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Stable Update 1.04.152050

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Hello Survivors,

We have a new Stable Update going live, including fixes prepared on the Experimental branch. Please, report encountered bugs here or in our Feedback Tracker.



  • It is highly recommended to use the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data and control issues after downloading this update.
  • Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
  • In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q.DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q.
  • You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.



  • Fixed: The Menu/Server Browser UI remains present while on a server (occurring when the connection timer is present at the same time as the login queue one).
  • Fixed: Server crash upon connection
  • Fixed: The Play button wouldn't work under certain circumstances (T141249)
  • Fixed: Incorrect name of the material that was taken from the Watch Tower
  • Fixed: There was no sound when mounting the barbed wire with pliers
  • Fixed: 6-M7 Grenade did no damage (T141844)


  • Tweaked: 100 new player spawn points for server hopping (all with positioned away from the coast)
  • Tweaked: Global lighting config (changed the thresholds, toned down the blue during overcast dusk and dawn, desaturated the cloud textures)
  • Tweaked: Lowered damage from all surfaces to the shoes (damage constant lowered to about 1/3 of previous value)
  • Tweaked: footDamage parameters tweaked for object (roadway) surfaces
  • Tweaked: Durability of shoes (damage system hit-points of shoes)
  • Tweaked: Epinephrine provides a complete stamina refill for 60 seconds (formerly just a one time boost)


  • Added: Script function Entity::MoveInTime
  • Added: Name of the PBO which is not part of server data in error message
  • Fixed: Movement on ladder when the parent entity is moving
  • Fixed: Door collision after rotation change
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I don't know if others have the same problems as me:

1: The vehicle will disappear by itself, and it will be a blink of an eye. The whole car is gone.
{The vehicle purchased by NPC will be like this, and the vehicle that the administrator will brush will do the same. }

2: The password lock will inexplicably change the password yourself, and will not open with any of the same three digits.

3: The light from the fire of the merchant module, when you face it, it will turn black.

4: The tent has no effect when it rains, you will still get wet.

5: Grenade and all throwing objects, they will leave a damaged body after they work.
{I personally don't think this is a bug, but I think it can disappear directly when it disappears, and it doesn't need to take up server resources. }

6: When you connect two servers together to use the same instance, players can double the number of their own items by switching servers, similar to cloning some things, and this behavior seems to cause the server to crash, but not Inevitably.

- The above content is translated via Google
Sorry, I didn’t read well in my childhood.

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I hope Devs fixed what I really need  for many many time back ....  as I can set character  what I play in menu, and have it still when respawn .. its randomly now and its no good, thx and great day to all survivors

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Can tents now be placed above the ground floor in buildings?

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I'm not seeing any new points in cfgplayerspawnpoints.xml 

* Tweaked: 100 new player spawn points for server hopping (all with positioned away from the coast)  


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Will I'm waiting for the big fix of the cars to be appearing because without a car this game is no thing 😐 I really don't won't to waste my time on running again 

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And the zombies still can across my fance in to my base which is not really matter for me and just as advice to the players don't waste your time in building the cars if the problem of disappearing still happens it doesn't worth,just build your base and collect some barrel and keep the car tire inside so whenever they fix the cars bugs you will be ready. 

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So You just made it harder for new players to find there way and there friends and just made the spawns worse. why can't you guys listen to use and just make it for that you cannot log in Mil bases and make it for that you spawn in a random shed in the town you were in.........

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  On 7/3/2019 at 1:05 PM, doctorv93 said:

So You just made it harder for new players to find there way and there friends and just made the spawns worse. why can't you guys listen to use and just make it for that you cannot log in Mil bases and make it for that you spawn in a random shed in the town you were in.........

Finding friends isn't difficult at all. Use iZurvive like the rest of us. As soon as you find a street sign or town name you and your friends will be able to orient yourselves and meet up in minutes. If you don't like the new spawn system in place to counter server hopping, you should try community servers instead. That solves the server hopping issue entirely. Good Luck!

Edited by C4-timah

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Anyone experiencing extremely loud suppressors? New suppressors sound like ruined ones. So much for stealth.

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  On 7/3/2019 at 11:58 AM, HeutenCZ said:

I hope Devs fixed what I really need  for many many time back ....  as I can set character  what I play in menu, and have it still when respawn .. its randomly now and its no good, thx and great day to all survivors

Until they fix it this mostly works LINK

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  On 7/3/2019 at 1:05 PM, doctorv93 said:

So You just made it harder for new players to find there way and there friends and just made the spawns worse. why can't you guys listen to use and just make it for that you cannot log in Mil bases and make it for that you spawn in a random shed in the town you were in.........

If you server hop, then maybe. If you stay on the same server, then no.

Just pushing players to the next town shed is pointless. This is not a great solution, but its working as advertised. You can always play on vanilla or modded community servers.

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I cannot play on official or vanilla community servers without getting the black screen. I have to change the resolution to something lower than HD/1080p and then the screen renders. The UI is unaffected. I do not have this issue with modded community servers. Go figure. If anyone else is having this problem, I've created task in the feedback tracker.

Feedback Tracker: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T141916


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  On 7/3/2019 at 12:42 PM, helpthedeadwalk said:

I'm not seeing any new points in cfgplayerspawnpoints.xml 

* Tweaked: 100 new player spawn points for server hopping (all with positioned away from the coast)  


To answer my own question (with some help from reddit) cfgplayerspawnpoints.xml in the mission has not changed, it only has 50.

Confirmed within worlds_chernarusplus_ce.pbo/cfgplayerspawnpoints.xml. 104 originally had 50, now 100.

Bigger issues at hand, but the mission version should be a copy of what's in the pbo.


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  On 7/3/2019 at 5:15 PM, helpthedeadwalk said:

Bigger issues at hand, but the mission version should be a copy of what's in the pbo.

it makes me question how it works then, since i thought the one in the mission is the decisive one.

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That was quick adressing that main menu bug, thanks! Will give it a test burn.

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Menu problem still there. Even worse.

Now i see this when i join official 1st person server.

Also had the black screen problem first. But by disabling hardware antialising i could fix that.


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  On 7/3/2019 at 7:47 PM, Seitan said:

Menu problem still there. Even worse.

Now i see this when i join official 1st person server.

Also had the black screen problem first. But by disabling hardware antialising i could fix that. 

Just a side thought: have you tried navigating to your "My Documents" folder and deleting the "DayZ" folder? Some people have had success with that. If you are heavy on custom key binds it wouldn't be the greatest idea. I simply lower the resolution in game which seems to be another workaround. Not having this issue on community servers though, only official servers.

Edited by C4-timah

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Perfect another useless patch without fix the combination lock change himself, perfect devs.. Unplayable game with bases...

Edited by hellway13
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Fixed: Server crash upon connection ?

Fixed ? Not really

The login process after restart is very slow loginQueueConcurrentPlayers 10....would kill the server.

Its take 20 min to get this server full after restart...


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So the bug/exploit bug I reported on the feedback tracker still hasnt been fixed after 2 versions or more, well all 3 of them havnt been even glimpsed at, so in the hope of it being fixed asap I thought id share what it is on here as its most likely includes console versions also,... It is a bullet block bug/exploit, I say exploit as you cannot die from being shot if you are in that position where the bullet block is effective, and if your cluey enough, can lean out of it and shoot out from it and kill people, Ive tried thats how I know, also if you would like to comment on the feedback tracker ticket I have submitted or want to know the deets of the bug/exploit here is the ticket link, enjoy... T141469


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  On 7/3/2019 at 10:44 PM, C4-timah said:

Just a side thought: have you tried navigating to your "My Documents" folder and deleting the "DayZ" folder? Some people have had success with that. If you are heavy on custom key binds it wouldn't be the greatest idea. I simply lower the resolution in game which seems to be another workaround. Not having this issue on community servers though, only official servers.

Yep. I know the "workarounds" for this problem. And i can play. But i should't have to use "workaround" to play game that has been 6 years in development. When game goes from alpha->beta->gold... you should be able to klick and play the version they are selling full price.  ^^ but not with bis games you have to edit this and that, then delete that folder.. oh and dont use that resolution... dont change keybindings... It's just ridicilous. There was that warning text when we got the alpha... nothing has changed. Bugs after each patch only warning text is gone.

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That black screen happens every time I open up the game.

Workaround for me: 

  1. Open up game, look at black screen, curse
  2. Change resolution to something lower than my default (1080p) & disable hardware AA
  3. Restart game & set resolution back to normal, same with hardware AA
  4. Play game

So to avoid having to do this every launch one can just alter resolution & AA settings before CLOSING the game after a play session and for the next playsession alter the settings again & play.

Damn man, this is annoying AF. But I get it, its technical, complicated, bla. So BIS take your time, the game is really enjoyable for me. :)

Server Hopping Fix

I love the idea but I don't get how it works. Is there a timer or something? Server hoppers do it FAST, so why not use a TIMER instead of "has player changed server?"

I got used to the night time gameplay but because some days my server is populated and on other days it's empty, I want to switch servers! 

I mean, after a play session I go to sleep, go about my day, at least 10 hours are gone, how in the hell is my new login considered SERVER HOPPING? A timer of 1-3 hrs would fix that problem and be more user friendly. Or at least give an explanation for the reason why it is how it is right now.

Edited by megagoth1702

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