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Why I prefer the DayZ Mod to DayZ Standalione.

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I have wondered if those who come from the Standalone to the mod are aware of all the minutiae that exists in its wonderful gameplay mechanics. Things like:


Item degradation (water bottles hatchets etc) which can be repaired with duct tape.


A proper nutrition system.


Night Vision Goggles!


Helicopters, vans, cars, buses, trucks, biplanes, plus the ability to fuel/repair these


Wonderful character models (most people don't have Arma PMC installed which is what the characters are based on you install PMC and the character models rival the SA)


Crafting of wire traps (think grenade tripwires!)


Stashes and Tents. A stash is a hole in the ground that you dig that you can continue to upgrade to hold tons of weapons and items yet they are almost invisible. Those along with tents are ever persistent with no need to pack them every Wednesday.


Guns! So many guns. Snipers, assault rifles, pistols, crossbows! It's wonderful!


The engine is beautiful. In a lot of ways I like it better than the TOC engine and its a lot easier on your system.


ZOMBIES! Tons of lethal zombies: a never ending stream of the meanest SOB's you've ever come across. None of this simply running into a house and looting. You need to be uber careful or else you will die.


Infection mechanic(s)


Harvesting of plants.


Organic Temperature mechanic (you stop moving you get cold, then you get sick then you die)


HUD! Your status effects are shown in an easy to read HUD in the right of your screen.


NO CAN OPENERS! You just open and eat stuff. 


Way less hacking.


Build Wooden Fences / Metal Fences / Gates.


Less enter-able houses. Sounds like a minus right? There are still many many enterable houses but having a few less forces players to operate out in the open more, forcing interaction.



You think you know DayZ?


You think its easy to survive?


Try the mod.


You. Will. Die.

Edited by B@ker
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HUD! Your status effects are shown in an easy to read HUB in the right of your screen.


This is one of the most annoying things in SA. Those little messages are ridiculous. I'm all for immersion, but sometimes you have to make concessions because of the medium. Having a small, unintrusive HUD is the best method of giving character feedback.

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Do your shins still disintegrate whenever you try to walk through a doorway? or go down some stairs? or crawl over a tree branch? or crawl over a staircase? or try to climb a ladder? or try to close a door? or try to open a door? or try to drag your friend? or try to get into a car? or try to get out of a car? or stand too close to a vehicle? 

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Do your shins still disintegrate whenever you try to walk through a doorway? or go down some stairs? or crawl over a tree branch? or crawl over a staircase? or try to climb a ladder? or try to close a door? or try to open a door? or try to drag your friend? or try to get into a car? or try to get out of a car? or stand too close to a vehicle? 


It's the same as in Standalone. :ph34r:

This is one of the most annoying things in SA. Those little messages are ridiculous. I'm all for immersion, but sometimes you have to make concessions because of the medium. Having a small, unintrusive HUD is the best method of giving character feedback.


I actually think it's less intrusive in the mod.

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Do your shins still disintegrate whenever you try to walk through a doorway? or go down some stairs? or crawl over a tree branch? or crawl over a staircase? or try to climb a ladder? or try to close a door? or try to open a door? or try to drag your friend? or try to get into a car? or try to get out of a car? or stand too close to a vehicle? 

Nope, 99% of that stuff is 2013's problem

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I started with the mod, earlier than most and I'm patient for all these things and more; currently happy to test all the bizarre iterations of the SA and NOT burn myself out on DayZ in general before it's even done.

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From someone who has played the Mod one month after it was released I would have to say that I enjoy the Standalone now more. The reason is because the standalone player interaction is like what it was when the mod first came out. In the mod now it is pretty much a death match.

Now I obviously agree with all the great features that have made the mod great but I feel like the reason why I played DayZ Mod in the beginning is now lost. When I play the mod I feel like there is no punishment for dying because you can find things so easy and you can run straight back to where you were because you don't have to worry about anything.

Then a major plus for me is the graphics, I absolutely love the look and feel of the standalone when I'm not in a major city. I just hope when they go for more FPS they don't change the style at all.

Now for me, I always look forward so for me with the standalone having so much potential I feel like the standalone will be way better in the future and I want to be with the game the whole way. This is why I like the standalone better than the mod now because when the standalone is finished it will retain all the things that I stated above while the mod stays the same about those issues. Don't get me wrong when the standalone was released I liked the mod way better but since the standalone is playable and has things to work towards there is no reason to go back besides Namalsk.

Edited by Jacobahalls
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the mod now it is pretty much a death match.

I think this applies to the mods of mods(overpoch, epoch etc) more than real DayZ mod. Honestly if you can survive long enough to pvp in the mod now-a-days then power to you

Edited by B@ker
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I refuse to call the Standalone dayZ.


Has nothing common in gameplay or experience with dayZ so i just call it SA.



Only hazzle i have with dayZ is the HUD right now. I would pay money to get the old HUD back.

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The fact that you can have dozens of tents and stashes, 40+ players, 500+ zombies and vehicles out your arse and still have it run smoothly

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Hate the fact you can now sprint the map on vanilla like SA without ever getting out of breath! It cheapens the mod IMO.

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From someone who has played the Mod one month after it was released I would have to say that I enjoy the Standalone now more. The reason is because the standalone player interaction is like what it was when the mod first came out. In the mod now it is pretty much a death match.

Have you played the mod (on vanilla servers) anytime in the past year or so?  The interactions are SO much better than SA.  90% of the people I run into in SA are either KoS junkies or 12 year olds derping around wiggling and screaming "TAKE YOUR PANTS OFF!!"  The interactions in vanilla mod are so much more interesting.

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Hate the fact you can now sprint the map on vanilla like SA without ever getting out of breath! It cheapens the mod IMO.

This is a temporary unintended consequence due to them removing the duty system as a temp fix for all the exhaustion/gun sway issues in 1.8.2.  I believe it is all worked out in 1.8.4 and you should be back to the way it used to be where sprinting quickly exhausts you and you get gun sway for 15 seconds or so after running or sprinting.

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This is a temporary unintended consequence due to them removing the duty system as a temp fix for all the exhaustion/gun sway issues in 1.8.2.  I believe it is all worked out in 1.8.4 and you should be back to the way it used to be where sprinting quickly exhausts you and you get gun sway for 15 seconds or so after running or sprinting.

Don't get me wrong, its great being able to easily outrun zeds as I aint the best dayz mod player and need every advantage I can get. So its strange moaning about a mechanic that helps me so much, but if I wanted easier, I would hog SA. Went back to it recently, and although its coming on, once you have tasted the latest vanilla mod, the SA feels really empty and easy in comparison. So thanks for the good news BC.

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i did not even notice cause i always stop to catch my breath.


i read about it but forgot again.


anyway good thing if this gets fixed.

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its great being able to easily outrun zeds 

Heheh, I fully believe they should revert back to the 1.8.1 zombies as they had a longer reach and since there was no unlimited sprint they could catch up to you, hit you, and sometimes knock you down.  1.8.2 didn't have unlimited sprint but the zombie hit distance was reduced and they could no longer hit you when you were running.  There was no simply running away from zombies in 1.8.1.  You had to stealth, evade, lose aggro, or fight them.  It was great!

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I love DayZmod as it can become the most brutal yet rewarding game experience available. For example:


Running the length of the map to find a vehicle only to discover I still need a wheel.

Remembering to check my status so I don't freeze, starve or die of infection.

Being owned by zombies, I laugh every-time.

Building a home, not a base.

Finally finding a great weapon, or crafting a crossbow to stick arrows in zed heads (very entertaining).

Welcoming the sunrise or fearing the sunset.

Crashing into a rock and having to abandon my precious mode of transport.

Fixing a helicopter.

Salvaging everything for better use.

Meeting like minded survivors and talking around a campfire about our experiences. Complacent that we are not being watched...perhaps.

Completing Devils Castle.

Dying at Zone Alpha.

Relying on my knowledge to survive another day.


Thank you for an awesome game. I love it so...

Edited by Cartoonrboy
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Or playing Flight of the Valkyries in direct while circling Cherno

I have a mod I wrote which plays Ride of the Valkyries from my UH-1Y. It sounds very strange due to the doppler effect, even more scary I'd say...

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