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Just kind of a "survey/experiment" test if SA early access was released today

SA early access released today  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. If standalone early access was released today with the exact same progress right now, but nobody knew what was going on, would you be happy or disapointed?

    • Fine with it
    • Okay.
    • Disappointed at progress
    • Happy with progress
    • Don't know.

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Better explanation:


I'm just doing a little test to see what people's reactions would be if the StandAlone was never released last year in December, and was actually released early access around now, WITH the progress it made so far.


So remember how last year people blew a raging fit because they said "oh stand alone was out for a year and this is all they have right now? wtf is this sh**?"


Do you think reactions would be worse or better if it was released now, with content so far?



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I didn't understand the question... I voted based on what I thought you meant by the question alone.


I thought you meant if DayZ was released with the same rate of progress as it is having now, but the devs did not keep us informed of updates ("nobody knew what was going on") would you be happy? In which case I would not.


You could do with rewording it to something like "If the Standalone was released now at 0.49 rather than when it was released last year would you be happy with the content?"


The fact that you said "nobody knew what was going on" totally threw me because it seemed important to the question.

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I'm loving it.


It's so weird to see this old devblog. The guys during the devblog were very serious about it.


It's interesting to see all the progress. It so different now. I really enjoy having been able to participate since December 2013.

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I would feel the same way about it: estatic! Because it is my favorite game made into standalone.

But, if we are talking about the progress itself, I am dissapointed. I guess I was not aware of the development part for a game. I thought progress is much faster.

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I see what you're saying. If today was day 1 of the early release on stream would you buy it, jump in and say yes this game has potential or would you say nope, this game sucks, it's going to go nowhere, I want my money back.

Yes I would see the potential. Most would still complain about the zombies clipping and hit zones. The dayz mod players including myself would be drooling over the new towns and areas.

Cold/hot is too hard if we're just jumping into it....cold. Pun intended I think?

Oh yeah, and the mod people who immediately spawn in and run to NEAF or Balota to gear up and PVP will be piiisseeedddddd!

And still we'd hear, "When are vehicles coming!?!?"

Edited by CANUCKinNZ
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I would still think: "Why after all that time we're still so far behind the mod?"

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Voted happy with progress, this is based on the knowledge of the progress going on in the back ground such as working on separating the renderer, reworking the A.I, Redoing the vehicle mechanics, Persistence. 


Thing is, if the game was released now and not last December they wouldn't of had the money to increase the scope of the game like this, and many of the features we are looking forward to now would either be delayed by an extra year or more, or simply not happen at all.

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I'm happy with the progress at this point, yes there are some disappointing things about it but there is good in the game too. It would be a huge learning curve for folks coming from the mod due to to different mechanics like food/thirst/weather effects/item degradation(with today's patch). Very pleased with the changes to the map and the things they have added so far

Edited by Tobias Winfro

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As much as I enjoy the game, Its still disappointing me that we have mechanics such as hypothermia, many many different types of clothing, new towns, a new health system, item durability (I could go on forever with these tiny details) etc, and yet no vehicles and a limited amount of weapons.


I have no experience in game design so I am not criticizing anything here. Its just a shame that so much good work and effort was put into what I would call game polish. I would have wanted core mechanics first. Vehicles, weapons, zombies. Then add all this good stuff that the devs have come up with. (because it is good stuff, just added at the wrong time in my view)


Still one of my favorite games though, and Im happy to wait for these things to come eventually.

Edited by 97ADU Doug

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Difficult question. If we pretend the SA gets released just today in it's current state as of today, despite the fact that many changes only were possible due to the huge success of the early-early access, i would say the community would be a lot more relaxed. Just because much work has been done on stuff that's not visible for the players. Engine rework, foundation building, acutally preperation work for the development of the experience for the players.


Let's be honest, the SA attracted tons of players that are actually not fit for an early access title. Players that aren't even interested in keeping up with the development, that are not willing to waste their time with writing bug reports and gathering information about the progress of the development and that "simply" want to play the game. Now the development pace has picked up and i see people get more excited about new additions because they are actually visible. The generic pc gamer isn't excited about navmeshes or loot tables. He wants guns and vehicles.


I think i'd be happy with the progress, just like i am right now. But I'am one of those that swallow every bit of dev info from all the cannels like the forum, reddit or twitter the second they were posted.

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So we 3 positive options but only one negative ? 

Should be like that :


Slightly satisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


There shouldn't be I don't know. If you don't know, don't vote. 

Edited by General Zod

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As much as I enjoy the game, Its still disappointing me that we have mechanics such as hypothermia, many many different types of clothing, new towns, a new health system, item durability (I could go on forever with these tiny details) etc, and yet no vehicles and a limited amount of weapons.


I would have wanted core mechanics first. Vehicles, weapons, zombies.

I don't think you understand what "mechanics" are. The things you listed are content, not mechanics. Mechanics are how things work, they are not those things themselves.


Also, you're the first person I've seen declare that there are a "limited amount of weapons" in the Standalone. There are 2 bow weapons, 8 unique pistols, 9 unique rifles, 2 unique shotguns, 2 submachine guns, and three kinds of throwable weapons. That's 26 different weapons and that doesn't even include melee, and this is before they add all of the ones that are already in the pipeline.

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I don't think you understand what "mechanics" are. The things you listed are content, not mechanics. Mechanics are how things work, they are not those things themselves.



To be fair, he also mentioned hypothermia, health system and item degradation, which are mechanics.


Though i agree with you on the rest of your post, but that shouldn't suprise you.

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My vote just tied the happy's(+1) with the disappointeds.


If you threw me into DayZ SA right now (let's call it, exp .50) I would be very impressed by the massive amount of stuff I needed to learn that was completely different from the mod.


I believe that seeing the game built incrementally has given us tunnel vision to some extent.


If all of the sudden you had to learn, new loot, hunting, fishing, crafting, agriculture, different loot degradation/damage tables, different zed AI and survival mechanics; you might find it wonderfully overwhelming.

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I don't mean to sound like a harsh cridict or sound like a dick. But Dayz has a vary long way to go, vary. After checking out some of the next gen games like unity (holy crap!), they go some work ahead of them. This not being mean, its just the truth.


I do think the great interesting concept is great though. I love the map so far, allot of different elements. It also makes for some really intense multi player...but I think that even gets hyped up. After a 100 hours or so of game play, that will fade. Some people don't scare easy. Also realism is really warped...and thats what there going for. Many of the survival aspects are either really exaggerated, or just not present. Same thing with marksmenship. I imagine much of this will be ironed out in the future. Many things will be added too.


Saying all this seems harsh, I would not be happy with it if this was the final product. Its def not though


But its not if you know the game is not even out of ALPHA. Its not even close to being done! And there prob atleast another year til full release. That's allot of time to balance fix and add allot of things. So I remain really optimistic. I really don't hold dayz to that high of standard or expect it to be super great right now. It is going to probably have many issues. Right now the devs should be given the benefit of the doupt, but with in reason. They have done an outstanding job so far. We should help them. 

Edited by CJFlint

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I think I would be a bit disappointed.

March 2013:

He's shoving it through his visor... and he's pooped out a can.



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Voted happy with progress, this is based on the knowledge of the progress going on in the back ground such as working on separating the renderer, reworking the A.I, Redoing the vehicle mechanics, Persistence. 


Thing is, if the game was released now and not last December they wouldn't of had the money to increase the scope of the game like this, and many of the features we are looking forward to now would either be delayed by an extra year or more, or simply not happen at all.


Same vote and views Flux.  I could not agree more.

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Voted happy, never expected to see so many features and such a high quality outstanding art work at this point. 

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I don't think you understand what "mechanics" are. The things you listed are content, not mechanics. Mechanics are how things work, they are not those things themselves.



Thank you for picking up that error of mine, if you hadn't of been here to notice and point it out, the consequences may have been catastrophic. *Core mechanics and content* is what I should have said. Dodged a bullet there.


But fair enough on the weapons, I was comparing the weapons in SA to the plentiful supply in the mod, however in retrospect I suppose that would be a little unfair.

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I'm extremely happy with the progress and honestly to see, finally after years of participating in crappy open alphas , a great open alpha with great attention to detail , a good amount of "fun" content added like weapons and items and clothing , and a very well balanced addition of mechanics so the game isn't dry all the while boasting the best player to player interactions any game has ever seen (if you know how to handle others , otherwise you will be shot on sight lol). In my opinion they could have made this alpha public even earlier , more people would complain but we'd be EVEN FURTHER along then we are now ...

People love to complain about the fact that a mod being made for over two years that was based off of another game made and perfected for over 10 , is better than a game that has just recreated itself and is only less than a year old ... But in my opinion that's just natural to see something wayyy older have more to it , when standalone reaches it's second birthday (December 2015) people will have Long forgotten about the mod because why would they want to stay In a clunky , heavy military oriented, mod with hardly any potential because of script and engine limitations when you could just play a standalone game with a newish engine written specifically for the game , with sleek new inventory and better controls , LOTS more attention to detail including the ability to enter any house , the ability to store items in any piece of clothing with storage .. standalone will be the first to have a unique injury system as well AND I'm going to go out on a very short limb here and say that their vehicle collision system is going to be just short of Amazing : seeing the front end crunch up against a tree as the airbag deploys knocking the driver unconscious ... This is the potential we see for standalone , not arma 3 breaking point mod , not dayz mod 2015 , and certainly not any other zombie game we see out there.. I agree with what someone else said : standalone with it's great legacy of dayz mod and with it's great potential of standalone , brought in a TON of people who can't handle an early access game that has a clear directive that may not match their own (to create a well balanced play over more than a year of alpha testing while also providing plenty of fun things so people don't get bored all the while injecting certain new mechanics at exactly the right times so these new mechanics can get tested and placed properly) .

People love to bitch about how long it takes an artist to paint a mural , but at the end of the day , after the work is complete , everyone always agrees that it couldn't have been done better any other way .

Edit : 39 likes and 19 disappointed , guess we know who the bitching minority is :D ! <3

Edited by Grapefruit kush

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