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Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

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Can someone confirm what valid startup parameters exist in this version? like -cpuCount, -exThreads? I know that some of the parameters were classified as deprecated.


What are the current valid parameters?


The last thing I heard was that the only launch parameter was -newui.

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Can rain feed seeds?


I've never heard anyone discuss it....

I know the mechanic used to work on previous builds..Not quite sure if it still does or is broken can anyone verify this?

Edited by Scarcifer
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You can revive your friends. That's why I always carry an Epinephrine and a Saline Bag. We aren't necromancers. If they are dead, they are dead. You can't fix dead. But if they are right on the edge of death, you can save them. 

Never seems to work very well for me. what im saying is i would like to see a more concrete system for it. I've used blood bags, epi-pins, defibs, but have never resurrected some one from being unconscious. I would also like to be able to drag wounded buddys.

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Anyone tried snares yet? How do you get them set up? I can craft them but cant set them.

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Something I didn't mention that I haven't seen brought up otherwise was the abundance of Makarovs and their magazines.


I had wondered why a .38 handgun wasn't more common, especially in police stations and police cars.


Now it seems you can find many in the stations and cars and the magazines are common on guardhouse steps.


Considering how often players neglect this weapon, and how many I've seen, at this time it's probably the easiest sidearm to get up and running.


I'm looking forward to the CZ version of the .38 Special as that should also be common and well, it's a classic....

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1st bash on stable last night... So glad to have my 1pp server back ;)

Performance was so good I was able to juice up the graphic settings which made me immensely pleased.

Guns in every house, food abundant. It's like a dream for now... Did see a few Zeds and trucks. Still trying to find a hunting scope, checked every feeding shack and deer stand on my route from Kamy to Vybor last night but no joy :(

Had a very unfriendly encounter with a hidden gunman who tried to chase me down but I lost him. Had a few clear shots at survivors who had no idea I was stalking them but I just can't seem to pull the trigger..

Had the item unable to pick up thing but dragging it into hands and/or leaving the building and coming back in solved this. Other then that no problems to report. Great patch. Looking forward to 0.58 exp ;)

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I played on DG yesterday and didn't have this problem. Server was not completely full, though. Around 35 players at that time.

If we are talking about the Deluxe gaming servers then thats the server i sometimes get rubberbanding and weird epsiodes where people can take a whole mag to the chest and still run away.

Edited by aasand

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I haven't read about this on the experimental branch while we were testing 0.56 and 0.57, nor when 0.57 hit stable, but the action bar icons now are updated with the correct look of the item/weapon you placed in.


The action bar icons for guns have their attachments showing, while it wasn't the case in 0.55 stable.



Lovely addition that I really enjoy.


Also, I know that certain items are very specific right now as to where they spawn (IE: Hunting pants only at the school buildings.) but did anyone find the plastic compass that was added in 0.54?? I only seem to find the old compass everywhere, and it's the only thing I haven't seen at all in 0.57. Even though the normal sewing kits are rare, I found a few.


And lastly, I've been looking for a weapon cleaning kit, and I know I've seen some, but can't seem to get my hands on one as of now. Any tips on where to look? The one I had found was in a deer stand, but since then I haven't seen 1 in stable 0.57.

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Whats up with the tents? Every one I place down disappears after restart. This is on Per: On servers

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It seems backpacks spawn much more in civilian houses, and keep finding hunting backpacks at deer stands and feeding shacks.( Found 11 hunting backpacks in 2 days...  :huh: )


I've found fishing hooks in sheds. Rusty ones and thin ones too, with the open-able door. Haven't seen any animals either, and for 5 leather sewing kits, only found 1 normal sewing kit, in the "christmas" civilian house. (Red and green highlight house that spawns lots of ammo as of now.)


Found the pistol holster for plate carriers in out-houses, the plate carriers themselves, like you said, at the prison island, and the pouches at the new enter-able guard houses, which seem to spawn endless high-cap vests too.



Found a very few backpacks in civilian houses, the ones that had anything mostly had splosions of wool coats. I'll have to check more hunting stands. Makes sense a hunting backpack would be in a hunting stand though. Most sheds I've been too are completely empty, even right after a server  restart. What's been gold for me is the newly enterable guard buildings, the porches at least. Especially the one in Cherno. Did finally find a holster for the plate carrier next to a police car. Also, some guard towers seem to have decent loot, found lots of food in them and also an AK74 mag once. Try not to get treed in one through because it's impossible to get a good shot on zombies at the base. I found sitting down for a bit gets you off their radar and they start wandering off, at which point you can get a better angle. Of course it would be better to deal with them before you go up.


Think I'm done with the prison island though. After being thrown to my death out of a guard tower from simply dropping a crossbow (while in the tower), I made my way back and was up on one of the two balconies with clothing splosions and accidentally walked right through the railing and down onto the roof. 





There was a certain part of the wall where I seemed to glitch up a little bit but not enough to get back up onto the balcony. Further walking into the wall below the balcony resulted in death. 

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Someone needs to take a long hard look at the ballistic data for the .22LR round.

IRL, there is no way in hell it will hit anything past 300m, let alone penetrate thick clothing at that distance.


In 0.57, I've been hitting things (including bipedal ones) at 500m (and even further out) with the Sporter and a Hunting Scope.

This oversight (I sure hope it is) makes this combo extremely OP in skilled hands.



Wow 500 meters is way OP for .22LR


If we want to be somewhat realistic around 50-60 yards unscoped and maybe 200-250 yards with a scope might be good. Should probably make rifles more accurate than pistols if they aren't already. I've mostly only used pistols inside 5 meters so I can't really say how far they will reach out. Think I'll give pistol distance shooting a try next time I'm on.


Also noticed that Z's are going down quicker and with fewer shots this build. Been mostly able to get one shot kills with an SKS, even at 200 meters. Single shot (no mag) 5.45x39 has been taking two shots. 

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Whats up with the tents? Every one I place down disappears after restart. This is on Per: On servers



Apparently all servers have persistence off, even if they say otherwise. I've seen lots of 3 man tents but ignored them because of this. It's a nice touch when the admins set a warning message when a reset is coming up. Lost 3 SKS's at different times while either eating or drinking. I've been keeping an AK74 on my back hoping to find at least one mag for it, and carrying an SKS because, well 10 shots is better than one. Somehow I always seem to be eating or drinking when the server restarts. Luckily SKS's seem to be fairly easy to come by.

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For the .22LR:

Gamefiles say ~380 m/s initial speed and 0.0015 rad dispersion for Sporter 22 and Trumpet (300-425m range) upgraded to 0.00125 rad with Hunting Scope (350-450m range). If bullets slow down and lose power over time .22LR rounds schould be at half damage around 160m but that might not be the case right now.

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So, two questions for the masses:


1) Does a Ruined Suppressor negatively affect your weapon's stats in any way?


2) Does anyone know if weapon characteristics have been changed in any way in this patch? I ask because I put together an AKM with Kashtan this morning, and while it always did have a fair amount of recoil, I now find that even when only firing one shot at a zombie, I actually lose my target in my sight from the upward kick. I do not recall that ever happening in the past with the PSO-1. 

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Whats up with the tents? Every one I place down disappears after restart. This is on Per: On servers

The status report of May 27th  stated : " As these systems are actively being worked on by the gameplay programming team - the stable branch update will have the spawning of infected, and the persistence disabled on stable branch servers. This is only a temporary measure while these two issues continue to be worked on, and we'll see both base building, and infected return with a vengeance as soon as possible."


Even it's stated as "persistence on", it's probably forced off. The description doesn't mean anything right now.


I'm glad the infected spawn even though they said they were not going to spawn. Persistence will be brought back when it's fixed and works better, or doesn't creat other issues.

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I haven't read about this on the experimental branch while we were testing 0.56 and 0.57, nor when 0.57 hit stable, but the action bar icons now are updated with the correct look of the item/weapon you placed in.


The action bar icons for guns have their attachments showing, while it wasn't the case in 0.55 stable.



Lovely addition that I really enjoy.


Also, I know that certain items are very specific right now as to where they spawn (IE: Hunting pants only at the school buildings.) but did anyone find the plastic compass that was added in 0.54?? I only seem to find the old compass everywhere, and it's the only thing I haven't seen at all in 0.57. Even though the normal sewing kits are rare, I found a few.


And lastly, I've been looking for a weapon cleaning kit, and I know I've seen some, but can't seem to get my hands on one as of now. Any tips on where to look? The one I had found was in a deer stand, but since then I haven't seen 1 in stable 0.57.



I have seen weapon cleaning kits as well but no plastic compass.


More item related observations:


Hunting backpacks now spawn in civilian locations, which is great.


For the 3rd or 4th time now I've found a firearm next door to it's magazine/clip.


This time it was a mosin and next door, a 5 round clip for it.


Character observation:


Food and hydration consumption seems a bit faster now.


Especially if you are warming up or hot.

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To add to bios observation (without quoting of course) i find the notices "i am slowly warming up) seems to be on much shorter intervals. As in, a constant stream of temp updates (cooling/warming). Anyone else notice? Anyone else find it distracting? Lol

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I really appreciate the fact that z's now make noise when they see you and start running after you. Sure, it sounds like a pack of them even if it's only one, but I'll take that any day over the dead silent ninja z's that you don't know are there until they knock you upside the head.

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Meat tenderizer wut http://imgur.com/nHqKd80.... When I opened a can of peaches i got 2% lol


I wonder how the meat tenderizer is on z's? It would be nice if it was OP and one whack with a meat tenderizer smashed a z's head in.  :P

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So I'm told Eugen says the changelog is coming tomorrow and then my friend says he doesn't know...does anyone know?

Edited by ZAP44

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Huh. I can't seem to find any, I have found plenty of mags for it, and the handguards, but not one actual gun. the PM is doing very nicely though, especially as zombie control, even if its kinda loud :P


Saw an MP5 near a BRDM, along with 2 full 30rd mags for it. Saw 2 more 30rd MP5 mags near a different BRDM. Have yet to see an MP5 stock though. Also, with a suppressor it sounds quite nice (and quiet) although on this build I've only found Eastern block suppressors. 

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So I'm told Eugen says the changelog is coming tomorrow and then my friend says he doesn't know...does anyone know?


you know wayne?

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Finally got a WInchester with hunting scope and plenty of ammo! Now it's the time to try it on some freshspaw- I mean bandits...

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