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First few days of dying and not much playing

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Hey everyone, new to the forums and new to dayz.


I've been playing for a few weeks now but I'm starting to see that food is getting more and more hard to come by to the point that every spawn that I have had are starving to death.

Water, clothes, and gear don't seem to be a problem for me. Only getting food and maybe a backpack every once in a while.


I will starve every time.


I've been spawning in Elektro, Cherno, or Berezino but it seems they are all picked clean. Doors are opened, Gear is all around but food isn't.

I've heard both that either loot spawns back into the map on restart or it doesn't. Server admin can't control it.


I guess I don't understand how it all works just yet but I'll keep trying. I don't want to give up a game I just paid 35 dollars for.


btw: I want an on screen cardinal compass - just north, south, east, and west.

Stars, sun, and clouds are cool and all to follow but come on!


Any good servers?

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You have to go inland - every person spawns on the coast and loots the immediate area - also theres a portion of players who just seem to roam along the coast and of course they grab loot - pick a road near where you spawn that goes inland and follow it, you'll find food and everything else


you just have to find a compass and use it - otherwise only familiarity will guide you in dayz


enjoy the mystery while it lasts 8)

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Warning: If you read this, survival is easy as fuck.


Apple trees. If you can learn what the apple trees look like, you can survive. You just need patience, keep searching and searching and you're loaded with food.

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Hey everyone, new to the forums and new to dayz.


I've been playing for a few weeks now but I'm starting to see that food is getting more and more hard to come by to the point that every spawn that I have had are starving to death.

Water, clothes, and gear don't seem to be a problem for me. Only getting food and maybe a backpack every once in a while.


I will starve every time.


I've been spawning in Elektro, Cherno, or Berezino but it seems they are all picked clean. Doors are opened, Gear is all around but food isn't.

I've heard both that either loot spawns back into the map on restart or it doesn't. Server admin can't control it.


I guess I don't understand how it all works just yet but I'll keep trying. I don't want to give up a game I just paid 35 dollars for.


btw: I want an on screen cardinal compass - just north, south, east, and west.

Stars, sun, and clouds are cool and all to follow but come on!


Any good servers?

Welcome to DayZ man! Yeah as the others have said you can find things but you will need to no inland somewhat. The loot etc is having some issues I believe at the moment in this patch as some things don't seem to be respawning, but food wise I have not had a problem to be honest, berries from bushes, apples from the trees are all fine, but be sure to check thoroughly in the buldings for cans, they can be under, on top of and behind things too!


I have a fairly friendly server if you want someone to show you the ropes? Feel free to add me on Steam, MadMcardle or PM me on here.


Happy scavenging!



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I think food spawns are definitely becoming rarer - even inland. I'm in the far, far northwest and I'm lucky to find a single item of food in a whole town like SInistok or Vavilovo.


I'd really like to get into hunting, but animals seem buggy as hell - the last two herds I shot at just vanished. Not ran away but literally vanished as soon as I fired...

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only lazy and shortsighted people die

Exactly. Because random glitch deaths, desync falls or KOSing never occur in this game...

OP: apple trees and berry bushes will keep you going foodwise until they get animals and cooking up to snuff. Just dont eat the blue berries, though, they taste like burning.

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Hey everyone, new to the forums and new to dayz.


I've been playing for a few weeks now but I'm starting to see that food is getting more and more hard to come by to the point that every spawn that I have had are starving to death.

Water, clothes, and gear don't seem to be a problem for me. Only getting food and maybe a backpack every once in a while.


I will starve every time.


I've been spawning in Elektro, Cherno, or Berezino but it seems they are all picked clean. Doors are opened, Gear is all around but food isn't.

I've heard both that either loot spawns back into the map on restart or it doesn't. Server admin can't control it.


I guess I don't understand how it all works just yet but I'll keep trying. I don't want to give up a game I just paid 35 dollars for.


btw: I want an on screen cardinal compass - just north, south, east, and west.

Stars, sun, and clouds are cool and all to follow but come on!


Any good servers?


If you're starving that quickly then try to move around in a trot instead of the full on sprint- at least until you find food and a good supply of water. Once you find something- you can eat / drink until you're stuffed... don't go beyond that otherwise you start puking etc. 


I haven't touched a compass since .4x something since back before I was familiar with the map broken compasses got me hopelessly lost and I wasted a lot of time trying to get back on track. Forced me to learn my environment. 


Server wise... privates seem pretty barren right now- we gravitate towards the time accelerated pubs... but not TOO time accelerated. I showed up in one server and it was 1am. 15 minutes later it was daylight- that's too fast. We've got ours set to 3 and that seems a nice balance. 

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only lazy and shortsighted people die

... and beginners who haven't figured things out, yet.


Chill, the guy is trying to learn something new. I remember when I started, it seemed like there was a zed within 10m of all of my spawn points. I died over and over (and over) until I figured out how to fight hand to hand with them.

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Food ebbs and flows with the CLE, so it's smart to keep a small stash.


As a fresh spawn, apples and berries are very useful, while you are trying to get established and collect some basic gear. Note: not all berries are created equal.


It's best to keep moving (inland) until you achieve a comfort zone. You can always go back to the coast later, if that is your end game.


If you are still having trouble finding food, learn to supplement your looting with farming, fishing and hunting.


Don't pay too much attention to the door position. First, their position is random. Second, when a food item (or any other item) spawns inside of a house, that action does not cause all of the doors to close.

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only lazy and shortsighted people die

Or people just getting used to the game....

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Try to learn how to rid yourself of canned food. This is not as easy in .58, but you can still learn the ways to do it. Fishing is a pretty easy source of quick food.


First thing to make when you spawn is a stone knife. Then make rags (with knife) of everything, combine 6 rags and 6 rags for improvised rope. Cut a branch off a tree (with knife) and craft a fishing pole. Dig some worms. The problem now in .58 is there are no chickens around, which with you could make a bone hook with. You can find a hook, but it takes luck or time. So in the mean time learn: apple trees, berry bushes (poisonous and not), oak trees for hand drill and fire starting, net fishing, rabbit snaring. Also just learn all the crafting that you don't already know, like improvised backpack maybe.

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Try to learn how to rid yourself of canned food. This is not as easy in .58, but you can still learn the ways to do it. Fishing is a pretty easy source of quick food.


First thing to make when you spawn is a stone knife. Then make rags (with knife) of everything, combine 6 rags and 6 rags for improvised rope. Cut a branch off a tree (with knife) and craft a fishing pole. Dig some worms. The problem now in .58 is there are no chickens around, which with you could make a bone hook with. You can find a hook, but it takes luck or time. So in the mean time learn: apple trees, berry bushes (poisonous and not), oak trees for hand drill and fire starting, net fishing, rabbit snaring. Also just learn all the crafting that you don't already know, like improvised backpack maybe.

I decided after dying last night that I am going this route, no cans, no water bottle. Literately at the moment I have a hook and a hoe, what else do you need hey? Lol. It can be tough, I died from hypothermia the first time, once I figured out how to survive that I am doing ok, keep some charcoal tabs on me just in case I get low and eat some worms to stop from starving to death (got food poisoning from them) all in all it's tough but very rewarding! 

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I decided after dying last night that I am going this route, no cans, no water bottle. Literately at the moment I have a hook and a hoe, what else do you need hey? Lol. It can be tough, I died from hypothermia the first time, once I figured out how to survive that I am doing ok, keep some charcoal tabs on me just in case I get low and eat some worms to stop from starving to death (got food poisoning from them) all in all it's tough but very rewarding! 

Worms should not give you food poisoning; that's just not authentic, or fun.

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Thanks guys for all the tips.


I've been playing pretty good now, got gear and weapons too.

Now just traveling around and finding what I can, sightseeing and surviving.


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Don't waste your time in Elektro, Cherno, or Berez and don't waste your time trying to run straight to the NWAF or anything like that.  Just run through two buildings on your way inland.  Do not follow roads.  Just run inland.  Check a few buildings in the next town you come across.  Passively loot but don't spend much time there.  You'll likely grab a can or two but move on.  Continue on.  By the third town inland you should be finding fair amounts of loot. 


I've not starved in a long long time.

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If you would like to try for a clan you can message me on steam and I will help you out. K00laidkiller6


You just sent me a friend request on steam, tho i have never indicated an interest in joining a clan. Did you harvest my steam name from the forums? Just wondering how you came across me is all..

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I don't think they will add on screen compass as they'd probably done that by now. What you can do, is to have the compass in one of your hotkey slots, and it will show your direction there in your hotkey menu too. Like, if the red arrow points to center of the cover of the compass, then you're going north. This way you only need to hit tab key to check your direction.

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I don't think they will add on screen compass as they'd probably done that by now. What you can do, is to have the compass in one of your hotkey slots, and it will show your direction there in your hotkey menu too. Like, if the red arrow points to center of the cover of the compass, then you're going north. This way you only need to hit tab key to check your direction.


Or ~ (the tilde key) reveals the hotbar without opening the inventory while running. 

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Spawn on Coast...locate apple tree, then craft a knife and cut down a bush for sticks, then find a rope and a burlap sack then add all of that together and you have the best backpack in the game. Find a berry bush...only eat red berries..do NOT eat the blue ones your character will get sick and eventually die. Head inland. 


Die. Rinse. Repeat. Story of Dayz.


PS...Remember you click "I Understand" too. And the game is in Alpha. These forum guys keep reiterating this so dont forget it when Dayz pisses you off. :)

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