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How was your Day(Z)?

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Was having some issues yesterday logging on to servers so tried an almost full 40 player server as a test. I had last logged (server reset) in the middle of a street in a town about 20m from a cop shop..... Character loaded and for some reason my AKM and 75round clip which I had in my hands started firing uncontrollably.... I'm freaking out mashing mouse and keyboard but nothing stopped it until all ammo ran out.... Then DayZ froze (happens to me sometimes) and had to end program through task manager.... Re-logged on fearing a dead character from players or zombies.... And nothing.... Not a scratch and no one around. Hid and logged out again till I calmed down.

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Day of the retards:


Met a bunch of people playing on the same server, only one were somewhat normal.


1. Guy speaks polish, says Kurwa, stupid america while constantly poiting his empty rifle at me. I ran away.

2. Guy gets threatened buy the polish guy, says he wants to live. gets killed.

3. 2 guys inside the NE airfield ACT talking about being gay or not.

4. A girl and a guy comes up to me as I listen to the gay guys, tells me to drop my stuff while poiting an AKM with no clip at me. I laugh and run away as the carnage begins when the gay guys hear them.

5. Two people sit and idly chat in lower Berezino, oblivious to me running past them.

6. Meet a guy inside a house, he mumbles incohernetly while giving me the finger. I run away.

7. Meet a guy standing just next to a zombie that isn't attacking him for some reason, I ask him what he's doing and he starts punching me, I run away and he starts following me. I grow tired of his taunts and lure him into two zombies, he dies.

8. I loot Elektro and hear shooting. Some people run by me shooting at nothing. I hide and eventually log out as they don't seem to wanna leave.

 I'm glad I didn't have a firearm as I would have killed a whole bunch of these people if I did. Now I chose to run away instead which worked fine too. I do however have a 1911 with clip now so beware retards.

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Got bored of having everything again, so I go onto a full server to make the game riskier, and therefore more entertaining.

I'm in Solni, just crossing that bridge. I've got 3 Zs on me, cba to stop and axe em. I see a new spawn. He had fists raised, screaming about how he's so friendly. I bypass him, and never see him again. 

I make my way into Elektro after awhile. I've no ammo for my SKS, so I hit the police station. As I'm looting the second floor, I hear footsteps. I then exit the room, and bump into another player, donning wannabe camoflauge, aka green everything. 

"Friendly, friendly!" he yells.

So there we were, standing the middle of the police station on a full server. I ask him if he's any SKS ammo. He says no, and I offer him ammo. He says he needs .22 clips, which of course, I threw away two yesterday after finding my SKS. We go our seperate ways.


I walk into the firestation. I don't hear anything, but suddenly, the faint speaking of someone. It's the same guy. We loot the station together, and we find some .22 ammo for him. He didn't shoot. I give him a spare magnum after he mentions having .357. He still doesn't shoot.

This guy is cool. 

As we head to the final fire station...

"No signal recieved..."


This guy was pretty cool. First player I've legitimately played with. Didn't even get his in-game name, or steam name, or the server name if he were to return. 


Good day.


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Was doing more chopper hunting, because I'm kinda running out of things to do...aprt from looking for a pristine combat knife. 


At one of the spawn points near Green Mountain, I find a heli spawn. It's been looted and the only things remaining are an empty 10 rnd mag (hmmm), and an M4. Ergo, looted by persons who already had an M4. So I run away. Cue M4 shots from both my left and right. Either they were really crap shots, or it was two people looting towns to my right and left.


Either way, I jog on a bit further east. Just skirting round a town (Goglovo?), Z running straight at me, 5.56mm between the eyes, goes down. 3 seconds later 'No message received...'


This is quite bad. There will be a Z respawn. My three week old, perfectly geared char will probably die to a Z or Zs. I keep going, waiting to see if it will work itself out (as these things sometimes do). No chance - I time out after the 90 secs and of course can't get on again for however long it is.


Then, mirabile dictu, I am still alive. The timeout must have happened as the Z saw or ran at me.


However, I seem to get a lot more 'No message receiveds...' these days. Four in a row yesterday afternoon.

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No message recieved means the server is restarting or has crashed. Mostly its restarts that does it. Some servers restart way to often.


My day was basically the same as a few days before. I wonder around a firestation and magically break my legs for no reason, also my pants and everything in them are ruined :/. i grew tired of it and played with my HC character instead. Found six Ak's of different sorts at the Large airfield and surrounding areas. And I didn't get shot for once. I also found a heli crash but there was mostly crap there, except for a flashbang.

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Traded with 4 people, knocked out one bandit, put him in bright pink clothing, handcuffed and left in the middle of Balota, and healed a chump who got shot.

woo woo

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Dear diary, today it was my turn to see for some food for the group again. I decided to go fishing, because I can't eat this steaks anymore. I went to the small village near the camp. There you can always find good stuff. And really, after a short time I was the owner of a fishing rod. It was easier than I thought. I was so happy. Until I realized that I don't have a bait. I searched the meadows and woods for nearly a hour. But I wasn't able to finde one. I even broke my new fishing rod in anger... so another day with boar steaks. Maybe next time.

(Wanted to fish, wasn't able to finde a shovel,  :P )

Edited by dirrly

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Today was funny. I was a fresh spawn and met 2 guys who pretended to be friendly So I told them I'm a fresh spawn, no weapons... and short after they tried to axe me (they had no guns). So I ran away, and hid. A short time after went for the next house to find some food. I didn't find food, but a magnum revolver, loaded with 2 bullets. I just took it into my pants, as the 2 guys found me again. They were joking and screaming that they will kill me now and I should prepare for death... mh... the first of both got to shots to the chest and died (saw his dead body later). I ran away from the second, who was a little confused, I think, because he stopped the attack... Would have given a lot to see their faces. :P

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Went to NWAF. Started looting, found an SKS with ammo. As I'm heading out of one of the prisons, I notice a man running. I lift my SKS and take aim, but I realize that he doesn't have a gun in his hand nor back, and he was running from the NWAF. I kept sights on him till he was completely gone.

I can't bring myself to PvP. Just can't for some reason.

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I had a shitty day. I spawned at Rify, met a whole bunch of people there who i talked to, then one of them shoots me for no apparent reason. I could even hear the other guys ask why he shot me over the comms.

Respawned in teh wilderness, couldn't find clothes or stuff to burn so i froze to death :/

Respawned near Cherno, went into town and found some decent loot. As I came to the firestation there were two guys there so i talked to one of them. He kindly showed me where I could find a backpack and I thanked him for it. Then his friend walks in to the room and promptly shoots me for no reason. I could then hear them laugh about it and congratulating themselves for being so cool and tough. Damn danes, they should all drown in lakes of blood.

 And tonight they will.

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Respawned in teh wilderness, couldn't find clothes or stuff to burn so i froze to death :/


Yes, respawn can be pretty tough with the new patch. First respawn yesterday was also in the wilderness during heavy rain... had the same end like you. ;-)

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I had the strangest night. I didn't find any danes to molest so I newspawned near Kambiwobo. Immediately I hear someone running inside the police station and after a short while he comes at me. i say Friendly and he responds with "Let me kill you dead" in a eastern-european acent. We run around for a while and he tries to hack at me while taunting me. I respond by hacking at him with my scythe til he bleeds then I run and hide. I wait for a bit then come out,

I'm gonna go look for his corpse but then another guy comes running, geared. I warn him about a possible shooter and he promptly shoots me in the leg with his magnum ;o, he then goes rummaging around the town. After a while he comes back and bandage me but doesnt fix my broken legs. I call him an assholes and we talk for a bit. He gives me a splint for my legs and just as I'm applying it he shoots me and then says Sorry dude.

 I respawn in Cherno and after some time find some decent loot. i avoid some people warring it out in there and as I am leaving towards Dubky I meet a fully geared guy with an AK in the woods. I shout "I'm a medic" and sit down. He tells me to put my hands on my head and he wont shoot and I do, except I press the wrong button and start pulling out my mosin, he shoots me. My fault.

 I respawn in Polana, meet up with a newspawn and we head towards Novo. The server then crashes and doesnt come online again so I go to another. I loot Balota and find a full TTsKO gear, a mosin with ammo, military boots, fireaxe and a backpack plus much more in the space of ten minutes. I meet no more players and when the server freezes I go to bed.

Edited by Killawife

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After the wipe I had only one thing in mind, get my gear back, I almost succeeded, yet I couldn't find my favourite AK101 and only found an AKM with no magazines and no attachments.

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Mh... today I accidently pressed the "g" and my character threw the AK away... and it disappeared... didn't find it anymore. Never play when you are tired :P

Edited by dirrly

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today I found 2 flashbangs, but before I was able to test them I was killed on my way to meet my friends. They haven't been far from the point I died, so they took revenge... was able to listen on teamspeak, was very funny. The two "bandits" were inside a buildung and had the option to surrender and survive but they denied. So my friends threw a grenade inside. :P

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Yesterday I finally found an M4, after a solid three days of crash site running. So that was good.


Today, after the ridiculous temperature fix, I am rapidly freezing to death, even though I'm wearing full Gorka camo gear, a beanie, gloves and boots. Which is bad.

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Was nicely geared, chased by a zed, can't be bothered to stop and kill it. Internet connection dies for half a minute. New character. U mad bro ?

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Newspawn a few days ago.

I get a couple of nice things, mainly a pristine down coat and like 6 rags from random t-shirts. 

I'm on a low-low-pop server, like less than 5 people.

I begin climbing the ladder on the fire station on the outskirts of Elektro. Nearby I spot a group of zombies just standing there. I think, "Oh. Dead player, maybe he already looted. I'll check later." So I climb half-way up, and I'm promptly shot by a mosin nearby, breaks my leg. Unconscious. Another shot, dead.


I still don't understand, I had a fucking baseball bat on my back, and a backpack not capable of carrying any good weps, why KOS? Like I understand it's a "high value loot spawn" but still. Am I going to hurt you with a terribly under-powered weapon when I'm on a ladder? Ffss some people.

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My entire squad of 5 got ambushed and killed at some small military post in the woods. Morale is low today.

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I found stonehenge yesterday, so that was nice. I aslo got to the NW airfield and didn't get killed but it was close. I ran about like a total noob like I always do and suddenly hear M4 fire a bit ahead. I hide in a bush and a goddamn zombie attacks me instead of the shooter. I kill it and hear m4 fire again, even closer. I sit in the bush, waiting to die when all of a sudden: "No message received". Phew!

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My dayz began with me heading into Elektro in search of some better clothes. My character is 4 or 5 days old. Pretty well geared, loads of ammo, sidearm, food, equipment etc. The clothes I found are now ruined by zombie attacks and I'm getting cold fast. I came in from the north-west hills, moving between cover looking for a good place to see the town. About 600m out I look through my scope And I see a freshie looking guy fighting zombies with a cutting axe by the Firestation. Scanning from west to east I see another guy walking on the short hill.

Suddenly there are shots from around the hospital. It sounds like an akm. It spooks the guy on the hill and he heads down towards the town houses at the foot of the hill. I sweep the main street by the church back to the Firestation when I see a guy in his underwear. He seems to be teleporting at insane speeds headed straight for me... I promptly die.

This is the second time in a week that I've had a decently well geared guy that I've put a few hours into, die to a cheat.

As the developers make it harder to find nice loot and make more specific loot almost a requirement to function - like waterproof/warm clothes - getting geared takes significantly longer. As a result losing a character is significantly more aggravating, especially when it's to a cheat.

If this happens again soon, I'll likely take a break from dayz and I'm sure I won't be alone. I really hope the developers address this issue. It worries me a bit that the 'how is bad is the hacking in dayz?' thread was closed.

A pretty shitty dayz by all accounts.

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Ever since the new 0.49 patch and the charakter reset my live's been nothing but pain, fear and anger!

Allways got some good stuff and nice spawn locations and got killed 3 out of 3 times by a effin hacker/script kiddy. This game can be so much fun, but the hackers/script kiddies allways ruin it for me >_<


EDIT: The worst death I had was when I first broke a leg on the NWAF and searched for 20 long minutes for some sticks/rags/axe. I finally managed to fix myself up, ran like the wind and got chased by a dude who said to be "friendly". Seconds later he charged towards me with his freakin' axe and murdered me.

Edited by Odrakis
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I was on the western outskirts of Novodmitrovsk, near the cargo container deposit: I was coming from Krasnostav via the woody hills between the two cities.

While I'm looking around for loot in the house and the garages, an heavy storm hits the city and in a second I'm dripping wet and very, very cold. I close myself in a garage and proceed to dry my clothes placing them on the ground for a while. It doesn't help - even if I'm dry I'm still cold and in a few seconds I start shaking. Well, the damn rain stopped for a while, so I run outside, chop down some wood and proceed to re-enter the garage to light a fire...I don't like the idea of pumping smoke in the air so close to a city.


Before I could light my little campfire the garage doors swing open and...well, there's a dumbfounded player looking at me. I look at him. None of us have weapons in hand, but he sports an SKS on his shoulder, and I'm lugging around only my trusty fire axe. After a very long and uncomfortable second, just as I decide to say the "Friendly. Wanna trade?" greeting he backsteps and lowers the carbine. I bolt outside, sprinting like a madman, hearing way too many shots around me and wondering how is it possible I'm still unharmed. I run in the cargo container maze behind the garage and then turn around, trying to flank him - he surely thinks I'm going to run for the woods near the deposit. Hopefully he doesn't expect me to return to the garage from the road and axe him to death. It's a plan so bold it borders on insanity...but I never managed to kill another player, and the prick opened fire first. I'm sure it's self defence, even if I thirst for the blood of the unfortunate traveller. I manage to return to the garages and catch a glimpse of him looking in the wrong direction. I'm sure I'm going to plant my axe right between his shoulders...well, not exactly. Before I can sprint and murder him for his cowardly assassination attempt, BAM! Server list. WTF? Did the server restart/crashed down before my very first kill in DayZ?!


After that little disadventure I try to log in again, but without success. I changed the server, and managed to trek north of Novodmitrovsk: I planned to hit the Clock Tower from north...but when I reached the walled compound/truck mechanick north of Novo I aggroed two zombies. After a quick melee both were dead on the ground and I was low on bandages, but two others (their respawns maybe?) were running towards me. I tried to shake them down trekking towards Karmanovka, but I managed only to aggro two or three Karma zombie as well. Now with a sizeable zombie conga line behind me, I ran towards Turovo where FINALLY the damned snarling beasts disappeared in the woods.


I managed then to safely turn back to Novo, this time from the eastern outskirts, and when I'll log in again I'll have to decide if Cernaya Polana is more lootable than Novo.

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Yesterday I decided to cross a forest to another city. Unfortunately I lost the right direction I have to walk but after a short while I found a street. I was not sure where I am, so I decided to take a look at the map. First I checked the players online and saw that there have been only a few left, but I thought "saftey first". So I looked a the environment and saw a big bush which in my thoughts was a good place to hide, while watching the map. So I headed straight to this bush and when I arrived and walked around the bush I stood ca. 1 m away from another player. Seems he also used the bush to hide for a short time and after a shock second we both ran away in different directions. Was so funny and I really had to laugh. How likely was it to meet another player in the middle of nowhere in a bush, when on the server have been only 10 players left. After a few seconds when the adrenaline was gone, I used the ingame voice chat and we both came back. He was a friendly player, so we talked a while. ;-)

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