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Baty Alquawen

Q&A with Lead Animator Viktor Kostik

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Hi! As of right now playing 0.61 I've noticed the spinning attack animation for the infected and how when they do this animation it's like there's an invisible wall between you and the infected which doesn't allows you to move forward and attack him, do you plan on making later on things more smooth, like being able to attack him-mid animation and kill him/stop him? Because it's kind of annoying when you are fighting a few of them at the same time...

Sorry for the bad english, Argentina survivor here, keep up the good work guys!!

Ps: Do you have any word on new melee animations?

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Hello ... I have a question ...

Infected skipping wall, is there any prediction that players will also jump? Any animation planned in this regard?

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Are there any plans to add a sit on object feature/animation? If not, would you like to see this added?

I reckon it would be so great to be able to sit on benches or at tables in houses.

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Last day to post some questions :)

-How do you decide what animations produce? Design team decide of all or do you have any influence?

-Do you have animations that you regret not being able to make?

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First part of the Q&A Video with Viktor Kostik is out! This time from our motion capture studio:


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Ooooh interesting! :D I love the new animations I spied! Fist fighting looks great! 

Hopefully there are kicks too! 

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infected should have falling animations when go over fences and obstacles....

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  On 3/30/2017 at 7:28 PM, Arthur Dubrovka said:

With new melee system will bayonet attachments be an option again? Will it be possible?

Yes im pretty sure they talked about this being something that they want to do with the new player controller.

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Second part of Victor's Q&A:


Next will be Adam Franců - map designer. Stay tuned!

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