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Steam reviews + player count

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Hey guys,

I was just wondering what you thought of the negative steam reviews recently? I know dayz has been in early access for 3 years but I feel everyone is being a bit harsh on the game as it seems the devs are working hard. The new 0.60 update looks great and I hope the devs release it to stable soon as I feel the steam reviews are really going to put people off buying the game in the future. And I was just wondering as I have not had the time to go on experimental yet, what is the max player count on a server? I would love to see 70+ player servers in the game!

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Accidental double-post :3

Edited by Just Caused
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I don't see a point in posting a review in Alpha stage unless you are just saying "I did/didn't enjoy it because it's not finished".

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Sigh... There is not much to say in the matter, other than just the reception of the game is what it is. Call the reviewers haters, spoiled brats with too much cash or uneducated in terms of game/software development, they are the market and the market is very similar to a force of nature e.g. a flowing river. No matter what arguments you put forward, the river just keeps flowing. You can either adjust yourself to float and go along or drown.

Metaphors aside... People are giving the game harsh reviews because it doesn't/didn't meet their expectations. Period. It may not be just, it may not be polite, it just is.

DayZ is an ambitious project that has to survive on a very shifting and demanding market segment (gamers). One of the main distinguishable aspects of this segment is an almost addictive need for the "new" - deliverance has to be frequent and fast.

Corner-case users will say that "Let them take their time. I want the game to be as good as it can be.", but the truth is, if they don't fit their best reception window period, it will hurt their predicted sales and development budget for subsequent phases. Repercussions are that the long-tail of feature implementation gets cut starting with the features planned after 1.0, and if the situation becomes dramatic, e.g. sales predictions after 1.0 become close to 0, not all the features planned even for 1.0 are implemented and the game gets instantly "released" with some promotional badge.

IMO, I don't know what's the situation in BIS marketing department, I don't have the data relevant for their strategy. I just get an inkling that the faces there are not too happy with the statistics they produce. Also, I'm beginning to see that the recipe for success in the gaming industry is to impress more frequently with less than to promise more and hope for patience. Oh, and changing the scope after market exposure is not a good move as well.


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I really hate it when the devs have to take so much crap by some morons.

If I were a dev and I had to read all the hate comments and all that bullcrap I would certainly become a salty lemon.

So, KUDOS to the whole dev team for their constant effort to make this game awesome despite all the hating haters.


^ wall of love which trolls can't pass :p

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I will buy any game that has negative reviews from people with hundreds of hours of game play.    

147,000 positive reviews and 2,800 negative. 

Almost forgot to all the negative reviewers,  "see you when .60 hits stable"

Edited by atomquark
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The game has bad user reviews because it's still a piece of shit (no offense.)

I'm playing it anyway because i love checking the new things and the shittiness kind of has that nostalgic DayZ charm for me (though i fully ''expect'' it to not be shitty in the future.)


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I've thought about this a lot, yesterday. The "recent" score system is excellent in my opinion. The negative EA-reviews, though...

On the one hand, as a software developer it pisses me off, thinking about "being judged" for something that is still far from finished. This has nothing to do with "not meeting deadlines" or stuff like that, 3 years is not much for a game of this scope and it's not done, so why the hell don't they just back off? 

On the other hand it doesn't really matter - 3mil+ copies sold is more than would ever have been expected even from a 1.0 perspective so who gives a fuck? If the negative recent reviews keeps more haters from buying the game and hating it... good for everyone, right?

But an even better angle to view it is this: if the dev's do their job right, and deliver on the hopes and promises, then the final score will read: overall: ~80% recent: ~98% and this discussion will be long forgotten ;)

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Who cares what the damn little negative children have to say about DayZ. DayZ will do just fine with or without the morons. Although, funny enough I can bet ya that most of the idiots will just come back to DayZ when .60 hits stable.

Edited by DJ SGTHornet
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On 15.5.2016 at 0:40 PM, 12suttoj said:

Hey guys,

I was just wondering what you thought of the negative steam reviews recently? I know dayz has been in early access for 3 years but I feel everyone is being a bit harsh on the game as it seems the devs are working hard.

Reviewers often do not make a difference between a partly toxic community and the game content. Neither do they make a difference between game content and gameplay.

So take it with a grain of salt. On the other hand, the extreme emphasis on guns guns and more guns led - at least on stable branch - to a non-innovative KOS shooter with permadeath. There just is no content to strive for apart from shooting other players currently, which in itself also validates a negative or sceptical review.

But many people give a negative opinion for al lthe wrong reasons like bugs.

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On 5/17/2016 at 10:37 PM, atomquark said:

I will buy any game that has negative reviews from people with hundreds of hours of game play.    

147,000 positive reviews and 2,800 negative. 

Almost forgot to all the negative reviewers,  "see you when .60 hits stable"

Part of the problem with alpha reviews, it goes through different patches. We also have to understand we had desync issues, hackers, exploits, and a completely buggy game. Those reviews are sometimes people with 500 hours spent from the .40's to now. Many of the bugs where horrible, so was the infected. Some people dont see dayz ever finishing and people see it as a money sync.

We cant blame people for the way they feel, the others that stopped playing ignored the steam reviews otherwise i bet it would be much higher.


It will be done when its done :) good or bad reviews do not matter at this time, its all about the older patches anyways.


Also forgot to mention, if a dev takes these forums seriously they are in the wrong business. Plain slander is not welcome here, we do not need it. Even when the game is going through a complete 360.

Edited by sneakydude

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Man joins forum just to post thread drawing everyone's attention to some recent negative reviews of a game that's still in alpha-stage development but makes sure to let everyone know he thinks the devs are working hard and wants to see .60 hit stable quick so no sales are lost.

Excuse me while I go check the pantry - I think I've still got enough tinfoil in there to make myself a nice chapeau.

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sometimes i dont get the people who bought into this alpha

1) right now, the game isn't in an enjoyable state, at least not for me, the stable has such poor performance that my rig can't handle more than 15 fps in cities (like many other people)

2) the game is still being developed, and writing a review now, which would be on the games steam page forever, would be unfair, they shouldn't even have enabled steam reviews for it, but i get where they come from, there are many "alpha" vaporware games out there that will never be good games, and they need a way to show that before people buy them (just watch a few of jimquisitions videos)

3) people buying a game for 30€, playing it for over 1000 hours and the writing a negative review are just unbelievable

and yet, everyone was told that the game wasn't gonna be enjoyable right before they bought it, hell, the devs told people straight up not to buy the game right now, what more do people want? someone physically stopping them from a purchase? people really need to learn how to live with their choices they make in life without blaming others

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On 2016-05-22 at 4:40 AM, forteantimes23 said:

Having played since day one of alpha and played the mod before that with many hours of game play under my belt and I used to hang out here a lot can I just point something out?

The completely insufferable "we support this game, nobody understands alpha, everyone who is critical of dayZ and the devs is wrong" stance that this forum has taken in the last couple of years is not helping the cause in anyway shape or form. Its not helping the game grow at all.

You just come across as a bunch of tedious fanboys that stops anyone new taking the time to look at this game.

Really I drop in from time to time and and I just shake my head. The clone-like beat down of anyone who is critical is shocking.

Come up with a different strategy please guys.



We think its working fine. So No

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People that come here to flame the community are not welcome.

Topic is not constructive or related to the Game, the right thing to do if you find a Steam Review to be helpful/instructive (or not) is to give the Steam Review in question a thumbs up (or down) and/or add a comment.

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