haxborn 28 Posted September 17, 2015 Hi. I was a DayZ megafan, but honestly the thing that really made me stop playing this game is honestly the bad performance. I know it's "not their focus" and so on at the moment, but is there any way to improve my pc performance on this game?I just played trough The Witcher 3 and I KNOW it's not the same thing or the same kind of game and performance can't be compared and so on bla bla bla. But all I wanted to say is that I enjoyed it so much because I could play on maximum settings and it was sooo beautiful, and my 144hz screen made it look even better. I had 150+ fps at all times, I also do on GTA V online and campaign. Whilist on DayZ I got 30-80 fps.. My rig:i5 4690k 3.5GHz - shit I knowNVIDIA GTX 970 4gb8GB 1666Hz ram120gb SSD kingstonHow is that not enough to play DayZ on medium settings 1080p with a stable 60+ fps?The game looks so boring on 720p, and it just ruins the whole experience. I've tried ARK survival, h1z1 etc but nothing is close to being as good as DayZ, but the graphics are wonderful on those games and performs great.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scriptfactory 620 Posted September 17, 2015 There is no cure... Yet.My problem with DayZ is not the low FPS, rather the inconsistent FPS. My frame rate jumps around so much it makes me feel nauseous sometimes. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haxborn 28 Posted September 17, 2015 (edited) Yeah I can agree on that one. Sometimes it works rather ok. but then when facing another direction its down to 30 fps again. Sometimes I get used to it, but then I just look into the ground and see my fps increase to 200+ and I never wanna look up again.. It's like I'm expressing sadness ingame as well.. Dont get me wrong here tho. This is no "complain/criticism thread" to send you the message that DayZ sucks. It doesn't. DayZ is really cool and one of my favorite games. All I wonder here is if anyone discovered the secret on how to get good performance on this game. I've seen many people stream on twitch and they seem to play it at 1080p and the performance is flawless. But then I guess they have the pc rig of doom, and doesn't know anything I don't. Edited September 17, 2015 by haxborn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zboub le météor 250 Posted September 17, 2015 you said it yourself, performance gain is not their primary task right now. the game will be optimized while reaching the beta state. be patient, come back in 6 month if dayz current performances are unbearable to you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slizzedy 70 Posted September 17, 2015 (edited) I think there are two main reasons why the game performs so bad at the moment: 1. Rendering is attached to the simulation, which is done on the server. So client performance depends heavily on server performance.2. The renderer is really bad at object culling (or doesn't even do it at all?!), which means it's rendering things that are obstructed by other objects and can't be seen by the player. So even if you go into a house in a large city you still get bad FPS because the game is still rendering all the objects outside. Both will be resolved with the new renderer, which will be detached from the simulation. Until that is done, we'll have to deal with low to medium settings and jumpy framerates, unfortunately. A workaround for now: just lower the object details when you go into cities. I usually set it to low when I get into a somewhat larger city, and then when I'm out in the wild I use normal to high settings. Due to the object cullíng thing and DayZ being mostly CPU-limited, this is the setting that will give you a huge FPS-boost when you are in towns/cities. Edited September 17, 2015 by Sleezy 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZomboWTF 527 Posted September 17, 2015 (edited) Yeah I can agree on that one. Sometimes it works rather ok. but then when facing another direction its down to 30 fps again. Sometimes I get used to it, but then I just look into the ground and see my fps increase to 200+ and I never wanna look up again.. It's like I'm expressing sadness ingame as well.. Dont get me wrong here tho. This is no "complain/criticism thread" to send you the message that DayZ sucks. It doesn't. DayZ is really cool and one of my favorite games. All I wonder here is if anyone discovered the secret on how to get good performance on this game. I've seen many people stream on twitch and they seem to play it at 1080p and the performance is flawless. But then I guess they have the pc rig of doom, and doesn't know anything I don't. sadly there is no secret, unoptimized rendering of houses and entities eat up performance like hell, and there can be little done about it for a simple player i love DayZ, but the bad performance pretty much keeps me away from playing it, when i look at MGS5 which has the open world thing going, plus awesome graphics AND tons of fun, while having an awesome FPS on maximum settings on my pc, i just can't see me switching to DayZ in it's current state for having a fun time, sadly can't wait for beta/release and the game in it's optimized form 2. The renderer is really bad at object culling (or doesn't even do it at all?!), which means it's rendering things that are obstructed by other objects and can't be seen by the player. So even if you go into a house in a large city you still get bad FPS because the game is still rendering all the objects outside.afaik, there is at least SOME culling done when you are inside of a house, since you sometimes have objects rendering different when looking through a window vs standing outside in front of the window the fps seem to go up when you are in a closed spce as well, just when not inside a closed space in a city, there seems to be zero culling Edited September 17, 2015 by Zombo 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted September 17, 2015 That cpu is hardly shit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hleVqq 139 Posted September 17, 2015 Perhaps he meant the clock speed? It's still not shit, though, but you might as well OC it since it's a K chip. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted September 17, 2015 You can easily overclock that past 4Ghz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Valdenburg 200 Posted September 17, 2015 The CPU is just fine, the game is lacking ;) A trick that gives me some FPS (5-15more): go to your task manager and look for the DayZ process (when its running obv.) and put your priority higher (not real time, also won´t work). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Richard III in Leicester 200 Posted September 17, 2015 Saying any haswell i5 is shit is ridiculous. As far as combating the FPS loss that happens in the built up areas you can help the culling by yourself somewhat by lowering object detail to low or very low. Put it back to normal or high when out of range of the city. Also try losing anti aliasing and put your resolution to 133% or 150% I found that makes it look just the same but with better and smoother frames. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted September 17, 2015 30fps? im lucky to get that in most games! Im so happy when I get near it! But I understand Op's point. L Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weyland Yutani (DayZ) 1159 Posted September 17, 2015 (edited) How is that not enough to play DayZ on medium settings 1080p with a stable 60+ fps?Alpha. Optimization is during Beta. Renderer isn't in it. Swapping old engine for new engine they're developing as they develop the game. Better CPU might help, but won't remedy. Be patient, it'll get better. Edited September 17, 2015 by Weyland Yutani Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tatanko 5591 Posted September 17, 2015 Hi. I was a DayZ megafan, but honestly the thing that really made me stop playing this game is honestly the bad performance. I know it's "not their focus" and so on at the moment, but is there any way to improve my pc performance on this game?I just played trough The Witcher 3 and I KNOW it's not the same thing or the same kind of game and performance can't be compared and so on bla bla bla. But all I wanted to say is that I enjoyed it so much because I could play on maximum settings and it was sooo beautiful, and my 144hz screen made it look even better. I had 150+ fps at all times, I also do on GTA V online and campaign. Whilist on DayZ I got 30-80 fps.. My rig:i5 4690k 3.5GHz - shit I knowNVIDIA GTX 970 4gb8GB 1666Hz ram120gb SSD kingstonHow is that not enough to play DayZ on medium settings 1080p with a stable 60+ fps?The game looks so boring on 720p, and it just ruins the whole experience. I've tried ARK survival, h1z1 etc but nothing is close to being as good as DayZ, but the graphics are wonderful on those games and performs great..I have similar specs to yours (i7-4790K and GTX 970) and I play DayZ @ 1440p and maxed-out settings with no complaints about performance. In fact, most people who see my setup for the first time remark how smoothly the game runs on my PC. There has been zero tweaking done to my configuration for performance, in fact I have many values artificially increased for farther rendering distance and that sort of thing, further stressing out my hardware. Do I get 60+ FPS everywhere? Of course not, but the game is still plenty smooth for me 95% of the time. Can you enlighten me on how you're able to run GTA V maxed-out on your hardware and get 150 FPS? That doesn't sound possible, but I've never played GTA V on a PC, soo... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ColdAtrophy 1850 Posted September 17, 2015 (edited) I have the same setup. Here's my exact settings: Day.cfgGPU_MaxFramesAhead=3;GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3; (YourName).DayZProfileviewDistance=1500preferredObjectViewdistance=1300 I have Vsync enabled and use 1080p, 100%. QualityObjects - LowTerrain - NormalShadows - NormalClouds - Normal Rendering Anti-Aliasing - Very HighAlpha to Coverage - All trees + grassEdge Smoothing - FXAA HighHDR Quality - LowAmbient Occlusion - EnabledPost-Process Quality - Very High TexturesVideo Memory - AutoTexture Detail - Very HighTexture Filtering - Very High My minimum framerate is about 35 FPS in cities and the game looks fantastic. I get 45-60 the vast majority of the time and the game plays buttery smooth. Very few fluctuations in FPS. I have two other friends that recently followed my optimization recommendations (one Intel/Nvidia, one Intel/AMD) and both are very pleased with the results. Edited September 17, 2015 by ColdAtrophy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WilliamTheConqueror 81 Posted September 17, 2015 I have made all the settings changes, and I barely get 30 in the middle of nowhere. I'm lucky to get over 5 in cities. This makes me bring up this point. People are so often told to just not play until a few updates have passed. I was told this at launch, to wait 6 months, and it should be better. Then again 6 months later, and again now. The point is not that the development is slow, it's that why should I have to be told not play a game I bought? The point of the early access was to let people play the game and help with the development by finding the bugs and problems, and giving feedback on design choices. How am I supposed to to that if I am told by many to not play the game until it is almost finished? Where is the logic in that? I don't want to have to leave it alone until it's content complete. I want to play it and participate in the testing, that's why I bought it. That's why I think we need the performance so bad. How else can we fully test the game and comprehensive feedback on the other aspects of the game, because at the moment the framerate can sometimes even make me feel ill. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grimey Rick 3417 Posted September 18, 2015 (edited) DayZ will never run as smooth as we'd like until its release date, but I agree with Tatanko — the game is definitely playable. DayZ is just not up to the standards of most triple A titles that are on the market. Why? Because they're finished products. They've been optimized, and future optimizations are still top priority to development. Everyone seems to fall into the ~30 to 80 frame-rate range. Seems strange, right? Not coincidental at all? ;] Personally, I run DayZ at maximum settings, V-Sync enabled, and 200% rendering resolution at 2160p (on a Samsung UE590 monitor). I net the same frame-rate with these settings as I do when I have everything set at its bare-minimum, V-Sync disabled and 50% rendering resolution at 800x600. I drop to 30 frames per second in and around large towns/cities, and I peak at around 100 frames per second. Just be patient, and await the coming of beta. :3 EDIT: My system specs are in my profile. Edited September 18, 2015 by Grimey Rick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S3V3N 1402 Posted September 18, 2015 You posted your manly computer stats, showed us the prowess of your gfx and yet the game still is not running at 60 FPS on your rig. Scandalous! Well, patience. As has been said - the new renderer will help. A lot. Plus they announced the game is coming to XBox and PS4, so there is going to be a lot of optimisation. If you have played Dayz recently you noticed the infected are missing. So Dayz is not really worth playing much at all at the moment. If you can, wait for the next patch. I have an itch that we will see a first version of the new renderer, because frankly they are overdue on it and it should be a priority at this time. I also expect infected to make a comeback, but maybe that is just not a development priority. Since they aren't making a zombie game, right? RIGHT? ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FrigginTommyNoble 61 Posted September 20, 2015 I think there are two main reasons why the game performs so bad at the moment: 1. Rendering is attached to the simulation, which is done on the server. So client performance depends heavily on server performance.2. The renderer is really bad at object culling (or doesn't even do it at all?!), which means it's rendering things that are obstructed by other objects and can't be seen by the player. So even if you go into a house in a large city you still get bad FPS because the game is still rendering all the objects outside. Both will be resolved with the new renderer, which will be detached from the simulation. Until that is done, we'll have to deal with low to medium settings and jumpy framerates, unfortunately. A workaround for now: just lower the object details when you go into cities. I usually set it to low when I get into a somewhat larger city, and then when I'm out in the wild I use normal to high settings. Due to the object cullíng thing and DayZ being mostly CPU-limited, this is the setting that will give you a huge FPS-boost when you are in towns/cities. Just wanted to say beans for calling out culling as a huge culprit. For those that don't know, a big part of performance is knowing the bare minumum number of objects you need to create in the scene "right now," and for video, knowing which polygons are hidden behind other polygons, so you don't need to send them to the rendering pipeline, using precious resources. I think the main performance limitation right now is object culling. This is conjecture, but I think all objects in a city "scene" are created once you reach your maxViewDistance (or w/e the prop name is). That sends craptons of vertices to the rendering pipeline, even though most of them aren't visible. This kind of programming is very specific, it's hard, and it shouldn't be the focus until the game is feature code complete. Patience is key. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites