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Servers restarting far too often.. sometimes 2-3 times in an hour ?

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I know myself and many of my clan have experienced this heavily since .49, but has anyone else out there seen far too many server restarts? Like sometimes 2-3 in an hour, at times 10-15 minutes after it had just restarted?


Its happening so often it makes me feel anxious just crafting a backpack, or setting something down for any reason.


Its almost as if loot respawn or central loot economy is affecting the servers and forcing restarts ? .. in the least they are restarting much more than Ive seen in the past. While it can be good for looting, its horrible in general for the game. The constant immersion breaking restart timer notice, the loss of gear, the very odd spawn-ins from getting caught in a random server restart, to the player wipes happening much more frequently it seems..


Is this just us, or are others having a lot more issues with restarts and player wipes?

Edited by lrish

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happened to me and some guys yesterday, too.


You couldn't even make a proper fireplace and cook meat without worrying if it will be lost... ;)

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Yup, server crashes that result in server restarts (so it's a mute point, the server still restarts and immersive game play is ruined).


This happened before the .48 update also and it lasted for at least four or five days. It made the game almost impossible to enjoy. My buddies and I experienced it yesterday. Servers restarting (or crashing, whatever) every 15-20 minutes. Last evening it seemed that they didn't go down quite as often but it is still a game breaking problem.


Hopefully the issue has been dealt with (I'm going to play in a few minutes).

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These are server crashes not intended restarts.


So helpful..  :rolleyes:

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Its almost as if loot respawn or central loot economy is affecting the servers and forcing restarts ? 


These are server crashes not intended restarts.


+500 for reading comprehension..  :facepalm:

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I think you mis understood my point.  They are not intended restarts, so effectively you are complaining about a bug, which is fruitless.  Report it.  So i'll pass your captain fucking obvious facepalm back at you.

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I've heard that there is a bug which allows players to restart / crash the server.

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Prior to 0.49 I would only lose connection on server restarts but this week I've only been able to play between 5 and 20 minutes on any given server before I get the red text. I don't really know what else to say, it's making the game unplayable. Am I the only one? Is it the game bugging out or is it that servers really are restarting on a 20 min cycle?

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No many are having these problems, its the servers crashing.


Its dumb, why push something to stable if its not stable.

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Yeah our server keeps crashing then goes down for a long period of time till I contacted our provider to bring it back up but they don't fix the problem they just fetch the server back up for us.

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It's interesting because sometimes I get "No message received" several times back to back while other times I can have over an hour of uninterrupted gameplay.

Edited by solodude23

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Are the decently populated servers shutting down every 15 minutes?


Is this a known issue?  If so, what is the issue?  Can someone direct me to that knowledge?


I feel like I can't be alone here in noticing this, but the forums here don't seem to be talking about it....

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I've noticed Persistent servers crash a lot, maybe that's what's happening to you. Mind checking to see if you're joining a bunch of persistent servers?

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the first day after the update, the longest time before a server restart was about half an hour.  a lot of times I didn't even get out of the building that the previous server left me in.


it's much better now though.  on the stable non-kick-anyone-who-isn't-my-buddy servers.

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Are the decently populated servers shutting down every 15 minutes?


Is this a known issue?  If so, what is the issue?  Can someone direct me to that knowledge?


I feel like I can't be alone here in noticing this, but the forums here don't seem to be talking about it....


30 to 45 minutes for me.  I thought someone was gaming the server-ware, but your thread now makes me think it is a 0.49 thing.

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Are the decently populated servers shutting down every 15 minutes?


Is this a known issue?  If so, what is the issue?  Can someone direct me to that knowledge?


I feel like I can't be alone here in noticing this, but the forums here don't seem to be talking about it....



We played on multiple hi pop servers tonight, and they all restarted with  "No message..." after being on a few minutes. 


\\DG Div Gaming server had hackers teleporting people tonight. It looks like the game is still inundated with software exploits.


My friend kept getting teleported to Vybor, and there was a group of a few guys there. Turns out it was the DG clan doing it. 



He then re-spawned, after dying, there every time. Every respawn he was there and they were there running boxing matches.




For some reason, everyone was spawning there and they were making people bare knuckle fight....









The server admin is Electrobug85 

Edited by tootights

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Have always had an issue with how often servers reset. Even before. 49...

Now with additional crashes from the new build it gets pretty frustrating at times..

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Yeah, it's pretty much unplayable. One of the crashes/restarts reset my character as well.


Didn't Hicks say that 0.50 will be a hotfix? Hopefully it'll be soon, that being the case.


I'm probably not going to bother playing again until there's some news on this. It's just not worth anyone's time.

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The random and frequent server restarts are crashes, nothing more.


GSP's can't do anything about them currently and we're waiting on a Hotfix, hopefully early next week.


They should auto-restart, but you'll have the same issue until the fix is released.

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It was like that on the experimental before. Stable isn't really that stable anymore. But the gameplay is enough stable.

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Server restarts are the absolute fucking bane of DayZ. I hate them.


They invariably seem to come just at the moment when I am getting really into the game, but the cause me to think 'oh for fucks sake' and exit out because they are so annoying. They really need to work towards absolute minimal restarts because they are without contest the most annoying and frustrating thing about DayZ. I hope they do get rid of them before the game is finished.

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This game is unplayable at the moment...spend a good hour looting up, server restarts and you are back to square 1 (total character wipe).

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