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About boggle

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  1. boggle

    Dayz 2 Alpha?

    There was some court case involving Microsoft and somehow dayz 2 was leaked from some documents. Any word on when this will drop? Will there be an alpha version? Maybe I'm a masochist, but I really enjoyed participating with alpha on dayz standalone. I enjoyed following the news and reading updates of new features and bug fixes. I enjoyed dealing with the weirdest of bugs. There seemed to be a strong sense of community because we were all sticking it out and dealing with whatever the game threw at us.
  2. This game has plenty of survival aspects. If they tried to include every feature from every other survival game it would become a giant mess. I like it how it is, and even more so, how it used to be. If you like green hell then go play green hell.
  3. Hopefully kyiara helps you out. But FYI this has been on steam long before 2019. Launched 2013 December.
  4. boggle

    Can I appeal banned ?

    Quit calling them "hackers" they are not hacking anything. They're running scripts they buy, so they can cheat. At least call them cheaters. Or script kiddies
  5. I've been using an RX 6700XT amd card for few years now and it's great. I've run it on windows for a little bit at first but now I play dayz on desktop Linux exclusively. It's been rock solid. I actually don't know if I've ever had it crash in the last 400 hours of game play over the last 3 years or so.
  6. boggle

    New Spawn System Made Me Quit Playing

    It should be like the spawn mod where you choose where you want to spawn. But if you die within x minutes of spawning someplace, you have a cool down period before you can spawn there again. It works great and I see no downside.
  7. boggle

    DayZ Update 1.24 & DayZ in 2024

    Idk, the winter season gets old and boring really quick/just like real life. For me anyway, a portion of why I love playing the game is the beautiful scenery and views etc. In winter everything is white and dead. I played a modded server with a winter mod and the population went from 20+ everyday, to 2 people.
  8. boggle

    What do you want to see in DayZ 2024?

    I mean going barefoot is an option too I guess. For moccasins we could require a specific animal leather, plus you've got to find fertilizer so that makes it difficult. I'd bet most people wouldn't bother. Plus if they wear super quick, sewing kits aren't super easy to find either. I don't mean SILENT footsteps but just significantly quieter. It's real to life to as they'd be super quiet. And I thought we were all about adding whatever necessary to make this like real life? Plenty of other things added to this game to make it "real" that are completely stupid. I still say moccasins would be a good feature.
  9. boggle

    What do you want to see in DayZ 2024?

    - craftable moccasins out of leather, that provide ultra quiet footwear but wear quickly, and do not take up more than 2 slots as they can be rolled up. - improvised bow readded - limit stamina of infected - they're half dead, why should they be just as fast as a normal person, AND have unlimited stamina to sprint - more consistent suppressor reactions from infected. It's always so hit or miss if they'll hear you. I think if they hear the bullet land, they are more apt to hear. -and finally, bring back 2014 neaf. We don't need M4's or great loot spawning there but it would be awesome. Right now it's so hard to find pvp. Part of the reason neaf was changed, was to encourage people to go inland. Well most of the pvp is still on the coast so might as well bring back neaf to its former glory. Just to be clear, I mean the prison building, hangers, and OLD STYLE atc building (seems like there were two atc buildings?)
  10. boggle

    BI never ceases to amaze me

    What? It's not really the control scheme, it's the physics of inertia in game that causes the delay when turning or strafing.
  11. boggle

    BI never ceases to amaze me

    Maybe that's the case, but they should quit making changes of such magnitude, at this stage in the game. If they don't know where to spend resources, they could look at fixing cars (JK that's never going to happen). This is another reason why I think the stamina system was dumb to implement until there were reliable vehicles. Maybe I should just fire up the DayZ mod instead. I think it would feel more pure at this point.
  12. Just as I was getting back into the game over the last year since I dumped it due to the changes and loss of content and features with the new engine, they go and dick with the player controller again. I've never played a game that fucks with such critical parts of a game, over so many years. It's unplayable now due to the inertia of turning and strafing. It's as clunky as playing an FPS on console. Been playing since 2014 but this is the nail in the coffin. I don't have time anymore to relearn the controls for this game. So sad, because this game had so much potential. Why are they even dicking with stuff like this at this stage? Bye, it's been a good run (lol)
  13. Wouldn't this just allow someone to log off in the area where the base was, and then log in some other time when that base owner is typically online? Then raid their base? Idk, it seems messy. I don't really care for base building, or at least how it's implemented in dayz. I DON'T like seeing "bases" littered everywhere that are nearly impenetrable. I wish they'd just stuck with barrels and tents honestly. Allow us to craft more sneaky stashes. Bc at the end of the day, I just want a place to secure my loot. Basebuidling is a blight on this game. I'd take reliable vehicle physics any day over base building.
  14. All of the inventory items sizes are stupid. I found some servers with mods that have the inventory sizes readjusted. It's refreshing and takes me back to when the game was more fun and not overly complicated.
  15. boggle

    Stable Update 1.17

    Cooking vessels becoming ruined after 26min, and with no option to maintain or repair; is absolutely fucking stupid. Oh and the gas stove takes 4x as long to cook stuff so using camping gas stoves is pointless since after a couple uses your cookware will be destroyed. These devs never cease to amaze me. (checkout wobo video, he covers this) I'm convinced that they're trying to make it so unrealistically difficult, to drive people away so they can discontinue official servers and/or development.