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Players dwindling

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Dev updates have been a lot of fluff lately. Not getting anyone excited. It's been the same old thing for almost 3 months now. The time I played on experimental was a disappointment (mostly because of the poor zombie AI). As for Novembers decline - I would assume Fallout's release has something to do with it as well.


Once .59 is released we'll get a good sense of actual player base, I think.

Edited by Ajinn

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The decline is steady if it was due to other games you'd see a sudden sharp decline not this. DayZ is slowly dying plain and simple. To little change, to much bugs, not enough intrest. The only way for DayZ to get back on its feet is for the devs to put in some serious game mechanics such as vehicles and bases and to allow player made servers/modding.

Edited by Massacre
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After getting on for 3000 hours in game over the past 18 months, I'm very sorry to say that things are looking really bad. I have absolutely no desire to play any more - nor do any of the friends I've made in game. The lag, the bugs, and most of all the increasing gap between the positive spin from BI and the actuality of playing it - they've all just worn a lot of people down.


I'm also very sorry to say that this is going to confirm some of the fears that people had when the game first moved from mod to standalone (which personally I don't share btw) - that the huge amount of money made from EA sales was not backed through investment in development.

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Once .59 is released we'll get a good sense of actual player base, I think.


yeah, that.  since a wipe's surely coming, a lot of the collector/camper people are taking a break til .59 goes stable.


the pvp people play stable right up until a wipe because most of them die and lose everything 20 times a day anyway.

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There's no zombies on stable right now, so of course the player count is dwindling.


It's a zombie apoc simulator with no zombies. IMO they shouldn't have even bothered with early access, that way they could just focus purely on development for 2-3 years instead of trying to make the game "semi-playable" while developing it for 3-4+ years.


And I am saying all of this as one of the original backers for this entire project, as I completely adore the concept of the game and hopped on the DayZmod alpha train from the get-go, as well as pre-ordered the DayZ Standalone the second I could.


I really want to love the game, but I can't see it being all that enjoyable until around v0.80 or so. Like seriously, there isn't any zombies right now is saying enough.


It's currently a deathmatch on a 220 km squared map with 50 player servers. It's insanely dry. Give me Lingor and zombies and it'll be amazing once again.


If you want to make Chernarus even slightly realistically entertaining, we need 100+ player servers, a ton more vehicles and zombies back asap. None of which is happening anytime this year, or even Quarter1-2 next year. :/


..Worst part is I can't even play Lingor map on DayzMod or Arma3 zombie mods, because all these clowns are playing Epoch Chernarus or other retardedly big maps where you don't see anyone for 45+ mins at a time. I know the devs want it to feel like a survival sim, but it's more like an isolation sim at the moment.

Edited by bonesnap
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A lot of people are just playing experimental right now which is contributing to the stable .58 servers being pretty empty.

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The games been in the same patch for close to 2 months or whatever it's been, with no real hope of .59 hitting stable any time soon.  It's the same old cycle it always goes through, people lose interest.

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Point is your not suppose to be playing, your testing the alpha....and submitting bugs.


"OH the game is dead, worlds ending shit."

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I can't even play Lingor map on DayzMod or Arma3 zombie mods, because all these clowns are playing Epoch Chernarus or other retardedly big maps where you don't see anyone for 45+ mins at a time.


Do something for your little self, and run your own server before calling others with more initiative clowns.


My 2nd point regarding the low playerbase atm is of course FALLOUT 4. Pornhub has seen a decrease of just over 10% total worldwide traffic since the day fallout came out (#KickassFactoid), so we can assume it's hit competing games much harder even than that.


Point is your not suppose to be playing, your testing the alpha....and submitting bugs.


"OH the game is dead, worlds ending shit."


This is a great point that is very often overlooked. The playerbase can't be dwindling or dying off because the playerbase isn't even here yet. We are testers, here purely to assist the devs with their work. When the game is released comments on the playerbase will make a lot more sense.

Edited by KenoSkir88
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I wouldn't expect anything to the contrary.

This Topic has been done over and over, nothing worth mentioning or new.


ArmAIII / Naval Action / DayZ / GTAV are all going to lose another player tomorrow, when I get my JediknightstarwarsxwingvstiefighterATATgogetem in a box.

May the Force be with Me !

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fallout 4 my entire friends list has went dark because of that game, hell some cat told me that even porn sites had less viewers since fallout 4's release. folks will be back when a new update hits all games eventually get boring and one needs a change of pace once in awhile too.

Edited by gannon46

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There's no zombies on stable right now, so of course the player count is dwindling.


It's a zombie apoc simulator with no zombies. IMO they shouldn't have even bothered with early access, that way they could just focus purely on development for 2-3 years instead of trying to make the game "semi-playable" while developing it for 3-4+ years.


And I am saying all of this as one of the original backers for this entire project, as I completely adore the concept of the game and hopped on the DayZmod alpha train from the get-go, as well as pre-ordered the DayZ Standalone the second I could.


I really want to love the game, but I can't see it being all that enjoyable until around v0.80 or so. Like seriously, there isn't any zombies right now is saying enough.


It's currently a deathmatch on a 220 km squared map with 50 player servers. It's insanely dry. Give me Lingor and zombies and it'll be amazing once again.


If you want to make Chernarus even slightly realistically entertaining, we need 100+ player servers, a ton more vehicles and zombies back asap. None of which is happening anytime this year, or even Quarter1-2 next year. :/


..Worst part is I can't even play Lingor map on DayzMod or Arma3 zombie mods, because all these clowns are playing Epoch Chernarus or other retardedly big maps where you don't see anyone for 45+ mins at a time. I know the devs want it to feel like a survival sim, but it's more like an isolation sim at the moment.



It's a survival sim blah, blah, blah


You had Hicks saying about 6-8 months ago he wanted a pure survival sim, Z's not important and he'd make the game that fitted his vision and it didn't matter even if only 3 people played it.


Well he's got his wish and I hope his arse-kissing fanboys are happy with it too. Caboose, etc.


I got a lot of stick over being against that stance at the time but I reckon I've been proved right.


Even if they got someone in to try and get the project back on track people have forgotten the game.


I'm gutted.

Edited by Jonah_Hobbes

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Fallout 4 was released november 12th, even in october, september and august the player count is seriously low, gta was released in early april, to say other games are the cause of this game losing popularity is a bit far fetched don't ya think? I've clocked in over 1500hrs in dayz now and honestly, besides a few new items, nothing worth mentioning has changed. Desync up the arse "biggest issue", no new renderer, no zombies, one vehicle that you will never use, and everything worth mentioning isn't even releasing this year, with the current amount of delays you might as well multiply the expected release dates of patches by 3. But maybe we will get a desync riddled heap of shit with a few new vehicles to play with over christmas. Only a miracle can bring back the players and morale of this game in my opinion, maybe your opinion differs but that's my input into the current situation and near future. 

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I wouldn't expect anything to the contrary.

This Topic has been done over and over, nothing worth mentioning or new.


ArmAIII / Naval Action / DayZ / GTAV are all going to lose another player tomorrow, when I get my JediknightstarwarsxwingvstiefighterATATgogetem in a box.

May the Force be with Me !

I understand that this topic has been brought up before, but times change. It's at such a dire state now that it's worth venting our frustrations and thoughts about why the game has lost so much of its player base without offending anyone. Maybe the developers will see a reoccurring theme and catch on to why its players are leaving, "desync, zombies hint hint" oh and a new renderer so the game doesn't run like a potato would be nice. Priorities man, priorities. 

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Modding will save DayZ and raise the playerbase to a number we have never seen before. I actually enjoy thinking about how will the uneducated mindless people who say modding will ruin DayZ react when they see how DayZ gets better.

Come on, modding is gonna be here at BETA. I hope they finish the renderer ASAP.

Oh yeah, and I with alot of other people won't be playing DayZ until the modding comes probably. Fallout 4 is here and if he creation kit for it comes before BETA I won't come to DayZ probably. Fallout 4 is what I wish DayZ would look like. Basebuilding, great graphics and a singleplayer. Maybe when modding comes to FO3 we might even see vehicles.

Edited by StanleyWasHappy
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Is Fallout 4 really that good? I got a bit tired of DayZ 3 or 4 months ago (mostly because all the KOS and lack of stuff to do) and bought GTA V but just couldn't stick to it. I was back in DayZ and trying harder a couple of weeks later. I left Elite: Dangerous for DayZ and will give the new expansion a go in a few days. But nothing beats the tension of DayZ. I mean, Fallout 4 isn't even multiplayer. GTA V just felt so silly, comparatively. Maybe I should give ARMA 3 a go...

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Is Fallout 4 really that good? I got a bit tired of DayZ 3 or 4 months ago (mostly because all the KOS and lack of stuff to do) and bought GTA V but just couldn't stick to it. I was back in DayZ and trying harder a couple of weeks later. I left Elite: Dangerous for DayZ and will give the new expansion a go in a few days. But nothing beats the tension of DayZ. I mean, Fallout 4 isn't even multiplayer. GTA V just felt so silly, comparatively. Maybe I should give ARMA 3 a go...


In honesty no it isn't all that good. It's well made but shallow in my opinion, great for a few days but with nowhere near the longevity of something like DayZ. It's a standard FPS with aspects of an RPG, but has enough of a cult following from back when games like that were a little more rare to make the general gaming crowd excited for it's release. It's shiny and polished, but kinda samey after hour 20 and the map is kinda small compared to the pre-release hype.


We should all try to remember that the DayZ developers aren't supposed to be providing us a fun or finished game at this stage. If you're complaining it's broken or not fun you're probably under the impression you're owed something fun and working, which is not what you payed for. When the game is finished, then and only then can people complain it's broken or lacking in some way without sounding like a tit.


"I was back in DayZ and trying harder a couple of weeks later." - Nice work, it is this kind of attitude that will separate you from the "waaah it's broken and full of KOSers" crowd. BeanZ for being a cut above the rest :beans:

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It's simple - the game is not releasing enough content to keep players interested. It's boring enough as it is having a huge map with only 50 people on and no zombies. It's a zombie apocalypse survival game with no zombies. The game was supposed to be in Beta by the end of this year - that is not happening. This patch has been out for nearly 3 months - no changes, with experimental nowhere near release.


The only thing that will keep the game alive and stop it falling apart and dwindling in sales and playerbase is if the devs pick up their game and regularly release content and changes. They also need to stop splitting experimental and stable - the whole game is in alpha, it should all thus be experimental.

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There's no zombies on stable right now, so of course the player count is dwindling.

It's a zombie apoc simulator with no zombies. IMO they shouldn't have even bothered with early access, that way they could just focus purely on development for 2-3 years instead of trying to make the game "semi-playable" while developing it for 3-4+ years.

Thats the bottom line. My vote is they shut it down now and come back when the games looks better.

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There are no zombies. Right now it's just a boring mmo fps/third person shooter with people server hopping military bases so they can kill Bambi's. Not very fun.

Edited by Borss
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I wouldn't expect anything to the contrary.

This Topic has been done over and over, nothing worth mentioning or new.


ArmAIII / Naval Action / DayZ / GTAV are all going to lose another player tomorrow, when I get my JediknightstarwarsxwingvstiefighterATATgogetem in a box.

May the Force be with Me !

I hope boneboys honestly stickies this shit, if it isn't already.


Guys review arma 3, and the modding section then get an understanding what is happening. Its an core engine with the high hopes to mod in the future after completion. Popular reviews of epoch, and now exile show that people want zombies and want survival games. They also like pvp and military games. BI knows this already.


We are alpha testers, we must help if we wish to continue dayz core engine. Vanilla servers will be around for some time after the fact, its up to you to design your own server the best you can.

As dev's have commented numbers of times to us what is what. Changing or putting out negative reviews of something is completely out of context and should be discontinued. I forget myself from time to time why this is happening or what is what just as much as the next person on these forums.


This is what you do, go to the bugs section. Sign up, and start doing basic screen shot submissions of problems. .58 is just as important to the dev's as is .59 because there maybe bugs not known in both. Have just as much fun as the next guy, pvping, picking apples do whatever you do in dayz but help once in awhile screen shooting bugs.



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In honesty no it isn't all that good. It's well made but shallow in my opinion, great for a few days but with nowhere near the longevity of something like DayZ. It's a standard FPS with aspects of an RPG, but has enough of a cult following from back when games like that were a little more rare to make the general gaming crowd excited for it's release. It's shiny and polished, but kinda samey after hour 20 and the map is kinda small compared to the pre-release hype



I disagree it has enough going for it right now to keep it interesting for years at a time and with the coming of workshop latter like what Skyrim had the life of the game shale be extended 10 fold. Dayz will hopefully be what its supposed to be one day but until that time there are better games to keep ppl busy at the moment.


Iv pretty much uninstalled Dayz until some more significant updating comes in. As of right now its pretty much all the same thing as before. And dynamic AI is what will get ppl to come back but thats yet to be seen.

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I disagree it has enough going for it right now to keep it interesting for years at a time and with the coming of workshop latter like what Skyrim had the life of the game shale be extended 10 fold. Dayz will hopefully be what its supposed to be one day but until that time there are better games to keep ppl busy at the moment.


Iv pretty much uninstalled Dayz until some more significant updating comes in. As of right now its pretty much all the same thing as before. And dynamic AI is what will get ppl to come back but thats yet to be seen.


I didn't say Fallout will never be amazing, just that currently, without the upcoming things you mentioned, it's just another FPS. It's not bad by any stretch, just doesn't currently live up to the hype..

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I didn't say Fallout will never be amazing, just that currently, without the upcoming things you mentioned, it's just another FPS. It's not bad by any stretch, just doesn't currently live up to the hype..

And Dayz is nothing more than a FPS death match at the moment that hasn't been living up to the hype for quite awhile now.


See what i did? lol


I don't think the game is dead and i don't hate the game but it is infact in sore need of those survival mechanics.

Edited by Deathlove
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