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Dayz Suggestions Part #3 [With pictures]

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Part #1 / Part #2 / Part #3 / Part #4

(With Pictures)


Hi again ladys and gents! This is the third part of some ideas / suggestions about Dayz SA that i have compile from my own thought and from some other user’s ideas (with some twists). If you didn`t see the first or second part, I highly recommend you do it I'll be very grateful). Links above.


First some clarifications:

  • I know we should wait until the beta is release to even consider any of this suggestion that, of course, are not priority right now, but that does not prevent us from discussing about them and how they could be better or if they are viable or not for Dayz SA.
  • English is not my native language, so I truly apology for the grammatical errors that may exist.
  • Post format: IDEA + ILUSTRATION + SHORT SUMMARY (I can amplify more in coments if you need)
  • Each idea tries to be as achievable and reasonable as possible according to the Dayz spirit (Survivalism - post apocalyptic atmosphere) and actual game possibilities. You are not going to find stuff like “Dead players become zombies” or “The zombies should eat player’s heads and become overpower”. All suggestions represent minor changes or minor additions that, in my opinion, can take place within the game.


Let’s start (again)!







SUMMARY:  If you ever went to Kamenka you probably have seen the large number of cars near the new military base. This was probably due to people trying to escape west when the epidemic (or whatever it was) began. But what happened to all those people?

I think it would be a good additive to the game and a great way to get people off the coast add a horde of zombies (big enough) to travel from west to east along the coast raining what is in their path. They do not have to be zombies other than those that exist today (maybe more aggressive or easily hosted), but the amount and the fact that they go together and moving in one direction would have to be enough reason to a) Speed our incursion to the center and north of the map b) Find shelter or weapons to defend us when they arrive. Check this example.

The greatest danger of dayz today is one: the other survivors (bandits). Although the zombies have obtained an improvement and today are much more dangerous than before (because they can kill us a couple of blows, because they ruin our team, because they can lock us in a house without being able to leave) I think they still not dangerous enough to be taken into account as a fundamental part of the game. Alternatives like these (with the necessary modifications) and others would be a good way to give a little more "life" to the zombies.









SUMMARY: This topic has been discussed countless times. This mention is simply to keep it alive because I think is a fundamental “to fix feature” for the experience of a real survival game.

We already know that the night in Dayz just does not work as it should. Either because users abuse the gamma options (within the game or in the control panels of their respective video cards or even on their monitors directly) or because the light just don`t render the way it should. So I think the solution to this has to be a change in the technology of the game regarding to the night time. I think the Rust experience (another early access still under development) gives a glimmer of hope on this issue.

Simply to bring to the notice of anyone who does not know, Rust create a night system that makes textures extremely dark at this time of day. This generates that, even after raising the gamma in the source that one selects (in-game, monitor, control panel, etc.), the darkness continues in its effects in the visibility of the surroundings. As we see in the reference image above, the darkness of Dayz may not have any effect if we raise the gamma (in the image it is seen as everything around us looks perfectly, as in daylight). On the contrary, in Rust, even after climbing the gamma to the maximum, darkness persists forced the player to use alternative means (real) of lighting (torches, lanterns, bonfires, etc.). Check this example.

I honestly do not know the technology involve and I am not a connoisseur of the subject like to demand technically on this. But I do not think Dayz cannot implement something similar if it is proposed. Hope they do.








SUMMARY:  It was absolutely necessary to talk about the gamma issue first so that we could then consider these kind of suggestions. I think the rendering of light in dayz has improved a lot, but it's still very poor in some ways. With this I am not referring to the quality of the image or the dynamic lights, but to the distances. In real life, a light from a flare in the dark should be seen hundreds of meters away. In Dayz this does not happen.

After this first observation and bearing in mind that the development team has already talked about the possibility of adding generators and electric light, it would be very interesting thing not to forget that the lights have to be able to be destroyed and reconstructed for a greater interaction between players and environment. I do not mean only street lights but also be able to add some types of lanterns or large light sources like light towers, high power spotlights among others things so that the night (once solved the gamma) really Involve the dangers of darkness.









SUMMARY:  This suggestion is not important at all but I think it would sum up the "survivor" trait that Dayz should have. In the same way that the idea of a far more apocalyptic costume (without falling into the futuristic apocalyptic like Mad Max) was planted, the fact that all players do not carry weapons as if they were trained soldiers would also summarize this idea. The image simply represents an example of how the weapons could be carried when in the back we have neither a melee weapon nor a backpack. As I said, this is not only applicable to weapons, the idea of movements, clothing and much less militarized actions I think should be the focus of attention when conceiving the characters in Dayz. This is just an “open gate suggestion”.









SUMMARY:  Anyone who has played in role-play servers or does not really use gamma lighting at night will have seen that running or jogging with a torch or flashlight in your hand looks like an electronic party. The light jumps up and down making vision impossible and turning the action into something ridiculous.I can understand that when you run desperate for a danger behind you with a flashlight in your hand this sudden movement could be real (I remember the film of the project of blair witch for example), but not so when you are just jogging.

Then I started to see how other games treated this and finally came to a good example: Skyrim. In it, the movement of the torch while running is not from top to bottom, but from side to side. Then the light always stays ahead of us and the lighting is much more focused and realistic.I think that with the new animations system this surely will be solved, but I seemed opportune to mention it. Check this example.







SUMMARY:  I honestly am not a big fan of adding indicators to the Dayz screen. I think it takes a lot of immersion and the cleaner the better. However, not everyone thinks the same. For this the solution is simple: the same key that enables the hot bar at the same time (or with the same logic) enable the status indicators that, according to the images that were allowed to transcend, measure the stamina and other indicators of hunger, thirst, damage, etc.

Having said that, I think the battery and power system really needs indicators. Either in the HUD itself or in the image above or in the detail of the items when we inspect them. I just used the flashlight as an example, but this should also be present in: car battery and truck, batteries of walkie talkies, scopes and the rest of the items that work with electric charge. Of course first we need to fix the persistence of the electric power in batteries to make this even possible.

Sqeezorz idea about dynamic consume of Items with battery: 


I would rather a dynamic consume one as a player recognizes. In the case of a flashlight, the light also decreases with the battery becoming worse. Or radios begin to rustle and crack as signs of bad batteries.

  • Agree 100%. Also: With the battery of the car could change the sound of the engine as it is destroyed or could even make it difficult to start the car (You have to try several times to turn it on to start if the battery is damaged or in poor condition).








SUMMARY:  This suggestion is possibly the simplest one and I think it is extremely necessary. Perhaps few of you use blood bags instead of saline bags because the former are much more complex to use. One not only has to create the blood bag, but also to collect that blood of another person, identify its blood type, know the one (blood type) that is inside the blood bag if we find one already crafted and full (unlikely) or, in case you have filled one a long time ago or you have more than one, you have to re-check each blood bag again to see what kind of blood it has inside.

A good alternative to this would be the following: once the test kit was used on the full blood bag, in the detail (inspecting) it had to say the type of blood inside. You can now carry multiple blood bags without wandering you are going to kill your friend by apply the wrong blood type. This would greatly expedite its use by reducing the number of test kits we need. You just need one to test and label the blood bag once. Then, you could also finally collect blood bags to carry out a good medical task (for doctors of Dayz).




Ok guys, that´s all for this post.

As I said before, I have a few more ideas that I want to share but I need your feedback fist.

Sorry one more time for my terrible English,

tips or corrections will be highly valued !



Edited by Asmondian
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Wow. Very good ideas. The one with the bloodbag is extremely clever and meaningful. Criticism only with the battery ... I would rather a dynamic consume one as a player recognizes. In the case of a flashlight, the light also decreases with the battery becoming worse. Or radios begin to rustle and crack as signs of bad batteries. With the Walk of Hordes I find great, it would have to be so while watching a wandering horde just curses or good hiding the life. They should be extremely dangerous (very high one hit chance) so you can also save a lot of AI resources. (1-2 master AI the big rest as slaves). The wear of the weapons is a chic addition (could have effect on stamina). With the rest I hope this is really implemented. At the end thumbs up for the loving presentation of the ideas.

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8 minutes ago, Sqeezorz said:

Wow. Very good ideas. The one with the bloodbag is extremely clever and meaningful. Criticism only with the battery ... I would rather a dynamic consume one as a player recognizes. In the case of a flashlight, the light also decreases with the battery becoming worse. Or radios begin to rustle and crack as signs of bad batteries. With the Walk of Hordes I find great, it would have to be so while watching a wandering horde just curses or good hiding the life. They should be extremely dangerous (very high one hit chance) so you can also save a lot of AI resources. (1-2 master AI the big rest as slaves). The wear of the weapons is a chic addition (could have effect on stamina). With the rest I hope this is really implemented. At the end thumbs up for the loving presentation of the ideas.

Love the dynamic consume idea, I'm going to add your quote to the post because it's definitely a very good idea and I had not considered it. Agree with the rest of your observations.

Thx a lot for the feedback dude!

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Nice to see more suggestions :).

#1 is already scheduled for the game as far as I know

I would note as sqeezor that a dimming light would be more realistic (and scary sometimes xD)

The rest of the suggestions are really good, and natural for the game, just minor details that would add a lot to game immersion! :)

But I don't know about bloodbags, because players themselves fill them, it's for their will if they mark them or not 

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Another outstanding post, Asmondian. Great suggestions and illustrations of these ideas once again.

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2 hours ago, exwoll said:

Nice to see more suggestions :).

#1 is already scheduled for the game as far as I know

I would note as sqeezor that a dimming light would be more realistic (and scary sometimes xD)

The rest of the suggestions are really good, and natural for the game, just minor details that would add a lot to game immersion! :)

But I don't know about bloodbags, because players themselves fill them, it's for their will if they mark them or not 

Thx for the reply dude.

Glad to hear that the hordes are already consider to be in game. 100% agree with sqeezor with the dimming light.

The problem I see with the current test kits is that they only show once the type blood of the patient or the full bloodbag. Imagine that you want to carry 3 bags of blood as you would do with 3 salines. You need at the same time to carry at least 4 test kits (one for each bloodbag and one to know the patient's blood). With the system/suggestion that I propose, the blood bags would already be labeled once you do a single test on them. It is simply an additive to give them a practical use that today they do not have precisely because of the great difficulty involved in having to be identifying the types of blood in each bloodbag or sorting out them in a certain way in the inventory to remember witch blood type they have.

Thx again!!

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1 hour ago, Wolf of Thorns said:

Another outstanding post, Asmondian. Great suggestions and illustrations of these ideas once again.

Thx a lot mate!!! glad to see you around here!!

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Yep, fantastic ideas you have !  I don't know about the battery life one however but you put some effort into this and we can see that.. I hope these enter the game some day.. especially the damn gamma fix we have all been waiting for so long I mean its def better than the mod these days but its still noooo where near what we need I mean whats the point of night vision equipment even being added if the gamma situation is never truly fixed.

Love the blood bag idea also.. think some dude(s) have posted something similar in the past or something like crafting the pen with the bag then the blood type "appears" on the blood bag but perhaps it can only be written by the person who created it or maybe you can choose from a selection of blood types to "write" on the bag because you need the test kit anyway ?

KEEP EM COMEN - I like nicely formatted posts like this and i think the devs could take them more seriously (maybe) 

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I would like to see blood trails if you have a injury  the Infected can smell the blood from way of and can track you down this would make for a more intense game...


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On 4/1/2017 at 3:21 PM, Asmondian said:

::::::: Dayz Standalone Suggestions  ::::::::

Part #1 / Part #2 / Part #3

(With Pictures)


Hi again ladys and gents! This is the third part of some ideas / suggestions about Dayz SA that i have compile from my own thought and from some other user’s ideas (with some twists). If you didn`t see the first or second part, I highly recommend you do it I'll be very grateful). Links above.


First some clarifications:

  • I know we should wait until the beta is release to even consider any of this suggestion that, of course, are not priority right now, but that does not prevent us from discussing about them and how they could be better or if they are viable or not for Dayz SA.
  • English is not my native language, so I truly apology for the grammatical errors that may exist.
  • Post format: IDEA + ILUSTRATION + SHORT SUMMARY (I can amplify more in coments if you need)
  • Each idea tries to be as achievable and reasonable as possible according to the Dayz spirit (Survivalism - post apocalyptic atmosphere) and actual game possibilities. You are not going to find stuff like “Dead players become zombies” or “The zombies should eat player’s heads and become overpower”. All suggestions represent minor changes or minor additions that, in my opinion, can take place within the game.


Let’s start (again)!







SUMMARY:  If you ever went to Kamenka you probably have seen the large number of cars near the new military base. This was probably due to people trying to escape west when the epidemic (or whatever it was) began. But what happened to all those people?

I think it would be a good additive to the game and a great way to get people off the coast add a horde of zombies (big enough) to travel from west to east along the coast raining what is in their path. They do not have to be zombies other than those that exist today (maybe more aggressive or easily hosted), but the amount and the fact that they go together and moving in one direction would have to be enough reason to a) Speed our incursion to the center and north of the map b) Find shelter or weapons to defend us when they arrive. Check this example.

The greatest danger of dayz today is one: the other survivors (bandits). Although the zombies have obtained an improvement and today are much more dangerous than before (because they can kill us a couple of blows, because they ruin our team, because they can lock us in a house without being able to leave) I think they still not dangerous enough to be taken into account as a fundamental part of the game. Alternatives like these (with the necessary modifications) and others would be a good way to give a little more "life" to the zombies.









SUMMARY: This topic has been discussed countless times. This mention is simply to keep it alive because I think is a fundamental “to fix feature” for the experience of a real survival game.

We already know that the night in Dayz just does not work as it should. Either because users abuse the gamma options (within the game or in the control panels of their respective video cards or even on their monitors directly) or because the light just don`t render the way it should. So I think the solution to this has to be a change in the technology of the game regarding to the night time. I think the Rust experience (another early access still under development) gives a glimmer of hope on this issue.

Simply to bring to the notice of anyone who does not know, Rust create a night system that makes textures extremely dark at this time of day. This generates that, even after raising the gamma in the source that one selects (in-game, monitor, control panel, etc.), the darkness continues in its effects in the visibility of the surroundings. As we see in the reference image above, the darkness of Dayz may not have any effect if we raise the gamma (in the image it is seen as everything around us looks perfectly, as in daylight). On the contrary, in Rust, even after climbing the gamma to the maximum, darkness persists forced the player to use alternative means (real) of lighting (torches, lanterns, bonfires, etc.). Check this example.

I honestly do not know the technology involve and I am not a connoisseur of the subject like to demand technically on this. But I do not think Dayz cannot implement something similar if it is proposed. Hope they do.








SUMMARY:  It was absolutely necessary to talk about the gamma issue first so that we could then consider these kind of suggestions. I think the rendering of light in dayz has improved a lot, but it's still very poor in some ways. With this I am not referring to the quality of the image or the dynamic lights, but to the distances. In real life, a light from a flare in the dark should be seen hundreds of meters away. In Dayz this does not happen.

After this first observation and bearing in mind that the development team has already talked about the possibility of adding generators and electric light, it would be very interesting thing not to forget that the lights have to be able to be destroyed and reconstructed for a greater interaction between players and environment. I do not mean only street lights but also be able to add some types of lanterns or large light sources like light towers, high power spotlights among others things so that the night (once solved the gamma) really Involve the dangers of darkness.









SUMMARY:  This suggestion is not important at all but I think it would sum up the "survivor" trait that Dayz should have. In the same way that the idea of a far more apocalyptic costume (without falling into the futuristic apocalyptic like Mad Max) was planted, the fact that all players do not carry weapons as if they were trained soldiers would also summarize this idea. The image simply represents an example of how the weapons could be carried when in the back we have neither a melee weapon nor a backpack. As I said, this is not only applicable to weapons, the idea of movements, clothing and much less militarized actions I think should be the focus of attention when conceiving the characters in Dayz. This is just an “open gate suggestion”.









SUMMARY:  Anyone who has played in role-play servers or does not really use gamma lighting at night will have seen that running or jogging with a torch or flashlight in your hand looks like an electronic party. The light jumps up and down making vision impossible and turning the action into something ridiculous.I can understand that when you run desperate for a danger behind you with a flashlight in your hand this sudden movement could be real (I remember the film of the project of blair witch for example), but not so when you are just jogging.

Then I started to see how other games treated this and finally came to a good example: Skyrim. In it, the movement of the torch while running is not from top to bottom, but from side to side. Then the light always stays ahead of us and the lighting is much more focused and realistic.I think that with the new animations system this surely will be solved, but I seemed opportune to mention it. Check this example.







SUMMARY:  I honestly am not a big fan of adding indicators to the Dayz screen. I think it takes a lot of immersion and the cleaner the better. However, not everyone thinks the same. For this the solution is simple: the same key that enables the hot bar at the same time (or with the same logic) enable the status indicators that, according to the images that were allowed to transcend, measure the stamina and other indicators of hunger, thirst, damage, etc.

Having said that, I think the battery and power system really needs indicators. Either in the HUD itself or in the image above or in the detail of the items when we inspect them. I just used the flashlight as an example, but this should also be present in: car battery and truck, batteries of walkie talkies, scopes and the rest of the items that work with electric charge. Of course first we need to fix the persistence of the electric power in batteries to make this even possible.

Sqeezorz idea about dynamic consume of Items with battery: 

  • Agree 100%. Also: With the battery of the car could change the sound of the engine as it is destroyed or could even make it difficult to start the car (You have to try several times to turn it on to start if the battery is damaged or in poor condition).








SUMMARY:  This suggestion is possibly the simplest one and I think it is extremely necessary. Perhaps few of you use blood bags instead of saline bags because the former are much more complex to use. One not only has to create the blood bag, but also to collect that blood of another person, identify its blood type, know the one (blood type) that is inside the blood bag if we find one already crafted and full (unlikely) or, in case you have filled one a long time ago or you have more than one, you have to re-check each blood bag again to see what kind of blood it has inside.

A good alternative to this would be the following: once the test kit was used on the full blood bag, in the detail (inspecting) it had to say the type of blood inside. You can now carry multiple blood bags without wandering you are going to kill your friend by apply the wrong blood type. This would greatly expedite its use by reducing the number of test kits we need. You just need one to test and label the blood bag once. Then, you could also finally collect blood bags to carry out a good medical task (for doctors of Dayz).




Ok guys, that´s all for this post.

As I said before, I have a few more ideas that I want to share but I need your feedback fist.

Sorry one more time for my terrible English,

tips or corrections will be highly valued !



I like them all! However, I don't think the battery power indicator would be the best solution to the problem. A much more realistic approach such as the light flickering when power is getting low, or the light dimming. We also already have the ability to lick batteries to check power. I strongly agree with the gamma boosting fix, it pisses me off to no end that people can still do that. Talk about ruining immersion. On top of that, I believe night time should be forced, no day-time only servers.

Edited by billnyetherussianpie
Forgot something.
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Wow some of these ideas are great, the bloodbag one is a defo must.

Was carrying some of my own blood in a bag and also took some blood off my friend when he was sick with the intention of giving someone bad blood.

Only to find a new backpack and after shifting gear forgot which was which.

Great ideas bud

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These are all amazing ideas, Hordes are something very interesting, because make players in the situation of helping each others I think.

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