Avant-Garde 229 Posted August 29, 2015 My wife is left handed and watching her write is fucking creepy. No left handed should not be in the game because it's weird and probably a sin. God hates me man, I'm a freak tbh :( Let me be a weird ass sinner left handed in DayZ as well prease, IRL is not enough1! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cash81 506 Posted August 30, 2015 AND in all other serious 1 on 1 sports - tennis, fencing, boxing, etc - It's no surprise that, with 10% of the population left handed - more than +20% of champions in face-to-face sports are left handed.. they have played against right handers since they started (so they know the moves they come up against), but the right hander has done the same (right against right) - so he's always seriously less experienced and in danger when he's facing a left hander. All being equal, good left hander's tend to win over good right handers. I'm sad for you 90% but that's how it is.Youre also more likely to become president if youre left handed.But as a lefty who has only shot right handed guns, ive never come accross a serious issue. Minor annoyances really. Ive never been hit by a shell casing from a semi-auto, never had an issue working a bolt. Only hiccups are behind the trigger safetys, and bullpups really. I agree that it would be too much work for the small percentage of gain.Side note: any othet lefties find it just fine shooting right hand firearms from the left? Interested because i can bat, throw and catch with both hands (writing is so so, so not exactly fully ambi) so im wondering if strictly lefties do have problems that im not aware of with right hand firearms. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Avant-Garde 229 Posted August 30, 2015 Youre also more likely to become president if youre left handed.But as a lefty who has only shot right handed guns, ive never come accross a serious issue. Minor annoyances really. Ive never been hit by a shell casing from a semi-auto, never had an issue working a bolt. Only hiccups are behind the trigger safetys, and bullpups really. I agree that it would be too much work for the small percentage of gain.Side note: any othet lefties find it just fine shooting right hand firearms from the left? Interested because i can bat, throw and catch with both hands (writing is so so, so not exactly fully ambi) so im wondering if strictly lefties do have problems that im not aware of with right hand firearms.Never fired a weapon since in my country (Brazil) its forbidden to have guns, but my right hand is basically useless, I'm completely left handed. I think I would have problems holding a weapon like a right handed person, but I don't know really. I can't write AT ALL with the right hand lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted August 30, 2015 Freaks.Left handedness is a sign of being deranged isnt it? 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Coheed_IV 381 Posted August 30, 2015 Seriously though I remember when my brothers were playing paintball competitively and one brother who can't blink his right eye and learned to shoot left and right handed as a child preferring left when possible. It can actually give an edge in CQB type shooting being someone who peeks the "wrong side" of cover while exposing less of their body. I doubt they'll add it though.You can actually switch the firearm to left side of your body in Arma3, it's badass ;) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sausagekingofchicago 4711 Posted August 30, 2015 I was about to create a thread suggesting this until you pressed 'Q'? Nice bump. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Avant-Garde 229 Posted August 30, 2015 Freaks.Left handedness is a sign of being deranged isnt it?This explains a shitload of things tbh, I think you are right m8 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yazar8 584 Posted August 30, 2015 until you pressed 'Q'?Nice bump. It is better if he just bumps it instead of posting a new one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted August 30, 2015 (edited) Freaks.Left handedness is a sign of being deranged isnt it? Yeah- "dexterous" comes from the latin for "right handed"- "sinister" comes from the latin for "left handed" Yeah - Out brains are arranged differently. IMO that means "better" - but don't worry about it 'simple-minded normal creature', we hardly ever take advantage of our great powers I'm 100% sinister and ALSO 100% left handed, but never had trouble with guns, it's always the same - you reach over the top to work the bolt and the safety is just by your forefinger. Seems completely natural to me. [edit: also using your forefinger means you got to take it off the trigger before you start trying to use muscle on the weapon, so you 100% can not pull on the trigger accidentally] . There are left and ambi safeties but never liked them (no point in trying to confuse yourself when you already have the habit). If you "instinct shoot" pistols you can use either hand but for sights or scope always the left eye of course.- only problem is if a rifle has a shaped stock, that might be a slight pisser sometimes. I used to have a great little 22 rifle with a walnut left-handed stock, when I first moved away from home my sister sold it to the kid next door for like - nothing - to "clean up the house" - mutter spit mutter curseThat's why I moved to the Dark Side of the Force. Archery I hold the bow in my right. For stuff like melee and rock climbing, and ya feet in roller-blading, you really ought to be as good as you can both ways. Guitar I play your standard "right handed" because its a damn sight easier doing the fretting with your good left hand , but all you right hander's use your weak clumsy hand for that, which is crazy. No wonder you take so long to learn to play so badly. And driving a car, the trick is you always sit on the same side as the steering wheel (heh) but depending what country you're in when you shift gear you might just open the door by mistake. I know a left-hander who plays the saxaphone real good - but, damn, how he works THAT I can NOT figure. Edited August 31, 2015 by pilgrim 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chaingunfighter 917 Posted August 31, 2015 No doubt it would be cool if it weren't such a technical challenge, but it is. Every upper body animation in the game would need to be changed even just slightly for lefties, and that's a pretty substantial workload in itself. I can't really see it working in general play though, because if it's done realistically and not just by mirroring then people using their left hand will be at a disadvantage using most firearms and whatnot - and I can bet that few would actually choose that option if it were optional, and if it was a 10% chance to players then they might just commit suicide to respawn if it had real disadvantages. Definitely not a bad idea at all but I don't see it paying off for all the work it needs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted August 31, 2015 Hello there Damn, someone beat me to the Sinister thing. *shakes fist at sky* But, Im a difficult chap and do find it difficult playing a gender/race/handedness that doesnt represent me. Wait! Hold on! Im not saying what you think I'm saying! I dont mind playing as a different gender/race/height/angle/species etc, it's just that I cannot sympathyse as much with the character as Id like. In all games I play "me" rather than an alter Ego so I like my avatar to be a "me-like" as possible. Gordon Freeman was great as he was fairly silent (didnt ike the goatee or specs though and as for that haircut...yuk!) My point being, if the handedness of the DAYZ avatars were changed to the left, I wouldnt rant about it but Id not be a huge fan. I think player customisation is everso important and like for us all to be able to chose handedness. Is it a vital thing? Nah. would it be nice to have? Yeah. But I can think of far more important stuff to implement. Im still waiting for my Horse Head mask. Rgds LoK 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
byrgesen 1341 Posted August 31, 2015 (edited) Let someone mod it after launch, its a waste of Bohemias resources to do lefthanded.Would most likely require new animations for every single gun in the game (unless its easy to "mirror" them), not to mention new models so the casings doesnt fly into your face when you fire a right handed gun with your left hand. Nobody in there right mind would use a right handed weapon in the left hand, unless we are talking handguns. Edited August 31, 2015 by Byrgesen 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted August 31, 2015 ..//..In all games I play "me" rather than an alter Ego so I like my avatar to be a "me-like" as possible...//.. Say - Who is that tall olive-skinned strangely masked red-headed muscular woman in a ball-gown coming down the road riding a hobby-horse ? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted August 31, 2015 (edited) ..//..Nobody in there right mind would use a right handed weapon in the left hand, unless we are talking handguns. ????????? so back in the real world - I guess you aint left handed then want more ? check ..AK 47 for Southpaws [edited] xx Edited August 31, 2015 by pilgrim 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
byrgesen 1341 Posted September 1, 2015 -snip- Lol you are absolutely right, wtf did i smoke yesterday! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted September 2, 2015 Being left handed forces a person to learn dynamic problem solving at an early age. Something as mundane as a doorknob can present a challenge. I have played quite a few games where lefty was an option but it seems less and less these days. I used to get powder burns on my arm while shooting my friends .22 rifle left handed.... I want to emphasize the difference for melee. I move differently due to being left handed and it can be an advantage in a 3D environment. This may even be a contributing factor for my ability to out maneuver people or choose unusual paths across the map. Many right handed people will interpret the environment similarly and cut similar paths where lefties being a minority (and probably being more adaptable) see things a little differently and do not trace the same paths. When it come to keyboard/mouse games all I ever really want is the ability to map custom key bindings. I have written off some games because I couldn't bind WASD to UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT buttons.... 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted September 2, 2015 (edited) ..//..When it come to keyboard/mouse games all I ever really want is the ability to map custom key bindings. I have written off some games because I couldn't bind WASD to UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT buttons.... 100% agree with all you say. Deserve +2 beans For the keyboard - I have the mouse under my left hand, easy to use, so I put all the important functions on the Number Pad, starting with movement direction, head movement, inventory toggle, lay down, run (I put a 1-key combo so "run forward" also does "stand up and run" and " stand from crouch and run", which is useful, ,All that important action stuff is on the Number Pad - where the keys are set square, easy to use, Me and you (left hander) can have your thumb on the "0" bar, your forefinger on "4", third finger on "6" and all the other keys and combos fall naturally exactly where you can get a finger on them in a tenth of a second.. Just the boring ("slow") stuff I leave on the normal keyboard. The number pad was more or less invented for accountants, to do long accurate strings of simple input FAST, so you can guess how good it is for a left-handed player to get his good hand on that Great device... (heh) This works SO well (for me at least) that a right-hand friend who was having key trouble (searching the key, then pressing the wrong stuff when he was excited) - I tried to convince him to get a separate add-on numeric pad so he could use it on the left side of the keyboard, with his mouse on the right. But he didn't see the advantage. He is just not fluent at re-binding (stuck in the WASD-land). My way makes life very easy... First thing a lefty always does with a new game is work out the keys, then RE-BIND them in the arrangement you like... when you have 100% done this with every game you ever played, you have the advantage of habit too. You've always done that - so you can get it set up really nice, no problem. The ARMA + DAYZ series is pretty good for this. Never try to play with the defaults, you just hurt your opinion of yourself, get emotional, loose it, die..For starters, most right handers are only playing with around 60-70% of the available keys, and they have to move their left hand around way too much, sometimes even take their right hand off the mouse (I've SEEN people do that, honest). It's a sad thing. Their end of the keyboard was designed for 2-hands-on typists (heh), great for text-only. ** Combat : IMO If we had Left AND Right handed combat in DayZ..- exactly the basic melee it is now, but you could pre-set your characters handedness as well as his looks,- I swear, after a week everyone would switch to "left" because against right hander's it gives you such an advantage.Suddenly, 90% of melee punch-axe-screwdriver-hockystick players would be left handers. Then the most cunning players would have to work on new combat technique, to deal with a population that has its crowbar in a different hand each time...hmmm xx Edited September 2, 2015 by pilgrim 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NinjaTurkey 255 Posted September 3, 2015 I myself am a right handed man. But there are people left handed too, but at the game everyone is right handed. Should there be the possibility to be left handed? I don't know, what do you guys think about it? Discuss.Don't see why not, but for the purposes of the alpha i do not see it as a priority. After release definitely. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ResidentWeevil 11 Posted September 3, 2015 (edited) I myself am a right handed man.But there are people left handed too, but at the game everyone is right handed.Should there be the possibility to be left handed? I don't know, what do you guys think about it? Discuss.I am left handed and I endorse this post.The south will rise again!Edit *. Isnt there a function in splintercell games as to which hand holds the gun in regards to whether you approach from the left or right of a door or wall? Edited September 3, 2015 by ResidentWeevil Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Senodog 96 Posted September 3, 2015 I myself am a right handed man. But there are people left handed too, but at the game everyone is right handed. Should there be the possibility to be left handed? I don't know, what do you guys think about it? Discuss.I'm ambidextrous so I can uses both it would be nice for me to started playing DayZ Left handed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Avant-Garde 229 Posted September 3, 2015 (edited) 100% agree with all you say. Deserve +2 beans For the keyboard - I have the mouse under my left hand, easy to use, so I put all the important functions on the Number Pad, starting with movement direction, head movement, inventory toggle, lay down, run (I put a 1-key combo so "run forward" also does "stand up and run" and " stand from crouch and run", which is useful, ,All that important action stuff is on the Number Pad - where the keys are set square, easy to use, Me and you (left hander) can have your thumb on the "0" bar, your forefinger on "4", third finger on "6" and all the other keys and combos fall naturally exactly where you can get a finger on them in a tenth of a second.. ** Combat : IMO If we had Left AND Right handed combat in DayZ..- exactly the basic melee it is now, but you could pre-set your characters handedness as well as his looks,- I swear, after a week everyone would switch to "left" because against right hander's it gives you such an advantage.Suddenly, 90% of melee punch-axe-screwdriver-hockystick players would be left handers. Then the most cunning players would have to work on new combat technique, to deal with a population that has its crowbar in a different hand each time...hmmm xxWHAT, you use your mouse in your left hand? Goddamn weirdo gtfo man lmao I'm SURE that its a sin, everything has limits you know??Now seriously, I'm left handed but I couldn't imagine myself using the mouse on the left hand lol, even because my mouse has those thumb buttons made for goddamn right handed people like this one here: About the melee combat part, its a interesting subject tbh, because it all depends on how the game will handle "parrying". For example, in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare it works like this: Press your parry button and a invisible wall that goes from your head to your ankles, and with your shoulder width will show up in front of you, and if the damage tracer connects there, it registers as a parry. Literally a "parry rectangle". The game also has right-to-left/left-to-right horizontal swing and top right to bottom left/top left from bottom right overhead swings. In order to bypass the parry box you have to use Footwork to position your attack in a way you bypass the parry box, and that can be done by either variation of overhead and horizontal swing (slash). Since the parry rectangle appears literally in front of you, you have to aim your parry as well if your opponent use the directional attack system + footwork. The thing is, having left handed in Chivalry would make almost no practical difference if you take footwork out of the equation, you see. 2 people not moving, facing each other, the attacks variation present no bigger difficulty in order to parry. What creates the difficulty here is how good your opponent's footwork is. I guess that if we ever come to see parrying in DayZ, we will have something like this "parry box", thus making no difference the direction of the attack UNLESS you associate it with good footwork. I mean, the simple fact that you are swinging left-to-right instead of right-to-left should not give any advantage at all. The advantage comes knowing how to trick your opponent and make him miss the direction in witch he will have to "aim" the parry, you see, thats done by footwork. For example, you start a normal overhead, top right to left bottom attack and at the same time you walk to your right as well, your opponent will aim his parry to his left, so when you see he aiming left you change your walking directions mid swing and land your hit right at his dumbass head that will not be covered anymore because he moved his parry box left, thinking the attack would come that way. Imagine sort of a Z motion in this example, thats how you bypass a parry box. Maybe lefties would have a advantage against someone who has "recipes" in their heads you know, people who instead of reacting to what they are seeing, they expect a pattern to reproduce. But this is a sign of lack of skill tbh, of course you can expect patterns, but don't rely on it or you will get rekt! If you want more info on parry box thing, this is an interesting read:http://forums.tornbanner.com/showthread.php/16502-Parry-Window-Bubble-and-Shields-PICS Scroll down to the "parry system" part. So basically, it depends on how the parry system will work. It could or couldn't be a advantage to play as left handed. If the "parry box" had the size of your weapon, then it could possibly be a advantage. But again, it wouldn't be unfair if we had these 2 overhead and slashes variations, since right handed people could do left-to-right swings as well. Edited September 4, 2015 by Avant-Garde Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted September 8, 2015 (edited) ..//.. ..//..About the melee combat part, - "parrying". For example, in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare ..//..If you want more info on parry box thing, this is an interesting read: http://forums.tornbanner.com/showthread.php/16502-Parry-Window-Bubble-and-Shields-PICS Scroll down to the "parry system" part. I noticed that Chivalry Medieval Warfare system apreviously.; I found someone boasting about it a while back and the demos looked pretty cool - much more interesting than I had expected. (ps - about the mouse - I'm Really Left Handed, not an Ambi ( I'm 100% in the closet ). Mouse on Left Hand. Using a multi-button right-hand mouse in either hand drives me nuts, I press buttons by mistake every time, Even using MS Word, I try to highlight a word and I loose the page, loose the text, switch focus, close the window.. crazy things happen, teh gdamm mouse does everything I don't expect it to. I can't even send e-mails.. So I use a standard 2 button + center wheel mouse always. And always under my left hand, and reprogram it to do special stuff if I want something particular for a game... In DayZ for instance you can put "look left"-"look right" on the roller, which can be cool.. etc .. but for me the number pad is the best solution unless I'm playing a game that really wants a multifunction Left Handed Joystick heh(then I'm happy. In space I'm always happy) The only prob with combat moves in DayZ is that the server takes priority. So:- The server is told that a guy wants to hit you with a hammer..- the server "performs" the hit from his actual location and your actual location ON the server- and at the same time it sends a message to your server telling your PC to start the "hit him with hammer" animation.but the server does not wait for your PC to receive the instruction, or even for it to start the animation, the server just calculates the damage, records it, and then tells your PC about it.In the meantime your screen is getting round to showing you a guy doing a "strike" movement. So - for more complex melee - you must already tell the server you are doing a "parry" before you see any animation on screen of the other guy even starting to hit you. When he starts a swing, the server has already decided the hit and allocated the damage. This is why (folk complain) that zombies hit you after you have hit them, or when they are 'already dead'. Its just the server getting round to informing you that the zombie struck you a moment before ... if messages arriving at your end overlap, so your PC starts one animation, and then gets an instruction to start another, it will continue with the first and just dump the second animation for lack of time... Someone correct me if I'm wrong. So this makes for difficult melee - because it's what you see on screen that YOU count as melee.. but (extreme case) it's really the server showing you what already happened. So e.g. seeing a blow arrive and THEN blocking it quickly, is not possible with the current system. But having (slightly) pre-set decisions about which side to strike a blow, left-to-right or vertical, etc and THEN pressing the "shoot" key, could work - amazingly well - maybe. Your reference to Chivalry MW reminded me of that combat system, I'd forgotten it (never played) it looks convincingly good on screen... perhaps a "pre-decided" melee action could perk up DayZ close combat a lot.. Even in the worst case you only need to pre-select a strike position less than a half-second before you strike the blow, or set yourself to parry just before you expect the other guy to hit you, then change your preset (lets call it "stance") and continue.. In these forums you'd get plenty of the "a dead zombie hit me" complaints multiplied.. but mainly the action would look real-time... as realtime as it looks now in DayZ, And give a lot more opportunity to use moves - stances - to outwit and wrong-foot the opponent. I like it - but many would argue like F about the timing being wrong, unfair, off, backwards.. whatever.But on the other hand, they already do. So I say go for it. xx Edited September 8, 2015 by pilgrim 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
barberousse 12 Posted September 8, 2015 I myself am a right handed man. But there are people left handed too, but at the game everyone is right handed. Should there be the possibility to be left handed? I don't know, what do you guys think about it? Discuss.i think for melee weapon it could be right but , for gun ,carabine ,or miltary rifle you don t find a lot of model with shell ejection on the left side !!!im sorry lefty s;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted September 8, 2015 -snip- (ps - about the mouse - I'm Really Left Handed, not an Ambi ( I'm 100% in the closet ). Mouse on Left Hand. Using a multi-button right-hand mouse in either hand drives me nuts, I press buttons by mistake every time, Even using MS Word, I try to highlight a word and I loose the page, loose the text, switch focus, close the window.. crazy things happen, teh gdamm mouse does everything I don't expect it to. I can't even send e-mails..-snip- I actually like the thumb buttons for reload and melee attacks. I use the mouse in my left hand and action the thumb buttons with my middle finger. It never seemed to bother me. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BCBasher 2465 Posted September 9, 2015 i think for melee weapon it could be right but , for gun ,carabine ,or miltary rifle you don t find a lot of model with shell ejection on the left side !!!im sorry lefty s;) The SKS ejects vertically and the charging handle is far enough forward it shouldn't interfere with your face the safety might be awkward though. A lefty could correct me if I' wrong but I believe most autos and semi autos eject shells far enough forward that your face shouldn't be in the way? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites