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End goal of the game? "PvP fiesta" or "gritty survival game"?

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4 hours ago, Noctoras said:

This thought has crossed my mind as well, since their "community scram", which took place with basically the DayZ PvP Streamers. The development ever since has basically consolidated this focus so far, PvE has not been seen since early 0.55 :(

Don't worry too much, the new engine improvements will pave the way for the new crafting systems, and there will finally be an appropriate medium in which to have the "Survivalist Scrum."  I was a bit put-off too, until I realized that the combat systems are already basically fleshed-out, while the survivalist mechanics are still waiting on the new engine functionality.

I should really start multiquoting more often, lol.  ^^^

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2 hours ago, emuthreat said:

We've been over this ad nauseum. //
It.  It has been conveyed to me that there *will* be official public servers for 1.0 release //
  my pertinent question was answered.  GWIZ  Thanks @SMoss.

  "upcoming changes to the server browser as well as the way servers (both official and rented) will be present and functioning in the live environment. These changes are, among other things, set in motion in order to also ensure continuity and progression."  [attributed to SMoss]


Of course there will be public hive official servers for 1.0 release - that will be the First Release of the Complete DayZ Game ( that's why it is called 1.0 ) Of course no one will start closing down the game before the Official 1.0 Release (except maybe the SPs).
Also there will be no modding before 1.0. (naturally) . So comments on events leading up to 1.0 do not relate at all to what happens when modding becomes popular (private servers). How many "official" serves are maintained - and for how long (months? years?) - in the period after 1.0 remains to be seen.

I'm discussing what can happen AFTER the 1.0 release, when the game is THEN open to Modding. That period will decide on the nature and future of the game.
After 1.0 we will see how many public server owners make the move to mods (mods must be on private serves, natch), and we will see what the SPs do about their free public ("official") servers.
AND we will see how rapidly the game fragments.
IMO probably at about the same speed as the fragmentation and the disappearance of the DayZ Mod as a rated popular game.
I hope I'm wrong. It may be that many server owners will want to keep on hiring public or unmodded private servers and therefore (must) continue with the vanilla game. Let's hope so.
A solid and popular Official DayZ SA Release, played on the public hive is the only hope for the future of this game as an AAA experience, In My Opinion.

* * *

Off Topic: (as far as I can tell)  - emuthreat you mention the response you had from SMoss - Was that when he said (your quote) :  
".. upcoming changes to the server browser as well as the way servers (both official and rented) will be present and functioning in the live environment. These changes are, among other things, set in motion in order to also ensure continuity and progression."  ( or do you mean some other statement ? )  So - there will be some changes to the way official and rented servers are present, to ensure continuity as well as progression ( i.e.some things about servers staying the same and some things changing ?)

Note: The SPs are making it clear formally that they do NOT take any action concerning "abuse" on public hive servers. Gameservers has already made this statement on it's website.


Edited by pilgrim*

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3 hours ago, igor-vk said:

If it takes you three hours to find good weapon, you will appreciate your life much more. 

I hope some one would not compare life to a game. If you need to find digital items in a game to make your life happy there is something SERIOUSLY fucking wrong with you. XD

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5 minutes ago, Deathlove said:

I hope some one would not compare life to a game. If you need to find digital items in a game to make your life happy there is something SERIOUSLY fucking wrong with you. XD

In-game life damn it!!!!!!

You would apriciate what you achived in game! No insta-gear-up on respawn.

Edited by igor-vk
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1 minute ago, igor-vk said:

In-game life damn it!!!!!!

If were comparing this to a game like Second Life than i demand in game different cup sizes for my ladies!!! >:(

That would make me appreciate "In-game" life m-uch better.

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2 hours ago, pilgrim* said:


Yup, that's what I meant.  I cant imagine a 1.0 release without official, BI hosted, public servers.  I haven't been promised,and do not want to project that there is anything promised of that nature; but I don't see how the game can release as a non-alpha title without BI having close control over what happens on their official servers.

I regard the current server provision arrangements as placeholder, with an understanding that the developers will eventually host their own vanilla servers for the 1.0 release.  This is only my impression of the things that I have read and heard.  And really, it doesn't really matter, because my plans only go as far a the next patch at any given moment until 1.0.

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On 4/6/2016 at 8:15 PM, emuthreat said:

Yup, that's what I meant.  I cant imagine a 1.0 release without official, BI hosted, public servers.  I haven't been promised,and do not want to project that there is anything promised of that nature; but I don't see how the game can release as a non-alpha title without BI having close control over what happens on their official servers.

I regard the current server provision arrangements as placeholder, with an understanding that the developers will eventually host their own vanilla servers for the 1.0 release.  This is only my impression of the things that I have read and heard.  And really, it doesn't really matter, because my plans only go as far a the next patch at any given moment until 1.0.

Lets hope that it stays normal for all of these EA, and developed sandbox, mmorpg, rpg games have official servers. Anyone pulling away from this, is killing the traditional server setup by devs in NA and followed suit europe.

I have seen a game or two already in Development EA without official servers. At-least not populated with people. That's not normal, we need to have support for the games we help fund. But after that comment made by BI, maybe steam EA funding is not a good thing anymore if Dev's feel this way about us.


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I'm excited for when weather systems work again and really hope they make their way into .60. To me, raining, the risk of hypothermia, and finding a suitable place to setup a fire to warm up is a great part of the survival aspect in this game.\

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On 06/04/2016 at 2:15 AM, emuthreat said:

Yup, that's what I meant.  I cant imagine a 1.0 release without official, BI hosted, public servers.  I haven't been promised,and do not want to project that there is anything promised of that nature; but I don't see how the game can release as a non-alpha title without BI having close control over what happens on their official servers.

I regard the current server provision arrangements as placeholder, with an understanding that the developers will eventually host their own vanilla servers for the 1.0 release.  This is only my impression of the things that I have read and heard.  And really, it doesn't really matter, because my plans only go as far a the next patch at any given moment until 1.0.

BI has never claimed or even suggested they will ever host their own servers.
How many servers do BI need to hire worldwide to "make a difference" in your opinion?
It wont happen.

Another thing for sure - If (I say "if") BI open the game to "outside" server owners to run mods, the Big Five SPs will drop the 'official' servers completely
They are looking for any excuse now - "official" servers are money down the drain as far as the SPs are concerned.


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On 4/4/2016 at 1:23 PM, igor-vk said:

Im so sad when I look at what this game looks like. It looks more like Second life. People talk in the middle of the street for half hour without fear. No one cares if he dies, they just go to low pop server and gear up in half hour. Food, clothes, weapons everywhere. Always sunny in Chernarus... Im very close to giving up on this game, the game I folow dailly since january 2014. Did I mentioned there are almost no zombies/infected? All the things that are supose to give PvE elements to game are either useles or not working. 

This could be only real survival multiplayer game on market, but I think devs took another road. I think they are pleasing all popular streamers and youtubers.  


I think you need to be more patient. The game hasn't even been released, yet. You're looking at a game where developers are allowing people to play it WHILE it's being developed. In such an arrangement, you're going to come across features that seem incomplete or unbalanced. That's what happens during a game's development. Items and features come and go, get tweaked, removed for a while, put back after tweaking, etc., etc. I personally see DayZ as one the most original games ever developed. I've played almost 600 hours of DayZ and I'm far from bored. Considering what's coming for patch .60, I am even more excited for the prospects of DayZ. But, that's just my opinion.

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On 2016-04-11 at 4:32 AM, pilgrim* said:

the Big Five SPs will drop the 'official' servers completely

They are looking for any excuse now - "official" servers are money down the drain as far as the SPs are concerned.


Oh no. :(

But why? I thought people are paying to keep even official ones online, no? Sorry, I have no clue to how the system works. My understanding was that all DayZ SA servers were being paid by someone, yes? Or no? Why would Vilayer or Fragnet or any large GSP host for free a DayZ server (30 man server)? Do they get some royalty or money out of it?

Edited by WolverineZ

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3 hours ago, vfxtodd said:

I think you need to be more patient. The game hasn't even been released, yet...... I've played almost 600 hours of DayZ and I'm far from bored. 

Bla bla bla.... How can one be patient when there wasnt real update for five months now?

I played 969 hours, not minute since mid january. If .60 doest bring other stuff beside new render I`ll delete dayz.

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4 hours ago, WolverineZ said:

 Sorry, I have no clue to how the system works.

No - the Server Providers get no money (zero) out of providing "official" servers  - they pay for the "official" servers totally out of their own pockets.

BI do not run the "official" servers. BI do not run, or hire, or moderate, or own, any servers on your list of DayZ servers at all, public or private or "official".

Since persistence came in, the idea of "official" servers has become a lot more obscure. And pretty messy too.

I'll find you a link.

There are plenty - I've written about a hundred million words on this "server" topic and related "server" topics and Rules and and and and . I don't blame you for being a newcomer, and NO Insult intended dude..
But excuse me I'm just going to hang myself.

Enjoy..xx Pilgrim



___________________________________________________________________   <<  = THE HELPY HELPERS: FOR MERCY OR MAYHEM  >>
Play on an honest public hive server.   Enjoy

Edited by pilgrim*
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1 hour ago, pilgrim* said:

No - the Server Providers get no money (zero) out of providing "official" servers  - they pay for the "official" servers totally out of their own pockets.

BI do not run the "official" servers. BI do not run, or hire, or moderate, or own, any servers on your list of DayZ servers at all, public or private or "official".

Since persistence came in, the idea of "official" servers has become a lot more obscure. And pretty messy too.

I'll find you a link.

There are plenty - I've written about a hundred million words on this "server" topic and related "server" topics and Rules and and and and . I don't blame you for being a newcomer, and NO Insult intended dude..
But excuse me I'm just going to hang myself.

Enjoy..xx Pilgrim



___________________________________________________________________   <<  = THE HELPY HELPERS: FOR MERCY OR MAYHEM  >>
Play on an honest public hive server.   Enjoy

Sorry about not knowing a lot. All I do is just play the game, come to this forum (when it was accessible a year ago or so), but then I got locked out (I think I lost my password, or the server was just offline due to massive long-term maintenance?), so I joined reddit last year, but man, those guys just downvote the living shit out of any honest opinion or question. I was finally able to get back into this forum (I guess by sheer luck?), but I can't find the 'Bug Report' button.

Thanks for your help.

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28 minutes ago, WolverineZ said:

-snip- so I joined reddit last year, but man, those guys just downvote the living shit out of any honest opinion or question. I was finally able to get back into this forum (I guess by sheer luck?), but I can't find the 'Bug Report' button.

Thanks for your help.

Yeah, reddit is a piss poor community when it comes to DayZ.

Currently the Bug Tracker is down but there is a replacement being installed soon.

If you care enough about the development of DayZ and want to contribute as best as possible to the discussion here it would be important to go back and read as many past status reports as you can stand to read.



Edited by ☣BioHaze☣
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2 hours ago, WolverineZ said:

 I joined reddit last year, but man, those guys just downvote the living shit out of any honest opinion or questio

Yes - never go to reddit (unless you're really stuck for sick laffs) - This forum is the real place to be - there is a lot of info, and many players with specialties and their own styles of play, and some experts on different subjects, you can find most what you want to know, people will usually answer your questions in detail, and point you in the right way, There are plenty of help topics, and tips and guides and warnings ,and stories, ideas, suggestions.. but the MAIN thing is that the real DayZ players are HERE..
Nearly totally all these people do care, and they may argue sometimes (or often) and can disagree strongly, but it that because they PLAY and know Dayz. They are definitely not here because they have nothing better to do except diss for an hour before bedtime.. So this is not a fanboy site and it's not a flame site.. (even if there is some of both).
- the bottom line is this is the REAL DayZ site.. =  Place to be


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