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Best combo weapon in the game ?

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Akm + svd scope + drum mag ,   can hit target over 800m, ammo is very easy to find  , good in middle and short distances, cam be suppressed, this combo is the Jack off all trades. A74 or ak101 are good too but ammo is more hard or dangerous to find (military bases, police house)

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AK-74 with a Kashtan and a PSO-1, or whichever has the right ballistics for the -74. Run around with the Kashtan for range-variable engagements, take the scope off for CQC, put the PSO-1 on for sniping. The gun is fairly easy to handle, the ammunition has some of the highest material piercing of all ARs in the game, and the distinct red wood finish is strikes fears into the hearts of your enemies. Kind of hard to find the clips, but otherwise fairly easy to maintain.

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Silenced MPK/Skorpion (suppressed fire for infected, confuse targets, almost invisible when on your back, can be carried in a backpack to make as you aren´t fully geared) + R527 Carbine (small, can be painted in camo, 5 highly damaging shots, can carry several magazines, and can use a hunting scope).

I play lone wolf and never engage at long ranges. Have a good camo outfit for mid/close ranges, so I´m barely sighted even if someone runs around me several times lol 


Edited by exwoll

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As of .61, Winchester and suppressed scorpion is all i need and that's because i don't really like to all the way to military area and get KoSed and the scorpion is for killing zombies because theirs a lot of those and we need a suppressor and i found out scorpion is the most common one.

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I'll have to agree with the OP on the AKM being the current most viable/balanced weapon; this is heavily weighted by the overabundance of ammo and magazines for it on the experimental branch right now, compared to other assault rifles.

Personally, I try to get a Longhorn up and running ASAP, as it will one-hit most animals if you get a good shot.  I've recently lost confidence in its ability to down players at close range, after hitting a player in the upper arm from 5 feet, and having him still standing.  It also has a reasonable zoom, and the lack of zeroing makes it very consistent and simple to use, once you know your ranges.
My PDW is a suppressed FNX with RDS and two extra mags, preferably.  It will one-hit zombies, and has enough bullets to neatly kill 5 people, or sloppily kill one or two.

A note to this combo: I play pretty recklessly, and do not have a precondition that everyone I see, or even who shoots me, absolutely has to die.  The combination of Longhorn and FNX forces me to play close to medium ranges and encourages me to run from engagements over 400m, which makes me overall less likely to die from being flanked.
t kind-of shapes my player behavior into making more survivable decisions by avoiding unnecessary contact.

Of course I supplement my arsenal with a rifle, but unless I'm hunting humans specifically, I stick to my two favorite pistols for general use.


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  On 11/26/2016 at 10:19 PM, emuthreat said:

Personally, I try to get a Longhorn up and running ASAP, as it will one-hit most animals if you get a good shot.  I've recently lost confidence in its ability to down players at close range, after hitting a player in the upper arm from 5 feet, and having him still standing.  It also has a reasonable zoom, and the lack of zeroing makes it very consistent and simple to use, once you know your ranges.

All weapons are weak when hitting in the arms. It actually does have zeroing, 50-800 meters (50, 100, 200...). I prefer to set it to 200 and go from there.

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Does anyone else thinks Scorpion should be held like pistol and have one handed running animations? It's pistol in Arma 2/3.

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  On 11/27/2016 at 9:24 AM, igor-vk said:

Does anyone else thinks Scorpion should be held like pistol and have one handed running animations? It's pistol in Arma 2/3.

Better if they required you to fold the stock for storage and unfold for proper accuracy, but if they must choose one animation, which is the case, it should be unfolded and held as a carbine. It has a stock for a reason.

In ARMA 2 it's held like a pistol because all the pistols use the same animation and it was easier to use that than create a new one.

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Last night  killed a sniper at 837 meters (rangefinder) He missed the shots I got to see his position and I fired. Weapon Ak74, svd scope, not a Akm but works great :D low recoil.

Edited by kataro

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im more of a mosin/winchester/blaze type with an fnx/1911 side arm but if i run an assaurlt rifle i like to have the long horn

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  On 11/27/2016 at 4:27 AM, -Gews- said:

All weapons are weak when hitting in the arms. It actually does have zeroing, 50-800 meters (50, 100, 200...). I prefer to set it to 200 and go from there.

When did they enable Longhorn zeroing?  I got so used to just compensating myself, that I never checked it.  And for clarity, I hit the player sidelong in the arm, as he turned sideways while I was attempting a chest shot.  Maybe it was just a fluke, but I thought I had him dead-to-rights.

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  On 11/29/2016 at 2:06 AM, emuthreat said:

When did they enable Longhorn zeroing?  I got so used to just compensating myself, that I never checked it.  And for clarity, I hit the player sidelong in the arm, as he turned sideways while I was attempting a chest shot.  Maybe it was just a fluke, but I thought I had him dead-to-rights.

May 7th, 2015, with the release of 0.56 experimental branch, which gave the ability to detach the 'pistol scope' from the Longhorn. Before this the zero distance was fixed at 100 m. Doesn't seem intentional. However, it doesn't show up on screen, so you must count in your head. Rifles inherit this line from "class Rifle":

weaponInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing";

but "class Pistol" is missing this, so it's an invisible feature. If you could place the same scope on a rifle you would see the numbers.


Easily tested on a wall a short distance away, press Page Up a few times and watch the bullets strike far above the point of aim. If you stand 100 m off, it should be about 1 m high set to 800 m.




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  On 11/29/2016 at 4:05 AM, -Gews- said:

           " ......... "

That's pretty interesting.   I don't go digging around in the files, so I never came across that tidbit.  Thanks.

It might explain a couple times I have been frustrated trying to hunt when I knew for sure that I was compensating correctly for the range. 

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Sawed-Off Double Barrel and Magnum, Ive saved myself from a band of four bandits with that combo once. Whilst it is hard to get my hands on a double barrel the ammo is easy enough to come across, and it fits my play style, since I usually like to close the gap in a firefight, or get as close as possible stealthily.

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