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Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

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After 5 hours, I think I've had my fill for the day. It was quite enjoyable as well. Didn't die even once, met a few people along the way (and even saved a few), and covered quite a lot of ground. No trouble finding loot on any of the servers I played on, even in places like Novo, Chernaya Polana, Elektro, etc.


Aside from the difficulty of having to constantly replace my shoes and the occasional CTD, I'm finding that I cannot find any duct tape or ammo related to rifles (7.62 variants, .357, etc.). I did find 5.56, but can't for the life of me find any guns to use it in. Carrying a Mosin, but can't find any ammo for it. I did not have any trouble finding ammo in the previous build of 0.50.

I found a box of AK rounds. You just gotta look allot harder for them now.

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After 5 hours, I think I've had my fill for the day. It was quite enjoyable as well. Didn't die even once, met a few people along the way (and even saved a few), and covered quite a lot of ground. No trouble finding loot on any of the servers I played on, even in places like Novo, Chernaya Polana, Elektro, etc.


Aside from the difficulty of having to constantly replace my shoes and the occasional CTD, I'm finding that I cannot find any duct tape or ammo related to rifles (7.62 variants, .357, etc.). I did find 5.56, but can't for the life of me find any guns to use it in. Carrying a Mosin, but can't find any ammo for it. I did not have any trouble finding ammo in the previous build of 0.50.


I found about 50 7.62x51 rounds and about 120 .357 magnum rounds (i keept 90). i found a longrange and a compensator too, but no mosin :(

Edited by Zboub le météor

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I find around 3-4 boots per hanger I check out. Maybe they will serve a use now. ;)

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Welcome to the party, pal.


Sounds like you just need to pay more attention. Walking around in plain sight with fancy gear, I bet. Might as well paint a target on your back. Barring bugs or hackers, every time you die, it's your own fault. Even losing focus for a second can mean death. Always assume someone is watching you, waiting for an opportunity to put one through your skull.


As for the zombies, having just spent 2 hours in experimental, I can vehemently deny your claims that 'zombies can walk thru everything'. In fact, I may have discovered a glitch that actually works against them.


When I tried to lock a zombie inside one of the metal hangars with the blue doors, I noticed it would just stand right outside the doors, as if it was unable to get inside. It did not even attack me when I punched it in the head. It was one of the blonde females (aka the Buggy Babes) so I thought maybe it was a one-off. So I aggro'd two other zombies and ran back into the hangar. Lo and behold, they too just stood right outside as I socked them in the mouth with impunity. Has anyone else had this happen in .50?



You are absolutely right  :) I made this post right after killed, you know, so many hours of looting for nothing, that hurts  :D However it's absolutely my fault because this game has different playing styles.

You know what I thought last night? There should be a survival game that works similar to alien isolation: sneaking around, masses of zombies, few ammo. In a huge city map this would be awesome, and there wouldn't be so much pvp when zombies could always hear it and kill you^^


I wait for the aug now =)

Edited by LazyPoet91

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I found about 50 7.62x51 rounds and about 120 .357 magnum rounds (i keept 90). i found a longrange and a compensator too, but no mosin :(

You must have all of it then :p

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lots of crashing to desktop.


Seems to happen after zombie interactions. The first one screwed with my video settings and reset my other settings.

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I played for ~2 hours now. No ctd, I saw the Opa-zombie for the first time  :D  and plant some tomatos.


Ive noticed that you can split the seed.




Of course, I dug the greenhouse and planted some seed. But I fertilized the soil only in slot 1-3 and 5-7. Slot 4 and 8 arent fertilized (red marker). I could plant the seed anyway. Perhaps there is a difference? I will maybe have a look later the night.




If someone is on exp server UK 0-16 (1p) and wants to have a look, it is in Severograd. If you come from Svetlojarks, behind the first yellow building, the left greenhouse.



My question is, after the shoes take damage and get ruined, will it be possible to craft some leather shoes in the future? Or will the char have a thick callus on his foot when he/she is moving barefoot? :lol:

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Client crashes seem to happen randomly - sometimes seconds after logging in sometimes I was able to play for quite a while. I am pretty sure the footwear degradation is intentionally exaggerated (see temperature before).


What I really don't like are the inland spawns - mine was close to Novo. Not sure if they were even gone and made a comeback or still happened before.

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I played for ~2 hours now. No ctd, I saw the Opa-zombie for the first time :D and plant some tomatos.

Ive noticed that you can split the seed.


Of course, I dug the greenhouse and planted some seed. But I fertilized the soil only in slot 1-3 and 5-7. Slot 4 and 8 arent fertilized (red marker). I could plant the seed anyway. Perhaps there is a difference? I will maybe have a look later the night.


If someone is on exp server UK 0-16 (1p) and wants to have a look, it is in Severograd. If you come from Svetlojarks, behind the first yellow building, the left greenhouse.

My question is, after the shoes take damage and get ruined, will it be possible to craft some leather shoes in the future? Or will the char have a thick callus on his foot when he/she is moving barefoot? :lol:

How To Grow Plants / Tomato Seeds - DayZ Standalo…: http://youtu.be/xnl-mCpxtt4

Tomatoes take 10 mins pookie has some other useful guides too

Edited by Luc1fer
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I find around 3-4 boots per hanger I check out. Maybe they will serve a use now. ;)


Or better yet: duct tape. It finally has become very useful indeed.

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The pros:

Zombies don't go through doors.

Heat packs. One pristine pack got me out of "freezing" for about 7 minutes.

Melee seems a bit cleaner.

Hoe no longer OP.

Tomatoes! You get tons of them too.

No more CTDs.

The cons:

SHOES! Pristine shoes get ruined after only 10-15 minutes of running. Taping then delays this a bit.

Indoor rain.

Server restarts (in error) are too often.

Dropped guns still vanishing. Though still returning to the spot after some time and distance.

Some good, since bad. The Footwear thing is really annoying though. I'm now holding two extra pairs with me whenever i can. I like the idea, but they wear out far too quickly. I know it shows "sore feet" messages, but don't know of there's a practical effect. I ran around without a pair for 10 minutes with no apparent damage.

And why on earth can i use duct take on tomato seeds?

Edited by Abram_

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ps1 : i made a fire place with food, rags, a CR75 and a short letter in polana. does somebody found it ?


I have never made a fire with you.

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well, i have to say, i really don't understand the devs decision to let shoes degenerate so fast. I really don't get it.


I mean, even though it's experimental and we should not expect a good gaming experience when joining, I still don't get it. Why put the variable (or multiplier or whatever) for shoe degeneration to such a high value? Does it really have to be so game breaking? I mean... aww forget it... *shakes head*

Edited by robophant
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well, i have to say, i really don't understand the devs decision to let shoes degenerate so fast. I really don't get it.


I mean, even though it's experimental and we should not expect a good gaming experience when joining, I still don't get it. Why put the variable (or multiplier or whatever) for shoe degeneration to such a high value? Does it really have to be so game breaking? I mean... aww forget it... *shakes head*


I imagine its the same way the weather system was exaggerated in Exp before it went to stable.

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I agree with Robophant. The clothing falling apart is a bit harsh at the moment. I ran from Solnichny to Orlovets and my pristine jungle boots were ruined and my feet hurt by the time I arrived. This game is great and I love playing it but I had to leave because I spent so much time looking for shoes. Never had a chance to build up my character. Thank you for considering my comments.

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Does usiing duct tape to reinforce vests/shoes/whatever change the actual look and model of the item you are reinforcing or not?

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I agree with Robophant. The clothing falling apart is a bit harsh at the moment. I ran from Solnichny to Orlovets and my pristine jungle boots were ruined and my feet hurt by the time I arrived. This game is great and I love playing it but I had to leave because I spent so much time looking for shoes. Never had a chance to build up my character. Thank you for considering my comments.


Although I also feel the degradation of shoes is to fast atm...u can still run less and keep ur shoes for much longer. The amount of running we do in the game is beyond human...its time we got something to slow us down.

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In ~7hrs game time I've had no CTDs on hardcore, but constantly on 3PP.

There's no point in wearing shoes at the moment.

Duct tape brings items from very damaged to damaged.

And unless it was a fluke, sewing kits can bring clothes to pristine, degrading the kit to ruined. My mistake

Edited by whiskeytango

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One day after the infamous DayZ Shoe Update...



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Oy! I'm gone for two days and they come out with an update. Okay, so the heat packs I know of and I think someone spoke of a lighter earlier? Do we seriously have lighters in game now?

Can't wait to be able to actually play tomorrow, I'll keep an eye out for the CTD's and see if it's 3pp with me too or if it's somewhat "balanced".


Thanks for all the pics that have been posted and tutorials that have been made, it helped me out a great deal to stay informed while I was traveling!


Did someone post a link to unofficial patch notes for this version? I tried to find it on reddit but only came up with patch notes before today's update... :(


:thumbsup: :beans:

Edited by Demonica

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With just about large change, the devs overdo it. I'm sure the shoe thing will be much better withe next patch.

Does usiing duct tape to reinforce vests/shoes/whatever change the actual look and model of the item you are reinforcing or not?

Nopers. Edited by Abram_

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