Sternritter said:

Yet bases, especially in cities, were never safe to begin with. So what did we lose here really? If anything, the gas cloud can save your base from a raid while you're offline. Because since you do have storage in the base, there is no issue for you to have an NBC suit there and defend yourself even during duration of the toxic zone. 

Right.  Bases were never safe to begin with.  We completely lost the ability to build even weak bases in towns, and gained nothing.  Town bases are not safe because you can cheat the system and x-ray scan entire towns as you log in.  Forest bases are worthless because you can just jump the fence with a vehicle + canopy tent.  Unless you have combo locks on every wall, on every ring of protection, or, somehow find a hidden spot where an enemy can't use tricks to jump into your base (doesn't exist) then your base is easily breachable.  So yea, relying on having an NBC suit stored in your base IS an issue because bases are not safe.  Filters are going to be stolen.

Random gas clouds in cities completely destroy legitimate attempts at town base building in vanilla!  You can create a base in a house that can't be breached by breaking a combo lock.  One can easily set up walls in a house so that you would have to stand in barbwire in order to break the combo lock.  This completely circumvents being breached by methods other than explosives or shooting it.   Or, you can set up the wall so that the lock is not reachable from outside of the building.  The caveat, is that you have to stay logged out inside the base in order to retain it.  Dynamic gas clouds kicking you out of your town base upon login renders the base worthless.

A gas cloud is not going to save your base from offline protection.  Raiders will just wait it out.  Once an enemy knows about your base it's pretty safe to assume it's going to get wrecked.

It's like there was no high-concept (or beta) phase of this game.  Just random ideas and mechanics added to the pile.

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Sticky Poison Cloud Bug


A player gets his own personel poison cloud, that stays at him, where ever he goes.

How to get it?

Be in a dynamic contaminated area, when it despawns. The player effect stays and you have to relog or take your mask off and die.



Static Police Car Event Bug (server crash)


After server start 10 police cars will spawn. 2500 seconds later (lifetime of police cars) they despawn all together and 10 new will spawn. Thats the moment the server crashes.


Setting restock to 60 and they will spawn/despawn one by one and not all together. No crashes for 3 days now on my server.

Edited by Scoo1

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suggestion to future patch


as M1nder suggested during stream, NV goggles should project green light on wearers face,

so the NV user is not entirely invisible to players who didnt come across such a rare loot,

so they have a little chance surviving, requiring skill at the same time

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PC Experimental 1.14 Update 2: Version 1.14.154166 (Released on 08.09.2021)


We are introducing the experimental version of Linux server distribution for PC community server owners. We would like to ask all server owners who are interested in running their server on Linux to try it out and let us know if you run into any issues. We’ll then evaluate the state of the build during the later stages of this experimental period and decide whether to include it in the stable release.


  • Experimental Linux servers


  • Server-side performance issues related to the triggers
  • An issue with triggers that would prevent the player from registering as leaving when teleporting far away from the current position
  • Splitting an item could cause a game crash
  • Removing the last attachment from a fireplace would delete said item
  • Quilted jacket was sometimes not visible in the inventory vicinity (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159304)
  • Insulation level of the Combat Gas Mask was not visible
  • The Snare Trap was teleported on the roof after being placed inside buildings
  • Exterior fireplace could not be placed using the placing mode
  • PO-X Antidote and the Epinephrine auto-injector could fall through the terrain when thrown
  • The stealth attack would usually ruin the target's vest
  • Post process effect could not be overridden for a contaminated area
  • Bandages were usually not disinfected on the fresh spawn character
  • Combining matches would leave an empty box on the ground


  • The trip wire can only be crafted using a metal wire
  • Breath vapor effect is now only visible on gas masks
  • Lowered the volume of the stealth attack
  • Increased the brightness of the flare gun light
  • Dynamic contaminated area flare light stays for a longer time
  • Lowered the audible range of the dynamic contaminated area artillery fire
  • Dynamic contaminated areas scale their particles down with the lower lifetime
  • Breath effect visibility is now tied to the gas mask filter quantity


  • Added: Chance to find PO-X Antidote on yellow NBC infected
  • Fixed: Village house 2w01 was not spawning any loot on Livonia (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160573)
  • Tweaked: Increased a chance to find PO-X Antidote on grey NBC infected
  • Tweaked: Dynamic contaminated areas now spawn less NBC infected
  • Tweaked: Dynamic contaminated areas now spawn yellow NBC infected
  • Tweaked: Slightly increased the amount of Tier 1 food
  • Tweaked: Slightly decreased the number of active dynamic contaminated areas


  • Fixed: It was not possible to re-texture the newly added bear fur
  • Changed: Particles within cfgEffectArea.json file now require full path (instead just of a file name)
  • Changed: Re-factor of the TriggerManager class
  • Tweaked: PlayerBase::players static variable renamed to PlayerBase::m_ServerPlayers
  • Tweaked: Gas Mask Filter texture has been separated from the Gas Mask texture


  • Mods that are using custom files might not work on Linux servers right now (we are looking into this right now)
  • Ambient sounds and effects of the contaminated areas might follow the player after leaving the area
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  On 9/8/2021 at 1:03 PM, Kyiara said:

PC Experimental 1.14 Update 2: Version 1.14.154166 (Released on 07.09.2021)


We are introducing the experimental version of Linux server distribution for PC community server owners. We would like to ask all server owners who are interested in running their server on Linux to try it out and let us know if you run into any issues. We’ll then evaluate the state of the build during the later stages of this experimental period and decide whether to include it in the stable release.


  • Experimental Linux servers

It hapenned.

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  On 9/8/2021 at 1:03 PM, Kyiara said:
  • Tweaked: Dynamic contaminated areas now spawn less NBC infected
  • Tweaked: Dynamic contaminated areas now spawn yellow NBC infected

This is weird. Are the NBC infected transported in the artillery shells? 😂

There shouldn't be any NBC infected in dynamic zones.

Edit: Clarifying myself, there shouldn't be any new NBC infected, already existing NBC ones before the artillery should remain

Edited by Kathosky
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  On 9/8/2021 at 1:03 PM, Kyiara said:


  • The stealth attack would usually ruin the target's vest

Also any backpack they wear, every time. I thought that was intentional...?



  • Fixed: It was not possible to re-texture the newly added bear fur.

The nylon knife sheath is also still impossible to re-texture, maybe you could look into that too?

Edited by Derleth

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