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Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

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I was just in NW Airfield, tons of ump mags, boxes of .45, many gorka jackets and a couple sks's and ammo and some 10 round clips. Lots of green sweaters. About 20 pairs of binoculars. 1 Can of peaches. I haven't seen a model 70 in a few days. Pretty smooth play, I'll have to go to a big city and see how smooth it is right now.

There was a guy here at NWAF killing people running out of the quonset hut on the NW side of the airfield .. needless to say I put a stop to it. I love this Aug ;). It's pretty accurate using semi auto fire. I just don't like that the scope is zeroed at 300.

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Well i had a brief run tonight, I heard there was no character wipe so i naturally hopped on my police man and decided to really deck him out tonight : I found my favorite weapon PM73-RAK , a holster for one of my two sidearms, a lockpick to lock my cop house and a stun baton and pair of handcuffs for next time i log on... I'm gonna play sherriff seeing as how the 1pp servers are popping again ! The gameplay was ridiculously smooth and i think i got better frames out of this mini patch somehow, but i was only in vybor on a 17 pop server so that could be it.. overall can't wait to see .58 hit stable and furthermore see .59 debut on the experimental branch!!! My character:



And also this is something i found interesting , its spawnpoint is very awesome and i would like to see more of it :



Edited by Grapefruit kush
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There are a few bugs with dealing with items. Buddy of mine said when he drank a soda, his MP5 was still in his hand and could still see the reticle when drinking etc. Another friend just painted his mosin and it looked like his attachments disappeared but relogging solved the issue. I'm seeing ghost items on the ground, I believe someone mentioned that already, like a pack I could see when looking at a certain angle, but turning it would disappear.


I only played for a little over an hour but other than those few item bugs, it ran pretty smooth and no weapon glitches thankfully.


More testing tomorrow ..

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The disappearing fireplace act bug seems to be fixed (unless anyone can prove otherwise).


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I'm patching  ^_^



- ok, I can report a visual bug at the character screen.

I can confirm that I've the axe inside the backpack, but it shows outside on my backs. 

It works as intended in-game though - so a minor visual bug at the login screen.



Edited by Ori42

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Damaged batteries will no longer run a truck?


Has been fixed some days ago.



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How long will the small batteries last any duration on it at the moment?

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Well, not only guns, but some items like burlap wraps too. The issue is you need open slots in your backpack for your weapons and other items or things start to disappear. 

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report in of a gun disappearing :|



I lost a gun too yesterday but it does not dissapear.

It lay on the ground in front of the building i think it was desync or something like that.

But that happened sometimes in the last patches too.

I think that also happened in 0.57 but i haven´t played for a long time.

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As noted in post#1
Incorrect character animations at the Main Menu.


I've tested in house fires + temperature (with thermometer) + wet status everything appears to be working, unless someone can prove otherwise.

I did lose some sticks that I placed in front of the fire grate but I believe this is more related to some items getting lost in certain buildings.

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so the wepons glitch is fixed, but some other problems remain. Most notable with world containers. I have a free slot in a protective case, yet I can't put anything in there. I am pretty sure I'd put 22 cal ammo in that empty slot. It only appears empty. I took all items out and back in, but I can only use 5 out of 6 slots now. I had a similar problem with the barrels before the fix. When you tanned leather, there were two slots that couldn't be filled; oddly enough sometimes it would let me fill them. Have to continue with the testing.


On the start/character screen, I am still holding the protective case in my hand, instead of my handgun.


Items seemed fine upon first spawn yesterday.I could pick up nearly everything. Today, one third of all items are stuck. Closing doors helped, but somehow they still spawn on top of each other. I also noticed a few occasions where the same item was spawned x5 in one house. Clothing items only, so far. Doors I closed near bugged items seemed kinda sluggish and I had to use close two times, as if they were stuck.


Item mix is still good. Most of the time I find things where it belongs, however, although I found medic scrubs in the police station, today.


Have not been able to find any bolts or quivers yet, but cal .22 mags spawn a lot more frequent now. Quivers should spawn around the same area as crossbows, and not only on deerstands (which currently they don't even seem to do),


I "met" a guy, who I tried talking to, but who just froze and then jumped into cover. So I pulled back a little into the forest to watch what he was going to do. I nearly had a heart attack when suddenly a buck spawned right in front of me when I was scoped. And it kept glitching in and out, sometimes displaying parts of its dying animation. But it would only become visible for a split second and disappear. A little away from it, I also saw a stuck deer, which was not moving at all, in the middle of a meadow.  

Edited by S3V3N

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This patch must have improved framerates. I dont recall getting a steady 60-80 frames in cherno. I went on testing in elektro and in the worst spot for me (on police looking towards central fire) I got 10 frames more than normal (51 instead of 41). In most other parts I got steady 60+ as well.

Edited by jayfkay

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It works as intended in-game though - so a minor visual bug at the login screen.



Oh that's nothing. My guy sometimes has Stretch Armstrong wrists wrapped up towards his chest at awkward angles while holding water bottles and other random shit from my inventory at the main menu. That hasn't worked right for some time now.

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After spraypainting my CR527 green, I lost the scope (but not the magazine); at least so I thought. Game crashed a moment later and when I reconnected scope was back on. 


This is a bug i`m after right now. Happened to my blaze as well. I painted it black, only to have my scope and ammo "disappear". I could reload it afterwards, but i could not attach another scope. Now for the important part - do you recall if you put your CR527 on the ground and tried to pick it up when game crashed? Or it happened when you did something else? This crash IS imo related to that weapon being painted. I was able to replicate it twice, with said blaze, first time painting it black, then repainting green. In both cases changing color would make scope disappear AND it would cause DayZ to crash later on. Both crashes happened after different actions - first time when i dropped the gun on the ground and second - i think i put the gun in my hands.

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so the wepons glitch is fixed, but some other problems remain. Most notable with world containers. I have a free slot in a protective case, yet I can't put anything in there.

For the record, world containers are things like the refrigerator where loot is meant to spawn in future versions (but doesn't currently).

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This is a bug i`m after right now. Happened to my blaze as well. I painted it black, only to have my scope and ammo "disappear". I could reload it afterwards, but i could not attach another scope. Now for the important part - do you recall if you put your CR527 on the ground and tried to pick it up when game crashed? Or it happened when you did something else? This crash IS imo related to that weapon being painted. I was able to replicate it twice, with said blaze, first time painting it black, then repainting green. In both cases changing color would make scope disappear AND it would cause DayZ to crash later on. Both crashes happened after different actions - first time when i dropped the gun on the ground and second - i think i put the gun in my hands.

 The rifle had disappeared from my hotbar, so I was dragging it back onto there when the game crashed. I got an error message too and the error consisted out of only 000000000.0000 as far as I can remember.



For the record, world containers are things like the refrigerator where loot is meant to spawn in future versions (but doesn't currently).

Ah thanks, I assumed everything is a world container, since they all seem to behave similar. Didn't know about the loot-spawning plans. That's quite interesting. So if you put a fridge in your base later, every couple of restarts it will have something yummy in it? Wish my fridge at home would do that ;)

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Ah thanks, I assumed everything is a world container, since they all seem to behave similar. Didn't know about the loot-spawning plans. That's quite interesting. So if you put a fridge in your base later, every couple of restarts it will have something yummy in it? Wish my fridge at home would do that ;)



No, it means when you see a fridge inside a house, it will have a chance to spawn something. Currently, the ones inside houses don't hold anything, they are just for show. :)

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You definitely found THE spot!


It's right about here, west of Lopatino, if your interested in shooting some but don't eat the meat!

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just walked through a house near berenzino, nothing special at all. suddenly my char screamed, the screen got red and 10sek later i ways laying on the ground because of a fractured leg. 2 mins later i was unconscious. now i am laying here, hopeing that my char gets awake soon. no fuckin reason for breaking my leg.

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Ah thanks, I assumed everything is a world container, since they all seem to behave similar. Didn't know about the loot-spawning plans. That's quite interesting. So if you put a fridge in your base later, every couple of restarts it will have something yummy in it? Wish my fridge at home would do that ;)

No, it means when you see a fridge inside a house, it will have a chance to spawn something. Currently, the ones inside houses don't hold anything, they are just for show. :)

^ What BoneJunkie said. Right now there are a handful in the game (see here: http://www.dayztv.com/map/b/fridge/),but just for testing testing purposes as they do not yet spawn anything. I think the idea is that eventually there will be a chance for loot to spawn there that is tied to the type of container (i.e. food in the refrigerator).

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I'm still having an issue with trucks the last couple builds and I'm not alone. Have a damaged battery and worn glow plug. I've tried running 3 different trucks on 2 different servers immediately after server reset so they should be full of fuel right? Do the fuel gauges now work and trucks are spawning in empty? Something has changed from a couple builds back but I don't see anyone posting issues about it.

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