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Experimental Update 1.02.150980

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Hello Survivors,

we have a new patch with fixes going live, also including some balancing changes. As usual, please let us know about any issues you encounter in the game. 🙂

The Public Experimental Server Files have been updated as well.



  • It is highly recommended to use the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.
  • Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
  • In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q.DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q.
  • You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.


  • Fixed: A client-side crash connected to base building
  • Fixed: Fence gate cannot be opened after server restart
  • Fixed: Fence can be walked through after server restart
  • Fixed: Backwards compatibility for mods using particle API from version 1.01 and older (GoreZ and such).
  • Fixed: Client error tied to base building
  • Fixed: Ruined tires now affect vehicle behaviour
  • Fixed: Fire geometry for offshore worker infected type
  • Fixed: Invisible dynamic events and custom objects
  • Fixed: Adjusted MRDS post-process on FX to make it more usable


  • Changed: Updated tourist trail map model and textures
  • Changed: Lowered the Infected alertness caused by projectile impacts nearby
  • Changed: Disabled attaching of MRDS to CR75 (MRDS currently has issues on the weapon that need to be dealt with first)
  • Changed: Blood regeneration speed lowered
  • Changed: Amount of blood loss from haemolytic reaction raised
  • Changed: Lowered the illumination range of chemlight and the light around character at night
  • Beans 10

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When will be the 1.02 on stable bracnhes. You said it will go on stable the other day after Xbox hits 1.01

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  On 3/29/2019 at 1:33 PM, Jadzim27 said:

When will be the 1.02 on stable bracnhes. You said it will go on stable the other day after Xbox hits 1.01

There were bugs that needed squashing. If this update fixed them, stable might get it this afternoon. Otherwise next week.

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  On 3/29/2019 at 1:33 PM, Jadzim27 said:

When will be the 1.02 on stable bracnhes. You said it will go on stable the other day after Xbox hits 1.01 

When they iron out most of the bugs. They probably had their eyes on the same date as Xbox 1.01 but problems delayed it. I rather have a somewhat fully functionally release than a release that has many bugs that cause problems ingame. If you are luycky they might release it today if all goes well.

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Nice to see the iteration pace picking up

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Hi, hooow nice.

A chance to see the update for this weekend?

I wype yesterday and now players cannot waitiiiiing more lol


Edited by lartdeschoix

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  On 3/29/2019 at 1:54 PM, SkillFaker said:

when will there be a fix for the hair and beard glitching through masks and hats ?

if you look at the severity of the work that was done in the FIXES section, those sort of issues rate way higher on the priority listing than cosmetic changes such as hair through items.

I understand you want immersion, but have to remember that they do have limited hours to work with, despite having a decent team size. Prioritizing is the most important thing for them to be doing. They've acknowledged it in the past as something they want to get done properly, but that sort of thing will come over time as higher priority tasks are taken care of.

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@ImpulZ Hi, just a quick question, I've made this post regarding the "client side personal night light" and so far ~75% voted to remove it of an admittedly small voting group (Total:29). My question is just if you know, whether any of the devs has seen that there is some protest against it and whether it is being taken into consideration.


Here is the post: 


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u will find a server who use this mod it...   (workshop)

Not a big deal 🙂

Just wait for the patch...

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  On 3/29/2019 at 2:35 PM, Fun Automat said:

u will find a server who use this mod it...   (workshop)

Not a big deal 🙂

Just wait for the patch...

And if I don't find a server that has 1. Proper amount of players active at all times 2. is 1st person 3. Only has one single mod installed that removes the "personal night light" and has no other mod ?

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We cant make all players happy....

The most players 70% dont like the night...we will see how is it after the update...



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  On 3/29/2019 at 2:27 PM, Fun Automat said:

Freerider...Its simple...if u dont like it...dont use it.

If u own a server...patch it out...

If you don't like vanilla, don't play on it and join a modded server that gives you your special little glowing light


The glow is terrible plain and simple.  Whatever they were thinking when they added it is a very amateurish decision.

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  • Beans 4

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Agreed. And Fun Automat is argumenting out of his ass. IF they want less darkness, client side light is not the way to do it. Anyway, let them figure it out the hard way.

This game was supposed to be hardcore, but now it seems like 'fortnite kids' get it their way. Third person servers, illuminated nights and shitload of zombie loot. This game is way to easy.

Edited by Black G-Sus
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  On 3/29/2019 at 2:37 PM, 0.64 Freerider said:

And if I don't find a server that has 1. Proper amount of players active at all times 2. is 1st person 3. Only has one single mod installed that removes the "personal night light" and has no other mod ?

Agreed. And Fun Automat is argumenting out of his ass. IF they want less darkness, client side light is not the way to do it. Anyway, let them figure it out the hard way.

This game was supposed to be hardcore, but now it seems like 'fortnite kids' get it their way. Third person servers, illuminated nights and shitload of zombie loot. This game is way to easy.

  • Beans 2

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Sure....this is the worst way to to increase the light in the night....

But its the fastest way.

Dont forget one point...here are still players with low end pc...who play this game on 20 fps...every light source would eat some fps.

This light engine,need a rework....but not now.

there are more important things to do....




  • Confused 1

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Personally I think it would be best for this update to be processed/pushed to stable next week at the earliest instead of rushing it through now... a few more days will make no difference. Allowing mod makers to update their mods to be compatible with the latest experimental branch and the Dev team to chill out over the weekend. I remember not too long ago a patch was released to stable late on a Friday... and let's just say that was not good. Have a good weekend… Keep up the good work

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Player illumination brightness is still the same. Only the distance at which it kicks in was tweaked.

I get why this was added but I just can't work out the logical thinking behind this. Why back pedal from all the work put in, again? The night shadows and dynamic lighting, the newer particle effects. and so on. More importantly, every move you make is supposed to have some sort of meaning and/or consequence, whether this be a good or bad one.  Which goes two fold when the sun sets. Night was stressfull and it was sometimes hard to see and not always the most fun, but it was dayz and what it stood for. This Player Light destroys all of that plus my selfish immersionZ. I have never been more stress free when the sun sets now.  Sound was one of the biggest factors for doing a night run and  now not so much. Just look for the glow worm and she'lll be right.

I have played a lot since this was all added to gather my thoughts and give it a fair shot before condemming it and being short sighted. You can't please everyone nor should you. Nor should dayz be "fun" all the time. (It was hardly ever fun for the casuals btw) This experiment was about how we act when we are stressed and placed in non idealistic situations and presented in a way that would make you think twice about everything, even before opening our mouths to say "friendly". I did not expect to feel a lack of emotions when playing dayz, ever.

Please for the love of Dean re think about this and any other future ideas that go against dayz core.  It looks wrong on every level and defies what dayz stood for.  @ImpulZ why is something like this added now, afer the game has gone past the 1.0 status? Why not back when the engine modules were changed and finalised? Is it because of the low player count at nightime, TV vs monitors, Vocal majority or the fun factor as dayz is now labelled a game and not a social experiement or something else entirely? I am genuinely curious to this as I would have never thought 5 years ago that the bulk of the things that made this experiemnt so special and stressfull is now missing from majority of the game.

Yay for lighting buffs Nay for ALL fake lighting


Tweaked Player Lighting on new exp patch just released a short while ago.

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New Map Sign Texture

When zooming in, it is a lot easier to navigate and read.


(Balota Village) Clipping from the tress as the sign is placed a wee bit too close to the tree directly behind it but I like this much more then the old one.


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