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Where is 0.60?

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I seriously hope i dont offend too many people by posting this. JUST A PRANK!


Edited by Zimorak
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1 hour ago, Zimorak said:


I seriously hope i dont offend too many people by posting this. JUST A PRANK!


You dumbass, my blood shot to the head and I rushed to open Steam and download experimental ;) don't you do that again, man! Good, good though - it shows we are desperate for a release. 

I do agree with most that communication is shit and a bunch of announcements that mean nothing, absolutely nothing. When Hicks says February it means absolutely nothing, so he might as well not say anything. Why would they never allow themselves to say something like "end of February or in March", instead of saying "end of February, most likely!" On the other hand a team isn't one man and announcements are difficult. But with something as big as the renderer, you'd think things are different. We still believe it, because we want to, but we should know better. I'd rather not hear anything and be surprised about the release than hear a lot of wrong stuff and still be surprised about the release.

Through the whole last year, I waited for the renderer, expecting it to be ready. Pretty much the same goes for the new character controller and zombie-ai. WHY isn't this stuff getting done faster and seen in the game, yet? I have no sympathy for announcing features, then pretty much keeping quiet about them then, making another big announcement and repeatedly missing all dates and oportunities for a release. This is how the development presents itself: missing each and every goal they set out to get and missing each and every date for release they announced. And yet they reach their goals, just never on schedule; on the outside things look worse than they are - these are competent developers, they are just lagging badly ^^

And the worst thing for me is we never know what the problem is. I piece together why there is a delay with info from reddit and the forums and comments, instead of getting the news from the actual devs. I'll never understand why it is such a problem for them to get on Twitter and write a line about why they are late with a big release. And surely this could be done in advance and not always after they miss their estimated release date. 

I do expect them to go back to weekly or bi-weekly updates, once 0.60 releases. After all, one of the reasons for the long delay with patches is that they were working with an unfinished engine, which could not be balancing all the different systems in the game. Now there is no excuse why not to bring it all in. As rendertimes improved, there should be room for the new AI, particles, etc. And they made these systems ready during the past years and just need to integrate them with the current patch. So once 0.60 passes, I expect updates at a bi-weekly pace, until character controller etc. are all integrated. This will also have to happen, if they want any shot at releasing close to the estimated Beta release Date (which would be around April). We can't force the devs to work harder, but I honestly think they should at this point. It's the final stretch and they are lumping around like they'd rather not win the race by finishing the game.  



Edited by S3V3N
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2 hours ago, Zimorak said:


I seriously hope i dont offend too many people by posting this. JUST A PRANK!


Asshole!!!  :)

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On 2/25/2016 at 1:48 AM, ColdAtrophy said:

If .60 had actually been pushed to Experimental when Bohemia predicted, it would have been unprecedented. The only legitimate criticism I can think of for BI and development of this game is that they are absolutely awful at projecting completion of a part of the project and actually meeting that deadline. When they said end of February, most of us automatically added 4-8 weeks subconsciously I think.

Yeah, that's what I do :D "Update coming next week" is what I'm translating into "Update coming next month" automatically. Nothing against it, just the way one learns to interpret BI/DayZ developers.

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38 minutes ago, sneakydude said:

Silence please, no more speaking devs i cant handle all this talk! silence!!


"I understand by the transcendental idealism of all appearances the doctrine that they are all together to be regarded as mere representations and not things in themselves, and accordingly that time and space are only sensible forms of our intuition, but not determinations given for themselves or conditions of objects as things in themselves. To this idealism is opposed transcendental realism, which regards space and time as something given in themselves (independent of our sensibility)." Kant [Critique of Pure Reason] 1781


Great, sneakydude - now that you have discovered you actually exist, can you make it back to the topic?



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And that prank was not funny - we`ve been waiting for that patch for too long. Besides, I miss experimental..

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war reporter stop it....


Whats up with the name changes?

Thread is dead, rehashed nothing left to discuss, never was anything to discuss. It will be released when released, but the silence is killing me.

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6 hours ago, S3V3N said:

You dumbass, my blood shot to the head and I rushed to open Steam and download experimental ;) don't you do that again, man! Good, good though - it shows we are desperate for a release. 

You're damn right i'm desperate for a release, although when it gets here, we'll have it. Until then, you're all fair game >:D

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The problem is not three years working on the game but three years destroyed! when working on the engine for more than three years is a game should come out now in the Alpha version of the new engine. And why should they hurry? They made the people of rams You could read the work schedule, the beta version will come out at the end of 2015 year.People bought with the idea that as soon itself will play in the full version. I read that sold several million Early Alpha, now please count the cost of what they have earned if it was 25-30 euros for one Early Access they earn several milion euros, 90% games earn that money after full version Released! That why they dont need work fast they have money.People still buy no matter that game will be release next year, in two years or five years. Bohemia knows that earn even more money and now they have done so that you do not need to rush is normal.If somebody play with first Bohemia Game. Operation Flashpoint they know this map for DayZ Standalone is for that game! Only better graphics and tweak a little different arrangement of buildings. I played lots of hours in Operation Flashpoint I am really sure this map is very similar. Yes Operation Flashpoint was release in 2001 if you dont believe me just check this game screens http://www.gry-online.pl/S055.asp?ID=1220  any more questions?

Edited by rafap

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Last information I heard from the devs was that there will come a patch on February. Did they updated the information or did they apoligize the delay?

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They take it easy there,dont give a damn about deadline anymore xD Rule nr1 about dayz devs,Dont trust their words.! 0.60 will come end of march or in april,maybe next year.

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I feel like their are only two responses (maybe three): resignation, rage and acceptance. After all, the "accepting" people are logically right. It's just that, for example, I started work again today and had hoped to put in a few sessions of hardcore 0.60 before that. This almost always happens with updates. I paint beautiful pictures in my head about going on the hunt with my friends and then the patches get delayed. It's impossible to plan for Dayz at this time. We can play it as it is and be supersurprised about updates, because there is no other way. To me it just feels like the development should pick up its pace more now; things should be coming together soon after the renderer release; another reason to be excited! There was a long desperate time of patches and waiting for patches during 2015 and only towards the end of the year things turned out right. I hope for fewer experiments this year and a swifter release of overdue features. The renderer is something massively important to that process, so it's only natural we are sizzling with anticipation.

What I'm often worried about is why even I myself can't phrase things less emotionally and with more patience for the developer. This here is basically a complete engine overhaul, which they probably have prepared as well as possible, but which still can go wrong in many different ways. I'm expecting them to get rid of redundant data, too. So despite more content, future patches and the full game could actually be smaller than now.

Only thing I wish for is that there is a continuity of releases/patches and a flow of information. For example, if it is obvious the patch can't be released in February, where is the harm in posting a quick news update a couple days early, instead of a week too late? I know it was always said that we'll get the patch in February "unless something goes wrong" - but something can always happen. They announced they want to give us more insight into the development with weekly (I believe) videos. Maybe that will help answer some questions, but I'd also like to get informed about problems and delays as much as possible. 

Edited by S3V3N

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Reddit shows dev update status today i believe.

46 minutes ago, S3V3N said:

Only thing I wish for is that there is a continuity of releases/patches and a flow of information.

This has to change, and if it doesn't start happening after .60 by all means gawd help the team.

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At least we have things like the pictures below to look forward to.



Dynamic Zombie Spawning:


Weapons with random attachments:


Night time in Chernarus on new renderer:



Edited by LordBlackwolf

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1 hour ago, sneakydude said:

Reddit shows dev update status today i believe.

This has to change, and if it doesn't start happening after .60 by all means gawd help the team.

Uhhh, we get that already. lol Well, albeit a little slower.

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On 2/29/2016 at 4:39 AM, S3V3N said:

(which would be around April)


You better take that theory further to the end of the year instead of April. Best not to get your hopes up so high right now until solid evidence of progress is physically in our hands.

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Yeah I've had a few arguments with streamers who were guaranteeing me Beta by beginning of 2016 and a PS4 version out this Summer since last Summer (You know who you are!). I think as a result of the little actual information joined with a lot of hypotheses, unresearched assumptions and boredom has led to massive propagation of disinformation. The reality is unless 0.60 is an unprecedented, game-changing patch with more features and additions than ever suspected or announced, the end of the year should be our best hope for a working release, maybe even first half of 2017 if delays continue as normal.

My little information founded hypotheses based on very basic logic-deduced assumptions is that at E3 2016 we will be given a release date of late Autumn/early-Winter because that will maximise revenue by launching for Christmas/Holidays market and marketing potential by giving a fairly optimum 3-5 months pre-orders/hype. Until then whether it's patch 0.60 or 0.9999B is pretty irrelevant, something the developers themselves have alluded to previously.

Edited by Konfucious K

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Question: Where is 0.60

Answer: In the hands of the developers.

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1 hour ago, Konfucious K said:

Yeah I've had a few arguments with streamers who were guaranteeing me Beta by beginning of 2016 and a PS4 version out this Summer since last Summer (You know who you are!). I think as a result of the little actual information joined with a lot of hypotheses, unresearched assumptions and boredom has led to massive propagation of disinformation. The reality is unless 0.60 is an unprecedented, game-changing patch with more features and additions than ever suspected or announced, the end of the year should be our best hope for a working release, maybe even first half of 2017 if delays continue as normal.

My little information founded hypotheses based on very basic logic-deduced assumptions is that at E3 2016 we will be given a release date of late Autumn/early-Winter because that will maximise revenue by launching for Christmas/Holidays market and marketing potential by giving a fairly optimum 3-5 months pre-orders/hype. Until then whether it's patch 0.60 or 0.9999B is pretty irrelevant, something the developers themselves have alluded to previously.


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16 hours ago, Buakaw said:

ye I'm glad we finally aren't colorblind at night anymore

reminds me of this pic from ages ago http://imgur.com/mBziYT5

I imagine if modders with talent can get access to the correct files/resources, we could very well see that implemented.

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