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If BI would surprise us with a brand new map in the final version, where should it be located?

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What would you like to see as a second official map besides chernarus plus?
Think a completely new scenario, as big as Chernarus Plus but with all new statics (objects and buildings), vegetation etc

Id like to see North America for example.

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1 minute ago, IkaikaKekai said:

They're not...get over it.

i cant seem to find that place on google maps

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5 minutes ago, IkaikaKekai said:

either that, or you are a smartass who fails to recognise the obvious flippancy of the topic :)

Edited by fabio_chavez

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I, for one, would love to see a new map packaged with the game upon release.  I believe it should be located in my pants, close to the package, for most efficient release....

Edited by emuthreat
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it's no surprise, they already said that they would make a new map, but after the product hits 1.0 and in the 5 year support which they promised. 

i for one like it to be in a modern country based on america, probably Texas, meh i dont know. i like the environment in TWD so something like that. the keyword here is being a modern country with big cities and some countries.

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Civilian spawns for the most part.

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9 minutes ago, VahidkinG(2ndAcc) said:

it's no surprise, they already said that they would make a new map, but after the product hits 1.0 and in the 5 year support which they promised. 

i for one like it to be in a modern country based on america, probably Texas, meh i dont know. i like the environment in TWD so something like that. the keyword here is being a modern country with big cities and some countries.

9 minutes ago, ebrim said:

Civilian spawns for the most part.


If a new map were to be based off Texas, you would probably get better loot from the civilian houses then you would from a military camp :D


Edited by JBURNS489
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1 minute ago, JBURNS489 said:


If a new map was to be based off Texas, you would probably get better loot from the civilian houses then you would from a military camp :D


Haha, i dunno man never been there just know it by the pictures. 

that was a random guess thought, i just like it to be modern, thats all. 

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I grew up on the east coast, but live just north of Austin TX now. When I first moved here it blew my mind how easy it was to get a gun. You can literally walk into a wal mart and buy a shotgun with ammo and walk out. You do get your ID checked, but it's about the same as getting carded for booze. Texans love their guns haha

PS when buying your shotgun, don't forget a case of beer too if you want to fit in with the locals

Edited by JBURNS489

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1 minute ago, JBURNS489 said:

I grew up on the east coast, but live just north of Austin TX now. When I first moved here it blew my mind how easy it was to get a gun. You can literally walk into a wal mart and buy a shotgun with ammo and walk out. You do get your ID checked, but it's about the same as getting carded for booze. Texans love their guns haha

damn man, why don't you move ? :O 

done with the jokes, so what do you suggest as a modern country which is a little bit harder to get guns ? :D

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An Alaska map would be interesting. Would be perfect for the extreme weather clothes they talked about adding as well as possibility for big predators (i.e: Kodiak Bear)

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Those building are all just plywood mock-ups for the photographers.  That means maximum performance.  I'm sold.

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41 minutes ago, JBURNS489 said:


If a new map were to be based off Texas, you would probably get better loot from the civilian houses then you would from a military camp :D


You're thinking of Florida =P

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3 hours ago, Rags! said:




Plot Twist, there are no zombies, the civilians are just that hungry and attack you for food.  Though high end loot is a Type 58 and can of 친애하는 지도자의 최고 콩

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18 hours ago, VahidkinG(2ndAcc) said:

it's no surprise, they already said that they would make a new map, but after the product hits 1.0 and in the 5 year support which they promised. 

i for one like it to be in a modern country based on america, probably Texas, meh i dont know. i like the environment in TWD so something like that. the keyword here is being a modern country with big cities and some countries.

it's no surprise, they already said that they would make a new map, but after the product hits 1.0 and in the 5 year support  which they promised. 

i for one like it to be in a modern country based on america, probably Texas, meh i dont know. i like the environment in TWD so something like that. the keyword here is being a modern country with big cities and some countries.

you pal, have NO idea what early access/alpha etc etc. stands for in this regard.. 'they promised.' is something they can revert back within SECONDS if things don't turn out the way they 'planned' so don't get your hopes up TO high.. you might be dissapointed.. 
there was SO much stuff 'announced' for 0.60 or at least 'we should be able to do this' and guess what 'didn't happen' 

but brain.. you TOLD us  '....' 

brian hicks: did I? no I didn't ;) (smiley face)
we 'estimated' that it 'would' be possible.. turns out.. it wasn't (names list of 'blockers') so this will be 'moved' towards the 'future' patches (0.61/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9?)

long story short 'they already said' and 'which they promised' isn't something I'd bet my life on if I were you.
cause 'I promise you' they'll either post pone it.. or it won't happen AT all... 
as for 'the new map' idea... fun fantasy.. but if you put in a new map.. just make a quick list of what you would have to change..

- all the artwork/changes to all the town/wilderness area's would ALL be for nothing.. (waste of time)
- zombie path finding? (already fixed *for the most part*) would all be for nothing (waste of time)
- item spawns?             ^ same concept
- 'optimization' (one of the current blockers!) would ALL be for nothing, because 'why optimize a map that you'll toss after 1.0 release? (waste of time)
- all the animation/map design teams work would be for nothing (did I mention the 'waste of time yet?') 

SO NOPE... NOT going to happen.. and 'thats a promise'

Edited by Tigermonk

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Hypothetically speaking? 



Walled in city. All urban environment. Complete clusterfuck. 

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I want Namalsk. Like the teased shots. It works. 

Now if they don't "officially" do it, then modders will for sure.


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@IkaikaKekai The devs aren't expanding the current map but they've not, to my knowledge, ruled out releasing a completely new map. Don't be an arse.


Arizona could be cool. Hot days, probably cold nights, array of environments - deserts and forests, plus good potential for varied terrain (hills and rocks and that). A map where a proper city is the central focus could be nice - something like The Last of Us where there are trees and deer and that in the streets. People can still hunt animals and chop down trees and farm and so on, but they're in the middle of a city. I don't know if that'll ever be feasible, but it'd be pretty cool.

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@BeefBacon wasn't trying to be an ass (and on that subject, I implied he was in denial about it, and he implied I was retarded), this is his second topic trying to hype up a 'surprise' map upon DayZ Release.  I am aware they're thinking about another map and have said they'ed like to do one AFTER release, not 'Okay in celebration on hitting DayZ 1.0 we're gonna go ahead and release the London Map we were secretly working on.'  And if memory serves me right, Hicks wanted to do a more western map with a large city and some outlying wilderness/villages.  I would personally like  to see an Japan/Oahu-like map, with a densely populated urban area, some farmland and rural areas and military bases, and mountainous forest areas with another nearby island or two that while you COULD swim to, would not be advisable to try.

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Oahu would be approximately 17 times bigger than Chernarus+.  That seems a bit big for the game to handle at this time.

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