rickyriot 1009 Posted November 24, 2014 (edited) First person only camera perspective seems to be increasingly popular within the private shard market, and I've personally had some amazing player interaction in those worlds. For those still on the fence when it comes to trying first person only servers, I strongly encourage you to give them a chance. Restricting the perspective to what your character can actually see has a large impact on how people approach the game, and other players. Edit: source 3PP to be removed from future builds of the game? :DClearly this is a bit of banter. 3PP is going nowhere, but it is good to see the devs hold 1PP playstyle in such high regard, hopefully meaning that they will start to look at solving some of the problems associated with that viewpoint. Edited November 24, 2014 by ricp 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hammy55 81 Posted November 24, 2014 I doubt they will but I wouldn't shed a tear if they cut 3pp. Considering their 'realism' focus, I'm surprised they even have it 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geckofrog7 1169 Posted November 24, 2014 I personally like 3PP, and have used it in ArmA all the time. Yeah it's not realistic, but neither is 1PP. I like to be able to quickly assess my surroundings like I would be able to in reality. That said, why force everyone into 1PP anyways, even if it was the stupidest, most unrealistic thing ever? Everyone has their different preference in playstyle. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
plexico 386 Posted November 24, 2014 I prefer first person, but there's no reason to force anyone's view point. That's the reason hardcore and normal modes were added, so people could play what they prefer. 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cap'n (DayZ) 1827 Posted November 24, 2014 I prefer first person, but there's no reason to force anyone's view point. That's the reason hardcore and normal modes were added, so people could play what they prefer. This is what I dislike about the hardcore community, is that a good number of them want to force it upon us. Can't 3pp players and 1pp players just shut up and enjoy what they have? 16 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whyherro123 2283 Posted November 24, 2014 (edited) He doesn't say "1PP is better", he says "he has tried it, a lot of private servers have it, and it has a large effect on the game". Confusing, attention-seeking title is confusing and poorly worded. Edited November 24, 2014 by Whyherro123 19 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Accolyte 1727 Posted November 24, 2014 Confusing, attention-seeking title is confusing and poorly worded. Not to mention that Brian is not a programmer. He's a producer. 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caboose187 (DayZ) 3036 Posted November 24, 2014 Not to mention that Brian is not a programmer. He's a producer.You don't need to be a programmer or a producer to have an opinion on the game style tho. When he states, "Restricting the perspective to what your character can actually see has a large impact on how people approach the game, and other players.", I wholeheartedly agree. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bororm 1156 Posted November 24, 2014 (edited) Could there be a forum rule against the whole 3pp vs 1pp thing? Nothing good ever comes of it. It should just be a banned topic like talking about hacking is now. You don't need to be a programmer or a producer to have an opinion on the game style tho. When he states, "Restricting the perspective to what your character can actually see has a large impact on how people approach the game, and other players.", I wholeheartedly agree. The point is the thread title says lead programmer, when he's not. And the opposite is also true if you take that approach, you could also say 3pp has a large impact on how people approach the game. Neither is better, and Brian Hicks isn't saying either is better. So the thread title is full of shit. Edited November 24, 2014 by Bororm 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Accolyte 1727 Posted November 24, 2014 You don't need to be a programmer or a producer to have an opinion on the game style tho Where did I say otherwise? I am merely pointing out misinformation. Going off what you said however, it really doesn't matter if Brian likes 1pp more than 3pp, It's just another guy's opinion. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cap'n (DayZ) 1827 Posted November 24, 2014 He doesn't say "1PP is better", he says "he has tried it, a lot of private servers have it, and it has a large effect on the game". Confusing, attention-seeking title is confusing and poorly worded. That was my problem with the thread, that it's titled and worded as if the OP is trying to get some kind of reaction of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caboose187 (DayZ) 3036 Posted November 24, 2014 Could there be a forum rule against the whole 3pp vs 1pp thing? Nothing good ever comes of it. It should just be a banned topic like talking about hacking is now. The point is the thread title says lead programmer, when he's not. And the opposite is also true if you take that approach, you could also say 3pp has a large impact on how people approach the game. Neither is better, and Brian Hicks isn't saying either is better. So the thread title is full of shit. True. Lets close it and call it a well baited troll thread where even tho the title is miss worded, having a producer give an opinion on the matter is poor taste and is completely wrong, right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pjano 34 Posted November 24, 2014 (edited) umm for those who are cherry picking quotes, he did say 1pp is better. "I've personally had some amazing player interaction in those worlds. For those still on the fence when it comes to trying first person only servers, I strongly encourage you to give them a chance" imo 1st person is better in all FPS Edited November 24, 2014 by pjano Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted November 24, 2014 Yea 3pp won't be removed but hopefully it will be fixed making peeking impossible or at least much harder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheFarm 158 Posted November 24, 2014 umm for those who are cherry picking quotes, he did say 1pp is better. "I've personally had some amazing player interaction in those worlds. For those still on the fence when it comes to trying first person only servers, I strongly encourage you to give them a chance"imo 1st person is better in all FPSIs english your 2nd language? He said nothing about anything being better, only that he had fun playing 1pp private shards and encourages everyone to try it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dagwood 680 Posted November 24, 2014 Easily-enraged-forum-warriors are easily enraged. This discussion doesn't need to come to a decisive conclusion until one format negatively affects the other. I'm lucky enough to live in a region that has several populated 1pp servers on a regular basis. Do I think that 1pp only is better? Yes. Do I care that the majority of players play 3pp? Nope. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darth_vaizard 42 Posted November 24, 2014 (edited) The reason I like third person isn't to peak around corners or above walls and fences (even though it is simply part of the perspective and I feel obligated to use it as I know others will abuse it), it's because first person feels restrictive. In the real world, I can move my eyes around in their sockets and my foveas (foveai? foveae?) are not always focused on the entirety of my field of view as if I'm looking at a screen. Until they figure out some way to allow us to have adaptive focus in our vision of the world and allow us to move our eyes independently without feeling strange on a mouse and keyboard format, I don't see first person feeling right in a game this size that also requires you to have the ability to pick out very small, sometimes motionless, abstract shapes. It works on a smaller scale like arena shooters because the shapes you have to be able to distinguish are usually much more than just a few pixels tall. THIS aspect can obviously be improved as the fidelity of the game improves and everybody is forced to see the same grass, shadows, or otherwise obscuring game objects. I feel the main reason most of the community plays in 3rd person is because there is a disconnect between themselves and the character in game. The main reason for this disconnect between character and player is because the player does not have the adequate proprioception (sense of where ones body is in relation to ones surroundings) in the game. Third person grants a pseudo proprioception so that you KNOW your head is sticking out completely when you would assume it's only slightly exposed in first person. The amount of abuse that the current camera angle encourages can be reduced with a tighter, over the shoulder camera angle that gets closer to the player depending on what stance they are in and their environment. I.e. the camera is at it's most zoomed out when standing outside and most zoomed in when prone inside a tight building. I'd love to play only in first person, but I just can't see it feeling as natural as pressing W to move forward because I don't, and can't, feel where my body is positioned in relation to what I can see. Edited November 24, 2014 by Darth_Vaizard 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shinjuru 114 Posted November 24, 2014 1PP would be a lot of fun, if it wasn't so nauseating. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soulfirez 901 Posted November 24, 2014 (edited) Easily-enraged-forum-warriors are easily enraged. This discussion doesn't need to come to a decisive conclusion until one format negatively affects the other. I'm lucky enough to live in a region that has several populated 1pp servers on a regular basis. Do I think that 1pp only is better? Yes. Do I care that the majority of players play 3pp? Nope.Pretty much this, prefer 1pp find it far more realistic and as long as i can play on 1 pp server i could not care less what they do or dont do with 3pp servers hell give them xray vision if they want it. Having watched alot of the devs playing the game in streams they seem to prefer 1pp but they will never remove 3pp and it kinda makes me happy knowing 1pp is how they play it ,means they will balance it for 1pp.. Edited November 24, 2014 by SoulFirez Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whyherro123 2283 Posted November 24, 2014 The reason I like third person isn't to peak around corners or above walls and fences (even though it is simply part of the perspective and I feel obligated to use it as I know others will abuse it), it's because first person feels restrictive. In the real world, I can move my eyes around in their sockets and my foveas (foveai? foveae?) are not always focused on the entirety of my field of view as if I'm looking at a screen. Until they figure out some way to allow us to have adaptive focus in our vision of the world and allow us to move our eyes independently without feeling strange on a mouse and keyboard format, I don't see first person feeling right in a game this size that also requires you to have the ability to pick out very small, sometimes motionless, abstract shapes. It works on a smaller scale like arena shooters because the shapes you have to be able to distinguish are usually much more than just a few pixels tall. THIS aspect can obviously be improved as the fidelity of the game improves and everybody is forced to see the same grass, shadows, or otherwise obscuring game objects. I feel the main reason most of the community plays in 3rd person is because there is a disconnect between themselves and the character in game. The main reason for this disconnect between character and player is because the player does not have the adequate proprioception (sense of where ones body is in relation to ones surroundings) in the game. Third person grants a pseudo proprioception so that you KNOW your head is sticking out completely when you would assume it's only slightly exposed in first person. The amount of abuse that the current camera angle encourages can be reduced with a tighter, over the shoulder camera angle that gets closer to the player depending on what stance they are in and their environment. I.e. the camera is at it's most zoomed out when standing outside and most zoomed in when prone inside a tight building. I'd love to play only in first person, but I just can't see it feeling as natural as pressing W to move forward because I don't, and can't, feel where my body is positioned in relation to what I can see.That is pretty much the main reason I usually play on 3PP servers, as well as most of the buildings being so out of whack with regards to proportions. With 3PP, I can at least see when I walk into things. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheFarm 158 Posted November 24, 2014 The reason I like third person...Excellent post. You certainly know much more about this stuff than myself, so let me ask, do you think upcoming VR tech like the oculus rift would solve most of these problems that 1pp has? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheWizard14 372 Posted November 24, 2014 3rd person should be BANNED. It's nothing but a bunch of cheaters playing *iSpy* with themselves while they have their stupid little god like eyes floating above themselves while their real character is sitting prone above a rooftop or behind some bushes. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caboose187 (DayZ) 3036 Posted November 24, 2014 3rd person should be BANNED. It's nothing but a bunch of cheaters playing *iSpy* with themselves while they have their stupid little god like eyes floating above themselves while their real character is sitting prone above a rooftop or behind some bushes.Banned? No. Wall peeking fixed? Yes 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blacklabel79 949 Posted November 24, 2014 (edited) If they whould fix the Position of the cam ( PLEASE FFS ) it be way better... Excellent post. You certainly know much more about this stuff than myself, so let me ask, do you think upcoming VR tech like the oculus rift would solve most of these problems that 1pp has? No. Not with more work on the controls and such. Also for a good bearable experience with VR you need stable 60 Frames per second... Edited November 24, 2014 by {Core}BlackLabel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scriptfactory 620 Posted November 24, 2014 Until performance is fixed I will stick to 3PP servers. 1PP with 20 fps = rage. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites