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Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

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Damn, almost all of the UK-EU servers seem to be down again just a few hours after they were restarted by the devs :(

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None of the servers in my region are functioning.


It only looks like maybe 4 servers are working for the entire US experimental branch.


I joined a nearly full 3rd person server that was functioning and found a down jacket, food, a splitting axe, and a childrens backpack pretty quickly.


The backpack was found in the bed of a pick-up truck, which had some decent clothing in and around it.


Brown Wellies show through the cuffs of black jeans.


Most of this loot was found in and around the small town near the swamp spawn.


Also in this area, standing in the grass between the swamp and the town was a single zed. Someone must have drawn him there and left him behind somehow as he was far from anywhere I normally would see a zed and I aggroed him due to running up on him unexpectedly.


Running into the woods North to try to evade him I get the server DC message....


Might jump on again before dinner.

Edited by BioHaze

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Castles are apparently really dangerous right now. Twice now in the 0.50 series of exp patches I've "randomly" died in castles... Something to look out for anyway. :)

Edited by Ebrim
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Its funny when the loot system works the game is easy mode. When it doesnt its like a whole different game survival wise. It would be cool to see them start testing the # of food and drink spawns(more food, drinking seems more of a need once you get full on food, i seem to get thirsty faster then hungry after i get geared) It would be cool to find a good balance between the 2. So to get a good amount of food would be off animals, water from canteens from lakes/streams. Cans would be nice to see them reduced from the current rate to see how that feels(mess with different #) Seems easier to play with the food spawn numbers, to find a good survival balance vs doing other energy losses things due to weight or w/e(more extra work?)


When loot was broken the game was a lot better. (as far as the survival part) for me. I felt the need to hunt, now ill just run by them. Before they seemed like a pot of gold. Just somethings ive noticed.


Idk i just hate when i see so much food after my town to town apple tree survival trip/animal hunt,  when you see an animal youll want to hunt to get more food. Then waste energy looking for limited cans of food, then when you get meat. You can afford to go out and make a long trips or farm military places, Since it would be cool to have no can food at military areas. So going to a place like NW isnt a straight run, but work to even get up there, have enough supplies to even make it back. Before you starve, idk would be more interesting then the current looting. Id like to see them start playing around with it more.

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Its funny when the loot system works the game is easy mode. When it doesnt its like a whole different game survival wise. It would be cool to see them start testing the # of food and drink spawns(more food, drinking seems more of a need once you get full on food, i seem to get thirsty faster then hungry after i get geared) It would be cool to find a good balance between the 2. So to get a good amount of food would be off animals, water from canteens from lakes/streams. Cans would be nice to see them reduced from the current rate to see how that feels(mess with different #) Seems easier to play with the food spawn numbers, to find a good survival balance vs doing other energy losses things due to weight or w/e(more extra work?)


When loot was broken the game was a lot better. (as far as the survival part) for me. I felt the need to hunt, now ill just run by them. Before they seemed like a pot of gold. Just somethings ive noticed.


Idk i just hate when i see so much food after my town to town apple tree survival trip/animal hunt,  when you see an animal youll want to hunt to get more food. Then waste energy looking for limited cans of food, then when you get meat. You can afford to go out and make a long trips or farm military places, Since it would be cool to have no can food at military areas. So going to a place like NW isnt a straight run, but work to even get up there, have enough supplies to even make it back. Before you starve, idk would be more interesting then the current looting. Id like to see them start playing around with it more.

But you can't hunt if there are no axes, matches, rope, sticks etc. I seriously doubt you've actually experienced the bug many of us have talked about because if you had you'd realise that balance doesn't even enter in to the equation. There is literally no loot. Zero. Zilch. This is a bug. You don't think most of us want the game to be difficult? Canned food and rifled should be rare, not rope matches and basic tools.

Edited by Count_Blackula
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Wow .... The only first person server that's not in constant reboot is signapore... Just a few hours ago they were all fine :,(

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I love the fact that things spawn in high numbers, so long as the items that spawn aren't necessarily detrimental to other players. Clothing and basic tools should be very easy to find, but any weapons more powerful than an SKS should be pretty difficult in acquiring. Or at least require a risk to get them. 


Rope, Screwdrivers, Duct Tape, Rain Coats, Matches, Beanies, Hoodies, Boots, Spray Paint...all these things should be very easy to find. They don't really affect one player's ability to hassle or kill other players. 


Loot should be everywhere so that opportunity exists in every corner of the map for people willing to go out and seize it. But as long as guns and ammunition don't spawn as commonly as they do now...I think DayZ is headed in the right direction here. 


With certain kinds of looting being absolutely essential to survival in some instances, like rainproof clothing, matches, etc., you shouldn't have to spawn into a server as a Bambi and cross your fingers that you just happen to find some very basic low-tier item that you need to not Freeze.

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Wow .... The only first person server that's not in constant reboot is signapore... Just a few hours ago they were all fine :,(

 Now UK 17 is full and Singapore might be soon. Is this a server-restart issue or something? I might have to make my temporary home in Singapore, even though it's night and it's not easy to stay warm.

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 Now UK 17 is full and Singapore might be soon. Is this a server-restart issue or something? I might have to make my temporary home in Singapore, even though it's night and it's not easy to stay warm.

trying to connect to US East 0-1...had 17 people in it. Still waiting.


Edit- been trying to connect for over 5 mins. It says there are people in the server but they must have some high speed internet.


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Not going to get much data off of us this way.




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I love the fact that things spawn in high numbers, so long as the items that spawn aren't necessarily detrimental to other players. Clothing and basic tools should be very easy to find, but any weapons more powerful than an SKS should be pretty difficult in acquiring. Or at least require a risk to get them. 


Rope, Screwdrivers, Duct Tape, Rain Coats, Matches, Beanies, Hoodies, Boots, Spray Paint...all these things should be very easy to find. They don't really affect one player's ability to hassle or kill other players. 


Loot should be everywhere so that opportunity exists in every corner of the map for people willing to go out and seize it. But as long as guns and ammunition don't spawn as commonly as they do now...I think DayZ is headed in the right direction here. 


With certain kinds of looting being absolutely essential to survival in some instances, like rainproof clothing, matches, etc., you shouldn't have to spawn into a server as a Bambi and cross your fingers that you just happen to find some very basic low-tier item that you need to not Freeze.

Yeah, no, I disagree with this. You're essentially saying that all the tools necessary to negate many incoming and implemented game mechanics should be limitless. Why even bother having having hurdles in the game if everyone is allowed to just walk around them? Take matches, if you're basically going to make them be everywhere, why even require them to ignite a fire? Easier to just assume everyone has them and make fires self-igniting.

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trying to connect to US East 0-1...had 17 people in it. Still waiting.


Edit- been trying to connect for over 5 mins. It says there are people in the server but they must have some high speed internet.


I waited on the same server, but I simply ran out of patience. Played Singapore for a bit, and loot is kinda rare, although as always there's an abundance of books, chemlights and other useless stuff.


Unless you wanna try to munch on a chemlight. That would be fun! Handcuff a player and force feed them chemlights! :D


Edit: "No message received" on Singapore now. It looks like that one don't come up no more either. Grrrr.

Edited by Demonica

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But you can't hunt if there are no axes, matches, rope, sticks etc. I seriously doubt you've actually experienced the bug many of us have talked about because if you had you'd realise that balance doesn't even enter in to the equation. There is literally no loot. Zero. Zilch. This is a bug. You don't think most of us want the game to be difficult? Canned food and rifled should be rare, not rope matches and basic tools.

Ya all the other supplies should spawn normally for sure. I was meaning more towards the can food. I know that bug with the loot 1st hand lol(died a lot not finding stuff, it was lame yo) but i also found an area that also had a crap ton of loot(solnichniy factor 9 rifles, axe, even seen a couple improvised backpacks, like all the loot was spawning in a few random building, so i got lucky. But i got a chance to have the kit to experience the rest of the map with the loot bug, and it was really fun with limited food. vs when its normal and stuff is everywhere The game would be fun. It doesnt need to be crazy difficult but it also shouldnt be super easy like it is when the loot is working.

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Yeah, no, I disagree with this. You're essentially saying that all the tools necessary to negate many incoming and implemented game mechanics should be limitless. Why even bother having having hurdles in the game if everyone is allowed to just walk around them? Take matches, if you're basically going to make them be everywhere, why even require them to ignite a fire? Easier to just assume everyone has them and make fires self-igniting.

Agreed. Certain things shouldn't be rare, but they shouldn't be everywhere either. Limited loot highlights existing survival mechanics and encourages *some* sort of interaction between people, even if that interaction is killing. I can't say I've ever needed to make a trade or kill someone for their loot in order to survive. That'd be a nice change.

Edited by solodude23

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Yeah, no, I disagree with this. You're essentially saying that all the tools necessary to negate many incoming and implemented game mechanics should be limitless. Why even bother having having hurdles in the game if everyone is allowed to just walk around them? Take matches, if you're basically going to make them be everywhere, why even require them to ignite a fire? Easier to just assume everyone has them and make fires self-igniting.


Your survival shouldn't be left up to dumb luck based on randomizations of loot spawning or probability. If I die, I want it to be because of another player or zombies or something that I at least had some level of control over. This isn't real life survival. This is survival in a video game. 


What I'm essentially saying is that the whole point of survival is indeed to negate the effects of the elements on your character so you don't die to them. Hunger is negated by eating. Freezing is negated by warmth. Maroon 5 is negated by good taste. 


Dying after frantically running around for half an hour because you spawned into a server that's precipitating and not finding something as commonplace and basic as some matches because some code made it impossible for you to get them is bad game design. A game can be hard, difficult, challenging, but I draw the line at Impossible. With bad loot spawning, it can be literally impossible for you to survive


If you spawn into a game where it's raining and no matches spawn, you're fucked because thanks to poor loot implementation, your only luxury is in choosing whether or not you want to freeze to death or starve to death. If it's raining and you spawn into the game, you know you have to go outside to find food, so that means you'll freeze to death if you don't find a raincoat, matches for a fire, or some other waterproof clothing. 


Not finding an item that you need that does not exist in a place your character can get to has nothing to do with player skill. Finding these items for survival forces mobility, which has an inherent risk to it in and of itself. The need for items for survival should be the base factor that drives players to interact with each other, either in hostile or amicable ways.


The DayZ experience isn't spawning and dying in the rain because the loot code didn't provide you with something you NEEDED. If you make it punishing for new spawns like that (Nota bene: not challenging...not difficult...but punishing, because I'm all in favor of difficulty and being challenged) then you'll only encourage 24/7 no rain servers. Just like there are 24/7 daylight servers. Just like there are 1 hour restart servers. Once you die in a raining server, people will just leave and go to a non-raining server where they have a chance and don't have to rely on the luck of the draw that a raincoat or matches spawned within reach of them.

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Is there some sort new experimental server script routine that will automatically kick in after several reboots being tested?   Or is there actual testing currently being done on all of these empty Experimental Servers, but only on the server side and they're just waiting for the results after accumulating data over the course of a few days?   I always imagined that DayZ Standalone Alpha Testing always involved Players.

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UK-17 just died.  There is one First Person server in Singapore, one Third Person server in Singapore, and one "private" (zero loot, but it's got zombies) server in Singapore.  If you don't have the ping to play in Singapore, you go back to Stable or you don't play.





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I love the fact that things spawn in high numbers, so long as the items that spawn aren't necessarily detrimental to other players. Clothing and basic tools should be very easy to find, but any weapons more powerful than an SKS should be pretty difficult in acquiring. Or at least require a risk to get them. 


Rope, Screwdrivers, Duct Tape, Rain Coats, Matches, Beanies, Hoodies, Boots, Spray Paint...all these things should be very easy to find. They don't really affect one player's ability to hassle or kill other players. 


Loot should be everywhere so that opportunity exists in every corner of the map for people willing to go out and seize it. But as long as guns and ammunition don't spawn as commonly as they do now...I think DayZ is headed in the right direction here. 


With certain kinds of looting being absolutely essential to survival in some instances, like rainproof clothing, matches, etc., you shouldn't have to spawn into a server as a Bambi and cross your fingers that you just happen to find some very basic low-tier item that you need to not Freeze.

What's the point in even implementing weather effects and  survival elements if rain coats that render you immune to rain are very easy to find? It seems like your perspective of DayZ is basically anchored on the notion that any survival mechanic or feature that is implemented is merely an obstruction to going around and murdering people. DayZ was never supposed to be some Wasteland clone with zombies; struggling to survival is going to be the very essence of the DayZ experience and it'd be best if you hop off the band-wagon if you see dying of starvation or cold a nuisance. 


I'm not saying that basic tools and should be as rare as they currently are and agree that things like matches and items that can be used in crafting recipes should be amongst the most common type of loot in the game but by no means should they be in every house in Chernarus. This just defeats the purpose of the game. Surviving in a harsh environment should be it's own reward. 

Edited by Count_Blackula

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So yet another weird thing, before the restart of Singapore - 04 I left a backpack, now it's gone. I am fairly certain that within 5 minutes no one actually could have discovered it.

Stupid question, but I am unsure now: Is persistence supposedly on or off?

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UK-17 just died.  There is one First Person server in Singapore, one Third Person server in Singapore, and one "private" (zero loot, but it's got zombies) server in Singapore.  If you don't have the ping to play in Singapore, you go back to Stable or you don't play.

Ugh. I finally managed to get in some play time earlier this evening right before it all went to hell. I played for a solid 15 or 20 minutes and then the server went down. As I refreshed the server list, I watched as they all dropped like flies  :(


UK-17 was the only one available at the time and I never was able to get in. Oh well, there's always the weekend...

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Your survival shouldn't be left up to dumb luck based on randomizations of loot spawning or probability. If I die, I want it to be because of another player or zombies or something that I at least had some level of control over. This isn't real life survival. This is survival in a video game. 


What I'm essentially saying is that the whole point of survival is indeed to negate the effects of the elements on your character so you don't die to them. Hunger is negated by eating. Freezing is negated by warmth. Maroon 5 is negated by good taste. 


Dying after frantically running around for half an hour because you spawned into a server that's precipitating and not finding something as commonplace and basic as some matches because some code made it impossible for you to get them is bad game design. A game can be hard, difficult, challenging, but I draw the line at Impossible. With bad loot spawning, it can be literally impossible for you to survive


If you spawn into a game where it's raining and no matches spawn, you're fucked because thanks to poor loot implementation, your only luxury is in choosing whether or not you want to freeze to death or starve to death. If it's raining and you spawn into the game, you know you have to go outside to find food, so that means you'll freeze to death if you don't find a raincoat, matches for a fire, or some other waterproof clothing. 



But it's not just dumb luck that says whether you live or die. Luck is a component, sure but it's also possible to die far faster and easier by simply being an idiot and it's quite possible to survive what might kill someone else by a combination of strategic choices. They are choices to maximize your chances at survival, implying that luck is still a factor but you are bettering your situation which means you're going to survive more often than people who are not being strategic and thinking through their actions. Sometimes you're just going to die and that death will be a combination of luck and mistakes, accept that this is just going to happen sometimes and enjoy the initial challenge. My favorite part of the game is the hour or two after spawning because each decision you make as far as where to go, what buildings to skip, whether or not to fight that zombie, which need to prioritize at any given moment, etc., all those choices are so much more meaningful in the beginning when you're vulnerable.

Edited by Ebrim
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Is there some sort new experimental server script routine that will automatically kick in after several reboots being tested?   Or is there actual testing currently being done on all of these empty Experimental Servers, but only on the server side and they're just waiting for the results after accumulating data over the course of a few days?   I always imagined that DayZ Standalone Alpha Testing always involved Players.

That is actually a very good question, but I don't think it's intended that reboot is just not working. This happened before and I don't think it was intentionally (The reboot and then being stuck at "Wait for host" thing I mean.)

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anybody found some solution for CTD's ? my game is crashing like hell :(

Did you try rebooting?

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The four buildings in that small compound in the woods north of NEAF is spawning stuff now.  Nothing really super but there was some tuna, soda and canteens laying around.  I checked it before the patch and there was nothing there.  This is new since then..

Edited by Barnabus

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Well it's sunny in Singapore for me. The server was crashed mostly yesterday, but I made it out of spawn hell just before. Came off a session a few minutes ago where I'm living fat

in the west, where it's wide open lootville. Got a repeater with ammo, (prefer the mods winchester), range finder, (doesn't work. maybe a battery?), and fully geared. Haven't seen a crash


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