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The term bandit what it means now

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Why are folk so obsessed with the classification over bandits / KoS players for me sums up Dayz just now theres more talking about the game than actual playing of it !

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Maybe at some point in Beta or final releace there will be a rating system added were you get a class based off your actions. If they do this I think there should me much more terms the just hero or bandit.


But really I would not be that heart broken if they didn't, or just make it something you can see. I kind of like the mystery.


I focuse on keeping my avatar alive as long as posible, keeping my avatar 3 solid green bars as best I can, and geared to suit my needs. I also try to look out for people I play with when I group up. I enjoy trying out the new mechanics (WHEN THEY WORK) and surviving. I also like pvp when its well planed. I'm like action but do not consider my self a instant grad player. I prefer to live through pvp. I don't knock people whole enjoy quick thrills though. Its fun sometimes. I just prefer survival, and not dieing needlessly. Last thing I worry about is what lable to put on some random player I see running around.


DayZ SA has nothing but gameplay freedom in the confines of its engine. Why get so caught up with 2 terms "hero" or "bandit". Its just pointless and dumb. Why not just focuse on learning the mechanics, getting good at it. Setting out to try game out play styles how ever you like and not wasting time labling other players so much, unless you know 100% thats how they play.

Edited by CJFlint

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2014 DayZ SA Bandit = 12 year olds who KOS everyone they see for absolutely no reason, who really need to just go back to COD and leave DayZ alone.


DayZ SA is COD: Chernarus.  Newsflash.  Only thing in this game is PvP deathmatch right now.  Sure you can go put a tent out in the woods.  Yes you can try to be a "bandit", and hold people up for stuff but what do you need to hold them up for?  Food?  It is EVERYWHERE.  Guns?  Mosin and SkS are the "lower-tier" guns but they kill just as fast as ak's and m4's.  "Supplies"???  Healthy status makes iv/blood bagging irrelevant unless you are ALMOST dead which in most cases barely happens in SA.  It's like the one poster said, the current state of SA is such that KoS'ing and fight first talk later is now a habit.  in 90% of your interactions with other players from now on you will ask them to do something and their immediate reaction will be to try and kill you, run away to safety then try and kill you, or pretend to comply then try and kill you.  Fresh spawns ALMOST always punch even if you try and help them.  And anyone who has decent gear will pull their gun up even if you tell them not to.



Implying people do anything on SA besides kill each other


Bandit/Hero/Survivor were terms used on gameplay long past


you will never see that in standalone..

main reason most old-timer's stopped bothering 



This guy said it best.  Current game-state doesn't have room for the titles bandit/hero.  

Edited by Grundlesmuggler

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The thing about bandits in the mod was that it was defined by the costume change you got when your humanity (IIRC) dropped below a certain point, which only happened if you killed people.  So when you throw in the very few ways to to incapacitate players short of shooting them, a bandit in the mod was basically just someone who KOS'.  There wasn't enough of a functional difference between them and someone who was actually trying to act like a bandit.


In the standalone, however, there's a lot of ways to incapacitate players and keep them that way.  In SA, you can actually have prisoners.  So real banditry is a viable option for players.  However, the lack of any ranged non-lethal incapacitation abilities (To my knowledge) and the inability to restrict movement short of breaking legs (again, to my knowledge) makes the "lone bandit" a matter of luck unless you want to waste bullets and possible attraction of zeds and players to keep someone sitting still.


But also in the SA, bandits are no longer clearly marked as such by the game. (Yes you could hide it in the mod, but typically donning anything other than survivor or hero was a death sentence anyway) So even though now there's a very solid difference between the real bandit and the plain KOSer, there's no functional distinction that illustrates the difference.  Even so, however, the term bandit is an inaccurate one when it comes to the people its being applied to.  A more appropriate term would be raiders.

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the term bandit predates the dayz mod and they killed plenty of people irl. somehow dayz mod 'bandits' want to force their interpretation of the word on everyone. No thanks. 

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I consider a Bandit to be someone who actually holds people up, handcuff them and then rob them without actually killing them.

Careful there tiger. Bandits can kill people too. Its all about the process more then the end result.

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People are so obsessed with labels in this game, we're all survivors it's just the methods that differ. If it enhances one's survival to shoot any and all that cross their path then that's their choice and it's as valid as being a coastal carebear.

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The thing about bandits in the mod was that it was defined by the costume change you got when your humanity (IIRC) dropped below a certain point, which only happened if you killed people.  So when you throw in the very few ways to to incapacitate players short of shooting them, a bandit in the mod was basically just someone who KOS'.  There wasn't enough of a functional difference between them and someone who was actually trying to act like a bandit.


In the standalone, however, there's a lot of ways to incapacitate players and keep them that way.  In SA, you can actually have prisoners.  So real banditry is a viable option for players.  However, the lack of any ranged non-lethal incapacitation abilities (To my knowledge) and the inability to restrict movement short of breaking legs (again, to my knowledge) makes the "lone bandit" a matter of luck unless you want to waste bullets and possible attraction of zeds and players to keep someone sitting still.


But also in the SA, bandits are no longer clearly marked as such by the game. (Yes you could hide it in the mod, but typically donning anything other than survivor or hero was a death sentence anyway) So even though now there's a very solid difference between the real bandit and the plain KOSer, there's no functional distinction that illustrates the difference.  Even so, however, the term bandit is an inaccurate one when it comes to the people its being applied to.  A more appropriate term would be raiders.


The forced costume change in the mod was stupid. It had no realistic justification and it could be bestowed on people who were just defending themselves but weren't hit by the aggressor. It served to take tension out of encounters with strangers and frankly I got shot at by any number of people in the default and hero skins. It served as a red badge of shame on players that either didn't deserve it because of self-defense and the absolute stark reality that this would be just a running simulator without hostile pcs.


Man up people.

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listen pal, i don know wot a bandit in this game is but i know wot he aint, an thats a soft headed, needy, friendship seeking loser. A bandit ain't nobodys mug.

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Stealing something from someone is banditry. Whether you kill them, point a gun at them, tie them up, feed them poison, knock them out, or steal something off the ground when they aren't looking, it doesn't matter.


Killing someone is not banditry, shooting at someone is not banditry, having a weapon out is not banditry. You hear the term "bandit" used to describe almost every player in the game, and its usually used as a self justification method. But it is an easy and accepted label in the DayZ-verse for any hostile person, hell I use it often in the heat of the moment.

Edited by Hells High
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Stealing something from someone is banditry. Whether you kill them, point a gun at them, tie them up, feed them poison, knock them out, or steal something off the ground when they aren't looking, it doesn't matter.

Killing someone is not banditry, shooting at someone is not banditry, having a weapon out is not banditry. You hear the term "bandit" used to describe almost every player in the game, and its usually used as a self justification method. But it is an easy and accepted label in the DayZ-verse for any hostile person, hell I use it often in the heat of the moment.

The attempts at changing the current titling of "people who are (possibly) hostile" is like how political correctness changed the title for "mentally disabled" and "African American".

It is a game, people naturally make dispositional attributions (specifically in the heat of the moment), and no one is going to be deeply offended and sue me for calling them a bandit.

I do not have to look through a DayZ dictionary to properly define a player based on how the interacted with me. Generally, I label people as either nice guys or pretty good shot guys. Others can come up with any sort of categorizing table they want to make, but please do not try to force a social reform on names for a game.

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Bandit and hero are both misused labels, but they're what stuck.


"bandit" is just a pk, a "hero" is just some one who doesn't any more.  I think "hero" is the worse of the two, because the vast majority of people claiming that don't fit the description at all.  at least with the term "bandit" even if they are just killing people it still fits.

Edited by Bororm

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DayZ SA is COD: Chernarus.  Newsflash.  Only thing in this game is PvP deathmatch right now.  Sure you can go put a tent out in the woods.  Yes you can try to be a "bandit", and hold people up for stuff but what do you need to hold them up for?  Food?  It is EVERYWHERE.  Guns?  Mosin and SkS are the "lower-tier" guns but they kill just as fast as ak's and m4's.  "Supplies"???  Healthy status makes iv/blood bagging irrelevant unless you are ALMOST dead which in most cases barely happens in SA.  It's like the one poster said, the current state of SA is such that KoS'ing and fight first talk later is now a habit.  in 90% of your interactions with other players from now on you will ask them to do something and their immediate reaction will be to try and kill you, run away to safety then try and kill you, or pretend to comply then try and kill you.  Fresh spawns ALMOST always punch even if you try and help them.  And anyone who has decent gear will pull their gun up even if you tell them not to.




This guy said it best.  Current game-state doesn't have room for the titles bandit/hero.  

The first iteration of the .5 on exp was breathtaking. Everyone starving to death, not enough food or weapons to go around. People more concerned with a fire and hunting then running straight to the firestation in Elecktro to shoot someone...... Then they made it easy again :*(

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its all down to ones own perception isnt it.


i personally class bandits as peole who move around killing people. either groups or do so with a skill of somekind to hunt another person. KOS of a spawning in person is not a bandit.


I AM A BANDIT.  therfore i know. :)

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The guy that is looting your body doesn't care if you call him a bandit, koser,12yo kid. If victim rage quits or starts posting rants it's just a bonus. In most cases mr bandito won't even notice this because while you're wasting your time trying to figure out which title will offend him the most he's probably looking for another target and having fun.


Gotta say, situations where your victim goes on a massive rage fest are the best.

I remember one dude that used to play on my server in DayZ mod. He was only online from ~5-7 a.m. when server was completly empty. He was farming zeds all the time so he could be the best in a pointless statistic "zombie kills". One morning before work I jumped on a server and luckily I was logged off close to him, heard shots, sneaked around and popped him in the head. He was at around 1,5k zombie kills before I reseted his stats. Boy, did he post some awesome rants. Ah, good memories ;]

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IMO being a kos bandit is the easiest thing to do in this game.  You shoot people regardless of who they are. Your objectives and actions are a simple case of hunt/wait then shoot.


Funnily enough we need these types of players though - they keep us on our toes and are the reason we get that sense of dread when we enter a town, airfield etc.


It is nice to come across bandits who hold you up and rob you as well, though, and at least make your impending death a bit more interesting.

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As has been mentioned many times before, if there were more options to knock people out, then there would be less kill on sight. Having said that, there would also be waaaaay more torture, leg breaking, force feeding, tea bagging, general molesting etc. 


I reckon in the future, once the player counts per server are a lot higher, a zombie play feature would be good. It spawns you as a zombie in a random location (but ideally spawn near survivors, and perhaps allow you to re-spawn again when no players within x radius), you have no access to voice/text chat, you can't use weapons or tools, and can't open doors (although perhaps in the future will be able to pound your hands against a door until it opens). However you can run freely, albeit slower than a player, and you can attack as you wish. There would be no noticeable visual difference between you and an AI zombie, however as a person you would react in a very different way to an AI zombie, throwing a lot of the zombie killing tricks out of the window. Your zombie would wipe when you log off. This would make an interesting dynamic and make zombies something to be more fearful of.

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As has been mentioned many times before, if there were more options to knock people out, then there would be less kill on sight. Having said that, there would also be waaaaay more torture, leg breaking, force feeding, tea bagging, general molesting etc.

I reckon in the future, once the player counts per server are a lot higher, a zombie play feature would be good. It spawns you as a zombie in a random location (but ideally spawn near survivors, and perhaps allow you to re-spawn again when no players within x radius), you have no access to voice/text chat, you can't use weapons or tools, and can't open doors (although perhaps in the future will be able to pound your hands against a door until it opens). However you can run freely, albeit slower than a player, and you can attack as you wish. There would be no noticeable visual difference between you and an AI zombie, however as a person you would react in a very different way to an AI zombie, throwing a lot of the zombie killing tricks out of the window. Your zombie would wipe when you log off. This would make an interesting dynamic and make zombies something to be more fearful of.

There are options to knock people out. Batons, fist, low caliber bullet to a helmet, do more shock damage than the person has health... What are you wanting, a forced animation of knocking the person out? They are even adding the ability to club someone with a gun.

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The attempts at changing the current titling of "people who are (possibly) hostile" is like how political correctness changed the title for "mentally disabled" and "African American".

It is a game, people naturally make dispositional attributions (specifically in the heat of the moment), and no one is going to be deeply offended and sue me for calling them a bandit.

I do not have to look through a DayZ dictionary to properly define a player based on how the interacted with me. Generally, I label people as either nice guys or pretty good shot guys. Others can come up with any sort of categorizing table they want to make, but please do not try to force a social reform on names for a game.


I think you took my post a little too deeply. I was giving my opinion of what the act of banditry is based on the original post, and even noted why I think it is used the way it is and admitted that I do it also. Instead of coming after me for my opinion, trim the fat and just give yours.

Edited by Hells High

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KoSer is not exactly a title people like to have, so they try to give some romantic touch to their actions by calling themselves "bandits". Yet as I posted in another thread, being a bandit, a real one is probably one of the most difficult play style. You really need to know how to play, have coordination with your mates in order to trap a player without killing him. It's even more dangerous to be a real bandit when the prey is well geared and knows how to use it. Bandits do no shot people unless they messed up their trap and they find themselves having to save their own life.


Intercepting a player and riddle him with bullets doesn't sound like a successful banditry to me. More like a failure as all the gear gets ruined in the process.

Speaking of romantic touches. In many cases KoSer is what people like to call anyone who got the drop on them, to deal with bruised egos and/or loss of time/effort (think how in car accidents no one ever is guilty). Same goes for your romanticized definition of bandits, you want bandits to behave like that to save you time\effort, but lets be honest the common bandit isn't trying to pull schemes on you, he is an opportunistic ~fresh spawn and most "Real bandits" are player who play in groups (using teamspeak) who geared/bored up their ass and almost always in complete control of the situation.

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IMO being a kos bandit is the easiest thing to do in this game.  You shoot people regardless of who they are. Your objectives and actions are a simple case of hunt/wait then shoot.


Funnily enough we need these types of players though - they keep us on our toes and are the reason we get that sense of dread when we enter a town, airfield etc.


It is nice to come across bandits who hold you up and rob you as well, though, and at least make your impending death a bit more interesting.


Not every bandit will simply kill the hostage, I'd say it's more difficult to play as a real bandit. 


Real bandits are suppose to capture players and to let them go. 

* Once a players does not have ammo, he / she is no longer a threat. 


Here is an example of being a real bandit. 


Players that simply kill players in various upper-hand scenarios are simply called "murderers".

Edited by Sobieski12

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Banditry does not exist.  If you attempt to hold anyone up they'll either run or come at you forcing you to most likely kill them.  The exact same people who complain about being KoS'd are most likely the cause of themselves being KoS'd.

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Banditry does not exist.  If you attempt to hold anyone up they'll either run or come at you forcing you to most likely kill them.  The exact same people who complain about being KoS'd are most likely the cause of themselves being KoS'd.


This is completely wrong, I've held up 5+ players so far and they all lived to tell the tale. 


If you need proof then see this.



Of course some players resist capture, and thus their lives are cut short.


Edited by Sobieski12
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