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POLL: Most Desirable Function Vehicle

Most Desirable Vehicle with Function  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Most Desirable Vehicle with Function

    • Police Car
    • Fire Truck
    • Ambulance
    • Humvee
    • Fueling Truck

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Hey guys! In the lull of waiting for more news from the Devs about .62 and Beta, finding it kind of hard to play at the moment! But I do enjoy looking towards the future and still following along a lot of information about the platform and such. A question I'd like to pose to the Forum Community is. . . 

What is the most desired vehicle with a function?

To make things simple, I'm only going to include Five choices to pick from - while others can be commented and considered on. All of these choices will have immense roleplay potential as well as add huge amounts of value to the vehicles, themselves. For a group, even just one of these vehicles could provide a huge boon to their gamestyle - or at least give a potential action to be played upon. Let me know what you think! Take a moment and think of the situations you could be placed in if you had one of these vehicles! -- Regardless if these come in DayZ 1.0, they will  be modded in, if need be! 

Police Car - 4 Seats, Lockable Backseats to transport hostages, Flashing Lights/Sirens.


Fire Truck - 4 Seats, Huge Inventory, Can store huge amounts of Water, Flashing Lights/Sirens.


Ambulance - 4 Seats, 1 Stretcher Bed in Back that promotes healing, Flashing Lights/Sirens.


Humvee - 5 Seats, 1 Gunner Position, Armored vehicle.


Fueling Truck - 2 Seats, Can store huge amounts of gasoline.


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Police car as always. 

Can just imagine the roleplay potential of hearing those sirens blazing in a town with the red and blue flashes attracting a boat load of zombies.


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Dirt bike or possibly a quad.

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  On 4/12/2017 at 10:27 AM, EdStaffordZombie said:

I would love to have a crane to unstuck vehicles on railroads


Best idea 

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What I love is that all of these vehicles have a unique RP potential and would add THAT much more to the game world! 

Police Cars would allow people to act like cops more realistically, or even give baddies a way to capture others! 

The Fire Truck I can see being super important in the future when water is limited! Having just one of these at your base would be like having a Well of water. (WATER WARS!)

The Ambulance is, again, more flavor, but it would allow a team to truly act like paramedics - or just give people a mobile clinic to heal at! 

The Humvee is an obvious favorite for it's multiple uses and imagery it produces! Place one of these at a military area and watch as a group becomes the A-Team.

And Fueling Trucks are a fantastic idea because then we even get a flavor of Mad Max! (GAS WARS!) because in the future, this resource may be very limited as well. 

Also, I chose Five Vehicles because they could simply reskin the Sedan and the Cargo :D 

Edited by Espa
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The fuel truck will be really valuable for those lucky enough to have a helicopter or the light plane when that time comes. It's the time when the they both are at their most vulnerable. A wise squad would place it far from their main camp, so that their landing and takeoff does not reveal the location of their main camp to nearby players.

Given that the rate of petrol consumption has been brought to a much more realistic rate (a decision I am very happy about), they will be less useful for cars and trucks, at least until we have to deal with leaking fuel from damaged petrol tanks and bad fuel lines. Additionally, I really hope that if it was added to the game, you would be able to do two other things with it - fill both jerry cans and barrels from it, and if you so choose, empty the tanker and fill it up with water to fill containers with water as well.  This increases the need for players to be able to do a 'smell test' action on the containers to determine what's inside, so that if you're not careful, you might end up ruining your vehicle's engine by filling your petrol tank with water.

That said, the vehicle I have always wanted to see see in DayZ for years is an Ice Cream Truck. So I can go around the wreckage of civilization, playing creepy Ice Cream Truck music, and become known as "The Bad Humor Man"


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A fuel-vehicle mayby like this ..i love it nice colors.

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My choice wasn't in the list. How about bringing back the freaking bicycle? Loved those things. My fondest memory was my squad of five ran into another squad roughly the same size at night during a 3/4 moon.

This was back in the original Dayz mod days. So nights were dark. It was along some dirt road with light woods on one side and a field on the other with some broken stone fence lines for cover. We were situated in the field and received fire from the woods. We all scrambled to take cover behind the various stone fences and returned fire best we could. This went on for about 7 or so minutes with neither side reaching an advantage. It being night made seeing the opposing party 50m-100m away difficult.

It was a lull in the fighting for some reason. I think we were doing an ammo count and considering a flanking maneuver. When all of a sudden barreling down the road comes two other players on bicycles ringing that annoying dam bell and laughing over in game voip. They just drove right down the road and were gone a few seconds later.

Over TS all I could hear was laughing. We were all cracking up at the absurdity of it. Over in game voip one of the guys we had been fighting for the past few minutes asked if we just saw that. He said they were all laughing to hard to continue fighting and wanted to know if we would consider it a draw and teaming up together to goto NWAF. We told him yea sounded good. Intros were made and our two groups headed off. All we did for the next hour or so was talk about that incident and giggle. Good times man. I don't even think we saw anymore action that night. A couple of the guys I used to play with still bring up that story though when we talk about DayZ. 

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Looks like the poll essentially narrows down the kind of players that are active at the moment! 

Majority wants a more PvP-Centric Reward and Vehicle added to the game :) 

I do have no doubt that all of these will eventually be added - if not in vanilla 1.0, then the modded version! 

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