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How was your Day(Z)?

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Y-day I went into the piano house at cherno and there were a bunch of guys upstairs and an m4 on the floor. they shot at me but missed so I ran away. I waited for 10-15 minutes nearby checking the house with my binos. Nobody came out so i went there again but ofcourse they were still there and shot me. They talked to me after I was down but didn't seem to get that I couldnt talk back due to being dead. I respawned nearby so I ran there and gave them a good talking to and got to get my gear. As I got the gear I saw that there were four guys, all with m4's fully kitted with acogs and the rest, I ran from there but as I was looking for some food they came by again but didn't shoot me. I aited for a while then went to the piano house again but it was empty.

wow compassion lives?

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Not really, they DID shoot me the first time for no reason. And today I got killed twice by people who could clearly see I was no threat as a relative newspawn with no weapon and a non-threatening attitude. I aslo had to shoot the legs from one guy who insisted on trying to axe me even though i explained to him that he stood no chance against my shotgun. He was quite surprised i didnt kill him but I didnt feel any need to. 


I also must point olut that i really hate  when this happens:




I got hit by a zed and everything goes super-blurry. Sometimes it doesnt happen and sometimes it happens every time they hit me. I have to go into settings and video to revert it.The most annoying part of it is that you cant see the zed that hit you and kill it until it hits you again and things get sharp for an instant. So stupid this.

Edited by Killawife
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First time playing in months. Spawned on the coast, wandered around trying to find food. Only found 1 can, and found an engraved 1911 right before I died from starvation. Respawned, in Novo for some reason. Served crashed. Connected to another one, found food. Server crashed.


Edit: Joined new server, almost immediately shot and killed for no reason.

Edited by Unforeseen

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DayZ taught me about karma yesterday.


I killed another player for the first time in a long time - I'd say in nearly 300 hours of gameplay. That's out of choice because I normally don't kill and I die almost just as infrequently due to a keen eye and usually seeing other players before they notice me, then avoiding or interacting with the upper hand.  But I shot at this guy's truck totally unprovoked - I just lit up a truck driving by out of sheer boredom.  He turned around and tried to run me over so I finished him, but that's on me.  


10 minutes and a couple of kilometers later in a totally unrelated incident I set up to take a look at a town through my binos before going in and another fully geared guy with a scoped mosin pops up from prone to crouched in a bush not 15 feet in front of me - still with his back to me. He's watching he same town through his scope.  


Binos still in hand, I hit my hotkey for my AKM slot - nothing.  Hit it a gain.  Nothing. One more time - nothing. Pull up my inventory to manually drag AK into hands, he suddenly wheels around and instantly one shots me.  Quite skillfully and calmly.  Props.


What's the point of hot keys again? I got Rocketed.


Right up the #$% I'd say.

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DayZ taught me about karma yesterday.


I killed another player for the first time in a long time - I'd say in nearly 300 hours of gameplay. That's out of choice because I normally don't kill and I die almost just as infrequently due to a keen eye and usually seeing other players before they notice me, then avoiding or interacting with the upper hand.  But I shot at this guy's truck totally unprovoked - I just lit up a truck driving by out of sheer boredom.  He turned around and tried to run me over so I finished him, but that's on me.  


10 minutes and a couple of kilometers later in a totally unrelated incident I set up to take a look at a town through my binos before going in and another fully geared guy with a scoped mosin pops up from prone to crouched in a bush not 15 feet in front of me - still with his back to me. He's watching he same town through his scope.  


Binos still in hand, I hit my hotkey for my AKM slot - nothing.  Hit it a gain.  Nothing. One more time - nothing. Pull up my inventory to manually drag AK into hands, he suddenly wheels around and instantly one shots me.  Quite skillfully and calmly.  Props.


What's the point of hot keys again? I got Rocketed.


Right up the #$% I'd say.

yeah lag got you it seems, it almost happened to me.

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Hotkeys never work as they should, use this trick, works every time(almost): press tab, then hotkey, then tab again. it takes a second but its worth it to know that what you want will end up in your hands.

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Rookie Mistake


Well i went out looking for some gear i wanted, without realising i had left my bandages at home. This are is normally full of zeds so i should have known to be more careful. Next thing you know im runnin for my life bleeding without anything to bandage myself with.

By the time i got back to my area in the woods the screen was white , the zeds come from everywhere.


Always take bandages or at least your t shirt to be able to tear up.

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I had an interesting day. I was watching Therunningmanz stream and noticed he and his friends were on a server where I had a character so I logged in. I found them and followed them but quite a long way behind. They got into a gunfight in Elektro so I had to run all the way from Cherno to get there and try to help them. I didn't make it in time and didn't dare take on their murderers alone so instead I snuck in and left some loot for TRMZ in a shed, lol. I then logged out. They then went back to elektro and got killed by the same guys again. I watched the stream but was then playing another game so I didn't have time to hop in. Too bad.


I also had an incident with my 3pp stable character. I came upon a lootsplosion at Veresnik military base and was happy looting when Dayz crashed. i tried logging in again a few times but it seemed as the lootsplosion crashed the game. I then had to try five different stable servers before I could find oen with no lootsplosion and get the hell out of that place. So, if you need something, its at Veresnik. But unfortunately, the game wont let you get it.

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I had an interesting day. I was watching Therunningmanz stream and noticed he and his friends were on a server where I had a character so I logged in. I found them and followed them but quite a long way behind. They got into a gunfight in Elektro so I had to run all the way from Cherno to get there and try to help them. I didn't make it in time and didn't dare take on their murderers alone so instead I snuck in and left some loot for TRMZ in a shed, lol. I then logged out. They then went back to elektro and got killed by the same guys again. I watched the stream but was then playing another game so I didn't have time to hop in. Too bad.


I also had an incident with my 3pp stable character. I came upon a lootsplosion at Veresnik military base and was happy looting when Dayz crashed. i tried logging in again a few times but it seemed as the lootsplosion crashed the game. I then had to try five different stable servers before I could find oen with no lootsplosion and get the hell out of that place. So, if you need something, its at Veresnik. But unfortunately, the game wont let you get it.

No need to go into the military base at Vershnik, the deer stand on the hill has everything you need. :-) The loot is laying knee deep in front of the barracks. But don't go in, the z's will get you while you lag.

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Hotkeys are working particularly worse right now than they used to. It used to be where if you hit the key twice it would usually work. Now sometimes it won't work at all.

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Well, where do i start.


Anyway i was hanging around my favorite area right now and was doing some collecting, geared up fairly well, mosin with scope, longhorns and a pack of decent gear when i came down a step and rattatatatatatatatata, you are dead. Really?

I had no weapons in my hands and this dag on a sheep bum shot me for no reason > :( He must have been waiting because i did not here him come in through the laundry type tiles that echo. I know he wasn't there when i went in there that's for sure.

Was i pissed, yeah kinda but well my movement was glitchy and well, no biggy, but he was out to kill people , its was a machine gun he got me with.


So i re spawned and as luck would have it , i re spawned in sight of the place i was just shot B) So i went to my stash and picked up the other longhorn and ammo, that was all cos if i died again i didn't want to lose my gear. Problem was that one shot - load - one shot, takes forever. I set up so i could just see where he was, only a peep of black was visible. I sighted him and took a shot missed, "tish"!!!!!!

I ran for my life as he let off a volley of shots but missed as i was zig zagging through the buildings. I ran like hell then off into the trees and as luck would have it , it then went dark.


I scoped up the area he was running from and couldn't see him anymore, must have stopped when the light went down.


Then out of the corner of my eye i saw movement in the distance, just that peripheral vision you get. He went into a building. I worked my way around to a better point , cos i was figuring he would have the gamma up , sittin in a bush i saw him in the building in my scope. Take a shot? no too far , id never get there and would give away my position if i missed and even to others if i hit.


So i sat and watched , knowing i could take him out and was choosing not too. Then flashes and gunshots in where he was, then silence.

I waited for ages and didnt see anyone come out of the building, i bit the bullet and made my way in.


There it was, my lovely back pack, full of gear ALL ruined.

I left happy knowing he was dead and lost his ill gotten gains :thumbsup: He was killed the way he killed me, brutally

Edited by PlasticAssasin8

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Went to Novo, the place was crawling with zeds so I went to the big tower for some ironsight target practice. Getting pretty good with a Repeater!

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A funny thing and a not so funny thing happened yesterday, both including trucks. I newspawned outside solnichy so i ran for kamyshovo. Got some low-end stuff along the way including a chainsaw but no fuel for it. As I was roaming through some houses outside kamy I saw a guy in the road so i hid. I then heard a truck and in short time it approached. I saw the guy hiding and when the truck passed he pulled out a pistol and shot at it. The truck turned around and chased him for a bit then ran him over. The truck parked just a short stretch from where i was so when its two occupants leapt out to plunder the dead guy i ran for it. Unfortunately one of the guys turned back and I met him by the truck door. I tried to hit him with my chainsaw but he seemed invincible so i went for the other guy. i hit him once and he died. The truck ran off so i tried finding the gun but I couldnt find it. I hid in a bush by either by luck or super skill on the other guys part he found me and ran me over. I laughed because the whole thing was quite funny.


 I then logged in with a well-geared character on the gents of novo server and was a bit surprised as he was sitting just outside the NW airfield. I got the hell out of dodge fast and found a v3s. I then went to the heli crashes, veresnik, myshkino, zelenogorsk and then to pavlovo, all in rapid order. But as I was trying to get into pavlovo military base without openign the gates the truck flipped. And as I got out the damn thing killed me. Not funny.

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Died because of hacker. Raged for a day

Message on steam.

" hey bro, get on got you stuff "

Get on. Full kit.

Ttskos, AKM drum +3 30s

Stack of chow and a hunting bag.

Took my bro 3 hours.

Gotta love a broken " survival " game hahaahah

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I was down sth after dying in Novo through a floor and saw these two well geared guys, one a with a mosin and ghillie wrap on it and another not geared at all really. One told me to stay there  and dont move, yea yeah ok.

The other came near me and i heard one say do that funny thing. I reckon he was going to take my pants off, as he knelt i swung a punch and ran. Hhahahahaha.

they shot at me i was hit but not bad so i ran into the water and swam out. They then started shooting at me and omg those tools were a worse shot than me, peppering with shotgun shells and bullets and not one hit.

I saw a zombie ( to those purists its an infected, sheesh) and the one with the rifle was being attacked.

I was killin myself laughing ant these knuckles trying to get a new spawn.


Ha ha stay there and dont move, yeah right i had nothing to lose but everything to gain by making them look like idiots :D :thumbsup: :beans: even gave myself my own can of beens.

I'm still chuckling about it and oh yeah i survived and made it to my stash just as i was about to die of starvation. :thumbsup:

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Been out of the game for awhile so ZH and I dropped into the HB server (our old regular stomping ground) and figured out we were REALLY close to the NW airfield. We hadn't been in for awhile so it took us a bit to sort that out. 


There was the two of us and then two other dudes on there at the time so we hung around the fence for a bit watching for any movement and after about 5 minutes of not seeing anything we proceeded in. To our surprise the ATC and the fire station were loot spawn glitched but with rudimentary items. As we made our way past the first prison I noticed the glitch was still in session- nothing that we needed since we were both pretty tecked out already. I was looking for some new pants from a close encounter the last time we were playing (front end wrecked, not the back end lol). 


We made our way to the second prison and it seemed the effects of the loot glitch area had worn off- and we were talking about heading over to the tent camp to see what was going on there. We started moving down the stairs-


Snap snap! 


"Was that you?" I said to ZH over my shoulder since he's sitting behind me in the same room. 


"No! No! There's a guy outside!" 


"Move into that bottom office-" He did and I could see his AKM at the ready. I was tucked in the corner under the stairs- we had that room well covered. I thought it might be worth lobbing a grenade around the corner using the walls to angle it but if my experience in pool has taught me anything it's that I can't angle worth #@@$. I didn't have many rounds left in my Aug- so I drew my Derringer instead and figured I'd get two heavy hits in on him at close range while ZH could feed him the good news with his 7.62. 


This guy came around the corner with a payday mask on... there was no call out... no friendly... no anything. He'd already shot at us for no reason so the safeties were off. 


Or were they? 


I took aim center of mass and pulled the trigger...








Click click click click. 




"I'm out I'm out!" I said over my shoulder- sprinting past payday and around the corner. I glitch lagged into a wall so I was running in place for a split second before I got my bearings and headed for the door. A couple of shots... nothing hit me but I saw blood. No idea where ZH was- I was in full sniper shuffle towards the wall to the north. I ran past a shed- someone's in there! "Are you in the shed?" 


"No- I'm outside!" I look over the wall in 3PP and see ZH running south- then east towards the woods. "I'm chasing him! Hey!" he calls over chat. "Hey stop right now!" (I wouldn't have either but hey, worth a shot.) The guy disappeared into the woods. I kept my eye on the area and ZH stopped the chase.


"No idea why my Derringer wouldn't fire?" I said as things slowed down a bit. I drew the Derringer again and checked to see it was loaded- which it was. Loaded, and ruined. Go figure... 



ZH was pretty shaken up. "I think I want to log out. I'm totally freaked out right now." ZH moved back towards me at a hole in the wall to the east- but then moved right past the hole that left him exposed to the trees. I was still behind my original wall cover... looking at him over the top through 3PP.


"What are you doing? Get out of there! The guy is probab-" Snap! 


"I'm dead." 


"%#@$... DEAD dead or unconscious?"


"It says 'you are dead.'" 


"Maybe he'll come and search your body..." Not 20 seconds goes by before I see payday crouched next to ZH. I only had 12 rounds left in the Aug and no idea if I was ever going to see a 5.56 round again but he had earned all 12. 2 in the head to get the party started-  I took aim carefully and double tapped (I wasn't even 50 feet away) and he dropped like a wet post drinking binge deuce and a half. 


Then I ran up to him- fired the rest of the rounds into his face and then spent the next minute hitting him with an axe. I was sooooooooooooooooooooooo frustrated I wanted to chop a hole down to China through his chest. 


Rookie move- of course... since his pack was loaded with goodness and I'd essentially turned it all into a mutilated mess. Ruined... ruined... ruined. Ah! But his mosin is intact- I'll take that thanks. 


I checked ZH's stuff hoping I might be able to secure some of it for him but a bunch of it was ruined as well. I hid the bodies and moved off to the tent camp. ZH logged out and I tucked into a corner to do the same. 

Edited by ENO75
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I only played for a short time today because I got so angry at a little kid. I met a guy in Berezino. he had a shotgun and so had I but none of us had ammo. He asked if I could help him so i followed him a to his friend who was rolling in the road. I went to get a stick for a splint but a zed attacked me. The kid killed it but I got bleeding so I sat to bandage. He then kills me. I told him not to but he just goes on and then rants about how I was going to kill him? So stupid and unnessecary. I was recently spawned, had a backpack but nothing in it.

 I have earlier on decided not to give up on people but try to play the good guy-playstyle but things like this gets to you.

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I only played for a short time today because I got so angry at a little kid. I met a guy in Berezino. he had a shotgun and so had I but none of us had ammo. He asked if I could help him so i followed him a to his friend who was rolling in the road. I went to get a stick for a splint but a zed attacked me. The kid killed it but I got bleeding so I sat to bandage. He then kills me. I told him not to but he just goes on and then rants about how I was going to kill him? So stupid and unnessecary. I was recently spawned, had a backpack but nothing in it.

 I have earlier on decided not to give up on people but try to play the good guy-playstyle but things like this gets to you.

Yeah i know how you feel. I have no intentions on killing anyone but, but im slowly changing. Especially after the pair that went after me just to be smart alecs. Reminded me of the golden dude that pretends not to be a bandit but really is.

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I only played for a short time today because I got so angry at a little kid. I met a guy in Berezino. he had a shotgun and so had I but none of us had ammo. He asked if I could help him so i followed him a to his friend who was rolling in the road. I went to get a stick for a splint but a zed attacked me. The kid killed it but I got bleeding so I sat to bandage. He then kills me. I told him not to but he just goes on and then rants about how I was going to kill him? So stupid and unnessecary. I was recently spawned, had a backpack but nothing in it.

 I have earlier on decided not to give up on people but try to play the good guy-playstyle but things like this gets to you.


I have this sneaking suspicion this wasn't actually a little kid- any chance it just sounded like a little kid? I've come across this a couple times and I didn't realize it until later on that it's probably just a voice modulator that's changing the pitch of the voice. Sounds like a really young kid- follows you around asking for your help and then tries to kill you every time you turn your back. And it was right around Berezino the last time for me... closer to Elektro the last time. I actually wrote about "the kid" in one of my earlier stories- not sure if it was a boy or a girl- They were really nice at the time... but took it a little too far. I suspected something was up and didn't take my eyes off them. I was also a bit more kitted out. 


Anyway- sounds exactly like what ZH and I encountered a couple months back... really changed the way I looked at the game in general. Whoever it was hung around us for a bit... talking about how bored he was and stirring up trouble with us as described. Wouldn't leave us alone- just chased us around until finally I just gave up, bent down at a well to have a drink and he clobbered me with the pry bar. 

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I usually kill squeakers automatically. I get that they can't help being 11 or whatever, but I really don't have time for them.


Thing is, not to confuse a squeaker with a laaaaaydee - whom I certainly would never KoS.


I spent much of last week building a sweet camp at just about the most obscure spot I could find, only to log in to the server yesterday and find that all three pristine mil tents had disappeared, as had the fireplace, etc. Nothing left on the ground at all - not even my assorted comedy hat collection. This is unlike my experience of proper raiding where people usually take the good and leave the crap.


Meanwhile, about 2km away there's a tent in a much more obvious spot (which I've left alone, hey, we're neighbours) which was entirely untouched.


Not the first time I've had mystery disappearances on that server, so logged into another and immediately found three pristine mil tents in a lootgasm. So have set them up somewhere different...


Tent hunting is a serious pastime for some. I might get into it as an alternative to crash running, but it's a risky occupation.

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Yesterday i killed a girl. A real one. A first for me. She did ask me to and gave me her backpack with gear first but still. I didn't skin her though.

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Yesterday i killed a girl. A real one. A first for me. She did ask me to and gave me her backpack with gear first but still. I didn't skin her though.



Thanks to the kind soul ( sorry forget your name) that opened two cans of food for me as i was running back up the coast from near berezino  after id been KOS'd out the back of Novo.

Against my better judgement i stopped when you said hi and talked for the first time rather than continue running


Thanks for the offer of the ride to elsewhere but cautiousness has set in big time.

I did see you running behind me and a noise and then zig zagging and then i got shot but was able to patch up.


I got back to where i was killed pretty fast, everything was gone so he either had a squad or just let it go to waste.

Im not too worried cos there will be a wipe soon anyway but its still annoying, it wasn't my good stuff at least.

Anytime you want to hook up feel free to give a yell.


Thanks again........


So here i was having a look around in the tower in Novo and i meet and chat to another nice fellow.


I gave him my repeater i have about 6 guns anyway and it wasn't what i was looking for. Then as i was about to go another "player" appears out of nowhere bleeding and with his fists up. WHAT THA???.

Then he proceeds to punch me, so we took care of him.

I quote

"he got  #$%^&% up, indeed he did..


Damn there are some tools.

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maybe I am stone-cold killer


logged in

need a raincoat or other waterproof mine is damaged
still holding a pickaxe from my last session

checked my backpack

found two worms in my backpack - don't remember them being there
mined a couple of stones
dumped the pickaxe
carried the stones to my hideout tree
discovered that machete, stone knife, hacksaw will not cut down tree
found a pair of rusty handcuffs in a shed
filled my water bottle and drank it, filled it again
saw a chicken - first chicken I've seen in a while - watched it run around
checked a factory - found a new ushanka to replace my damaged ushanka - nothing else in the factory
scouted along the hillsides going north, saw a far-off helicrash, went to check it anyway - nothing there
snuck past a zombie into a village
found a can of beans and a can of peaches together

opened them with the hacksaw - ate them
found some ruined clothes and ruined boots
found a tripod but don't want it
tested how close I could stealth up to zombies
used 2 shotgun shells on 3 zombies, left the area
next farmhouse found some sneakers don't need them
filled my water bottle and drank it, filled it again
found an orienteering compass stuck in a shed floor
went back to the hideout tree - stones had gone
ate some berries
guess the pickaxe is gone too - didn't check
scouted across the map to a big town
in the police station garages found 1 woodaxe
back to hideout
on tree I get option to "cut firewood" but woodaxe will not cut
I can cut kindling with it
woodaxe damaged
went looking for stone to sharpen woodaxe
filled my water bottle and drank it, filled it again
saw a boar out in a field, could hunt it with the LongHorn
but I don't need - have no room for meat and no fire
passed an empty truck in the forest wrecked against a tree
no sign of life
pile of bones near the truck

at the pile of bones I found a worm - now got three worms

I scouted out of there

- logged out for a break from the stress

going back in now

running under the name 'pingu'
see ya later



Edited by pilgrim

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