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Bandit or Hero?

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Hey guys im big fan to DayZ and i play the game evry day but before 2 days i was bandit and just kill on sight. But now i watch some videos and kinda confused shoud i be "friendly" and be hero but die alot or bandit like before days?

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Survive how you can. This is the apocalypse. Sometimes killing is necessary. . But I will say that the game is infinitely enriched by helping others and then obtaining their friendship.


It's up to you. .


War never changes :)

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It's up to you man. You are the one who makes up your adventure. Don't let others dictate that.

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It's the only fun thing to do these days anyway. Survival is laughably easy...guns and ammunition are so prevalent all over the place that people are just begging to catch some serious doses of lead poisoning. Hopefully guns and ammo and food and survival in general will get much tougher soon so that deathmatch and target practice won't be literally the only things in this game that I find any semblance of challenge of thrill from.

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Thanks to evryone i decide to be hero and i meet a guy i got his steam and now im on his squad with other 5 ppl . really the hero life is amazing

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 Hopefully guns and ammo and food and survival in general will get much tougher soon so that deathmatch and target practice won't be literally the only things in this game that I find any semblance of challenge of thrill from.


Yeah- because this entire franchise depends on what you give a fuck about. 


Give us all a break.

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Yeah- because this entire franchise depends on what you give a fuck about. 


Give us all a break.


That's not a very Canadian thing to say, snowflake.

Edited by Rags

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Me and my group do enjoy a lot trying to approach ppl and make contact. Then depending on how things turn out we let them go or execute them. I thnk it's a bit more challenging to approach someone and survive the encounter unter then to kill them from a distance as soon as we see them. Approaching people could lead to some hilarious moment that killing on sight won't give you. Thats my take on it, i don't expect ppl to play the same way.

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All depends on the situation.

Not a big fan of the Hero or Bandit simplification that's popular, sometimes resetting someone isn't really about taking what they have. Sometimes it's just a matter of your objective or safety.

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Problem is that when you are friendly in 99% that mean you will be dead. Why? Is easy when you meet people in game and they see you have good equipment they don't want spend time to looking that equipment is easy to take what you have. Always remember real friends in this game are friends from your Steam. Never trust any people who meet in game of course you can talk with him but if he want join to you say no! or say to him you have few second to escape from this place if not you must kill him. Sorry but this is simple I was kill too many times when trust people in game they want make PVP and after 10-15 minutes kill you shot in your back or something like that. Remember good PVP is when you play with your good friends not people meet in the game. You dont need kill all if they are good for you but if you see he have gun in hand and not hide is mean he is ready to shot you.

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Yeah, being friendly and nice gets you killed in DayZ and in trouble in real life, but equally as with anything, the greater the risk the greater the reward. Picking loot up can hardly be considered enriching at this point so meeting interesting characters and getting into paranoia fuelled stand-offs is great fun until we get wolves to run away from. Then I won't need your human contact any more.

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9 hours ago, rafap said:

Problem is that when you are friendly in 99% that mean you will be dead. Why? Is easy when you meet people in game and they see you have good equipment they don't want spend time to looking that equipment is easy to take what you have. Always remember real friends in this game are friends from your Steam. Never trust any people who meet in game of course you can talk with him but if he want join to you say no! or say to him you have few second to escape from this place if not you must kill him. Sorry but this is simple I was kill too many times when trust people in game they want make PVP and after 10-15 minutes kill you shot in your back or something like that. Remember good PVP is when you play with your good friends not people meet in the game. You dont need kill all if they are good for you but if you see he have gun in hand and not hide is mean he is ready to shot you.

No you are wrong. The best times you have is when you meet some random guy, talk for a bit then go along and end up some gunfight. Who cares if you get shot now and then, its the point of the game. Kiling people for no reason is stupid. Maybe if gear get Ultra-rare it might become valid to actually kill someone for it but as it is now its just dumb to go after people for their gear.  I've had people chase me through several towns just to get my jacket or backpack when they could just've gone into those towns and found it there. They probably do it just for something to do though but its super-stupid to do so, especially when I just lead them to a dock and jump in.

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I try to be friendly. More of a survivor. I won't go too far out of my way to be a hero - if someone is down and they couldn't make the hospital I'll help them but I'm not about to walk for an hour and then back an hour to help them. Sure, this means the idiot on sniper hill or basically anybody in town is probably going to be a prick and KoS because morality and such hasn't been implemented at all.. IRL I'd probably go on a zombie killing spree but I'd leave people to survive / leave them to their own devices. If someone is geared up or looks hostile I might shoot them in the leg or something, get whatever I need done and drop a morphine stick nearby on my way out. There are ways of doing things that don't revolve around KoS :/

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On 28/02/2016 at 6:59 PM, Killawife said:

No you are wrong. The best times you have is when you meet some random guy, talk for a bit then go along and end up some gunfight. Who cares if you get shot now and then, its the point of the game. Kiling people for no reason is stupid. Maybe if gear get Ultra-rare it might become valid to actually kill someone for it but as it is now its just dumb to go after people for their gear.  I've had people chase me through several towns just to get my jacket or backpack when they could just've gone into those towns and found it there. They probably do it just for something to do though but its super-stupid to do so, especially when I just lead them to a dock and jump in.

No i am not wrong everybody say that just on forum but is different that what all people write on the forum and different that what they do in the game i play and i see sorry! i cant believe what do you write here.

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5 hours ago, rafap said:

No i am not wrong everybody say that just on forum but is different that what all people write on the forum and different that what they do in the game i play and i see sorry! i cant believe what do you write here.

You are still wrong but hey, do what you like. if you want to ruin the game for yourself and everybody else, do so. I get killed every day by people going "Get rekt nub" or something similar but its just meaningless and not particularly interesting in any way. If I get a spawn nearby I run to these people to try and get an explanation to why they would kill a lone player with no gear outnumbered four to one. I never get an explanation. Then I respawn somewhere else and go on playing. I DO understand that its fun to shoot your guns and I DO understand that murdering bandits roaming the world of chernarus creates tension but some people just seem to be cretins.

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The thing is, if you are careful and lucky enough too and get geared up, it is extremely difficult to trust just anyone you meet. I tend to play a lot more friendly at the starting hours of the game. What I love though, is getting into really challenging situations and fights. And for that the friendly approach is simply more interesting; though it also means you don't shoot at everyone and get fewer kills. If you find yourself in a gunfight, because it's close quarters or you both saw each other same time that's fair game. But I'm sometimes just stalking people for a bit to see what they are doing. Often I leave them alone, other times I try to talk a little and find out what they are about. Last time I did that with two people, who were hiding inside a police station, the situation turned into a clusterfuck of four groups shooting each other. It happened so suddenly and that's really fun to play and watch. It's nice to feel safe, big gun and best gear, but I keep a cartent with clothes for our group of 3, so we can change into something less attractive and take small arms or cheap rifles. When we go for airfield looting, we adapt our outfits and gear up. 

Of course I have my preferences in play-style, probably coined by my mod experiences and loving to play coop and fool around long before that. I shot a lot of people in Dayz and sometimes wrongfully. It's a game all about making decisions and you can't always be right. You can however try out different things. I like my camp approach, and they usually last quite long, once you find a good spot. Cartents are really good to hide. Here are some pics of our camp:









Edited by S3V3N

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I understand the "fear" of others players. The distrust that is kind of endemic among human beings I guess. Perhaps the game replicates human "nature" a little too accurately at times.

I was on the other day, just going about business I suppose. I'm a lone wolf mostly, and I usually try and keep clear of areas where I know there will be lots of players. Anyway, I'd just collected water and was moving across a fairly well known hill with a landmark on it inland when I decided to stop for an "ears open" break. I do that often. Just stop and listen. You have to when you are alone. Then, after a few minutes of just crouching there in the bushes, as luck would have it, I suddenly spotted a figure, quite by accident, moving across the landscape from my right about 600-700 metres away. As I was in an elevated position, it was fairly easy to see him. I quickly pulled out my bins and zoomed in on a player, happily making his way across an open field heading north, probably for NWA. I zeroed my rifle in on the figure and tracked him for a few seconds. My breathing was flat calm as I led the figure perfectly in the crosshair of the scope. The figure was within range of the weapon in my hand. I could have ended his journey there and then. My mind said "fire".

But I didn't fire. Something prevented me from pulling the virtual trigger. I relaxed my aim, and watched for another 10 seconds or so, as the figure crested the rise opposite me and disappeared into the tree line. See, that's what makes this game so different. The player was no threat to me. He had gear which, like me, he'd probably worked hard to get. He was oblivious to my presence. He didn't deserve to have his character die like that in the virtual world of Dayz.

And you know what? Am I proud to say I DIDN'T kill another player? You bet I am.





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It happens quite a lot to me, someone running by not seeing me, especially on 1pp servers. People aren't always that observant. Then again, I often get shot dead without seeing or hearing a thing.

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The way to survive in DayZ is to not assume everyone is a bandit, but to be able to judge peoples honesty, in my opinion.


I won't lie, I'm no hero or bandit. If I see something someone has that I want, I'll try to take it. If someone needs my help and I'm not on the clock, I'll lend a cautious and observant hand.

But in the end if it's not for my best interest (which is most appeasing to me), then it better make me feel like a nice person inside. Either way, I'm getting something from my actions.

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On 1/7/2016 at 3:15 PM, cornflakesx said:

Hey guys im big fan to DayZ and i play the game evry day but before 2 days i was bandit and just kill on sight. But now i watch some videos and kinda confused shoud i be "friendly" and be hero but die alot or bandit like before days?

Be a hero, it makes oneself fell good besides we dont have enough of them.


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The thing with such open world games, with so little to do in them, is repetition gets dull. Spawn, loot, gear up, die. That seems to sum up Dayz in a nutshell. So people tend to just play it like it was a COD style game. Run and gun with no real objective. Some use the open world, to create a story. Fill the void the lack of gameplay brings. Some may be more "in character" than others, but these are the people that are trying to give Dayz some life. 

I believe, that when the zombie population greatly increases, ammo will be too valuable to waste on other players and co-operation will be a much desired commodity. But until then, things are not going to differ much, though I would like to see people respect the no KoS servers more. If you want to do that, do it on a server that is fine with it. Where people expect it. I personally prefer to have some interaction before dying. Last time I didn't even get to finish saying "Are you friendly?" before I was bludgeoned to death. It was a very disappointing death. Personally, I would rather die from a maniac wearing nothing but a nurses outfit, shoes and a welding mask, brandishing a chainsaw chasing me down than a random bullet by a sniper 700 meters away.

So what if you die getting double crossed. Who cares if that fully kitted Mosin is gone. You can always get that stuff back. If you view "getting geared" as the objective of the game then why not enjoy the journey, meet new people and some interesting characters. After all, that person in your sights could become your best friend, or a crazed cannibal on the hunt for his next meal. But if you pull that trigger you will never know. Life always throws you "what if" moments. Take the dare and go for it.

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Interesting to see what other players definition of a bandit is. Obviously, being in the act of robbing or killing another player is proof enough but by then too late. Raised or carrying weapon? Covered face? Acting suspiciously? All of these things, and many more, while not in themselves proof of banditry, can get you shot.

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The terminology for character types is broken within the majority of the community.

A bandit robs people, usually armed, but almost never murders the people they rob unless they encounter resistance.



a robber or outlaw belonging to a gang and typically operating in an isolated or lawless area.

"the bandit produced a weapon and demanded money"


People who KoS or stalk to kill purely for the fap/grief of it, and maybe some gear that will be wiped, are just murderers.

There are also heroes, medics, traders, horders, mountain men, zombie killers, and many more roles you can try.

It would be nice if we all used logically defined terminology to communicate because until we do people will make arguments based on differing definitions.

As game elements change, more roles will open up, and we will likely see people adopting more varied play styles as well.

Edited by ☣BioHaze☣

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