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Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

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Sorry guys this has probably been covered a million + times regarding the camp sizes... I know they can cause issues / lag etc- but is it just when you're in proximity to the camp or is it throughout the map? 


We've had some really violent rubberbanding / desync going on lately and I'm not sure it's a coincidence that we also have a rather elaborate camp. It is pretty well spread out (since we are aware of the issue)- but may need to be moreso. 


Or not?


Thanks in advance

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i love you dude, your sence of humor is so great, i love it. 


hope fings will clap you for your hording B)


EDIT: thos posts like "yes, its an apocalypse, but i will only eat my beans with an spoon not with my fingers"

or " i search for my pristine mil. boots and knife to store it in my tents for later, but later i try to find an new pair"


its like me, i wear my pristine mil. boots and my pristine knife, but i don´t use this shiny knife, i use allways my stone knife. i don´t want my mil. knife degrade  :blush:

Exactly.  Just because it's the apocalypse doesn't mean one can let oneself slide.  One must maintain one's dignity.

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Sorry guys this has probably been covered a million + times regarding the camp sizes... I know they can cause issues / lag etc- but is it just when you're in proximity to the camp or is it throughout the map? 


We've had some really violent rubberbanding / desync going on lately and I'm not sure it's a coincidence that we also have a rather elaborate camp. It is pretty well spread out (since we are aware of the issue)- but may need to be moreso. 


Or not?


Thanks in advance

It seems to be just within around 250m.  Heck, I was looking for camps earlier by running though the trees with my inventory open, constantly trying to "view contents" of my medkit.  When it stalled out, I started searching and circling.  But, when I'm no where near camps, things run fine.

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3. I'm the single player then, I think I have a longhorn on me now in case I see a deer but was unarmed by choice since last Wednesday. I have told 2 separate ungeared players to keep their distance and mind their own business was healthy and would have out sprinted them anyway, and completely avoided 2 grouped armed players by seeing them first and hiding, no shots fired I survived making it a survival game.  


This about nails what I tried to say earlier. I feel this way too: I avoid players, move slowly and try to be very observant. I try to stay invisible, I try to stay alive for as long as possible.  While on the other hand my friends play exactly the opposite way. They actively look for players and shoot at everything that moves. I had to cut our last session off and stopped playing, because I was getting increasingly frustrated with their way of playing the game. I don't want to hunt players, unless I was provoked or feel challenged by another player. 


I'm getting your gamestyle BCBasher, but that works best on the not so crowded servers, dunnit? My friends always go for the full ones and as long as there are no infected AI, so do I. The difference is, they go there to gather weapons and hunt, I go there to maintain a camp and survive. 

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Well you're the only one on the planet. Would love to see proof of this. Don't think it's possible.


Will post a couple screenshots when I get home from work if you'd like. I'm not trying to suggest that others aren't having FPS issues, I was just stating that I guess I am one of the few that isn't. Yay for me? Idk.

Edited by Shooter503

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notice some serious fps drop when iam arround or in the school.





[any news about the new render? anyone!]

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So on the camp/lag issue, it seems to be irreversible to an extent.  I now have moved well more than 1/2 the camp, but the original location still has the lag - even though it has less loot than before the problem started.


ETA:  Maybe it has to do with available loot slots.  It still has more of those (as I haven't been able to pack any tents yet).


ETAx2:  finally broke through the threshold.  No lag at either site.  Gonna have to find another place to put up camp though, as I don't want to add to either.  Have to wait til tomorrow, though, trucks are out of gas.

Edited by Thurman Merman

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Does anyone know if a packed up tent sitting on the ground is still persistent or if it must be deployed to be persistent?


hicks stated that only "pitched" tents are persistent.


so, better pitch it or test if it stays more then 30 min without pitching

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hicks stated that only "pitched" tents are persistent.


so, better pitch it or test if it stays more then 30 min without pitching


Yeah, I'm testing it now. Have two car tents I'm guarding in a less than convenient place so I have them just sitting there. Guess we shall see.



Will post a couple screenshots when I get home from work if you'd like. I'm not trying to suggest that others aren't having FPS issues, I was just stating that I guess I am one of the few that isn't. Yay for me? Idk.


They only way you can maintain 60 FPS in cities is if you have a CPU with single core performance that is literally off the charts. I'm not kidding. Like "not for public consumption" type stuff that Intel has buried in some vault on the moon. It's either that or you have made some rather serious config file alterations. Obviously, anyone can make themselves maintain 60 FPS in cities, but the game will be nearly unplayable for most. High res and low res textures will flicker nonstop and forget rendering other players. You can make yourself get 200 FPS in cities even if you like, but you will be rendering a 50 foot bubble.

Edited by ColdAtrophy

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This about nails what I tried to say earlier. I feel this way too: I avoid players, move slowly and try to be very observant. I try to stay invisible, I try to stay alive for as long as possible.  While on the other hand my friends play exactly the opposite way. They actively look for players and shoot at everything that moves. I had to cut our last session off and stopped playing, because I was getting increasingly frustrated with their way of playing the game. I don't want to hunt players, unless I was provoked or feel challenged by another player. 


I'm getting your gamestyle BCBasher, but that works best on the not so crowded servers, dunnit? My friends always go for the full ones and as long as there are no infected AI, so do I. The difference is, they go there to gather weapons and hunt, I go there to maintain a camp and survive. 


I can see where the full on survival gameplay style would be appealing, though for me it gets rather boring to play like that all the time. I play solo for the most part, so as you can imagine I try not to go full retard and run into an area without first scoping it out, but sometimes it's fun to just throw caution to the wind and see what kind of trouble you can get into. Sometimes it ends up being fun as hell getting into a few nice little firefights and escaping, other times I end up respawning and starting over :).


I spend a lot of time camping what I consider to be high traffic areas. I typically won't engage someone while I'm camping unless they are fairly well geared or pose some sort of immediate threat (have a weapon out moving toward me or in very close proximity). I try to avoid shooting freshies unless they shoot first. I don't want to be THAT GUY that is just a total douche canoe and shoots everything he sees. Besides, I've met quite a few cool people simply by holding my fire and giving them a chance to talk :).

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Yeah, I'm testing it now. Have two car tents I'm guarding in a less than convenient place so I have them just sitting there. Guess we shall see.




They only way you can maintain 60 FPS in cities is if you have a CPU with single core performance that is literally off the charts. I'm not kidding. Like "not for public consumption" type stuff that Intel has buried in some vault on the moon. It's either that or you have made some rather serious config file alterations. Obviously, anyone can make themselves maintain 60 FPS in cities, but the game will be nearly unplayable for most. High res and low res textures will flicker nonstop and forget rendering other players. You can make yourself get 200 FPS in cities even if you like, but you will be rendering a 50 foot buble.


I'm running an OC'd i5-4690K with a GTX 970. Decent setup, but by no means anything super special. I just don't notice huge FPS drops like everyone else is talking about. Other than OC'ing my CPU and messing with the few graphics settings I listed above I haven't screwed with anything else. TBH the only time I notice my FPS dropping is when I zoom in while in 3rd person, I might drop to like 40-45, but as soon as I zoom back out it goes back to normal.


I'm basing my FPS off of what Shadowplay says, Idk if that is giving me an incorrect number or not?

Edited by Shooter503

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at the moment there is no need to talk to other players, everyone is well fed and has his own water bottle. so, most "meetings" will end in someone is dead.

later in development i hope there will be much more scare loot and trading will be an very important part of surviving.


but now, no need to interact if you don´t want to get shot


You're probably right. This was my session tonight. I spawned, moved inland, found a coat, a hat and a PET bottle. Over the next few hours I found a stab vest and some rope. I stopped to fill up my bottle in the middle of nowhere and bang bang bang...someone with an automatic weapon shoots me dead.


I don't know if I can be bothered going in again.

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I'm running an OC'd i5-4690K with a GTX 970. Decent setup, but by no means anything super special. I just don't notice huge FPS drops like everyone else is talking about. Other than OC'ing my CPU and messing with the few graphics settings I listed above I haven't screwed with anything else. TBH the only time I notice my FPS dropping is when I zoom in while in 3rd person, I might drop to like 40-45, but as soon as I zoom back out it goes back to normal.


I'm basing my FPS off of what Shadowplay says, Idk if that is giving me an incorrect number or not?


That's interesting. I'm running an i5-4690k overclocked to 4.5ghz and a Gigabyte mini-ITX GTX 970 clocked at 1316mhz. With a little bit of light alterations in my config file, I never really go below about 35 FPS except for the super occasional and very brief loading hitch where FPS drops to zero for about a second. I've got DayZ installed on a 256GB Crucial MX100 SSD. I put my AV program on "Gaming Mode" when I play and I have an enhanced fan profile for playing this game that keeps my GPU at 70C and my CPU around 50C. I simply cannot maintain the sort of FPS you are describing. I even have my render ahead limit set to 3, which reduces responsiveness but gives the smoothest frametimes.


Objects - Low

Terrain - Normal 

Shadows - Normal

Clouds - Normal 


AA- Very High 

Alpha to Coverage - All trees + grass

Edge Smoothing - FXAA High (Very High makes the game world look like someone smeared Vaseline all over it)

HDR Quality - Low

Ambient Occlusion - Enabled 

Postprocessing - Very High

No Bloom

No Motion Blur


I changed ObjectViewDistance to 1600 and PreferredObjectViewDistance to 1000 in the config file.


EDIT: Forgot to mention 16GB of 1600mhz RAM. 

Edited by ColdAtrophy

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I can see where the full on survival gameplay style would be appealing, though for me it gets rather boring to play like that all the time. I play solo for the most part, so as you can imagine I try not to go full retard and run into an area without first scoping it out, but sometimes it's fun to just throw caution to the wind and see what kind of trouble you can get into. Sometimes it ends up being fun as hell getting into a few nice little firefights and escaping, other times I end up respawning and starting over :).


I spend a lot of time camping what I consider to be high traffic areas. I typically won't engage someone while I'm camping unless they are fairly well geared or pose some sort of immediate threat (have a weapon out moving toward me or in very close proximity). I try to avoid shooting freshies unless they shoot first. I don't want to be THAT GUY that is just a total douche canoe and shoots everything he sees. Besides, I've met quite a few cool people simply by holding my fire and giving them a chance to talk :).


This is almost exactly my approach.  And while I don't like to play in groups, the people I build camps with, to a man, are people I didn't kill when I could have, and instead, started a convo with.

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That's interesting. I'm running an i5-4690k overclocked to 4.5ghz and a Gigabyte mini-ITX GTX 970 clocked at 1316mhz. With a little bit of light alterations in my config file, I never really go below about 35 FPS except for the super occasional and very brief loading hitch where FPS drops to zero for about a second. I've got DayZ installed on a 256GB Crucial MX100 SSD. I put my AV program on "Gaming Mode" when I play and I have an enhanced fan profile for playing this game that keeps my GPU at 70C and my CPU around 50C. I simply cannot maintain the sort of FPS you are describing. I even have my render ahead limit set to 3, which reduces responsiveness but gives the smoothest frametimes.


Objects - Low

Terrain - Normal 

Shadows - Normal

Clouds - Normal 


AA- Very High 

Alpha to Coverage - All trees + grass

Edge Smoothing - FXAA High (Very High makes the game world look like someone smeared Vaseline all over it)

HDR Quality - Low

Ambient Occlusion - Enabled 

Postprocessing - Very High

No Bloom

No Motion Blur


I changed ObjectViewDistance to 1600 and PreferredObjectViewDistance to 1000 in the config file.


EDIT: Forgot to mention 16GB of 1600mhz RAM. 


I'll post my exact settings/specs when I get home from work in about an hour.

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hicks stated that only "pitched" tents are persistent.


so, better pitch it or test if it stays more then 30 min without pitching


So I've had a car tent sitting on the ground undeployed for over an hour and it never despawned.

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Thats very weird, I run a stock i5-4690k which I never overclocked. 8 gigs of ram Gskill 1600 ram, and a AMD 290. I run everything maxed out with no "performance" tweaks. I get 60+ everywhere but the biggest cities, I'll drop to the 40s with slight hiccups in the 20s every once in a while.


That's interesting. I'm running an i5-4690k overclocked to 4.5ghz and a Gigabyte mini-ITX GTX 970 clocked at 1316mhz. With a little bit of light alterations in my config file, I never really go below about 35 FPS except for the super occasional and very brief loading hitch where FPS drops to zero for about a second. I've got DayZ installed on a 256GB Crucial MX100 SSD. I put my AV program on "Gaming Mode" when I play and I have an enhanced fan profile for playing this game that keeps my GPU at 70C and my CPU around 50C. I simply cannot maintain the sort of FPS you are describing. I even have my render ahead limit set to 3, which reduces responsiveness but gives the smoothest frametimes.


Objects - Low

Terrain - Normal 

Shadows - Normal

Clouds - Normal 


AA- Very High 

Alpha to Coverage - All trees + grass

Edge Smoothing - FXAA High (Very High makes the game world look like someone smeared Vaseline all over it)

HDR Quality - Low

Ambient Occlusion - Enabled 

Postprocessing - Very High

No Bloom

No Motion Blur


I changed ObjectViewDistance to 1600 and PreferredObjectViewDistance to 1000 in the config file.


EDIT: Forgot to mention 16GB of 1600mhz RAM. 

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Thats very weird, I run a stock i5-4690k which I never overclocked. 8 gigs of ram Gskill 1600 ram, and a AMD 290. I run everything maxed out with no "performance" tweaks. I get 60+ everywhere but the biggest cities, I'll drop to the 40s with slight hiccups in the 20s every once in a while.


You never go below 60 in any town or village even? If I maxed EVERYTHING and went to Novo, I'd get 15-20 FPS.


EDIT: I'm going to try it right now and take some screenshots. 

Edited by ColdAtrophy

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You never go below 60 in any town or village even? If I maxed EVERYTHING and went to Novo, I'd get 15-20 FPS.


EDIT: I'm going to try it right now and take some screenshots. 

I get drops in the 40s in average small villages and smaller cities but nothing below the 40s. Its not until the big ones like Elektro which I get some bigger slow downs. Now even in those towns, I've yet to have any kind of slow down where its like slide show. I've run MSI Afterburner and all my temps look great, full utilization of my procs and video card.

Edited by phobiaOS

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I can see where the full on survival gameplay style would be appealing, though for me it gets rather boring to play like that all the time. I play solo for the most part, so as you can imagine I try not to go full retard and run into an area without first scoping it out, but sometimes it's fun to just throw caution to the wind and see what kind of trouble you can get into. Sometimes it ends up being fun as hell getting into a few nice little firefights and escaping, other times I end up respawning and starting over :).


I'm not saying I don't do that. I actually win 75% of my fights, unless I am completely underpowered; that's one reason my friends wanna play with me. What I'm saying is that you can play the game with two different attitudes: you can either go in with the intention of hunting for players and killing everyone. Or you can go in with the ambition to stay alive the longest and avoiding most of the heat. It comes down to the same thing - you will get shot or shoot someone or call it a draw and retreat. It's the mindset that is different about this killing. One is trying to avoid unnecessary risk and the other is actively seeking it out. I feel like the latter is how most people understand gameplay in the SA, but the former is how it was with the mod and how I like to play myself.  

Edited by S3V3N

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Will post a couple screenshots when I get home from work if you'd like. I'm not trying to suggest that others aren't having FPS issues, I was just stating that I guess I am one of the few that isn't. Yay for me? Idk.

Just post a screen from police in elektro looking towards central fire. I got 50 there now, but with zombies and normal amount of items its 40 and I play with butchered settings.

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This about nails what I tried to say earlier. I feel this way too: I avoid players, move slowly and try to be very observant. I try to stay invisible, I try to stay alive for as long as possible.  While on the other hand my friends play exactly the opposite way. They actively look for players and shoot at everything that moves. I had to cut our last session off and stopped playing, because I was getting increasingly frustrated with their way of playing the game. I don't want to hunt players, unless I was provoked or feel challenged by another player. 


I'm getting your gamestyle BCBasher, but that works best on the not so crowded servers, dunnit? My friends always go for the full ones and as long as there are no infected AI, so do I. The difference is, they go there to gather weapons and hunt, I go there to maintain a camp and survive. 


It's a lot easier on low pop and empty servers but gets boring faster, I picked one that goes up to the teens or twenties this time which is fun too. I spend more time trying stuff "testing" the game than playing lately and will probably play mostly on a home based server 1 or 2 player when it's done if the pve is there.


I can see where the full on survival gameplay style would be appealing, though for me it gets rather boring to play like that all the time. I play solo for the most part, so as you can imagine I try not to go full retard and run into an area without first scoping it out, but sometimes it's fun to just throw caution to the wind and see what kind of trouble you can get into. Sometimes it ends up being fun as hell getting into a few nice little firefights and escaping, other times I end up respawning and starting over :).


I spend a lot of time camping what I consider to be high traffic areas. I typically won't engage someone while I'm camping unless they are fairly well geared or pose some sort of immediate threat (have a weapon out moving toward me or in very close proximity). I try to avoid shooting freshies unless they shoot first. I don't want to be THAT GUY that is just a total douche canoe and shoots everything he sees. Besides, I've met quite a few cool people simply by holding my fire and giving them a chance to talk :).


I'm a boring person who loves repetitious boring stuff, sometimes I let loose have a few drinks and get one of the kids to go on a trip to a mil hotspot to get a vest and SKS, nothing happens and it's out of my system.  

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I get drops in the 40s in average small villages and smaller cities but nothing below the 40s. Its not until the big ones like Elektro which I get some bigger slow downs. Now even in those towns, I've yet to have any kind of slow down where its like slide show. I've run MSI Afterburner and all my temps look great, full utilization of my procs and video card.


I get neither full utilization of my CPU nor full utilization of my GPU with everything maxed. CPU 0 (highest utilization of the 4 cores) is around 70%, GPU is around 40%-50%.


In your first post, you said you get "60+ FPS everywhere but the biggest cities". Now you've already backtracked and described nearly the exact same FPS as I experience. I just don't find the 20 FPS range to be playable so I tweaked cfg to get my minimum up to about 35, no matter the circumstance. There is little practical difference between Normal and Very High for Shadows, Clouds, and Terrain. So I just left them at normal. Objects is the big FPS killer and makes the biggest difference for minimum framerate on an otherwise adequately equipped system. Everything in the Rendering section, I do have maxed. There is little difference between your all max setting and my optimized settings in terms of visuals. There is a big difference as far as minimum FPS.


Here's a video I took just now of me running through Severograd with everything maxed. I reset the ObjectViewDistance to the default of 3800 and PreferredObjectViewDistance to the default of 3200. As you can see, Rivatuner OSD is running in the top left corner. Minimum FPS was about 17 or 19, somewhere in there I think. 



As of the time of this writing, the video is still in processing. Should be done in about 15 minutes or so.


With the tweaks I made for my normal setup, I get 60-50 everywhere (including wilderness areas) except for large cities where I dip down to 30-50. The game looks great and stays as smooth as I can tolerate. I personally much prefer never dipping below 30 FPS since the entire reason I switched to PC is to avoid the 30 FPS standard that plagues consoles. If you had read the last few comments in this conversation, you'd see that we weren't talking about dips down to "slideshow" range. I was replying to a string of posts starting a couple pages back about not going below 60 unless in a big city. They still happen in small towns and villages even. I've been experimenting with this for months now while running Rivatuner.


It should also be mentioned that I use Vsync. My max FPS could be much higher than what I've talked about here. With it off, in places where I would have maintained 60, I go up to 80-90.

Edited by ColdAtrophy

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Okay so I just got home from work and logged on. Last time I played I logged out in the far north just outside Novaya Petrovka (decent size city, definitely not the biggest on the map). I found my first tent there during my last play session! :)


Anyways, back on track.


Right now it is night time and pouring down rain. My graphics settings are as follows;


Rendering Resolution: 125%

VSync: Enabled


Objects: High

Terrain: High

Clouds: Disabled

Shadows: Disabled


Texture Detail: High

Texture Filtering: High


Antialiasing: Normal

Alpha to Coverage: All trees + grass

Edge Smoothing: FXAA Normal

HDR Quality: High

Ambient Occlusion: Enabled

Postprocess Quality: High

Bloom: Minimum (turned off)

Rotation Blur: Minimum (turned off)


I have been running around town for about 10 minutes or so since I got home from work and my fps has hovered between 56 - 63 the entire time (with the exception of the 1 second freezes while stuff is loading that happen every few minutes or so).


My PC specs are as follows:


CPU - i5-4690k running @ 3.5GHz right now

GPU - EVGA GTX 970 4GB clocked @ 1317MHz

16GB G.Skills Ripjaws RAM DDR3 1866

DayZ is installed on a 128GB Kingston SSDNow V300



I noticed that when I turn shadows and clouds on my fps gets raped, which is why I always turn them off. Yea, shadows and clouds are nice from a visual standpoint, but not nice enough to have my fps drop due to something I hardly ever pay attention to. I think in my original post about fps when I said I was running everything at max I was thinking about Arma 3 for whatever reason. It looks like my graphics settings in DayZ are turned down a bit compared to Arma. Regardless, I hover around 60 fps the majority of the time I am playing.

Edited by Shooter503

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Well that explains it. No offense, but you aren't running "near max". Also, there is no "High" setting for HDR Quality. There is Low or Off. Of the 14 line items you listed, you have 5 of them at their highest settings or in the case of HDR (I assume) simply on.

Edited by ColdAtrophy

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