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I've found that some disappearing gear can be restored if you log out and log back in- not sure exactly when it works vs when it doesn't but might be something to hope for.

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I thought about it at first but now Ive already swam to shore and gone to cherno, soooo......

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I've found that some disappearing gear can be restored if you log out and log back in- not sure exactly when it works vs when it doesn't but might be something to hope for.


My theory is that still works for stuff that disappears when you deliberately put it down. But not for inventory glitches (stuff that disappears when you're swapping it out, etc).

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I was unpacking ammo in its slot and it disappeared. I logged back in and it was there... That's why I mention it. Not sure if it always works but if you lose something it's worth a shot if you're able.

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what server do you guys hang out in most? (so i can avoid you if you guys go into rage mode haha) or if you wanna trade or go kill things

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what server do you guys hang out in most? (so i can avoid you if you guys go into rage mode haha) or if you wanna trade or go kill things


Post a little bit about yourself in here.


Find someone to roll with.

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what server do you guys hang out in most? (so i can avoid you if you guys go into rage mode haha) or if you wanna trade or go kill things

Honestly, I just let Eno pick the server.  He usually has 1 or 2 primary servers (high pop) he tries to get us in on.  He would know the names of them.  The reason why I never know, is that I just join off of him in the steam friends list without looking.

Edited by schwaBAM
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Post a little bit about yourself in here.


Find someone to roll with.

hey thanks for the tip. ive got a few friends i hang out with from time to time; just thought id throw my hat in the mix since these guys seem to be fine upstanding dolphins embedded in some top secret naval research study in facilitating communication between the species through Steam.

edit: i posted in the recruitment page.just cuz. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/226963-lone-wolf-for-hire/

but after watch all of bams vids and reading several of his after action reports, i feel like i would fit right in with these guys haha

ill be on tonight. hit me up on steam?

Edited by Hairy_eyeball
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Something happened today that makes me wonder if this game is really working right now. I spotted two guys attacking a lesser geared guyand chasing him into a two story tin barn. They were talking shit and shooting at him so I figured I'd teach them a lesson. My guy was well-geared so I had nothing to fear. I started by blasting a guy with my shotgun. Normally it takes two rounds to take someone out but now it took six before he was laying still. The other guy went round me so i switched to my mp5. I shot a full mag in short burst into him while he fired off 5-10 rounds with a pistol. He ran away bleeding while I was unhurt. I started reloading but it didnt work so I switched to my Magnum. The guy started pleading so I told him to lay down. He didnt and instead went for an mp5 that was all of a sudden laying in the middle of the road. My mp5 that my guy had for no reason thrown there. I didnt care much as I knew it was empty So I just said "Pick it up punk" He did and I blasted him with my magnum. Or, so I thought, instead it went .... Nothing. i tried again ....Nothing. Meanwhile punky had gotten the mp5 rasied the empty gun and BRRRRRRRT! Killed me. I was rather perplexed. A fully loaded Magnum refused to fire while an empty mp5 magically reloaded itself while on the ground. Ive had the gun no fire bug before but the mp5 was too much.

 I respawned and played for a while but it really feels like a hit n miss kinda thing with the weapons. Meanwhile I get taken out with one shot while driving a truck.

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thats like a combination of bugs plus bad luck. do you have a good internet connection? 

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well whatever happened, it sure sounds bizarre. ill tag along with you if you care/need to gear up. im in need of a new partner in crime. 

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No story today (edit... okay, a little bit of a story)- just so impatient right now... not sure what I'm most disappointed in- glitches (expected) or how much I suck at this game (not expected). 


Schwab and I were looking for bullies in Svet last night and I took my high point. You know the old saying "as a sniper- find the best place imaginable to hide and stay the $#%# away from it." Well- I was knowingly going to a good spot. I'd been there before and I was familiar with it. 


About 5 minutes into it I started taking fire from somewhere... no idea where. Snuck back in another spot- same thing... shot at constantly. Eventually I got into onto a small platform but then slid into an area I couldn't get out of. I subsequently busted a leg... then gradually died. 


Went back in by Berezino... killed as a fresh. 


I spawned in Elektro... running around fresh- killed. (Granted, I kind of asked for that one. Someone was in a house shooting... zombies converged on the house and I followed. I found the house and started running around it saying "Hello! Hello! I'm out here- just so you know." The person came out and started shooting at me... so I ran around (her I think) and the zombies started hitting her. So she started shooting at the zombies and I went in and started punching her. She then killed me. 


"Hey, I'm not going to let you die... you're a hacker just like me." She ran around and shot a few zombies and she was talking about some punch hack... rambling about different things. I'd already set a respawn but it was waiting for the timer to run out and I could still hear her. 


Got another character up and running- in a server with 4 people... I was in kelm of all places inside a building. A guy ran into the room I was in (I'd heard him open a door and was waiting). 


"Go ahead and put your weapon down." Silence. He jumped behind the door.


"Sorry- I'll put it down... you scared me!" I could see him glitch through the door... he wasn't shouldering his weapon. I knew what to expect- but his trigger finger was quicker than mine. 


He dove out from behind the door and just wailed on the trigger. 


You are dead. 



Edited by ENO75
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tonight's adventure: happy pvp fun times in kamy.

log in half way up the hill on the western side of kamy. heard a truck and shots (presumably being fired at the truck.) ran up past the northern farm shed and saw three blokes running into the pub opposite the police station. took up a position that gave me a view of the front door of the pub and police station, but by the time i got there, i suspected they had moved. saw a movement up the top of my hunter scope. a fully geared gas mask bloke popping his head around the corner of wall right up near the train station/ non-enterable tower, pointing a ghillie wrap weapon at me. put a .308 in his head. did another flank around so i was closer to his corpse. have learned my lesson about staying still to long. his mate came to save his gear. put a .308 in his chest. checked my invent. only 3 rounds left for my blaze. stripped down to nothing, and hid my gear behind a tree, and ran down to the guys.

no shots.

stripped them both naked and ran.

no shots.

half way back to my gear, walking up a hill, back to my gear.


shots. but he was not great.

turned and ran up the road heading inland from kamy. shots at my feet but none hitting me.ran into the forest, hid under a tree and tried to scope in and find him. shit. Winchester was glitched. went to switch to the other guys AK. (maybe they were hackers cos his AKM has a worn POS-1 attached to it). scoped in. saw a fresh spawn heading up the hill towards me. was about to take a shot lest he give away my position, then my unseen assailant took him out for me. saw another fresh spawn in town pointing right at me. shot him. started taking shots from my assailant again.still couldn't hit me. ran. went as far as i thought was necessary. it wasn't. started to circle back to my gear. CRACK. you are dead. shit. 

re spawned in western electro. started running.

left electro. 8 minutes until body despawns.

half way to kamy. 4 minutes until body despawns.

bypassed my stashed gear to try and salvage something from my body.

saw body. 1 minute until body despawns.

"no message received"


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Played gents of novo today. earlier in the day ran in to some cool guys who set up a trade tent in the town square. we ran around looting and basically actin' a fool. someone took a pic of all us guys in gas masks rockin their sweet guns and all. i was packin a compass. then had to log. got back on tonight and one of the guys was back, he liked my black CR527 with hunting scope and mag so he offered to do a dance and trade away all his gear for it. i just took his sks for it and all was good. got his name. timmy. also met a guy on there named snake plisskin. they were lookin for some action and i think they had planned to head south or to berenzino to see what's happening pvp wise since novo is a safe town.


either way. nice guys all around, also the brittish guys that were on earlier.


i think safe towns are an awesome way to promote interaction in dayz. i know just getting to novo alive was a fun experience. now i don't want to leave lol

Edited by cash81
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I had a little firefight on the TEC building in cherno. I logged in as the server just had restarted and ran for one of the guardhouses. As I got to it someone shot at me from a window in the TEC building so I ran away adn circled round. I climbed the ladder silently adn just as I got up top the guy climbed up to the little house . I waited and when he went onto the roof I shot him point blank eight times with my Makarov. He didnt like it and ran away on the roof as I reloaded. He fired at me with his sks, missing, and I squeezed off a few that also missed. I reloaded again and he came running, i shot off four or five more shots but he hit me a couple of times and went down. Kinda bummed to get killed because i had a shitty gun but i didnt lose anything of worth. I respawned in Berezino, met a friendly guy and played with him for a while. We didnt meet any other players so it was kinda eventless.

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I spawned in down near Kamyshovo and found a winchester sitting in the middle of the road. Obviously grabbed that since I've wanted one for awhile. Found some ammo for it and hit the deer stand to the north for a hunter's scope. 


Schwab was up in Berezino and I didn't have time to commit to a run all the way there. Instead I cut up through Msta and found a truck. Ran into a tree and got stuck... thought I'd have to walk away from the truck but then thought I'd try cutting the tree down to see if that freed the truck. That worked- so I was back in action. 


I headed into Berezino (Schwab was gone by then) and pulled over at a guard house since I was relatively fresh. Didn't hear anything going on so hopped out, grabbed a few items I needed and took off again heading north. About 30 seconds later I started taking very rapid fire from somewhere- not sure where. I just pinned it and started jinking left and right trying to avoid getting my tires shot out. I didn't take my hand off the accelerator until I made it to Svet. 


Once there, I headed back up to my perch to look for bullies but instead ended up watching about half a dozen freshies dive off buildings. 



I've found that I've lost the art of my crafting skills- things that were second nature for awhile there have been forgotten. I'm starting to dabble with the fires again... cooking is next. Got to try that stick out... see how that works!

Edited by ENO75
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Last night Eno and I hung around Svet trying to help talk freshies out of suiciding off of the nearest crane. 


Eno: Contact, heading towards the crane.. a freshie.  It looks like he's heading towards the first one that I cannot see.


Bam: 10-4, heading there now.


*I ran down the hill from the hospital towards the cranes and ran through the gate in front of the guard house.  I see the freshie climbing the ladder.  I see him get to the top and turn around, getting ready to swan dive.  


Bam (yelling): NO! Don't do it! NOOOOOOOO!!!!




I yell at the corpse "Dude, why did you do it?  You had so much to live for!  That's it, i'm sticking my finger in your butt."


*I knew he couldn't respond to that one!




We mosey'd around the city for a bit as Eno provided over-watch.  I was hanging out near the train tracks when he called out contact again, heading west down the main road near the church.


Eno: I think he entered the red house.


Bam: *giddy* 10-4, heading there now.  


Eno: I see him upstairs through the window.  He may be logging..


Bam: I'm running up the hill now, almost there.


Eno: Oh, wait, no, he is still moving around up there.


*I round the building corner and sprint for the entrance


Bam (yells out): Hey bud!  How're ya doing in there?




Bam (yells out): Hey bud! Where are you at?


*I climb the stairs, gun ready peering to the right towards the rooms.  I hear foot steps approaching as I near the top.


Bam: Whoa, whoa, dude.  B-


*He backs up when he sees my ak shoved in his face.  He didn't have a gun out, nor could I see one on his back.  Only a wood axe.


Bam: It's cool man, I won't shoot.  Just checking on ya.  


*He types..


Bryce: friendly?


Bam: Yeah man, I won't shoot


*We talk back and forth for a minute as Eno can see him through the window from over-watch position.  Bryce asks to team up but I tell him I am already in a group and that they can see him (hee hee).  He asks to join us and I advise no.  Just then, my back seizes up in real life and I am in a bit of pain.  I try adjusting my seating posture and it doesn't help.  Now would be the perfect time for him to whip out a gun and shoot me.


Bam: You can go man  *gasp from pain* I'll let ya go..


Bryce: I have ammo for you.


Bam: Nah it's cool man, take it easy.


*He heads to the bottom of the stairs and then says that he has a cr75 pistol and cr527 rifle but no mags and that he can only chamber one bullet at a time.  I ran around him and saw the hidden cr527 behind the mountain backpack.  I didn't see it initially.. doh!


Bam: You can check the guard houses for clips/ammo.


*He didn't seem to know what they were so I offered to show him.  We ran down to the guard house at the base of the hill.  He said he had been to this one already and so I told him to head west towards Novo and he should pass 2-3 more of them.  I pointed him in the right direction.  He thanked me, we said our good byes as he ran off into the sunset..

Edited by schwaBAM
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We do have a great system going there. I laughed my head near off at the finger in bum thing since I could hear the transaction through steam chat.

I did see the rifle and did call it out. Bam hadn't seen it and told me he only had an axe. Nice thing about being up there is it takes more patience than skill. So it works for me. Ranging different buildings for references of distance so I can quickly engage with reasonably accurate ranges without a range finder. We've also labeled the cross streets with a letter / number combo to make locations easier to describe.

In terms of accomplishing anything I'd like to take a bite out of the suicides. Shoot them in the leg before they get to the ladder and make them work for it... I imagine the docks at svet would be literally crawling with freshies trying desperately to kill themselves...

Why am I laughing out loud right now?

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First day, mostly casual exploring and looting with some minor obstacles. Unsure of where places are so excuse me for that.


Started off at a shore-side very close to a shack that I checked out. Found myself a pristine pair of military boots which I put on instead of my sneakers and threw on a jacket that I found which had a few extra pockets to hold more items than my t-shirt, of course. Found an axe and a rifle which I had to take and then it was off into the nearby town (unsure of the name). Saw a few people, possibly bandits so I went prone into the grass and stayed out of sight. Thankfully they didn't see me so once they left I ventured into the town on the hunt for some food and water.


About 20 minutes later I had quenched my thirst and fed my appetite with a bottle of water and a can of baked beans. I took some more canned foods and a few cans of soda for the road. I went to a barn where I had seen a truck which looked like it was in working condition. I was right. I stumbled across some ammo for my rifle which I unloaded and equipped. I took the truck to another town where I stopped. I had found a tent which I pitched up nearby to the first town I stumbled across, on a hill in the middle of the forest — a remote location where I was sure to be safe.


Five minutes in this new town and I was approached by a man wearing military clothes. I heard his rifle click. Was it loaded? I wasn't about to make the mistake. He told me to stop so I did. He wanted food, and I had plenty. I wasn't about to get into a firefight over a can of baked beans. After I dropped the beans he told me to leave. I was surprised that he didn't want my weapons, my ammo, or anything else that I was holding onto. I got lucky. I don't think this other man was a bad person, just a hungry one. We all gotta eat, right? Maybe I'll run into him again one day, and who knows, maybe I'll be the one holding the cards. Wouldn't that be something?


I rested for a while before continuing to loot. I stumbled across a few more towns, looting whatever I could find. I heard a terrible sound, it was almost like a scream, a roar, but it wasn't. It was something else. What was that? Long story short, it turned out to be a zombie that I had to destroy. I fired two shots. The first hit the creature in its shoulder which didn't seem to slow it down. The second went right between his eyes. He was a gonner and fuck me was that a close one. I'd been hit and I had to use my bandana as a compromise for a bandage. Moments later I stumbled across a hospital where I looted a few blood and IV bags as well as a few bandages and a syringe. Boy, I could've done with these supplies a few minutes earlier!


It got dark shortly after and I had just arrived back at my tent. I have no batteries and the ones in my flashlight are dead. I knew I wouldn't be going anywhere tonight, that would be too risky. The truck I had been driving earlier was still parked up and my tent was pitched where and as I left it. I entered my tent and that is where I am residing right now. I'll sleep now and continue my adventure tomorrow. Tomorrow it's on to learning some crafting skills and trying to find other people, hopefully the right kind. I would hate to run into a bandit, the unpredictability would leave me a victim of God knows what.

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Had a little mini victory tonight. A big shout out to the devs for getting that character wipe / database back up and running. Was good to see my old character back! Thank you!



Sitting up on my own around Svet for only a couple minutes before I noticed some movement by the police station... A military zombie with helmet. Probably not worth the shot on its own since I'd already ranged the police station and I didn't want to give my position away for nothing. 


But looking closer, I noticed he wasn't there for no idle purpose- instead he was shadowing a freshie inside the station. I caught a glimpse of him on the bottom floor in the jail cell. Bit of a bonehead move on my part- I have my long range shooting keys on the keyboard so clicking the mouse doesn't make it move slightly. Anyway, between this computer and my home computer for some unknown reason I'm still not sure of I had the hold breath and shooting keys reversed. I'd been home playing for a few days so I was used to that setup- today I went to hold my breath and-




Crap- no idea where that went since the reload happens automatically. I either hit the zed or disturbed it since it started running around. I apparently excited the fresh since he started running around also. 


Fresh ended up back in the cell- maybe locked himself in to protect himself from the zed... He stood still inside the room and as a result the zed stood still under the window. 498 meters by my map calculations... Perfect! 


One more shot and the zed dropped... fresh went closer to the window- not sure if he knew what was up or if he could hear any of that from inside. I try to think what I'd be thinking about if the same thing had happened to me. I'm running from a zombie that ends up dead... then no more shooting. Hmmm- someone's watching out for me! 


Well- that's the intention anyway. I lost track of fresh and didn't see anyone else again. He probably dayz'd it and assumed I was shooting everything within range so logged to another pub. 



Ah well. I felt good for trying to help him out. 

Edited by ENO75
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Second day: still haven't found what I was looking for. I was hoping to stumble across a military base or something other than just a mere town. The vehicle I had been driving was stolen so I had no other choice but to walk, jog and run to and from place to place. I found myself questioning myself... Was I going in the complete opposite direction? Was I lost? Well, the second I know is true, I was definitely lost. I found myself totally of course and in the woodlands. I had totally forgotten where my tent was and I left my compass behind. I knew I had a long day ahead of me.


I eventually stumbled across an off-road path which led me to a small town, again, I'm unsure of the name. I walked to the farm there as I had seen a waterpoint and thought it'd be a good idea to refill my bottles whilst I was visiting this town. Hah, "visiting", I make it sound like it was optional. Just as I stepped foot past the gate, another one of those creatures, a 'zombie' was screaming and running towards me. I swung my Repeater from my shoulder and into my hands and fired a single shot. Bang, the zombie went down. It wasn't over yet. Another four or five zombies came running from two different directions. I took a couple of hits but nothing major. I shot them all down and bandaged my wounds, ate some vitamins and went to rest inside the farm's barn for a few moments.


I left the barn after five or ten minutes and made my way down to the school in the town. I found a fresh pair of track pants that I swapped for my uncomfortable pair of jeans. Instantly, I felt better. Much more comfortable. Afterwards I went on. My adventure continued, but where would I find myself next? Again, another small town a mile away, I stumbled across another survivor. He looked harmless until a zombie approached. Again, I killed the zombie, but this time to protect this survivor. As a thank you he weilded his axe and tried to hit me. Fuck no! I shot him. I had no choice, he was going to kill me. I only wish he hadn't weilded that axe... We could have helped one another.


After the tragedy of taking another man's life I stumbled across a house where I would rest and try to calm myself down. I feel shit. I feel sick and I can't stop thinking about what happened. I'll sleep now and hopefully this nightmare will be over...

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I'm doing a hike and went from Berezino to Khlem to Krsanostav, to the Black Mountain to Gvozdno to the Devil's Castle to Grishino and finally I'm at the International Airfield going down into Komarovo/Balota.


So far I've encountered five people. one at Berezino, two at Krasnostav airfield and two at the International airfield.

I startled the two people in the international and they fired a mosin at me, so I shot both dead as revenge for my ruined assault vest.


So, pretty good so far I guess

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Unfortunately just about everything in all those screenshots won't be rendered past about 100 feet so it'll look like you're lying out in the open. 


Literally not wanting to sound like a jerk or rain on your parade... it was a discovery I made after a couple of ghillie attempts. It does work in close- as I'm sure you've seen with videos or buddies or whatever. But out where you'd expect to be using a ghillie more often (especially a full one)... you stand out with excruciating clarity. 


In addition- the underlay of the world is more of a tan... so at a distance the stock ghillie is actually the better colour since it tends to blend in with what people can see further off (out in the open anyway). Many turn their shadows off... and grass won't be visible at a distance. It really is brutal and I would love for it to work but it just doesn't.


Oh and notice that "you're rapidly warming up" message? Get ready to see that a metric shit ton. 


You may already know all this- but I remember how much time I spent packing around all that netting and burlap... and how much gear I dropped without a pack. All to find out that I was barely hidden at all. 


Best of luck with it- just always remember in the back of your mind it's an instant death sentence if you're spotted... and you'll be spotted. 

Edited by ENO75
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