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Army Tent

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Any one playing on the AUSARMA server out of Sydney Australia, I have set up an Army Tent just on the South side of Rogovo and started to stock it with farming stuff so you can grow some food if needed. It's close to the creek and the two story building with the water pump out the back so you can get water for the garden plots.

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nice of you.  hopefully nobody steals it.


I've THOUGHT of putting up a 'hunter's shack' myself, where people could get shelter and take/leave extra food near a respawn area but I've been afraid that some will probably just take it (or the server would eat it, because alpha).

Edited by Red_Ensign
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nice of you.  hopefully nobody steals it.


I've THOUGHT of putting up a 'hunter's shack' myself, where people could get shelter and take/leave extra food near a respawn area but I've been afraid that some will probably just take it (or the server would eat it, because alpha).


You should - I mean not setting one up means nothing and setting one up with a chance of it being found or wiped means something to someone right?

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Are tents working suddenly?


I'll let you know around .59 when I try this game again.

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They seem to be working - the one I have set up is a 20kg Army Tent so no use stealing it as you have to drop your back pack to carry it. I have found two small ones also but left them alone as I have no use for them.

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Tried setting up a farm in Kozlovka on our server (bags of food, multiple garden plots, backpacks supplies etc) however it became too much hassle to keep going with the Wednesday cleanup...

One day, maybe...

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My private hive army tent has stood since Friday or Saturday. Lost 2-3 mid to late last week on public though.

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I found one of those tents B) pitched it outside of novodmitrovsk


put some extra stuff in it and left it for anyone to find. I will look for it later today

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My groups 5 tents set up for a party in a private sever have all survived , we packed up a bunch of stuff before Wednesday but the wipe didn't even erase any of the remaining items in the tents , so I'm not sure if it's like this on all servers , I hear some still eat tents randomly ...

To OP: this is a good idea , just be careful of those veggie bandits !!

Edited by Grapefruit kush

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I setup one of those tents north of the hill from the NW airfield and went inside, closed all the windows and left the door open and sat there with my rifle pointing out the door giggling.  I ran off way north and looped around and came back about 3 hours later and it was already gone and there had been no resets. I would like to have one of those somewhere that it could be hidden. It's very nice dark green but it is as big as a shed. So far I have not put anything important in any tent, just overflow easily replaced stuff like food, bandages, repair kits.  I found a great place to put a player tent and it stayed there for 6 days and just before the wednesday patch I was going to empty it and carry it and that dern server was offline all day and night..argh!

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+Beans, cool idea. I appreciate you didn't make it too easy. They have to grow some food. Better than just leaving peaches!

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Yeah when I'm not playing on Pipsi I tend to play Ausarma. Will check it out when I'm next on.

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If I saw it I'd steal it. That tent is not gonna last long.


I guess that's why you're an IgnobleBasterd.

Edited by kichilron

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