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Stable Update 1.12

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UPDATE (Version 1.12.153862 - released 20.4.2021)


  • Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.
  • Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
  • In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q.
  • You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.



  • Variety of small food items
  • Pioneer rifle
  • Fange Knife
  • Kukri Knife
  • Sickle
  • Farming Hoe
  • Broom
  • New action to disarm land mines with the right tool
  • Tritium sights to the ATOG backup sights
  • You now have to peel potatoes to make them edible
  • Greenhouses can now be used for agriculture
  • Flags can now be cut into rags using a knife
  • Vehicle batteries are now recharged while the engine is running and consumed by the headlights
  • Vehicle attachments can now be locked in place using a screwdriver (interiors) and wrench (doors)
  • Tooltips for attachment slots
  • Empty attachment slots are highlighted on mouse-over
  • Added over 100 new error codes to the connection issues and kicks


  • Client crash related to inventory swapping
  • Fixed a server error related to player-restraining
  • Server error when attaching barbed wire to a base building fence
  • Improved client performance when looking at a pile of items
  • Items dropped inside a tree or bush would sometimes levitate (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T153659)
  • Flash grenades would not explode if destroyed by force
  • Belts would not show damaged textures when damaged
  • Fixed an exploit to cancel the injured animation (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T157073 - private)
  • The stealth kill could be executed with a ruined weapon
  • Fixed an exploit for prolonged blocking (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T157074)
  • Cooking pots could be buried even when placed inside a stone oven (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T156310 - private)
  • When observed from a distance, shattered glass on an M3S appeared to be intact
  • Removing items from the M3S inventory did not work properly
  • It was not possible to repair the engine of the Sarka 120 (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T155477)
  • Car headlights could be switched on even if the battery was depleted
  • Car headlights would continue to shine, even if the battery was destroyed
  • The M3S battery could be removed while the truck was running
  • The Zucchini and Leather Sewing Kit are rendered better when rotated in the inventory
  • Camera clipping issues in the city police station
  • The Ghillie suit and rifle wrap could not be repaired with a Sewing Kit
  • Knives in attachment slots couldn't be used to interact with other items (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T149467)
  • Placing items in a tent would cause them to sink into the ground
  • Placing items in specific buildings would cause them to be spawned halfway underground (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T157038)
  • Certain loot spawns would cause items to appear in weird positions (levitating, under tables, etc.)
  • Opened doors from greenhouses appeared to be closed from a distance
  • Fixed a roof collision preventing the player from entering a building (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T156750)
  • The village bus stop had some minor clipping with the bus schedule
  • The road signs at the crossing between Bor, Komarovo, and Pavlovo would give false directions
  • Fixed some exploits in buildings
  • Players could still connect to a server which is in the one minute period of the shutdown, resulting in a generic kick message
  • The list of servers was overlapping with the filters section on some resolutions in the in-game server browser
  • Mouse cursor got stuck in the centre of the screen while joining a server with the BattlEye approval message
  • Blurry info text in the login/logout window
  • Player would not sit down if already performing other gesture and logging off
  • AI behavior sounds weren't synced for players
  • Names of stairs on the base building fence were switched
  • Wrong "Next part" action widget on the base building fence
  • Long item names were cut off in the left bottom corner of HUD
  • Emotes were not greyed out properly in the emote menu when in prone
  • Equip or swap of an item in a players inventory was not always working
  • A collision part of the Large Tent was scaled badly
  • It was possible to destroy a garden plot
  • Items would disappear inside a garden plot when dropped on top of it (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T152830)
  • Infected or animals could get stuck mid-air when hit by a vehicle
  • The damage indicator on tent doors was not showing the correct damage state
  • Wrong melee impact sounds of various tools
  • Blood loss effect (desaturation) could not be seen after re-logging (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T151441)
  • Dynamic events (such as crashed helicopter) could disappear close to the player
  • The player could avoid the limping animation by performing an action while in prone (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T156558)
  • Wrong initial speed multiplier for BK43 and Magnum


  • The warning for a full stomach will be displayed earlier before reaching the threshold for vomiting
  • Rebalanced the nutrition values, inventory sizes, and how filling each edible item is
  • Farming actions have been moved from plants to plant slots for easier targeting
  • All plants now have different growth times (between 20-50 minutes)
  • Adjusted nutrition values of horticulture vegetables according to their growth time
  • Fertilizing now increases the yield of plants instead of their growth time
  • Increased the chance for plant infestation
  • Plants will spoil after a while when being fully grown
  • Slicing a pumpkin now yields two pumpkin slices
  • The worse the condition of a vegetable, the fewer seeds it will give when cut
  • Unpacking seeds now spawns paper
  • Rebalanced ammunition types
  • The friction of bullets has been increased to make the difference between ammunition types more visible
    • Increased the penetration of high caliber ammunition
  • Heavy impact rounds slow down the player and apply more shock damage
  • Efficient ballistic rounds keep the speed (and therefore bullet energy and resulting damage) longer and are thus more efficient at long distance
  • .380 and 5.45x39 are the weakest in their category but are found more often in the world
  • Special types:
    • .22 is used by peculiar weapons (MKII that is integrally suppressed and Sporter that is an almost recoil-less precise semi-auto rifle)
    • 12 gauge rubber slug deal extreme shock damage at close range
    • 12 gauge buckshot slow down much more
  • The typical speed of bullets have been adjusted to be equal to the initial speed (temporary and will be reintroduced later)
  • Modern firearms require more maintenance when used
  • Adjusted the audible range of firearm shots based on the caliber they use
  • Increased the precision of pistols, sawed-off rifles, bolt action rifles, hunting, and sniper rifles
  • 1PN51 scope has weapon iron sights allowed with some weapons
  • Decreased the precision of assault rifles
  • Re-adjusted air friction for bullets
  • Initial speed of bullets is lower and typical speed is higher (based on min/max speed for the specific kind of bullet)
    • Initial speed is modified by weapons and is balanced to make non automatic weapons deal more damage per bullet than automatic ones
    • Damage is now correctly calculated as a proportion of impact speed over typical speed
  • Heavy Impact rounds no longer deal increased shock damage, but retain this damage for longer distances
  • Increased the damage of shotgun pellets
  • Lowered leg health and armor against projectiles, increasing chances of a broken leg during a firefight
  • Stab vest now offers less ballistic protection than the ballistic vest
  • Increased durability of the all body armors
  • Adjusted .357, 5.56, 9x19 and 12 gauge slug ammunition (air friction, initial speeds, penetration,...)
  • Melee damage using impractical items is now weaker than fists
  • Slightly increased fist damage
  • Increased the damage of most tools to be more efficient than fists in combat
  • Reduced blood loss from a bleeding source
  • Slightly delayed the recovery from shock damage after receiving it
  • Increased the chance of stunning an infected during melee combat
  • Reduced the damage to gear dealt by the infected
  • Infected now react less to the shots of the IJ-70 and the Sporter 22
  • Players are no longer targeted by infected while unconscious
  • Light melee attacks have a lower chance of staggering infected (blunt melee weapons with higher shock damage having a higher chance to stagger infected)
  • Infected are now tougher in combat
  • Melee attacks on infected are now more consistent in terms of the number of attacks required to take one down
  • Improved efficiency of backstabbing against infected (executed with sharp weapons)
  • Infected now react to players interacting with doors
  • Infected react less to suppressed shots and more to louder shots
  • Infected give up searching for players faster
  • Reduced the efficiency of the scream of the infected
  • AI is no longer taking damage from damage zones (fireplaces/barbed wire)
  • Land mines can no longer be disarmed using the Bear Trap (killing the player in the process)
  • Matchboxes can now be combined but not split
  • When focusing on a specific part of a car/base building object etc., the name of that specific section will be displayed in the widget
  • Reduced the audible range of the reload sounds by 50 percent
  • When having your hands cuffed with barbed wire, struggling can now cause bleeding
  • You can now choose to stop an ongoing connection attempt and connect to the currently selected server instead
  • Lightning is now lighting up the environment for a bit longer
  • Vehicle batteries with metal wires attached can no longer be placed in cargo
  • Burning road flares can be destroyed by placing them in a fireplace
  • You can only gain extra "rewards" from fishing when fishing in calm waters
  • Adjusted Xmas lights on tents to be lighter on performance
  • Tweaks to the display of the server browser for better readability
  • Updated the credits


  • Added the 15-round SG5-K mag to the spawn (in the world and attached to the weapon)
  • Increased the amount of food spawning at the spawn areas and in the center of the maps
  • Reduced the amount of food spawning in high-tier areas
  • Increased the spawn of .380 and 5.45x39 ammunition
  • Increased the chance of weapons to spawn with magazines
  • Police infected are now spawning near police cars
  • Adjusted loot spawns in the greenhouses


  • Added: ServerLog [Warning] message when the server could not disconnect players in time before shutting down
  • Added: ServerLog [Warning] message when there is no Shutdown message present in messages.xml
  • Added: ServerLog [Shutdown] message indicating how long until next shutdown
  • Added: ServerLog [Shutdown] message indicating the timing when the server saves, locks, and kicks all players
  • Added: RCON messages Lock and Unlock to perform these actions on the server
  • Added: Sending RCON message Kick with "-1" will kick all players from the server
  • Fixed: Kick by Shutdown message now properly states that the reason is Server Shutdown in the server log
  • Fixed: Changing the logout time in globals.xml had no effect on the actual timer in-game (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T152456)
  • Fixed: Prints clogging up logs upon store load of plant base (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T157686)
  • Fixed: It was not possible to repair tents when server had disableContainerDamage enabled (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T156672)
  • Fixed: Server-side #lock and #unlock commands
  • Tweaked: Additional engine-side checks put in place for the values of weather


  • Added: CanObstruct() check on object for commonly used obstruction checks
  • Added: IsScenery() check on object to see if an object is part of terrain
  • Added: GetCenter() function on object to find the center position of the object
  • Added: CanBeTargetedByAI to EntityAI which decides if the Entity can be targeted by the AI passed as parameter
  • Added: The attack speed of infected (multiplier) can be adjusted in GameConstants.AI_ATTACKSPEED
  • Added: AI sensor multiplier can now be tweaked in PlayerConstants.AI_*
  • Added: "CanBeIgnoredByDroppedItem" to object to decide if an object should be ignored when finding a place to drop an item
  • Added: SetDirection to Shape
  • Added: Way to specify a custom image set for the attachment or attachment category icons (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T148956)
  • Changed: RaycastRVProxy now has an additional parameter to input an array for excluded objects
  • Changed: Error messages when being kicked from the game or failing to connect to the server have been improved


  • Modded servers may require mods to have mod.cpp file implemented (learn more about it at https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DayZ:Modding_Structure). If the file is missing, folder names of mods need to be the same on both client and server side.
  • Infected may be going through closed doors at certain locations. Temporary fix for the community servers is to set all attributes of building to 0 in db\economy.xml file. A proper fix will be included in an upcoming hotfix, slated for release early next week.
  • The Eggsperimental Capsule is currently set to spawn on Community servers


Hotfix 1 (Version 1.12.153891 - released 28.4.2021)


  • Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.
  • Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
  • In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q.
  • You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.



  • More RPT log messages in case data verification goes wrong


  • A possible server crash related to modded servers
  • Infected were able to walk through doors at certain locations
  • Wrong values in 7.62x54 and .308 ammunition configuration (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T157734#2179006)
  • Wrong shock fall off settings for 7.62x39 ammunition
  • PBO file paths being clipped by the dialogue screen
  • When more than one mod was missing, it would not display which ones (only when there was only one mod missing)
  • A string was not properly translated for one connection error message (STR_ve_m_rogue_pbo1)
  • Minor configuration errors within CE setups
  • Position in queue not shown when using direct connect
  • Connection/queue screen leave button was not visible


  • ExtraMod and MissingMod messages will now also display the PBO that triggered the fail
  • When the game detects that a mod might be out of date, it will also display the PBO that triggered the fail
  • Reduced effective range and damage of 7.62x54 and .308 ammunition


  • Fixed: The Eggsperimental Capsule was set to spawn on Community servers
  • Fixed: Server log messages displaying information that should only be displayed on client
  • Fixed: Server log kick messages having string tags instead of the actual message
  • Fixed: Server log kick messages having new lines (they are replaced with spaces now)



Hotfix 2 (Version 1.12.153895 - released 03.5.2021)


  • Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.
  • Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
  • In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q.
  • You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.



  • Fixed: DayZDiag.exe was crashing when run as a server

Hotfix 3 (Version 1.12.153904 (Released on 05.05.2021)


  • Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.
  • Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
  • In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q.DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q.
  • You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.



  • Fixed a game crash related to ammunition types
  • Tents inventories were accessible from outside
  • Heavy hit and immediate fall into unconscious caused iron sights offset, requiring a restart of the game


  • Temporarily disabled the Eggsperimental Capsule
  • Increased the audible range of assault rifles to 2.5 km
  • Increased the audible range of sniper rifles to 3.5 km
  • increased the audibility of pistol shots up to 800 meters
  • Increased the audibility of SMG and shotgun shots up to 1.4 km
  • Tweaked weapon sound curves
  • Reduced the damage to tools when building/repairing/dismantling base building objects
  • Increased protection of plate carrier vest against the incoming shock and health damage
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Well some huge improvements for sure and I am really excited, and thanks for listning to feedback about Infected AI some weeks ago. ðŸ˜˜


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This sounds all well and good but for the experimental only being out for 19 freaking days and knowing there is still known bugs and you still push it out any way and ruin the ppl that host there own server with the launcher kick error connect 0x00040073 the server using mods and you cant connect with either launchers and this is what we cant from our console on our server so since your so fast to push this update then be so fast as to push a fix so server owners can use there freaking servers Thankyou




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  On 4/20/2021 at 3:38 PM, Icesfire said:

This sounds all well and good but for the experimental only being out for 19 freaking days and knowing there is still known bugs and you still push it out any way and ruin the ppl that host there own server with the launcher kick error connect 0x00040073 the server using mods and you cant connect with either launchers and this is what we cant from our console on our server so since your so fast to push this update then be so fast as to push a fix so server owners can use there freaking servers Thankyou




Since the launcher in Experimental can't even load mods (automatically at least) there was NO way to actually get this error before the patch went to stable, as stupid as that sounds.

Very frustrating error, but meh just go vanilla until it is hotfixed. 

Edited by Derleth
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  On 4/20/2021 at 4:25 PM, Derleth said:

Since the launcher in Experimental can't even load mods there was NO way to actually get this error before the patch went to stable, as stupid as that sounds.

Very frustrating error, but meh just go vanilla until it is hotfixed. 

So there is still a problem with checking files?
Can the developers give an official answer ??

Edited by Alexey Alexeev
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@Kyiara Fantastic, great job on the update! Do you have any information, as to whether ragdolls are already in the works? Best regards!

Edited by 0.64 Freerider
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The melee weapon balance is a bit wierd. A Scyte is killing zombies quite ok meanwhile a split-axe takes ages to down one zombie. Did you remove the headshoot with melee weapons ?

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I had the same error on my server and then had a though so I set up a test server on my dedi that only included the mods from my normal server if they had a mod.cpp (so that in the Steam launcher the mod name was shown in the Set Up Mods and Join screen, rather than the server folder name). It worked fine and could connect. This seems to be an issue with mods without mod.cpp???

To verify, I added one mod without a mod.cpp and the error was back again

Edited by morgoth0

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  On 4/20/2021 at 4:25 PM, Derleth said:

Since the launcher in Experimental can't even load mods (automatically at least) there was NO way to actually get this error before the patch went to stable, as stupid as that sounds.

Very frustrating error, but meh just go vanilla until it is hotfixed. ï»¿

haha best way

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I have been playing about two hours this afternoon and I have had a good experience so far. I almost died of starvation but managed to get to a ruined village where I killed and cooked three chickens as I was about to die (red flashing health) while in a middle of a huge storm in Livonia. The rain helped me to kill a few zombies taking advantage of the improved stealth mode approaching them from behind. Furthermore, I had a baby AK without a mag but a few bullets and managed to kill a dude that was being kind of aggressive and I had to double tap as the first shot (to the torso) made him go unconscious.

As I said, good so far but I have seen two things that I find wrong:

- First, the splitting axe is not powerful at all against zombies which is not right to me. At least a well aimed power attack (the one using shift) to the head, should one tap them.

- Second, I think that the potato should be edible even if not peeled. I didn't find any in these two hours but if I've read right the patch notes, it doesn't make sense that you can only eat it if peeled (or not peeled but cooked).

Thank you and keep the good work!

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I'm gonna keep this short, if M4 used to kill plate carriers in 4 shots, why does it uncon now in 2?

Shock should decay much much much much slower
I suggest doing this (same logic could apply to a lot of rounds): uncon in 4 (it took 4 to kill in 1.11), kill in 5 (this is without the changes I mentioned below).

I would also like to suggest making it easier to uncon somebody the lower HP they are. So a .308 won't uncon instantly after you get shot, but it will cause you to stagger and lose HP.
In an instance where you survive that, and manage to run away with like 60% HP, and you get hit again, you should be very very low hp but guaranteed to uncon since lower hp = easier to uncon.

For example, if it takes what? 100 shock damage (don't quote me on numbers, I'm just guessing) to uncon somebody, and a round does 80, it won't uncon you, but if you are at 60% HP, you should have like 60 "shock" as the limit, and since 80 is greater than 60, you will go uncon from the next shot.

(didn't end up as short as I hoped)

Edited by DefectiveWater
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  On 4/20/2021 at 8:15 AM, Kyiara said:

Infected are now tougher in combat

While I appreciate the attempt, the way it was implemented just makes them more annoying to deal with.  If I have no weapon in my hand and I'm just punching them, what you've changed here is perfectly fine -- fists only, they should be tougher to deal with.

But, with a splitting axe in my hand, if I'm still getting double-hit from them after I've sliced them multiple times, that seems broken to me.  After all, they're supposed to be infected humans, not zombies, so they should bleed and be susceptible to axe damage just as much as a non-infected human would be.

I think it's a good step forward in terms of trying to make them tougher, but it definitely still needs balancing.

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So can this issue be confirmed? It doesn't happen to everyone but A LOT of community servers are down because of it. Seems there was an undocumented change on how mods are loaded on servers, and it has caused a lot of problems. Nothing helps, no matter what I do this is what I get when trying to join my own modded servers:


Versions match, keys are in the right place, but something with mod names just makes this error pop up anyway. It is beyond frustrating...

Edited by Derleth

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Derleth you are not alone, far from it.

Temp fix : in your cfg, you can set up 

verifySignatures = 0

(instead of 2).

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  On 4/20/2021 at 1:14 PM, acros said:

error connect 0x00040073

now do fix?


  On 4/20/2021 at 2:01 PM, Nicolas Vaquier said:

Exactly the same problems... Someone have a solution ? Changing somethings in the signature ?


  On 4/20/2021 at 3:38 PM, Icesfire said:

This sounds all well and good but for the experimental only being out for 19 freaking days and knowing there is still known bugs and you still push it out any way and ruin the ppl that host there own server with the launcher kick error connect 0x00040073 the server using mods and you cant connect with either launchers and this is what we cant from our console on our server so since your so fast to push this update then be so fast as to push a fix so server owners can use there freaking servers Thankyou





  On 4/20/2021 at 4:28 PM, Alexey Alexeev said:

So there is still a problem with checking files?
Can the developers give an official answer ??


  On 4/20/2021 at 5:04 PM, ataribaby said:

Great to see it is not my error possibly. Spent 5 hours today to try fix it after our server 1.12 migration

my post about ptoblem


  On 4/20/2021 at 7:37 PM, morgoth0 said:

I had the same error on my server and then had a though so I set up a test server on my dedi that only included the mods from my normal server if they had a mod.cpp (so that in the Steam launcher the mod name was shown in the Set Up Mods and Join screen, rather than the server folder name). It worked fine and could connect. This seems to be an issue with mods without mod.cpp???

To verify, I added one mod without a mod.cpp and the error was back again


  On 4/21/2021 at 7:22 AM, Derleth said:

So can this issue be confirmed? It doesn't happen to everyone but A LOT of community servers are down because of it. Seems there was an undocumented change on how mods are loaded on servers, and it has caused a lot of problems. Nothing helps, no matter what I do this is what I get when trying to join my own modded servers:


Versions match, keys are in the right place, but something with mod names just makes this error pop up anyway. It is beyond frustrating...

Hi guys, we are currently looking into some issues with mods. Can´t really tell you more now but only so you know we are aware and on it. Thank you

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  On 4/21/2021 at 8:27 AM, Kyiara said:

Hi guys, we are currently looking into some issues with mods. Can´t really tell you more now but only so you know we are aware and on it. Thank you

Thanks, all that's needed for now. Meanwhile I has vanilla servurz... 🙂

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  On 4/20/2021 at 5:43 PM, 0.64 Freerider said:

@Kyiara Fantastic, great job on the update! Do you have any information, as to whether ragdolls are already in the works? Best regards!

This answer given by ImpulZ still remains valid:
"Trust me, it's something that everybody in the DayZ Team wants to see, but it's insanely complicated. There's loads of scenarios when server synchronization can go wrong, and it's additional load on the server performance, so I don't think we will be able to introduce proper ragdoll physics for player death animations in the near future."

  On 4/20/2021 at 6:13 PM, Relic77 said:

The melee weapon balance is a bit wierd. A Scyte is killing zombies quite ok meanwhile a split-axe takes ages to down one zombie. Did you remove the headshoot with melee weapons ?

SmishZed created amazing video related to this topic. Check it out. It explains a lot.

  On 4/20/2021 at 9:20 PM, Nolhek said:

I have been playing about two hours this afternoon and I have had a good experience so far. I almost died of starvation but managed to get to a ruined village where I killed and cooked three chickens as I was about to die (red flashing health) while in a middle of a huge storm in Livonia. The rain helped me to kill a few zombies taking advantage of the improved stealth mode approaching them from behind. Furthermore, I had a baby AK without a mag but a few bullets and managed to kill a dude that was being kind of aggressive and I had to double tap as the first shot (to the torso) made him go unconscious.

As I said, good so far but I have seen two things that I find wrong:

- First, the splitting axe is not powerful at all against zombies which is not right to me. At least a well aimed power attack (the one using shift) to the head, should one tap them.

- Second, I think that the potato should be edible even if not peeled. I didn't find any in these two hours but if I've read right the patch notes, it doesn't make sense that you can only eat it if peeled (or not peeled but cooked).

Thank you and keep the good work!

The potato is like that due to a technical reasons. It´s basically a seed and we can´t have them edible.

Happy you like the update so far! 🙂 

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whe find the reason of the error 0x00040073. In your script of use mod u must have exactly the same name with the mod name in steam. It's a question of syntax and character case.

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