insaneroy 3 Posted December 10, 2015 P2W? How so?Try reading all the post before replying. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SMoss 2101 Posted December 10, 2015 So you tell me how pre-buying a custom loadout of gear, food, weapons, ammo and vehicles doesn't disadvantage the non-paying plebs spawning in with a match and a wet lettuce leaf?Please read previous posts in this topic or the set of rules provided via the link to our website. A custom loadout of gear, food, weapons, ammo and vehicles would affect gameplay and would not be allowed to be issued out to players.Try reading all the post before replying.Yep, I'd say likewise. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlphaDogMeat . 493 Posted December 10, 2015 Please read previous posts in this topic or the set of rules provided via the link to our website. A custom loadout of gear, food, weapons, ammo and vehicles would affect gameplay and would not be allowed to be issued out to players. So what, exactly, would comprise a custom loadout that is both worth paying for and not capable of affecting gameplay? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
philippj 103 Posted December 10, 2015 Please read previous posts in this topic or the set of rules provided via the link to our website. A custom loadout of gear, food, weapons, ammo and vehicles would affect gameplay and would not be allowed to be issued out to players.Yep, I'd say likewise. You stated out that 'optical' things were allowed to be monetized, so will the server owners be able to let users joining the servers force to download specific content that the player can pay for. How much can we access the resources of the game, to be able to edit the KI or generally the bahavior of animals and infected, for example? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
q.S Sachiel 470 Posted December 10, 2015 (edited) So what, exactly, would comprise a custom loadout that is both worth paying for and not capable of affecting gameplay? From the wording of the document listed, BI reserves the right to accept or deny monetisation based on the proposed method and system of the private shard owner, and the use of the monetisation method is only allowed where approval is given. (my words from interpretation). The system is new, which means they're investigating the possibilities. That and they've stated that they only need accept not blatantly lay out a ruleset. It's obviously a young, yet evolving system so maybe pitch a few suggestions?edit: as below, if it's purely for argument/discussions sake (i.e: pure hypothetical) and there's nothing behind it in the way of your being a server owner or modder, then the response may be less concrete indeed.___Nothing specifically against the low-posters, but several already in this post coming out of the woodwork with some knee-jerk and possibly aggressive responses.Lets keep this out of the graveyard, only 2 pages in. @freak: You stated out that 'optical' things were allowed to be monetized, so will the server owners be able to let users joining the servers force to download specific content that the player can pay for. How much can we access the resources of the game, to be able to edit the KI or generally the bahavior of animals and infected, for example? Again it is open wording, but dot point 1 suggests this may be allowed, however the term "Limiting access to only paying players is allowed." is not specific on whether this limiting access is to the server or to the cosmetic object, specifically. Again, i don't represent BI, just my 2c. Edited December 10, 2015 by q.S Sachiel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SMoss 2101 Posted December 10, 2015 So what, exactly, would comprise a custom loadout that is both worth paying for and not capable of affecting gameplay?Let's see what modders and/or server hosts come up with. As to what in the future would be worth paying for, well, that would be entirely up to you as the player. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlphaDogMeat . 493 Posted December 10, 2015 Let's see what modders and/or server hosts come up with. As to what in the future would be worth paying for, well, that would be entirely up to you as the player. Don't be so coy. You obviously have a clear idea of what you won't allow so what's left? Custom food labels? More soda flavours? And do you plan to use the "self-policing" model of allowing GSPs to make the choice to sever the feeds to revenue-generating server renters who transgress these rules (that you haven't written yet) that has proven so successful in the past? Just curious. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SMoss 2101 Posted December 10, 2015 Don't be so coy. You obviously have a clear idea of what you won't allow so what's left? Custom food labels? More soda flavours?And do you plan to use the "self-policing" model of allowing GSPs to make the choice to sever the feeds to revenue-generating server renters who transgress these rules (that you haven't written yet) that has proven so successful in the past?Just curious.That's true, we have a clear idea of what we won't allow, the rest will be up to the server hosts to decide. As to "self-policing"; yes, both from their side as well as ours. Also, don't be shy to report hosts that choose to go beyond the rules. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted December 10, 2015 Hello there I too am generally "against" monetization but if one bothers to actually look into what BI are/will be doing there is little to no P2W and there are built in safeguards to stop/deter exploitation. The worst I can imagine is a shirt with a clan logo on it, yes it might protect one against exposure but its hardly P2W. Dont forget that the legit servers will have to be approved and any other servers exploiting the system will be dealt with. I think there's too much "knee jerk" hate and not enough comprehension on this issue. Rdgs LoK 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mercules 1290 Posted December 10, 2015 So what, exactly, would comprise a custom loadout that is both worth paying for and not capable of affecting gameplay? If you look back at what I stated might be legit was something like a custom armband with a certain color or pattern on it that your clan spawns with. BARELY effects gameplay but is pretty nice to have. Which, of course is pretty much the same idea Orlock had of an example. The worst I can imagine is a shirt with a clan logo on it, yes it might protect one against exposure but its hardly P2W. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlphaDogMeat . 493 Posted December 10, 2015 I think there's too much "knee jerk" hate and not enough comprehension on this issue. I think you're confusing the word "hate" with the expression "past experience of game companies gouging players for worthless content" but hey, go ahead with your "knee-jerk" hate of disagreement. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted December 10, 2015 I think you're confusing the word "hate" with the expression "past experience of game companies gouging players for worthless content" but hey, go ahead with your "knee-jerk" hate of disagreement.You *know* exactly what I mean. behave and get back on topic. L Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sneakydudes 278 Posted December 11, 2015 Wow i don't think half of you have an understanding of what BI has done here. Or have an understanding of how modding works. I have a server and i list on my website custom features for donators. The rest have standard things.The money goes towards the server, hardware and features. Its a costly thing to host your own server. $5 bucks donations, gets you a special load out. But this has nothing to do with anything. Its up to the server ops to make it fair, and charge for the server appropriately. They dont want to lose people either, so they devise a plan to make it fair for both at the same time keeping its "Cheap" "Ass" player base. Pardon my french. If i have custom scripts running and i charge for a "closed" server not open to the public should i not be entitled to paying for the hardware in some fashion? We also haven't gotten to the final phase of it all. Do any of you with these negative views ever play arma?? because we have those rights there too. Exile is one sandbox mod, with hundreds of servers, custom loadouts if you donate or special gear. It has no bearing on anyone by that server. So why do you care? if i ask for donations or charge to enter my server. Its not like you can carry away your items and jump to another server. Mods are mods, it helps the community grow. Arma 3 has a huge fan base, and most are developing some amazing mods for free.Charges only really apply to the server costs. Nobody makes money from it, only dayz did in the end. Public, and private hives are totally different. Custom servers are totally different. I need to come up with 150 dollars tomorrow to get a private hive, are you willing to help me? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SMoss 2101 Posted December 11, 2015 I think you're confusing the word "hate" with the expression "past experience of game companies gouging players for worthless content" but hey, go ahead with your "knee-jerk" hate of disagreement.It is somewhat simple though; if you think the items are worthless, obviously you shouldn't and wouldn't have to donate. At the same time, don't expect a "free ride" in terms of playtime on those particular servers where server hosts pay money to rent them. Also, I have to stress here that we are not gouging players for worthless content. The donations will go to the server hosts, not BI. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sneakydudes 278 Posted December 11, 2015 It is somewhat simple though; if you think the items are worthless, obviously you shouldn't and wouldn't have to donate. At the same time, don't expect a "free ride" in terms of playtime on those particular servers where server hosts pay money to rent them. Also, I have to stress here that we are not gouging players for worthless content. The donations will go to the server hosts, not BI.That is one of the best things said, thanks SMoss. I totally agree with this. The "free ride" sometimes gets out of hand. Clans don't even donate to one another too, it gets out of hand there too. Paying for servers are so expensive to maintain. The only time i would expect people to pay, is if they basically ask for services. Like TS, Server rentals, web hosting, etc.I and many others have said this for the last year or longer. Step up and donate to help servers operate. This intern helps Dayz player base grow. This had to be done, in terms of keeping player base high. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sausagekingofchicago 4711 Posted December 11, 2015 If anything, the biggest disappointment I have with this system is the likely increase in scummy mod "makers" like the Origin folks. At best it will cause modders and map makers to be far more protective of their code and assets. We'll just have to wait and see how BI handles the monetization of stolen assets and code that will definitely occur. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weyland Yutani (DayZ) 1159 Posted December 11, 2015 (edited) A custom loadout of gear, food, weapons, ammo and vehicles would affect gameplay and would not be allowed to be issued out to players.I would like to know where the line is drawn internally. What about a custom loadout of 1 weapon and some ammo? In the mod there was a very big stink made over players spawning with a Makarov and 6 mags (pre 1.7.1...or was it 2 mags?) as I'm sure you remember. Spawning with a weapon in DayZ is a very taboo subject and is very much looked at as a P2W model. Edited December 11, 2015 by Weyland Yutani Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SMoss 2101 Posted December 11, 2015 I would like to know where the line is drawn internally. What about a custom loadout of 1 weapon and some ammo? In the mod there was a very big stink made over players spawning with a Makarov and 6 mags (pre 1.7.1...or was it 2 mags?) as I'm sure you remember. Spawning with a weapon in DayZ is a very taboo subject and is very much looked at as a P2W model.Seems like a loadout that would affect gameplay if non-paying players do not receive the same, no? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
St. Jimmy 1631 Posted December 11, 2015 If you're running this kind of a server I believe you can't run any custom content in it that isn't made by you or the content maker doesn't allow usage in any monetized server.So server can't basically run any custom island, weapons, skins or any kind of other mods that aren't made by the hoster or by friends of the host. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xCAPx 349 Posted December 11, 2015 I don't think there are items which not affecting the gameplay. Every item affects the gameplay, especially in DayZ. Yes some more, some less but over all I don't like it. I hope there will always be some vanilla public and private servers (1pp and 3pp) hosted by BI, otherwise the vanilla game will die... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
q.S Sachiel 470 Posted December 11, 2015 I don't think there are items which not affecting the gameplay. Every item affects the gameplay, especially in DayZ. Yes some more, some less but over all I don't like it.I hope there will always be some vanilla public and private servers (1pp and 3pp) hosted by BI, otherwise the vanilla game will die...Yeah, i'm hoping that BI and the 3p server hosts maintain their 'obligation' to provide vanilla experience. And i believe though the wording may not say it explicitly, that affecting gameplay means in an unfair manner. Like 'Lok said, having a clan shirt will protect you from the elements and may have a slight stat maybe to protect against rain, but have extra heat generation to compensate or something... looks like it will be case by case, and i'm sure everyone can agree that having a clan branded cap is very different from being given 3frag grenades, an M4 and 60 round mags on donation. It's just expecting people to be fair and just and reasonable, but BI needs to accept your proposal anyway, and will hopefully enforce it from both their end and the host's end for both ongoing oversight on allowed servers, and preventing non-allowed servers from doing unfair or 'illegal' things if they haven't been given acceptance. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lipemr 160 Posted December 11, 2015 Well, they already had rules prohibiting monetization on ArmA 2 DayZ mod, yet ALL of the servers out there sell items for money. There's just way too much servers for you to handle, the game will just end up like the mod, and eventually will die, cause people just cant stand P2W on the long term. GG DayZ, will probably die before release. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
q.S Sachiel 470 Posted December 11, 2015 If there are sufficient servers available providing a vanilla experience, and sufficient private servers which provide a near-to or vanilla experience (can't rely on this as private) then all this fearmongering and witchhunt finger pointing is a non-issue. Like SMoss said, it's up to the potential customer/consumer to decide whether a server or product is worth consuming. But that's only valid if the substitutes are available (ie: vanilla or near-vanilla) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weyland Yutani (DayZ) 1159 Posted December 11, 2015 Seems like a loadout that would affect gameplay if non-paying players do not receive the same, no?Yes it would and I thank you muchly for your response. Sorry for being a pest, its just topics of this nature need microscopic details as certain communities will look to exploit the system for profit. I wouldn't mind seeing some sort of document from BI that goes into complete detail at some point. Thanks again! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SMoss 2101 Posted December 11, 2015 Yes it would and I thank you muchly for your response. Sorry for being a pest, its just topics of this nature need microscopic details as certain communities will look to exploit the system for profit. I wouldn't mind seeing some sort of document from BI that goes into complete detail at some point. Thanks again!Ah, it's no trouble at all. Basically, as long as items do not skew the balance between donating and non-donating players on your server, you're golden. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites