Geckofrog7 1169 Posted November 11, 2014 I stay hydrated with a cold and refreshing Coca-Cola tm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CJFlint 357 Posted November 11, 2014 (edited) There has been zero effect on my game play. I have not over heated once, and had no issues what so ever. But I started in this new patch with an avatar who has 3 water canteens, was prepared un knowingly for these new changes. So its really not been a problem at all. I normally lurk in the woods, and I'm used to using ponds as a water source. Yesterday I refiled one of my canteens using rain as well. Remember that is always option. The reason I carry 2 or 3 water bottles is to keep hydrated and be able to move long distances in one shot. Also in pvp, its really imporatant to have those 3 green bars. Im not imune though. Now the cold weather in last patch, effected my game play much more. I would not say it completly dicked me over, it did cause me to have some set backs. I could see how it would be hard for a new spawn or someone who is used to using wells. I dont relly on wells that much. But even with that there is so much more loot with this patch its still easier to be a new spawn then last I would think. I think the wells should be random if they work or not. But not shut down all together. Not all public services work in a apoc ya know. Edited November 11, 2014 by CJFlint Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rickyriot 1009 Posted November 11, 2014 I'm sure it's already been mentioned but as you can drink direct from (non sea) water then it's not had as much of an effect as it could have. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killawife 599 Posted November 12, 2014 Hasn't had any problems with it except as a newspawn, but life is always hell as a newspawn so........ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whyherro123 2283 Posted November 12, 2014 Increased overheating (that demands for more water to be consumed) combined with broken water pumps.... Disaster!Not really. I rather like the outcome, even if it is a bug. This bug, coupled with the overheating/hydration mechanic, makes players both play and think more strategically.Now, instead of "run across the map to the NWAF because I can drink at every town", the game has become more of a "jog/walk from pond to pond, while looking for water containers". I have always wanted there to be fewer sources of "potable" water in Chernarus. It would promote this EXACT line of thinking, as well as giving organized groups and clans something to actually fight over. Imagine if there were only 3 or 4 "working" pumps across the map? Clans could control the area around these wells, charging other players per use via barter. They could also sponsor "water caravans" ALA Fallout 1, who go around with tanks of water and trade for goods. Bandits (AKA other clans) could either attack these water merchants, or even lay siege to the wells directly, in effort to take them over for themselves (and get to charge for water), or to "break" them (remove vital working parts), either to sabotage the owning clan or for parts for another well. Of course, players could boil/filter/purify their own water, but that requires work : P 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weyland Yutani (DayZ) 1159 Posted November 12, 2014 I find this experience has made me a more rounded player as I am now memorizing pond/lake/stream locations. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
saamohod 45 Posted November 12, 2014 -snip- Look, I see your point. If water becomes rare and valuable, I don't mind. But the overheating issue (and thirst being tied to overheating) should be fixed before that. Yesterday I was sitting in a puddle for 10 minutes to cool my body down! It literally took about 10 minutes for the "overheated-hot" status disappear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Briljin 102 Posted November 12, 2014 As I tend to play in the same regions most the time, I know where all the wells where on my trip and I would use them frequently enough that I never even bothered to carry and canteen/water bottle or any drinks. Now I carry 2 canteens and I have learned where the ponds/streams are in the same area and for the most part nothing really changed. It would be nice if filling a canteen with rain water didn't require so much micro management. It really should work just like filling up from a well (if fixed obviously) or ponds. That and can we finally fix the "drink all" option.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tatanko 5591 Posted November 12, 2014 Well it does not affect me.I got 4 canteens and 6 packs of caned peaches.I guess the biggest change was that I stopped stacking tactical bacon in favour of canned peaches.You should always prioritize peaches over bacon; they provide a greater number of calories for a given amount of stomach space AND they provide much more hydration than bacon does (bacon provides essentially zilch). They are, for the purposes of this game, a better food in every way. eating solid food always grants you at least a minimum intake of waterNot entirely true. Dry foods (rice, powdered milk, cereal) actually remove water when they are consumed and many other foods add a negligible, almost non-existent amount of water when consumed (berries, bacon, and kiwi to name a few). Granted, everything but the dry food at least contributes something, only about half of the consumables in Chernarus will actually give you a worthwhile amount of water. BUT, as you pointed out, maintaining an existing health status is pretty easy right now, so once you're set you can rely on less-water-saturated foods to maintain your levels. I find this experience has made me a more rounded player as I am now memorizing pond/lake/stream locations.Agreed. My only knowledge pertaining to pond locations up to this point was to do with fishing. Now, my travel plans have to include stops at ponds. It has definitely affected my migration for sure. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whyherro123 2283 Posted November 12, 2014 Look, I see your point. If water becomes rare and valuable, I don't mind. But the overheating issue (and thirst being tied to overheating) should be fixed before that. Yesterday I was sitting in a puddle for 10 minutes to cool my body down! It literally took about 10 minutes for the "overheated-hot" status disappear.Yes, and? That is realistic, at least more realistic than sprinting for kilometers. Funny, I haven't overheated once during .50, and I've been jogging everywhere. Try wearing lighter clothing, jogging, and drinking more. Protip: dehydration IRL is, in many ways, tied to overheating. When you overheat, you sweat in effort to cool yourself down. This sweat takes water from your body cells. To replace it, you "feel thirsty" (receive physiological compulsions to drink water). I, personally, have no problem. Again, it makes people play the game more slowly, and think strategically, not YOLO-RUN to the nearest automatic rifle spawn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
danceswithzeds 22 Posted November 12, 2014 Doesn anyone really think it was by design? I think it's a bug that wells don't work now. Have the devs confirmed which it is? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChainReactor 922 Posted November 12, 2014 Doesn anyone really think it was by design? I think it's a bug that wells don't work now.Have the devs confirmed which it is? Confirmed bug. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zing Freelancer 58 Posted November 12, 2014 You should always prioritize peaches over bacon; they provide a greater number of calories for a given amount of stomach space AND they provide much more hydration than bacon does (bacon provides essentially zilch). They are, for the purposes of this game, a better food in every way.I am aware of the benefits they provide, but its BACON! Peaches are OP.Beans are fine.Sincerely, bacon. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tatanko 5591 Posted November 12, 2014 I am aware of the benefits they provide, but its BACON! Peaches are OP.Beans are fine.Sincerely, bacon.I was very careful to say "for the purposes of this game" because I 100% agree with you :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mor (DayZ) 57 Posted November 12, 2014 (edited) Not really. I rather like the outcome, even if it is a bug. This bug, coupled with the overheating/hydration mechanic, makes players both play and think more strategically. Now, instead of "run across the map to the NWAF because I can drink at every town", the game has become more of a "jog/walk from pond to pond, while looking for water containers".I am not sure how it makes the game more strategic, if all "you" did is change the formula, from: - Run across the map to the NWAF, from town to town. to: - Run across the map to the NWAF, from pond to pond. Edited November 12, 2014 by Mor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DocWolf 146 Posted November 14, 2014 (edited) Look, I see your point. If water becomes rare and valuable, I don't mind. But the overheating issue (and thirst being tied to overheating) should be fixed before that. Yesterday I was sitting in a puddle for 10 minutes to cool my body down! It literally took about 10 minutes for the "overheated-hot" status disappear. You should choose your gear and your movement speed more carefully.Unlike previous patches, at the moment you don't require windstoppers (ex. tactical jackets, gorka) or warm clothes (ex. dove jackets, wool coats) to stay warm. A simple long sleeved shirt or a hoodie will simply need a raincoat in your backpack, but even that is not really necessary. About you character' speed...I'm bright green healthy/hydrated/energized and sprinting left and right for a long time does not seem to influence those status effects in a significant way. So, the temptation of sprinting around the map is understandably high...try to avoid it: if your speed is too high for too long (especially on uneven terran and with warm clothes on) you will overheat quickly. Some tips to avoid this problem and still run all the time: discard warm clothes and wear normal ones, run in forests (avoid open fields) and in cities pass through buildings and use the streets just as a link from an house to another. Dousing yourself in water does not seem to have a significative effect, considering the environment seems to be hotter than previous patches...instead, remove head and torso gear and avoid sunlight. That seems to work, at least for me the few times I've overheated. Edited November 14, 2014 by DocWolf Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Duenan 226 Posted November 14, 2014 pFFFT Dry wells? I live next to a dam... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aussiebobby 82 Posted November 14, 2014 Just run around with a T shirt and you dont even get hot.3 water bottles get me from one side of the map to the other Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mareak 50 Posted November 14, 2014 I just drank from a pond just now. Should last me for a while. If not, those soda can can quench my thirst. On the other note, is all the well bug/dry? Found like 3-4 of them but cannot do anything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killawife 599 Posted November 14, 2014 Soon, when we can bottle and drink the blood of bambis, this will be forgotten. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites