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.55 loot, I'll just leave it at this.

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Found a smersh backpack and vest in the same town, the vest inside a wooden shed and the backpack on top of a red car.


Looks like they can spawn in civ loot pools now.


sweet, just needed to know the backpacks are still spawning.


i found a vest in civ house also but just havent been able to find a backpack yet. 

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Hello, new in here but not to the game. Was playing yesterday and I found 3 M65 Jackets in 20 min, dident they just spawn at helicraches?

And to those that complain about the loot and cant find drinks and canned food, you dont look hard enough.

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Hello, new in here but not to the game. Was playing yesterday and I found 3 M65 Jackets in 20 min, dident they just spawn at helicraches?

And to those that complain about the loot and cant find drinks and canned food, you dont look hard enough.


I don't know which servers you play in, but I play pretty popular ones, and I can't find anything anymore, not from cars, not from toilets, not from guard towers, not from hunting stands, not from the sides of certain buildings etc etc. There was loot still few days ago, but now there just isn't. In addition to guy I have in publics, I played also in few private servers, so I had few characters with not very special but still okay gear when the update came last wednesday. Now all of them are dead, one was killed by the invisible zombie, which is always hilarious. And I just can't find anything for the newborn replacements. 


The game at the moment is picking up apples until you get killed by a passing by player. Or then you have to fight enough zombies you run out of rags and finally bleed to death. 

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I don't know which servers you play..

This is the 1st pp (hardcore) Public Server that I have been playing on since 0.55 release.

Loot is working fine.

You should have a reasonable ping from your location.

Give it a try...
"Just Another Day | JAD | Hardcore | ITA-EU | Pers:OFF";
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This patch has brought both good and bad for me.


The good:

  • Commons/Food items either reduced (or perhaps just more spread out?)
  • New Zombie AI is much better. still annoying when they spawn within aggro proximity when your in the middle of an animation or something. they really need to prevent zed EVER spawning in insta-aggro range. the player should be rewarded for taking the time to move caurfully and scouts before moving in, not have them 'pop-in' 5 feet away from you (something a simple as a 20-30m spawn exclusion zone around any player would be good)
  • Less predictable Near-spawn deathmatch zones.


The Bad:

  • Loot is completely RNG. Logical loot spawns > then completely random. that said any building should have a very minuscule chance of spawning anything, to simulate the dispersion of items that would have been used during the outbreak and previous survivors. NWAF shouldn't be a bonanza but military installations should be the defacto source of military supplies. Likewise Medical items that the average joe wouldn't have in the home should be at the hospital- not in extreme abundance but that should be your best bet to fins something.
  • Zeds still are dodgy. it's great that you made them harder but you really need to work on how the game decided if and how badly they hurt you. all too often i still get hit thru walls/floors or by a zed that's way further then the length of its arm away from me. sometimes they aren't even striking at me but off to the side and i still take damage?? This needs to be a priority. no physics collision between zombie model and player model = no damage. If your going to implement anything crazy like massively increased numbers, hordes, etc you need to first get them squared away to the point of being "what you see is what you get" reliability in hit detection.
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For the most part I've enjoyed the increased challenge of this patch, however, I have finally experienced the can't find food issues, spending hours picking apples and sweating it to the next town.


My first character that lasted a bit after the patch was doing well, but I blew all my food trying to save the life of a fresh spawn friend who had fallen unconscious due to starvation. After the long run to get to him, I started to become hungry. 


I spent the next 5 or 6 spawns dying within 30 minutes while trying to find food (anything really). 


Then, I had gotten a sickness that lasted for hours and hours (never did find a cure after probably 8+ hours of game time). Was spending 30-45 minutes at apple trees to get just enough to make it to the next town. Managed to gather up some of my old stuff and get it relocated to my home base, and then just had to let him die. The sickness part that wrecked my hydration.... that was fine, and cool... But, the dying 5 times in a row of starvation (and I'm not a pvp guy, or someone who just hangs in big cities... I actually prefer the survival aspect of the game) was a bit excessive.


Then, I finally spawned in a place where I could get to some food (and lots of apples) before dying of starvation.


There are times where it is extremely difficult due to lack of food, depending on where you spawn. Picking apples is very tedious, but possible to get enough to make it further inland, but the threat from zombies sometimes cuts those apple picking sessions short.


My suggestion. Apples should have a higher success rate per pick attempt. Perhaps there is a possible number of apples per tree per x minutes that can be harvested. Perhaps what makes a less than 100% chance per pick, is picking rotten apples half the time.


Apples should provide more food energy though, imo... Especially, since it's all you can do to get started if you are unlucky enough to spawn in a dead zone. 15 apples didn't even make me energized, but did make my hydrated.


I wouldn't mind more scarce food than there is now, even... but, food should last a long time. Considering you can survive for weeks without food, perhaps a better approach would be worse aim, slower speed, and other side effects when you are not fully nourished.

Edited by Rammit

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They don't care if it takes 20 minutes to crawl the length of a yard past a zombie to a house in hopes there might be something inside.

So many memories came flooding back when I read that 1 sentence.

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I don't know which servers you play in, but I play pretty popular ones, and I can't find anything anymore, not from cars, not from toilets, not from guard towers, not from hunting stands, not from the sides of certain buildings etc etc. There was loot still few days ago, but now there just isn't. In addition to guy I have in publics, I played also in few private servers, so I had few characters with not very special but still okay gear when the update came last wednesday. Now all of them are dead, one was killed by the invisible zombie, which is always hilarious. And I just can't find anything for the newborn replacements. 


The game at the moment is picking up apples until you get killed by a passing by player. Or then you have to fight enough zombies you run out of rags and finally bleed to death. 


I play on many diffrent servers. Full and low pop, and I find loot on everyone so far. I find good loot but I cant find any other gun then MP5 and rak, police cars are insane. Found 2 MP5 and 2 Rak on one and 5 clips to each diffrent gun. I dont know if Im really lucky or you are really unlucky.

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My suggestion. Apples should have a higher success rate per pick attempt. Perhaps there is a possible number of apples per tree per x minutes that can be harvested. Perhaps what makes a less than 100% chance per pick, is picking rotten apples half the time.


Apples should provide more food energy though, imo... Especially, since it's all you can do to get started if you are unlucky enough to spawn in a dead zone. 15 apples didn't even make me energized, but did make my hydrated.


I wouldn't mind more scarce food than there is now, even... but, food should last a long time. Considering you can survive for weeks without food, perhaps a better approach would be worse aim, slower speed, and other side effects when you are not fully nourished.

I like the "specific number of apples per tree" idea. FAILING to find an apple when you can clearly see them on the model is infuriating.


You can still eat rotten apples IRL, just cut off/tear out the rotten parts


People throw around this "you can survive for weeks without food" tidbit all the time, and I would just like to clear it up.


YES, you can "survive" for weeks without food, but take note: SURVIVE, not THRIVE. At the end of three weeks without proper nutrition (which a diet based on apples is decidedly not), you will be a maddened, disease-ridden wasted mass of flesh barely able to stumble down the street.


NOTE: the above "3 weeks" is based on activity level and outside influences. Sleeping all day in a warm location where you don't have to expend much energy to maintain homeostasis? Extend that timeframe by a couple of weeks. Building shelters and gathering firewood in a temperate environment, but getting a decent amount of sleep and rest? About 3 or so weeks.


Sprinting everywhere in what looks to be Mid-Late Autumn, while eating berries, apples, and shitty processed canned food? Cut it down to 2 weeks at best, 1 1/2 weeks at worst.

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Who's hoarding all the batteries? One of the few things I've yet to stumble across.


Not sure what some peeps are doing wrong. There's still plenty of canned food to live off, have yet to be forced into hunting or fishing. I've played both existing and new characters on a mix of public and private servers, all between 30-40 players. Just so you know, you're not going to find anything if you keep circling the same 3 houses over and over again hoping to catch some loot spawning in. Ok, so that's probably not what you're doing, but it sure sounds like it from the amount of "I can't find anything" posts.


Zombies aren't hard. They're easy to out smart, lock up or lock out. Bullets to the head work wonders against them, even the wee .22s. It's quite satisfying to be able to sneak around a town taking zeds out with a silenced weapon again. And they respawn at a good enough rate to keep you busy when you feel like hunting them. If you don't have anything that fires bullets yet and have to take one on with a melee weapon; don't panic, take your licks, finish it off and bandage up. That's the pattern that any DayZ vet knows oh too well. You'll struggle for a bit, your health will be low then you will be back to seeing brights again and before you know it, you'l be all the way back down in a grey scale. It's part of surviving in this game and it's feels really rewarding every time you get your vision back at 100%.


The game finally resembles something close to what we had with the mod.

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The top floors of ye old piano houses are spawning alot of stuff other than just books now.

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I don't know which servers you play in, but I play pretty popular ones, and I can't find anything anymore, not from cars, not from toilets, not from guard towers, not from hunting stands, not from the sides of certain buildings etc etc. There was loot still few days ago, but now there just isn't. In addition to guy I have in publics, I played also in few private servers, so I had few characters with not very special but still okay gear when the update came last wednesday. Now all of them are dead, one was killed by the invisible zombie, which is always hilarious. And I just can't find anything for the newborn replacements. 


The game at the moment is picking up apples until you get killed by a passing by player. Or then you have to fight enough zombies you run out of rags and finally bleed to death. 

You don't need to fight zombies at all now.  Just run, take everything out of your hands and run, they will follow.  Get out of sight of where you want to be, they fall behind and stop.  Circle back, easy.  You can run through a small town and "collect" all the zombies, lead them out of town and come back to and empty area free of zombie threat. 


Though it is a lot harder, there is still loot to be found.  Most important thing in game right now, a hoe and pumpkin seeds and a bottle of water.  Grow a pumpkin and eat one.  Can take you from starving to stuffed in one feeding.  Never have to be hungry again.

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Sounds like everything is in place, except the zombies and the AI pathing, clipping through ground etc. I wonder what is causing this to happen?

I was hoping that the team would wait until the AI was completely working before putting it into stable. Items seem to be a major concern still, in development. I would think getting the AI, Controls, and then work on the items would be my priorities. This is why I wont play until the controls are working better. I feel I am not alone in that decision. I don't wish to test buggy AI week after week.

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Loot is very much not fine, its broken as fuck.


Toilets covered in mil gear and jeeps with 3-4 guns + mags, with houses that have no loot is not indicative of a working system.

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JubeiDOK - it's nice to see you posting more positively about an update. I think it's a good sign when someone as critical as you sees the improvements.


I personally have not found a police car OR jeep that wasn't looted but thankfully have had my SMG fun thanks to some unlooted police stations....


Bus Stops are worth checking now. People pass them up even in coastal areas and I'm finding food, drink, and more in them.

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Yet you are extremely hungry and shaking from being cold. Find any matches or flares? How about any food or seeds? Or even anything to hunt with? Cause I have not found anything like that. And don't get me started about apples and stuff. Search 30 times find nothing, then find 1 apple then 30 more times with nothing all the while being forced to do a animation and get a little bit more hungry. So yeah, the loot is broken. And about your "search every building" thing I have allways done that. I find allot of usefull supplies (found) in the "worthlesss" buildings before they broke the spawn system. They had a system that worked in the mod yet they tried to fix what was not broken. I would rether food spawn at a 0.007% chance then just not spawn. I want the game to be hard. I do not want stupid none working systems forced onto my game. There has been a lot of outrage about this update and but they are set in their ways. I would welcome this if it was not forced on us while it was still broken and still might "IF" they ever fix it.... and that's a big if.


P.S. And loot economy sucks in thought and practice.

I got fully geared with an AK and mags in cernaya polana in minutes of spawning there. Don't bullshit about "oh there's no loot it's broken" because you can't adapt to a new play style. It's easy to find loot, you just need to know where to look and how to maximize loot and minimize time in cities. Do some research on what buildings are spawning loot, put them on a map, and make a route to hit all the known locations for loot.

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I like the "specific number of apples per tree" idea. FAILING to find an apple when you can clearly see them on the model is infuriating.


You can still eat rotten apples IRL, just cut off/tear out the rotten parts


People throw around this "you can survive for weeks without food" tidbit all the time, and I would just like to clear it up.


YES, you can "survive" for weeks without food, but take note: SURVIVE, not THRIVE. At the end of three weeks without proper nutrition (which a diet based on apples is decidedly not), you will be a maddened, disease-ridden wasted mass of flesh barely able to stumble down the street.


NOTE: the above "3 weeks" is based on activity level and outside influences. Sleeping all day in a warm location where you don't have to expend much energy to maintain homeostasis? Extend that timeframe by a couple of weeks. Building shelters and gathering firewood in a temperate environment, but getting a decent amount of sleep and rest? About 3 or so weeks.


Sprinting everywhere in what looks to be Mid-Late Autumn, while eating berries, apples, and shitty processed canned food? Cut it down to 2 weeks at best, 1 1/2 weeks at worst.


I think they are working towards simulating the key factors your last paragraph. I have no scientific experimentation or extracted data to prove it but I have been trying to move more realistically for immersions. I seem to be able to travel farther on less sustenance by simply moving slower, I slow walk when I'm in the tree line, I crouch if I have to cross open ground, I toggle back to jog periodically to warm up, and only sprint when something is chasing me or I need to get to cover fast.


I don't think they'll implement a  1:1 IRL scale but I'm getting 2+ hours on a full belly and hydrated status easily moving as I would if I was worried about surviving.

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I think they are working towards simulating the key factors your last paragraph. I have no scientific experimentation or extracted data to prove it but I have been trying to move more realistically for immersions. I seem to be able to travel farther on less sustenance by simply moving slower, I slow walk when I'm in the tree line, I crouch if I have to cross open ground, I toggle back to jog periodically to warm up, and only sprint when something is chasing me or I need to get to cover fast.


I don't think they'll implement a  1:1 IRL scale but I'm getting 2+ hours on a full belly and hydrated status easily moving as I would if I was worried about surviving.

that's a hard one to deal with. a true 1:1 scale would allow us multiple playsessions without even thinking about food. IMHO right now we get thirsty/hungry a bit too fast, Then again when i do play dayZ, it's generally 6+hrs.

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The loot is fine its just weird spawns. Those toilets though are crazy I found a tent in a toilet. The barns and police stations have great loot I walk in and come out with full oreal and a pm 73 rak I keep finding mp 5 mags but no mp5.deer stands well most deer stands have great loot and great food. The mil building aren't very good but I keep finding east suppresers. Guns are really hard to find excluding the pm 73 rak all I've found was a sporter. The sheds were shovels spawn have alot of stuff unlike others. Fire stations aren't good for loot anymore sadly same with barracks. Overall the loot is spawning messily but I like it this way its giving a better challenge to survive no more walk into "grandmas house" and get a gun immediately. Though I miss the old loot I like this one better(minus the odd spawns).

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I’m not going to defend the current loot system as is, i.e. as if it was the final release. However, I believe that what this system needs is changes, not a complete overhaul.


I understand that people expect military gear at military sites, medical supplies at hospitals, etc. But I can very easily imagine a place where a smooth military evacuation leaves behind nothing but brooms and potatoes. Or a hospital stripped clean of medicine by the security and lower staff (or local junkies) within minutes.


So, to the people who call upon “logic” when discussing the loot, I would say you’d be much more convincing if you stated your expertise in actual zombie apocalypses. Tell me about the details of zombie emergency procedures at your workplace and how they were followed through during a zombie outbreak. Are they orderly? How early do looters and scavengers set in? Be specific, please. :rolleyes:


Of course, any system like “any item can spawn anywhere with equal chance” is horseshit. But as long as we don’t get to live through an actual zombie apo, please don’t self-style as experts at it. So you found a fertilizer at a police station and you think this is stupid? Maybe it was a crucial evidence in a “he sold me a shitty fertilizer” case. Oh, but you found no weapons at said station? Please bear in mind that the outbreak took place DAYS ago, not at the last server restart.


Yeah, tents at toilets don't seem like an everyday occurence. And sure, sometimes I make fun of the loot system myself. The abundance of compasses really gives me a pause (“where do you work? “oh, at 340 NW”). But really, I believe the devs could use more constructive criticism and observations instead of a general ‘fuck you’ they sometimes seem to get.

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JubeiDOK - it's nice to see you posting more positively about an update. I think it's a good sign when someone as critical as you sees the improvements.


I personally have not found a police car OR jeep that wasn't looted but thankfully have had my SMG fun thanks to some unlooted police stations....


Bus Stops are worth checking now. People pass them up even in coastal areas and I'm finding food, drink, and more in them.


LOL. Ya, I guess I'm no stranger to a good ole rant here and there, eh. And there's still plenty to go off on ,but for now I'll just enjoy stealthin' some zeds and keeping my rag supply up. =)

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I’m not going to defend the current loot system as is, i.e. as if it was the final release. However, I believe that what this system needs is changes, not a complete overhaul.


I understand that people expect military gear at military sites, medical supplies at hospitals, etc. But I can very easily imagine a place where a smooth military evacuation leaves behind nothing but brooms and potatoes. Or a hospital stripped clean of medicine by the security and lower staff (or local junkies) within minutes.


So, to the people who call upon “logic” when discussing the loot, I would say you’d be much more convincing if you stated your expertise in actual zombie apocalypses. Tell me about the details of zombie emergency procedures at your workplace and how they were followed through during a zombie outbreak. Are they orderly? How early do looters and scavengers set in? Be specific, please. :rolleyes:


Of course, any system like “any item can spawn anywhere with equal chance” is horseshit. But as long as we don’t get to live through an actual zombie apo, please don’t self-style as experts at it. So you found a fertilizer at a police station and you think this is stupid? Maybe it was a crucial evidence in a “he sold me a shitty fertilizer” case. Oh, but you found no weapons at said station? Please bear in mind that the outbreak took place DAYS ago, not at the last server restart.


Yeah, tents at toilets don't seem like an everyday occurence. And sure, sometimes I make fun of the loot system myself. The abundance of compasses really gives me a pause (“where do you work? “oh, at 340 NW”). But really, I believe the devs could use more constructive criticism and observations instead of a general ‘fuck you’ they sometimes seem to get.


Not quite sure what has caused the amazing loot-stravaganzas at outhouses. Maybe just a bug in newly placed spawn locals or surface area + number of spawn points? I've noticed the same thing occurring in the green guard towers at mil bases, which have about the same surface area as the outhouses. You go up there and it seems like 1 or 2 items piled on top of each other, but start removing them and you'll soon discover that there may be 6-10 items there, all in one spawn point.


Either way, it can't be healthy. I swear I accidentally ate some shit along with the beans I found in one of these overload outhouses.

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So, to the people who call upon “logic” when discussing the loot, I would say you’d be much more convincing if you stated your expertise in actual zombie apocalypses. Tell me about the details of zombie emergency procedures at your workplace and how they were followed through during a zombie outbreak. Are they orderly? How early do looters and scavengers set in? Be specific, please. :rolleyes:

I suspect that while we can imagine a whole lot of different scenarios, I think this particular issue is a statistician's dream. Basically, using a sliding scale, you can place military loot with a higher percentage at military locations, and the further away from the base, the less likely you are to see military loot. The same applies for medical loot and hospitals, and things like fire fighter and police gear. The further away from the stations, the less likely to find loot. I think that would be the most logical way, as it would seem the most likely in an actual event.

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I suspect that while we can imagine a whole lot of different scenarios, I think this particular issue is a statistician's dream. Basically, using a sliding scale, you can place military loot with a higher percentage at military locations, and the further away from the base, the less likely you are to see military loot. The same applies for medical loot and hospitals, and things like fire fighter and police gear. The further away from the stations, the less likely to find loot. I think that would be the most logical way, as it would seem the most likely in an actual event.

Yes otherwise why ever venture to the base

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