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Why don't we spawn along the southern coast?

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@libertine Yea games like those utilize the "beta" phase to generate more hype and publicity before it is fully released. Not to mention to get more people to pre-order the game.

But i won't say its not ineffective ;)

I preordered the new battlefront game.

Edited by DannyDog

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But what if EVERYBODY buys the game when it is in EA, and nobody buys it when it is at full price, or even plays it. It is huge gamble.

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On 10/2/2017 at 4:37 AM, liquidcactus said:


The map is a lot more interesting than the old chernarus.


I cant agree with that. I cant see ANY WAY it is more interesting.

Different areas used to have very different aspects, You could TELL you were in a different place - different country, remains of a different population density - you FELT you were in a different region - different looking villages, different terrain, big forests and large and smaller areas of woodlands, empty fields, dense housing in the "big towns" (which were different-style towns NOT the same town x5 and isolated places.. Now the terrain has the same lumps and rocks everywhere - evenly Spaced (good grief), as if it's  procedural generation - the forests are THIN, there are many pointless tracks between the many roads, there are buildings between the roads, buildings on the tracks, buildings in clearings, between villages between the towns and there are sheds between the villages, their are picknick spots (for jeez sake) in all the woods, there are tourist footpaths, you can see through WHOLE forests from one side to the other, you cant tell the difference between one village and the next, the ground has the same lumps and same irrational piled up rocks with those carefully convenient little ways through every 30 meters. You know what you will find before you get there ..

- what happened to the great North Woods

- what happend to Cherno

- what happened to the West

- what happened to Berezino

- what happened to the real  isolated places

- what happened to thickets you could HIDE in

- what happened to crowded places, the places that you had to take care

- what happened to the unexpected places, places you discovered like you've never seen

- what happened to the hideouts you couldn't find

- where's the danger at now, what is there to attract or focus attention

- where would you hide a tent - really?  Now? you can hide a tent well?

- which roads are used frequently, why are they used

- what's with the dozens of meaningless dirt tracks winding through the trees going nowhere

- why have 2/3 of the trees left the map forever - so now you can drive a truck through any forest

(but you can't hide a truck in a forest)

- why is there an extra 50 villages on the map and the gaps between them all plugged up with barns, sheds & shelters

It used to be that everywhere you went was unique - you could TELL where you were - Now everywhere is the same, and the sameness is filled with sameness carefully spaced the same distance from the last sameness of the last same-distance place to the next same place with some more same stuff filling the gaps between this same place and the next same and the last same place. These aren't "places". Which village or town or hill has a soul or a feeling that it is unique?  Is there ANY place on the map you can stand and NOT see the same church tower, or see 3 of the Same Church Tower?.. Can you walk away 50 or 70m from a road without hitting a track a shed a truck a feed shack a bus-stop and a bench another road a wall and a shrine a car wreck and a fence a barn and road block? From half a mile down the road you know where there will be military tents and 3 zombies. Is it possible to actually get lost on this map? .. because to get lost you have to be going somewhere. Is there some place you want to go?

I did this - Try 1PP for a session 100% and also DONT USE your field of view change, your in/out vision ability - don't look close or look wide.

Do that for a day and suddenly it gets drab and tiring. Same lumps same corners same view, zombies doing the same things. You know - you can tell - how often you have to look in a stand to find a Blaze. A tin of beans, some apples, a bag of rice, and then where do we go now? we pick the  stuff up on the way and then - where do we go now?  same lumps in the ground same slopes same trees same corners same visibility same buildings same rocks same paths same wrecks, same zombie

I swear - it's like Doom One (the original!) - except it's outdoors!   Everywhere is the same-same everywhere you go.  It's like a goulash, it's a stew  - stir in the same ready-sliced elements 100 or 300 of each and they are small enough so the combination fills the whole pot, scatter grass and  EVERY spoonful has the same stuff in it -  Walk a mile and then walk a mile and then walk a mile and see if it looks different compared to where you just came from.

There are literally 3 or 4 carefully constructed set-piece buildings on the map, that's about it. 

I walk till I hit the edge, then I turn and walk in some other direction till I reach some other edge.. Then i go diagonally from corner to corner. It doesn't make much of a difference WHERE you are.. does it?  Is this because i am a survivor?

- or is the map so full that the whole map is missing?


xx pilgrim


Edited by pilgrim*
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3 hours ago, pilgrim* said:


What... on Earth are you talking about? Chernarus objectively looks better than ever befoe. Having played Arma 2, there's virtually no difference between the villages. There's very little distinction between areas.

There are still huge unpopulated areas. Remember that the stamina system is coming with 0.63. You won't be able to sprint around. The map is going to become a lot bigger. Arma 2's forests cheated. The treelines had low pines to create the illusion of density - the new Chernarus actually has more trees.

With more players per server, it makes sense to have regional hotspots. Obviously having too many lucrative loot locations with only 60 players can present a problem, but with 100 players it should work pretty well. it spreads players all around the map rather than clustering them all around NWAF. I expect it was easier to hide stuff in the DayZ mod because players were at one of, like, 4 locations. Why even bother with a huge map if nobody bothers to visit 90% of it?

More unique buildings would be nice, but it's not as if Arma 2 had more diverse structures. It actually had less. But yeah, if each village or at least each town had a unique building or landmark of some sort, that'd be fantastic.

But seriously. What?

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Yep, 100% agree with Pilgrim. Almost nothing is better map wise, not for my play style.

Steps forward (IMO):

  • Ship wrecks, especially the big one (negated by: very low rez ship wreck textures)
  • Two big NE  towns.
  • industrial area of Zelenogorsk
  • Big ass new ruins (negated by: absolutely nothing there, pointless accept for *NEW* explorers, once and done... but it may change of course)
  • Big interiors for industrial buildings (negated by: Massive waste of time because almost always empty so i avoid them after short time)

Problem is, there are so many downgrades imo that it all results in pretty little improvement map wise. I wonder who built the map, because i thought Brian made Tavania which i thought was a frikin awesome map, very logically built and spaced.



Edited by libertine
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Totally missing the scrapyard at Berenizo, totaly missing the old Novo. New Novo might be great too, just nothing happens there lol, because no loot haha 


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12 hours ago, pilgrim* said:

I cant agree with that. I cant see ANY WAY it is more interesting.


Far out pilgrim that's a hell of a response. the only parts i agree on would have to be with the why the fuck did they cut the forest back so much which was a pretty strange turn which in turn makes hiding camps harder but that's about all i have to say.. (considering weve been thrashing chernaurs for 5+years now)

Now to my question for you sir.. how many hrs do you have in the standalone ^_____^

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9 hours ago, pilgrim* said:

- where would you hide a tent - really?  Now? you can hide a tent well?

The main problem with tents in 0.63 and previous patches is indeed that they are hard to conceal and easy to find. (Keep in mind I'm talking about high population servers here)

Although they are still being used, most people will be careful with what they place in their tents. Or will learn through experience that it's better not to put valuable gear in them.

On top of that you have plenty of people running around in Dayz that enjoy emptying tents and despawning everything they don't need.

However this does have a few different consequences in the way tents are being used.

-> (-) People that are looking to store valuable gear will mostly disregard the usage of tents and go for barrels instead.

-> (-) Tents get a different function. E.g. they are being used to blockade certain entrances or pathways or are used to seal of other stored gear. (As a placeholder for base-building)

-> (+) Tents are more used as a supplement to the "survival" and role play experience. E.g. They are placed in beautiful places with a campfire next to it.


There are plenty of things that could be done to change the way tents work now. You could make tents an option again for storing valuable gear by allowing more ways to hide them.

E.g. Camo netting to put over the tent/ map changes: denser forests, new type of areas where nature is more overgrown.


But personally above all I would like to see their functionality increase. Right now there are 3 sorts of tents in game: the civilian, the military tent, and the car tent.

I'm going to go over each one and tell you what extra functionality I would like to see. In concrete I would like to see every tent give different bonuses when the tent is deployed and you are inside it. These bonus should only affect your characters status in a very incremental way and should be as realistic as possible. I'm not going to give any specific numbers since I think those are matters of preferences and should be up to the developers to test out and decide what would be best for the end vision of Dayz.

I'll start with the easiest one:

Car tent     

The only improvement I would add for this tent is making it spawn with random tools on it, in the same way backpacks and clothing items spawn with random items in them.

(these should not be visible on the tent itself but be part of a small inventory of the tent when it is not deployed.)

Small note: Adding a spark/glow plug to any vehicle in dry weather should result in a normal functioning car. But when you add the spark plug when it's raining and you're not in a dry environment (hangar/ car tent) you have a chance of having ignition problems with the car when trying to start it in the future. (Again I will not talk about numbers or percentages)

This should result in more people needing the car tent when trying to fix a vehicle along the road in rainy weather. They can also wait for the rain to pass over, with the risk of an other group of survivor fixing the car before they do.

Civilian tent

-Should stabilize your temperature. Much like it would in real life.

                *when you're overheated, your temperature steadily drops until it hits normal body temperature.

                *when you're cold, your temperature steadily increases until it hits normal body temperature.

On optional bonus, maybe less realistic but more interesting game-play wise could be:

                 *When starving or dehydrating being in a tent slows down the process of  blood and health loss.

I think this could result in interesting scenario's where you have to decide to leave a starving friend in a tent in order to continue your supply run. Do we leave someone to protect him or do we use this extra person to help us loot faster?

Military tent

A military tent should have the same bonuses as a civilian tent would. Since it is an upgrade and it is harder to carry around (You have to carry it as a backpack)

On top of that there should be a possibility of an extra bonus but it would require finding a certain item and attaching it to the tent.

What about being able to use military tents as improvised field hospitals where you can put in the wounded. It would mostly be used by bigger groups that visit military areas more often. Or by people organizing events.

What items?

The items I had in mind were the saline bag (can be found at any medical place) and the saline holder (does not exist in game yet and should spawn in hospitals only)

You can attach this saline bag + holder to the tent when you are carrying it as a backpack and it should be visible on your character next to the tent on your back.

When the military tent gets deployed, you see the saline bag+ saline bag holder in the tent as well. Saline bags need to be replaced when empty but should be bigger that the normal saline bags that contain 2000 blood.

What Bonus?

                    *When not at full blood level, being in the tent regenerates your blood level.

What use?

I think this would mostly be used by bigger groups of survivors. Because of 2 reasons:

      1) loss of inventory space, if there is not enough of you you won't be able to carry all the stuff you need to survive.

      2) less people not only means less people will be able to use the tent but also means that you'll have less chance to use the tent.

How is it different from a normal saline bag?

A counter argument I do expect is: "why bother with this tent when giving a simple saline bag can do the trick?"

It should differ from the saline bag in two big ways namely it is not done by a manual action from one player to the other <-> but automatic.

and it doesn't just heal one person <-> but it can heal a group of people at the same time at a constant rate. (again not talking about numbers)

This has a number of consequences:

    1) Wounded players that are not unconscious can make their way to the tent by them selves. Once in the tent they start to slowly regenerate blood. (If saline bag in tent isn't empty)

    2) Unconscious players can be dragged or transported to the tent and then left there to regenerate blood.

The reason I want these changes to tents is to increase the amount of different situations you can run into when playing Dayz. Because the more situations you can run into the higher the variety in decisions you can make.

These can be moral decisions (Do I kill this unconscious guy in the this tent /do I move on/ wait?)

Strategical decisions (Do we leave someone to guard the tent with our friend in it/ do we use all manpower available to find what we need/ or do we put him out of his misery?)

Or personal decisions (I can chose to use this stranger's tent to stabilize my temperature with the risk of him returning or I can move on and hope I'll find a heat pack in the next town.)

Either way I'm keen to test out the new systems that will be implemented with 0.63 and it will be interesting to see what the future of Dayz has in store for us. (In Dayz I trust)

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2 hours ago, Mobylife said:


And yet people are wanting 100+ player servers lol.  On top, people want base building and want their bases to magically be hidden?? lmao

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I'm a bit concerned that the new stamina system will make the game a lot more boring by preventing us from "fast forwarding" through the vast empty wastelands between towns.  Still have high hopes for .63...sort of.


It's nice knowing the dev's reasons behind the new spawn locations.  But to be honest, I still miss the old school Mod spawns on the southern coast from Balota to Electro.   In my mind, the game always had a natural South-North progression.  You started on the coast and made your way to the PvP shit-storm that is Balota Airfield, Cherno or Electro so that you could gear up with enough low-grade basic weapons and supplies to head north (if you survive).  I mean you could try heading north directly, but it might be tough to get through all the wilderness between the coast and the next ring of lootable cities.

Once you cleared the coastal cities, you were more or less safe until you entered one of the high-loot bottlenecks at Stary Sober, or NWAF.  Along the way, you stopped by Green Mountain, one of the castles or a few other spots.  Maybe if you were lucky, you came across a heli crash or camp.  I liked Berezino and NEAF because they were interesting locales that took a while to get to.

Assuming you managed to survive to this point, you then had the option to find some obscure part of the map to build a camp and otherwise eek out a living or go south and kill people.


To be honest, I haven't played much as of late, but the current system basically seems to consist of:

1) Spawn wherever

2) Spam apples til your belly is full

3) Run to NWAF and Tisy Missile Base to get some good gear.

4) Don't know...I lose interest by this point and start over at the next post-patch character wipe.

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1 hour ago, Guy Smiley said:

And yet people are wanting 100+ player servers lol.

You are not the best at giving constructive criticism. But I think what you're trying to say is that server performance would not allow for these features to be implemented. (Correct me if I'm wrong)

As answer to that I would say, you might be right, to be honest I don't know.

Part of me beliefs that most of the features I discussed could easily be implemented since they are already in place in different forms. e.g. cars, protective cases, ammo boxes have inventory slots -> car tent could have them as well.  e.g. Different objects that appear static in game like water or fire places have an impact on the status of the character -> tents could have this as well (but in a less drastic way, again not talking about numbers)

Another part of me is willing to belief that server performance will only decrease if we add more features and that we should just settle with what we have.

I don't know what the limits of the new engine are and I think neither do you. The dev team is probably still figuring this out as they are implementing more things on the road to beta.

Either way whether or not it is possible, doesn't really matter to me, I'm happy with just thinking about Dayz and the things that could be implemented to enhance the experience.




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12 minutes ago, Mobylife said:

You are not the best at giving constructive criticism. But I think what you're trying to say is that server performance would not allow for these features to be implemented. (Correct me if I'm wrong)

As answer to that I would say, you might be right, to be honest I don't know.

Part of me beliefs that most of the features I discussed could easily be implemented since they are already in place in different forms. e.g. cars, protective cases, ammo boxes have inventory slots -> car tent could have them as well.  e.g. Different objects that appear static in game like water or fire places have an impact on the status of the character -> tents could have this as well (but in a less drastic way, again not talking about numbers)

Another part of me is willing to belief that server performance will only decrease if we add more features and that we should just settle with what we have.

I don't know what the limits of the new engine are and I think neither do you. The dev team is probably still figuring this out as they are implementing more things on the road to beta.

Either way whether or not it is possible, doesn't really matter to me, I'm happy with just thinking about Dayz and the things that could be implemented to enhance the experience.




Part of it is server performance, the other part is people complaining about not being able to hide their tents/bases yet they want 100+ player servers

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Just make tents smaller. I see them all the time just wandering around. All the tents i see at the supermarkets where i live are the size of the old tents.

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17 hours ago, BeefBacon said:

What... on Earth are you talking about? Chernarus objectively looks better than ever before.

But seriously. What?

Objectively DayZ LOOKS really nice now - the GRAPHICS are Great IMO.. I can sit and watch a sunset.. I can sit under a pine tree out of the rain and watch the rain for half an hour, overlooking a road and some wrecked vehicles, wondering if someone will turn up to the tents they left across the way (mainly no-show)  .. I can walk through the trees skirting along a road (I don't run much, ever, what's the rush?)  and I take my time or just sit in one place, because I sure don't have any place special to go..  i don't collect stuff for the sake of collecting and I don't have any barrels or tents anywhere on any server..  most of the players I see (pretty rare) look and act like "beginners having fun" so I let them go their way..  ya know?  their tents either have worn hand axes and damaged bags of rice and sticks and bits of raw meat, so i leave them something -  or they are the other kind of player and they have 8 tents lined up full of AKMs and sniper rifles and pristine scopes and 70 round mags and 5 full ghillie suits; etc.. I leave them alone too (those guys never put the tops back on their barrels, ya noticed?)

BUT the game looks totally GREAT.. I LIKE the way it looks graphically..   you are right about that, for sure,  it looks objectively better than ever before? that's true. 

A long while back I used to go up past devil's castle into the N and NWest and see if I could hunt down a helicopter or a real hidden-away camp up there, in those big wide wooded isolated areas - like they were way back then..  before the whole playing area was "homogenized"  in some kind of DayZ blender that scattered towns and ruins and cars and outposts and and rocks and apple trees very evenly everywhere - kind of like pizza topping, carefully & evenly spread. What you might call "always reliably expectable".

Seems to me - coming back after a year - the whole trend is to standardization and SIMPLIFICATION - no place is difficult to get to, no thing is difficult to make or to find.. everything is about the same difficulty and everything is predictable, the zombies are all the same zombie,  no one can complain that anything is much too difficult, or way too far away, or nearly impossible, no one can find surprise big loot stashes, no one can get lost, no one can starve ..everything is kind of standard everywhere in fact (random total-chance illness or exposure is the easiest way to die, and those are always avoidable)   - Why do i feel like I'm in a game that has been leveled down to a careful standard the same everywhere on the map, so no one gets over excited or shocked or meets any unfair event or has any problems or DANGERS to complain about.. 

Hey, tell me (for instance)   - when was the last time you EVER found THREE cans of beans in ONE house?

<lol>   nah... it can't happen..   THREE cans of beans together ?? In ONE house?  Nothing THAT unusual can happen in DayZ ATM

...  so =WHY= am I sure about that feeling?  - Did I change or did the GAME change - sure LOOKS good though.

Beanz for that. 



and - seriously - this is NOT an attack on dayZ, (I like DayZ)  it is a REAL question.. which way is this game going & why ?  I can't be the only person to see this ?

Edited by pilgrim*
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2 hours ago, libertine said:

Just make tents smaller. I see them all the time just wandering around. All the tents i see at the supermarkets where i live are the size of the old tents.

Yep - pup tents (were already in the DayZ Mod = way back) were great.. much smaller, a lot easier easier to to hide.. enough room to keep interesting stuff. And then in the game there were Stashes too, a shallow hole with branches and leaves spread over it, flat with the forest floor - hard to see (as hard to see as anything can be in dayZ) .. you could keep maybe a rifle and 3 or 4 small objects in there. Stashes were smaller than a barrel but flat on the ground, easy to make, and ground colored.. hard to spot them under tree branches or from any distance in a wood.. .. good place to keep your spare knife and an emergency food stash. You old survivor folks remember those back in the DayZ Mod? Before stone knives could be picked up anywhere and you needed a damned real object to open a can (ever opened a can with a sledgehammer?, ever had a fistfight over who gets the knife? .. ever starved with food you couldn't open in your pack? Sure you did, right, damn!  difficult to starve now ain't it? Life is so Easy in DayZ these days)   lol

Little Pup Tents and Stashes are very useful and good gameplay..  For some reason SA switched to bright-colored barrels that don't like to get too close under trees or in hiding at all, they like to stay out away from roots and branches  -  And  for SOME REASON you cant even cut three or 4 pine branches to cover them, you cant wrap them in netting, you cant camo paint them, you cant bury them.. I don't know why you cant do any of these things with barrels.. they are all actions based on " barrel + existing crafting actions ".  

For a stash IRL, all you need is a plastic bag; a waterproof bag, a box, even a plastic raincoat, and a place to put it where you can drag some leaves or dirt over it = a stash. For another SIMPLE type of stash all you need is PERSISTENCE for backpacks while they have gear in them -  so you can leave them under a tree and they are there next time you log in.

but yes = pup tents - camo pup tents = yes.

Edited by pilgrim*

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18 hours ago, pilgrim* said:

Why do i feel like I'm in a game that has been leveled down to a careful standard the same everywhere on the map, so no one gets over excited or shocked or meets any unfair event or has any problems or DANGERS to complain about..

...because the game isn't finished yet?

I'm seriously unclear as to what exactly your point is. The map has more stuff, therefore it's less good? Travelling along a road for an hour and seeing absolutely no buildings of any kind isn't exactly my idea of engaging gameplay. The whole northern quarter of the map used to be totally depopulated. Just trees and hills. Now it's trees, hills, and like three villages. Again, remember that the stamina system will make travelling on foot substantially more difficult. You won't just be able to sprint through forests in thirty seconds flat.

I like the extra little military checkpoints. They give you a small chance to pick up a nice jacket or a magazine or something without having to risk going to a big military area like NWAF. You don't find three cans of food in a house, same as you don't find a ton of gear at those checkpoints. If you actually want good gear, you have to go to a big military location. These places are still major draws for players. However, making it so that these locations are the only draws for players sort of defeats the purpose of having a huge map, or rather doesn't take advantage of it.

Apple trees are fairly evenly spread, but the way apple trees will work will be changed. In what way I'm not sure, but I expect they'll no longer be the reliable infinite food source that they are now. Overall I'd like to see the difficulty ramp up, but then we're getting right back to the beginning: the game isn't finished yet.

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1 hour ago, BeefBacon said:

I'm seriously unclear as to what exactly your point is. 


Travelling  along a road  for an hour and seeing absolutely no buildings of any kind isn't exactly my idea of engaging gameplay. The whole northern quarter of the map used to be totally depopulated. Just trees and hills. Now it's trees, hills, and like three villages.

That should be "travelling through a forest" for an hour

Now the whole norhtern qua

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3 hours ago, BeefBacon said:

...because the game isn't finished yet?

I'm seriously unclear as to what exactly your point is. The map has more stuff, therefore it's less good? Travelling along a road for an hour and seeing absolutely no buildings of any kind isn't exactly my idea of engaging gameplay. The whole northern quarter of the map used to be totally depopulated. Just trees and hills. Now it's trees, hills, and like three villages. Again, remember that the stamina system will make travelling on foot substantially more difficult. You won't just be able to sprint through forests in thirty seconds flat.

I like the extra little military checkpoints. They give you a small chance to pick up a nice jacket or a magazine or something without having to risk going to a big military area like NWAF. You don't find three cans of food in a house, same as you don't find a ton of gear at those checkpoints. If you actually want good gear, you have to go to a big military location. These places are still major draws for players. However, making it so that these locations are the only draws for players sort of defeats the purpose of having a huge map, or rather doesn't take advantage of it.

Apple trees are fairly evenly spread, but the way apple trees will work will be changed. In what way I'm not sure, but I expect they'll no longer be the reliable infinite food source that they are now. Overall I'd like to see the difficulty ramp up, but then we're getting right back to the beginning: the game isn't finished yet.

I liked the emptiness of the upper northern areas and i like massively big open spaces in general. I think it was a little too empty, but putting that same looking village arrangement over and over and over and over and over...... How about something big that would make sense for being way up there far away from people like a massive nuclear power plant, or cement/steel plant made of new textures and models, something unique and interesting and new like these (you can hold ctrl to rotate):




Edited by libertine
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8 hours ago, libertine said:

I liked the emptiness of the upper northern areas and i like massively big open spaces in general. I think it was a little too empty, but putting that same looking village arrangement over and over and over and over and over...... How about something big that would make sense for being way up there far away from people like a massive nuclear power plant, or cement/steel plant made of new textures and models, something unique and interesting and new like these (you can hold ctrl to rotate):




Something unique would be nice. Though having said that, the Tisy military base is fairly unique. A unique civilian complex or structure would be nice. As it stands, however, adding a couple of similar-looking villages is fine by me. Villages tend to look pretty similar, after all, especially if they're only a couple of miles apart.

Some sort of large industrial complex might work - maybe expand the existing one, give it a unique building or two.

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6 hours ago, BeefBacon said:

Something unique would be nice. Though having said that, the Tisy military base is fairly unique. A unique civilian complex or structure would be nice. As it stands, however, adding a couple of similar-looking villages is fine by me.

A couple?... of similar looking villages?...



This is a still photo taken with a camera phone of the mapper after he was almost finished adding, more than 2 villages, to Chernerus. You can clearly see thats not a normal workload he was taking on and the science tests back me up on that.


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8 hours ago, libertine said:

A couple?... of similar looking villages?...

Eh, so a couple was an understatement. Whatever. My stance still hasn't changed. The old Arma 2 map was empty. Have they now overpopulated it? Arguably. But, again, the stamina system will make travelling on foot more difficult, thereby making the map larger. I don't know how prevalent vehicles will be, but I expect that the vast majority of us will have to walk. There's still plenty of forest. I really do fail to see the point in having a solid third of the map be nothing but forest and hills. If you want to hide your stuff, use a barrel. You can't rely on the mod's meta forever.

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On 10/6/2017 at 7:27 PM, BeefBacon said:

 I really do fail to see the point in having a solid third of the map be nothing but forest and hills.

That's TRUE - You really do fail to see the point of having a third of the map be nothing but forest and hills.


The DayZ map:



Real European Forest is a TOTAL waste of time. What good is it to anybody?



 we need more roads plus an extra few thousand abandoned rusted cars spread over the place.

we need more tower blocks everywhere on the roads (for the bears to live in)

what's the point of forest - for base building, hunting, hiding and warfare?   Who wants that stuff?


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23 hours ago, pilgrim* said:

what's the point of forest - for base building, hunting, hiding and warfare?   Who wants that stuff?

I do. I want that. I just don't want a solid third of the map to be literally nothing but forest.

23 hours ago, pilgrim* said:

we need more roads plus an extra few thousand abandoned rusted cars spread over the place.

we need more tower blocks everywhere on the roads (for the bears to live in)

You're really blowing this way out of proportion. Chill.

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