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Aussie Connor

The amount of a-holes in this game. Share your stories.

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So I just spawned in after being killed by two "friendly guys", and I was looting a building and I ran into a new spawn. So nice guy hero me wanted to help him out, give him food and what not. As I dropping food for him he knocked me out, and then killed me. Moral of the story? Might as well become a c*nt like everyone else too.

Share similar stories? Obviously better and longer than mine haha.

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This forum has enough whiny threads already - we don't need any more.

Edited by alphadogmeat
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Well usually I am the one who knocks (others out).

But thanks for sharing, welcome to DayZ, where 90% of players will kill you for the sake of it. 

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So I just spawned in after being killed by two "friendly guys", and I was looting a building and I ran into a new spawn. So nice guy hero me wanted to help him out, give him food and what not. As I dropping food for him he knocked me out, and then killed me. Moral of the story? Might as well become a c*nt like everyone else too.

Share similar stories? Obviously better and longer than mine haha.


The other day I spawned near some tiny coast town, so I go to check it and find a bandanna in a shed(yay...)


Then some zombie bitch starts chasing me while I'm looking for something useful. And then some random slightly more fresh spawn shows up...

I wave, as always.

We're both in the shed so I take my fists out and figure this bitch is blocking the entrance lets take her out! I start hitting her, dude starts hitting me...then we're both circling round the zombie trying to "aim" it at the other guy so we have a boxing partner.

Eventually we punched our way out the shed and I got knocked out...


But I waited and woke up, to find the guy getting attacked by two zombies so I try to run and get knocked out...then I got up again.

Guy was dead, he must not have had the patience to wait :D


Then I died from a combo of starvation, blood loss and zombie attacks because there was just no food to be found.




Moral of the story, don't seriously fight as a fresh spawn because even if you survive, you will die later from the injuries and/or time you wasted not looking for food and clothes.

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I've had a great stretch without passive aggressive survivor interactions as of recent.  However muttled into the mix I had a rogue day where quite literally every player was trying to play pin the fist on steak.  It came to the point where a voice of younger origin was attempting to hold me up via direct unarmed whilst 80 paces behind legging it down the coast.  I turned around and delivered a fist to the suck hole which seemed to calm his demeanor but ultimately it was an interesting day to say the least.

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I once spawned inland near Krasnostav where I met another freshspawn. We looked around and I didn't find anything of value - he found an axe though. So I ventured into the police station where I found a soda can. The moment I opened it the other guy came in and delivered two strikes to my head killing me instantly.


I respawned - another inland spawn. Moved a few meters when I noticed another freshspawn. I said hi when a wild geared one appeared and unloaded his assault rifle into me (not sure about the other freshspawn).


Respawn again - Cernaya Polana. Less than 20 minutes later the only thing I was missing was a magazine for my AKM. :lol:

Edited by Evil Minion

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Same thing happened to me -- some bastard entered and axed me without a word while I was eating in the police station.  He was a fresh spawn too.  It seems that the concept of collaborating for surviving isn't something that they have in their minds.

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Same thing happened to me -- some bastard entered and axed me without a word while I was eating in the police station.  He was a fresh spawn too.  It seems that the concept of collaborating for surviving isn't something that they have in their minds.


The only concept of collaboration in my mind is with my mates on Team Speak. Other players are, if anything, just a supply of rags. :D


But on a serious note, don't try to find friends within the game. The chances of success in the matter are very slim. If you want to play with others look for clan recruiters.


Moral of all of the stories that were/will be posted here: Adapt to the mentality of the player-base. You'll survive longer. ;)

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Same thing happened to me -- some bastard entered and axed me without a word while I was eating in the police station.  He was a fresh spawn too.  It seems that the concept of collaborating for surviving isn't something that they have in their minds.

Nor is a concept of not eating in dangerous places. 

Hey it's a police station, a place where everyone goes to get their guns, I'm going to stop there to enjoy my meal, what can possibly go wrong. 

Edited by General Zod
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Guy gets killed in dayz----->goes on forum talking about it----> killer gets twice the satisfaction from reading the sob story



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Same thing happened to me -- some bastard entered and axed me without a word while I was eating in the police station.  He was a fresh spawn too.  It seems that the concept of collaborating for surviving isn't something that they have in their minds.

why the hell were you eating in the police station? Next spawn... dont forget to do that in the middle of the NWAF airstrip. Never eat in those places... you're just asking to get shoot. I dont usually KoS but if i ear you in a police station eating i'll pull my gun and fire it at first glimpse.

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The only concept of collaboration in my mind is with my mates on Team Speak. Other players are, if anything, just a supply of rags. :D


But on a serious note, don't try to find friends within the game. The chances of success in the matter are very slim. If you want to play with others look for clan recruiters.





I disagree.


First of all it is way more interesting for me to try to communicate with strangers over direct than with mates over TS.

That is so obvious i feel ashamed to write it down. But it is important to understand that the contact to strangers is what is making this game different to a lot of other games.



Although i have some very good experiences with staying friendly under stress and even found a gaming buddy (in the mod).


Found him at the southern barracks NWAF at night. I had nightvision and was quite surprised to see someone lying in the barracks when i went there (heartbeat is going berzerc at contact in this kind of areas). I could barely keep my cool and did not fire at him but it paid off. We still play dayz together from time to time and tried some other games.


Had similar experiences before but after a couple of weeks/sessions most of the time i stop contacting the people and so it runs dry.


He was asking me to play SA again (i went back to the mod after the fantastic new version came out).


I played on less populated servers (5-20) just for a couple of hours for the weekend.


1st stranger i met was in elektro power plant.

I was running as with with a pretty fresh charakter (no weapon, no food) from 2 zeds into the hall of the firestation and got a shock when i saw someone with axe and sks sitting right under the stairs.

So i was running straight back out when i heard the help screams from him.

Well, I went back in.


He was bleeding, broken leg, no ammo. But he had an axe.

So i tried to lure the Zs to him which did work, he killed both. I dropped rags for him and he gave me his axe so i could get some sticks.

I went outside to cut a bush for some sticks (never did that before). After the first bush the axe was ruined and i could not see the sticks.

So i told him the situation and declared that i will not let him down and will search for sticks (i am not sure but i thought you can find them on the ground in woods?).

I went to the Hershel farm to have a look where 2 Zs started to hunt me (still no weapon).


So i went back to explain my difficulties when i noticed i have 3 sticks in my inventory (guess from the bush cutting).

After he is fixed he decides to go to elektro with me to meet my buddy and mayebe even his group which should be on the way.


Server restarts. Got kicked after few minutes everytime i try to join there now (damned clan servers).



In the few hours i played i met 2 other strangers.


A freshspawn in vybor (next to his dead friend?) and i gave him beanZ, soda and a morphine and rags (he was bleeding and had a broken leg). Protected him from Zs while he was bandaging and gave him some hints where in vybor were usefull stuff to loot (cause i just went through it).

I did not give hime a pistol (which i do sometimes) because there was still something fishy with this guy so i moved fast out of town to a safe place to log out.


Late at night i got the itch to just have a quick look at the military base for a mosin or a binocular. I choose an almost empty server (3 people besides me) cause i had enough contact and visuals for the few hours of game play (everytime i play i see someone which did not happen in the mod to me, maybe it is the longer view range or whatever).


I ran to the first barracks (axe in hand) and see someone coming out of the second room just when i entered the building.

Panic stricken i shout friendly don't shoot (around 3 a.m. germany, whatever my neighbours might have thought what is happening) while grabbing for the mic to check if it is muted (it was : ( did not expect to meet one tonight. boon error i know).


All while he is aiming with his mosin point blank at me. In the end both of us kept cool and it was a really good contact.

I gave him the scope for his mosin and he asked if i need somethig. I asked for mags for my 1911. He dropped down to mags for the amphibia. I think he did not notice that this were the wrong ones so i just said thank you to give him a good experience about a trade and we looted the area together and went our ways.



That all happened in less then 6 hours playtime and my heart was beating like crazy in some of the moments. If i killed the guys my heart would barley notice after the shots were exchanged.


It is still possible to have friendly or awkward contacts in dayz and i am quite happy about it.



In an unreal amount of hours played in the mod i say the vast majority of contacts did not go this way (and that is cool with me, otherwise the tension would not be so high) and i bet that this were just lucky coincedences (for me and the strangers i met).


But that is how i like it and why i almost always risk something to speak to people before i shoot or run.


I never make a decision what to do at contact before the situation arises.

A lot of friends of mine are like: "...but when we go there (NWAF...) we shoot on sight, no nonsense...", and i always say no.


Do not give up cause of a bad streak of encounters. Try to learn if you could change something (behaviour, positioning, speech, voice...) to influnce the situation to your goals.



Whatever makes you tick i guess.

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I was running with another relatively new spawn bloke into the open country, we both had virtually no gear apart from a damaged coat and spade etc. So we had just left Elektro and was heading out into the sticks, then we both get amushed by 3 or 4 guys, who just gun us down as we were running away from them and from town. We had no gear, and were running away from them so I really don't understand why they bothered.

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The only concept of collaboration in my mind is with my mates on Team Speak. Other players are, if anything, just a supply of rags. :D


But on a serious note, don't try to find friends within the game. The chances of success in the matter are very slim. If you want to play with others look for clan recruiters.


Moral of all of the stories that were/will be posted here: Adapt to the mentality of the player-base. You'll survive lon


That's not true. All of the friends I have made came from directly interacting in Dayz. Now we all pal around together and use Team Speak. I met a guy the other day in the barracks at Zelenogorsk. He literally spawned inside the barracks and had an AK101 (one bullet in the chamber) in his hands. He shouted "Don't shoot" (i had an AK101 fully loaded, pointed at his head). I decided not to shoot and we became friends. He's a crazy mofo from Michigan and he's fun to play with.


Before that I met a bunch of British guys and we've been fast friends ever since meeting up. We all plat Dayz daily together.


I'm not big on joining clans because you always have to jump through a bunch of hoops. In clans, everyone wants to have a high rank and it causes problems. Eventually the clan either breaks up or becomes some weirdo bureaucracy with two or three "leaders" that rule with an iron fist. Their underlings kiss their ass repeatedly and faithfully and it just makes me sick.


Having said that I'm sure there are a few clans out there that are laid back and cool.

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Same thing happened to me -- some bastard entered and axed me without a word while I was eating in the police station.  He was a fresh spawn too.  It seems that the concept of collaborating for surviving isn't something that they have in their minds.

Why would you need to collaborate with freshwspawns to "survive"? There is no way you could die from starvation or something like that, or even killed by a zombie.

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This happened about a week before "The Great .49 Wipe" but a funny story nonetheless.  Not a sob story but rather the one time I didn't get the short end of the stick....


I'm in the second floor room of the NW building of the Balota airstrip.  Whenever I enter a building, I always close every door I enter through so I can hear someone else come in.  So I'm minding my own business getting ready to swap my worn Gorka jacket for the pristine equivalent I just found when the door flies open and a guy wearing a white bandit mask and cammo runs in, bleeding from every orifice, with a Zed right behind him, screaming to me in a thick Indian accent, "Dude! Please! Can you give me a bandage?!?!"  


Before I get a chance to react, the Zed starts hitting him, and somehow I'M taking damage from it!  So I have to kill the Zed before I can do anything, so I'm telling him to relax and let me kill the Zed first, otherwise the bandage isn't going to do him any good.  "Please hurry, I'm bleeding!"  Yeah...I can see that.  So I take out my fire axe and I kill the zed.  "Please man, I need a bandage or I'm going to die," he says, and I can't help but laugh into the microphone now because he sounds just like Apu from The Simpsons.  So once again I tell him, "Relax, I'm gonna bandage you now, just stop screaming into the mic."  So he stops, and I bandage him.  


He thanks me, and then tells me that he needs food and water badly.  So I open up a can of Tac Bacon and drop him a couple cans of soda as well.  He thanks me profusely, but asks for more food.  I tell him I can't give him anymore food, but said that I had just come from the barracks and I saw a bunch of food in there that he can grab.  He thanks me again.  I say, "Take care," and I wave to him.  Just as I start to take off down the stairs, I see him try to take a swing at me.  I stopped and turned around.  "Dude, did you just take a swing at me?"  He says nothing.  "Did you really just try to knock me out after I just saved your life?" (also pertinent to note I was wearing a pristine ballistic K-pot)  Again, silence.  I say, "I'm gonna take your silence and the fact that your dukes are still up as a yes."


He says, "What are dukes?"


While my AK101 with 75-round drum is in clear view over my shoulder, I decide to try out my .357 Colt Python.  I draw that, and point it at him.  "Oh no man, please don't kill me!  I pressed the wrong key!"  


"Yes you sure did."  I shoot him in the balls and leave.

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I saw a dude the other day, we were both freshspawns. I said "hey man". He raised his fists and started punching me. I knocked the fucker out.

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Ill leave these here for you to watch rather than tell the stories.. a picture is worth a 1,000 words anyhow ;)




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This is my storie.


There i was, walking around chernarus feeling the very cold breezy on my eyes, earing the birds, when i decide to go to the coast and risk all my gear for a bit of fun.


I arrive to the outskirts of electro just to find a group of fresh spawns trying to loot empty houses. they were overwelmed and they saw me (must've been the sight of the mosin on my back and the M4 on my hands). I felt sorry for them. There they were, cold, hungry, with nothing to defend themselfs.

So. I decided. I'm going to do a good deed, i'm going to help them. 

I give them some food and drinks and invite them to a game where the winner would win a loaded longhorn (wich i showed). They started jumping in joy.

To aply for this game they had to leave their clothes outside one house and enter it (they all did it... what a longhorn can do).

I close the door and tell them to wait a bit just for me to prepare things. No one is going to get hurt.

I finally tell them that the game is about to start and i'm going to explain the rules. "OK. Ok. Good. Good" they say.

I open the door. They look at me. And then. Just then, i unpin a grenade, throw it inside, close the door and watch it get blown to pieces.


But hey. I was bored. And i helped them. No more cold and hunger.


It was funnnn

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The assholiest thing any one has done to me was help me find a backpack, be friendly and helpful and asking lots of questions and then shoot me in the face with a shotgun and laugh about it with their disgusting danish voices.

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This is my storie.


There i was, walking around chernarus feeling the very cold breezy on my eyes, earing the birds, when i decide to go to the coast and risk all my gear for a bit of fun.


I arrive to the outskirts of electro just to find a group of fresh spawns trying to loot empty houses. they were overwelmed and they saw me (must've been the sight of the mosin on my back and the M4 on my hands). I felt sorry for them. There they were, cold, hungry, with nothing to defend themselfs.

So. I decided. I'm going to do a good deed, i'm going to help them. 

I give them some food and drinks and invite them to a game where the winner would win a loaded longhorn (wich i showed). They started jumping in joy.

To aply for this game they had to leave their clothes outside one house and enter it (they all did it... what a longhorn can do).

I close the door and tell them to wait a bit just for me to prepare things. No one is going to get hurt.

I finally tell them that the game is about to start and i'm going to explain the rules. "OK. Ok. Good. Good" they say.

I open the door. They look at me. And then. Just then, i unpin a grenade, throw it inside, close the door and watch it get blown to pieces.


But hey. I was bored. And i helped them. No more cold and hunger.


It was funnnn

Hahaha that's brilliant, I may have to try it.


It's alright being killed by a more geared player if it's funny to everyone involved or somehow creative/ off-the-wall.


For example, today I was just looting a house (tho I was fairly well geared I needed food) and I hear the standard 'woo-woo' whistle, so I close my inventory, confused, and turn round.

I caught just a glimpse of a guy in the doorway with a Mosin before an almighty gunblast and the words 'you are dead' popped on my screen. Not even mad, deserved it for not being sneaky and was it funny as hell at the time.  

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