WilliamTheConqueror 81 Posted August 8, 2015 To fix the FoV zoom exploit, the devs just limited the amount the FoV could be changed. Why not do this with Gamma? This would keep players from putting it so high to make night easier. Others say that people will just change the Gamma on their monitor. This would not be as big of an issue as people think it would. It would be more of an issue to change, and less would feel the need to do it. If people think there is a more fair playing field with Gamma being limited, less people will feel the need to do it. In short, the amount of people who would change monitor gamma is far fewer than people who change it in game. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Conrad_The_Comrade 577 Posted August 8, 2015 I'm all for limiting gamma change IG. If it's really an issue not being able to boost it to ungodly levels, theirs always changing it on your monitor, or buying a better/different monitor next time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
therandomredstone 432 Posted August 8, 2015 (edited) I feel as if limiting the gamma/brightness configuration "freedom" I guess you could say, could really negatively impact players with certain monitors. Not everyone's screen settings are the same so the ability to change the gamma/brightness level is kinda unfortunately a thing that we need. Unless Bohemia says "have a problem with your monitor settings? Edit them or get a new one." Then we'll just have to live with the abuse. I've personally been forced to turning my gamma up all the way at night. If I come across another player and my settings are normal and I cannot see him because it's dark but he can see me because he has raised his settings, then it's a very bad advantage, you know? But if Bohemia really wants to make this game a realistic "is anyone behind this tree or in that dark corner?" and fair game, then they should just indeed limit if not completely remove the brightness/gamma system. EDIT:omfg this was my 1000th post xD "I wanna thank my mother, that can of beans I found in the deer stand, and that bambi that let me eat him!" Edited August 8, 2015 by therandomredstone 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BCBasher 2465 Posted August 8, 2015 Anybody still rocking a tired 15"crt monitor? Been along time since I needed game gamma to make a game playable personally. I think we could all live with about 5-10% of the game adjustable range but that's just my opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baker. 1484 Posted August 8, 2015 (edited) the gamma slider needs to be there, but yeah it does go a little high Also this has been addressed 1 bagililion times. Edited August 8, 2015 by B@ker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billyangstadt 272 Posted August 8, 2015 Maybe it's just having good vision, but gamma goggles make it harder to see on our already full moon nights. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Coheed_IV 381 Posted August 8, 2015 I think this will get some attention once renderer and lighting are in. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gannon46 788 Posted August 8, 2015 If they could make night time not completely black then most probably wouldn't turn it up i'm sure some would but most do it because in some areas with out turning it up you could be stuck on a fence or running into a tree yes one could use a flashlight or other device but most servers do not even have night time which i think stems from it just looking bad i like it just because it makes things black and white and reminds me of the old zed films but it still looks bad. i hope the renderer fixes this and makes night time something we like to experience to point to where we want to be legit about it and not mess with the settings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WilliamTheConqueror 81 Posted August 8, 2015 I am not saying that it should be lowered to the point where people who need it can't play the game. what I am saying is that we should not be able to raise it as high. I'd say limit it to about 3/4 from the current maximum. It still makes night brighter a bit, but not so much as now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rybec 339 Posted August 8, 2015 When was the last time you played a game where you had to mess with the brightness from the standard being unbearable? I honestly can't remember any other game I've changed the standard brightness except for Arma and DayZ for night. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Coheed_IV 381 Posted August 8, 2015 I am not saying that it should be lowered to the point where people who need it can't play the game. what I am saying is that we should not be able to raise it as high. I'd say limit it to about 3/4 from the current maximum. It still makes night brighter a bit, but not so much as now.I would, once lighting is complete I would like to see a big effort to make flashlights, lanterns, chemsticks actually relevant. If you don't force a level playing field these items will mean nothing. Games have done it, mostly console games. Right now consoles have a better chance at relevant maps, radios, and flashlights. That's sucks, at least we get mods. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WilliamTheConqueror 81 Posted August 8, 2015 When was the last time you played a game where you had to mess with the brightness from the standard being unbearable? I honestly can't remember any other game I've changed the standard brightness except for Arma and DayZ for night. Exactly. From old crap monitors to new ones, I have never needed to change the gamma from its original setting. Besides, I don't think many people will bother with changing the monitor settings. maybe a few bad apples, but most people who change the gamma do it because they feel others do. Also, you didn't see this in the mod. Why SA? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 524 Posted August 8, 2015 Not a bad suggestion really. NO ONE needs the extreme gamma settings. If you do you should throw that monitor in garbage for the good of your own eyesight. Yes, you could achieve similar effect with GPU/monitor settings but most people wouldn't because they either don't know how or wouldn't be bothered. Some people put a piece of tape in the center of the monitor for "handmade crosshair". Most don't. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Just Caused 423 Posted August 8, 2015 (edited) Or instead bloody changing gamma suggestions, devs could make night a little bit more 'nighty' and not just black and white colors. Edited August 8, 2015 by JustCaused Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BCBasher 2465 Posted August 8, 2015 Or instead bloody changing gamma suggestions, devs could make night a little bit more 'nighty' and not just black and white colors. Have you ever been out side at night? The human eye losses it ability to distinguish color as light levels lower. It's far from a perfect representation but sure better than just lowering brightness. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WilliamTheConqueror 81 Posted August 9, 2015 Have you ever been out side at night? The human eye losses it ability to distinguish color as light levels lower. It's far from a perfect representation but sure better than just lowering brightness. Exactly, and unless there is a moon out, it can be pitch black sometimes. The stars help, but only so much, and only on perfectly clear nights. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BCBasher 2465 Posted August 9, 2015 Exactly, and unless there is a moon out, it can be pitch black sometimes. The stars help, but only so much, and only on perfectly clear nights. I do live somewhere rural away from most light pollution and on a moonlit night I see pretty much how it looks in game after my eyes adjust, monochrome with maybe a hint of blues. If there's no moon or stars and or I'm under the tree canopy I can't see jack. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sushimaster 6 Posted August 27, 2015 It's not an exploit. gamma corection restores lost detail. the stuff you can't see that shows up when you adjust the gamma is actually supposed to be visable. the way you differentiate between dark and bright IRL is kind of rough. your brain kind of looks at the whole picture and says this is bright or this is dark. Now, take all that information & crush it into a fraction of your total field of view... this is what happens with things like monitors and photos and whatnot. you're monitor has to compete with the rest of everything your eyes are seeing... what's more, monitors aren't very good at reproducing darks in the first place. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Evil Minion 943 Posted August 27, 2015 Just limiting the gamma slider... if it was that easy the exploit would have been fixed some time ago. Point is we need the gamma slider as different players play under different circumstances. And here is the problem as it might not be able to provide a player who is outside on a sunny day with a satifying amount of vision to actually play the game without giving a player who sits in a darkened room the tools to get nightvision. Maybe it's possible to force low contrast by blurring some colors before the gamma setting is applied or simply limiting effective vision by changing the way objects are shown. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wili 156 Posted August 27, 2015 I think limiting the gamma slider won't solve it as you can always change it from your graphic card program, from the monitor, even using some gamma programs.The only solution I know of is making pitch black nights 100% black without any gradients. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sushimaster 6 Posted August 28, 2015 (edited) I have been seriously bent on this topic for the past few days. Not gamma correction in DayZ specifically, but vision in general... I read a ton of crap and I'm accumulating a list of things that would make DayZ more real & interesting.. Cool crap like, wearing sunglasses during the day reduces the amount of time it takes your eyes to adjust to the dark.. increasing your blood sugar also helps... laying low helps too, so say the ninjas anyway.. & your rod cells can't see red...Which brings me to This .This is what you're going to take with you into the darkest room in your house. Fill it up, because you're going be in there for a while. Also, you'll need a very small source of light, you're phone will work. Hold your light behind your back, use your body to block it & adjust the light level right up to the point where thisdissapears! As you'll hopefully be able to notice, the main difference between scotopic vision and photopic vision is... FEKKIN EVERYTHINGYou want to look at everything like you normally would, but you can't! you see something out the corner of your eye and move your eyes to look at it & ERR! WRONG! You can't do that anymore! You're stuck with that blind spot for like, half an hour, more or less, & your acuity is pretty much trashed, it doesn't come back. If you want any degree of visual acuity, then you're going to have to use your night vision somewhere else... somewhere like... outside. outside is so, soooooo, so so so much brighter than the darkest room in your house.Anyway, yeah... it's on topic, because the way you fix the gamma "exploit" is by fixing the core issue. the game just grayscales everything. Edited August 28, 2015 by sushimaster Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted August 28, 2015 "exploit" I lol'd! :lol: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sister Ray 41 Posted August 30, 2015 (edited) As far as I know, Arma III has handled gamma exploit pretty well without limiting the gamma slider. Haven't played Arma III myself, but I've never heard any complaits about Arma III nights. Here's Smasht's explanation of the system that Arma III uses to combat gamma exploiting. Edited August 30, 2015 by Sister Ray 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites