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Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

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Seems you can not hide any longer weapons on their own in trees... they disappear after restart. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Tried it two times.





Somebody tried to hide a backpack in trees? If yes did it disappear also after restart?

Edited by Sharplooter

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Pretty substantial bug that I ran into here...double barreled shotgun? Yea, you can't remove any shells from it. If you shoot one shell, you have to shoot the other before you can reload it again.

Remind me...why can't we load a single round into a Blaze or a single shell into a DB Shotgun? I'm sure that a feature planned for the future. 



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Really disappointed in the servers being stuck in the reboot loop so fast.  I think there are 5 or so playable at the moment.  On the good side of things, really liking the Zed/Infected path finding, new animations, etc. First fresh spawn, got my butt kicked after trying out the baton with 3 Zed's attacking all at once.  Battery went dead, nothing much  you can do after that other than run, which is what I did.  Went head to head in a punch-fest only to bleed out for some reason when I attempted to bandage myself but couldn't for some reason, nothing happened after selecting use bandage then went unconscious so I respawned.  Movement seems very much improved imho, though Zed's still pass through some walls, steel buildings and large barns are problematic.  No issues with temps however, a little cold, a little warm, but nothing too drastic.  In the couple hours I played I had zero CTD, but I did read the forums before playing so I had a good idea of some of the error states in-game.  All-in-all, not too bad.

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  On 9/12/2014 at 2:04 AM, SoulFirez said:

Doors are randomly opened or closed on server restart so you cant tell if a place has been looted now by just seeing doors open. Strange your having so much trouble with melee i havent tried the pick axe but i have tried the shovel the baseball bat the fire extinguisher cattle prod machette. All of them seem to be working damn well hell i even managed to kill a hopper with a baseball bat in 1 swing.. The shovel is still 2 hit kill for me one to the head they go down then one more wack anywhere there dead....


I have found some doors seem a little harder finding the open section and yet other seem much easier (and some i can open from way to far away unless my character has 6 foot arms lol)


Ah, that door thing explains a lot then. I was wondering about that. Crappy thing is, it was nice to go into a closed house and not worrying about open doors in the back, cause Zombies will use them, and that makes it harder as a freshie. But hey, it's just getting more survival-y


I am so confused by all the changes to the hit boxes (I think since 44 version they changed it almost every update a little, I just started swinging and praying. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I'll figure it out eventually, but then I always had trouble with the zeds.


Second best seems to be the hoe, almost works as well as an axe.


What do you guys think about loot respawning? Is it pretty much working by now?

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  On 9/12/2014 at 2:27 AM, Demonica said:

What do you guys think about loot respawning? Is it pretty much working by now?


At least I didn't see abundance or lack of loot at all, but the persistence has changed or don't work proper (maybe a bug)...

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Wow, just wow, loving the new door/gate open/close sounds I was hoping for something like this. The new zombie movements are great. Not had any issues with opening or eating foods but then again I only found 1 can of tuna (it is tuna you don't need a can opener right?)


Noticed the random doors open/close, another great feature however I've noticed some doors are rendering closed even though when approaching said door the icon shows the door open so had to click twice to open a door, not a real bad issue unless you spawn in Elektro and have 6 zombies aggro on you straight away and being a new spawn I didn't have a weapon lol.


Speaking of doors and zombies, they are still ignoring closed doors about 90% of the time, infact thinking more about it, 100% of the time. Not once did a closed door stop a zombie gaining access to the house I would be in trying to bandage. Nor did it stop them from getting out when locked in there lol. (can't wait for a update on that little thing).


I noticed someone said something about the pickaxe being a little off, I have to agree, once I finally found one, I was noticing my pick going right through the zombie but not hit detected. I can't comment on other melee weapons as I only played for a couple of hours and I didn't find anything else. However most of the time it wasn't an issue, when it is, you side step and swing until it finally hits lol.


Still alot of broken servers, took awhile to actually get into a server, I'm just going to put that down to it being experimental servers and shouldn't follow over to stable (fingers crossed)


All in all, loving it and I can't wait until they make their final tweaks and get it out on stable.

Edited by RagedDrew
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  On 9/12/2014 at 2:35 AM, Sharplooter said:

At least I didn't see abundance or lack of loot at all, but the persistence has changed or don't work proper (maybe a bug)...

Loot seems nicely spread thus far ( although i am sure sooner or later i will find a giant loot tower ) yeah persistence seems well gone everytime i put something down it vanishes and many cases it vanishes instantly....


Finally got to test a pick axe ah yeah it does seem rather hard to hit with (which is strange if the hitbox is ok with an axe i figured it be the same for the pick axe hit wise .)

Edited by SoulFirez
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  On 9/12/2014 at 2:18 AM, Rags said:

Pretty substantial bug that I ran into here...double barreled shotgun? Yea, you can't remove any shells from it. If you shoot one shell, you have to shoot the other before you can reload it again.

Remind me...why can't we load a single round into a Blaze or a single shell into a DB Shotgun? I'm sure that a feature planned for the future. 



I ran into the same bug with the shotty, except after firing the second shell, the weapon showed the gun loaded with 0 shells and would not allow me to eject the empty shells.


The bug has already been reported (016608).

Edited by RedDogMT
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  On 9/12/2014 at 2:44 AM, SoulFirez said:

Loot seems nicely spread thus far ( although i am sure sooner or later i will find a giant loot tower ) yeah persistence seems well gone everytime i put something down it vanishes and many cases it vanishes instantly....


Man, I finally had a little food to put aside and no backpack, so I leave it at my favorite base camp, come back half an hour later - all gone. I had to cry a little, cause I was hungwy :(


(And yes - I did check to make sure I was on my "home" server where I always keep my stuff.)


I think this might be better when you stash it in a backpack and leave that in a spot of your choice. BTW - another thing that's been hard to come by, backpacks, the taloon ones. Child Briefcases are rare compared to before the patch, but findable.

Edited by Demonica

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Been playing for 5 hours. Here is my opinion, found bugs and bug fixes/workarounds.


First of all, yes the servers are currently overloaded, or crashing/hanging due to ingame bugs and a lot of servers are down completely. But, it's not that bad, in 5 hours of play on 1 server, it restarted 4 times, "Not" every 5 minutes like some people are saying.

Personally, myself and the guys I was on with tonight had a real good time, yes there are more bugs, and yes the servers are a bit fragile, but overall it was a really enjoyable night. Had lots of interactions with players, some friendly who wanted to trade or share bug finds, some assholes. (Absolutely amazes me how many people play a game like DayZ "Without" a mic!) Crazy :o

Loot seemed to be respawning (Possible caused by server restarts, can't be sure), not too scarce but not piles of it. Food was tougher to find but not that hard, same as clothing and basic supplies. Weapons are dotted around, but again, not too many. Character temperature has been improved, you're not freezing after 10 seconds in the rain now.

All in all, it was a damn good time :)




  • Eating cans of Spaghetti, tins of Tuna and Sardines causes CTD (Crash To Desktop) = Open the can/tin in you inventory, then drop it on the floor and mouse-wheel over it on the floor and eat all. Never crashed once for me or any of my mates playing tonight.
  • Can't rejoin a server after a restart - Try to join a "Full" server which will show "Unable to join, max players reached". Then go back and join the server you wanted to join. Worked every time.



  • When trying to open doors, some doors are closed but only have the option to close them before they can be opened.
  • Dropping a jacket or pants with items inside meant the jacket/pants will not show up in vicinity, you have to mouse over them to pick them back up.
  • After a server restart zombies became completely invisible and "Could" still hit you but you can't hit them. 3 guys I was gaming with also found this bug.
  • Running down stairs on some types of stairs can jump you off the top step missing the first 2 or 3 steps causing you to slide down the rest and freezing for a split second. After this happens a few times it will break your leg or damage pants.
  • Only happened once, when using a melee weapon for a long period of attacks like when killing a large group of Zombies, the weapon will randomly swap to another item on your hotbar.
  • Zombies can still walk through some walls and closed doors. (Z's do seem a lot better though)
  • Some opening door sounds can be heard from a "Long" way away. Really freaks you out :(
Edited by euphoria4949
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Both Exp AU/NZ servers appear to be hung at "Wait for Host". As well as the AU/NZ 1st/3rd person Exp server bouncing in and out of existence every minute or so in the server browser.  :(


Although,I played for an hour this morning and it's much better than previously... Melee very responsive and hits where you want it.


I didn't really see an increase in performance but but it wasn't worse either.


Didn't die from hypothermia while running around in a t-shirt. Spawned in Cherno and almost died from Zeds but lived, good stuff.


I didn't crash for the hour I played as well, plenty more to test though. Almost ready for stable I think.

Edited by R.Neville

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Euphoria, thanks for the hint on the "can't join server after restart", that totally worked!


Was your group 5 people strong on Hardcore either Southwest or South Central server? I saw a larger group running around earlier and I was wondering if that was you when I just read this. (Sorry for the off topic!)


- After a server restart zombies became completely invisible and "Could" still hit you but you can't hit them. 3 guys I was gaming with also found this bug.


Had the same problem, so I just bugged out for a while. Thank you for your review, interesting read!

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Was able to get about 3 to 4 hours in on the 0.49.124937 build today. Overall, it was very smooth. I crashed to desktop twice in that time but that was the only issue I experienced. I would say 0.49 is very nearly ready for stable.


I wanted to get more time in this evening, but there were like two working 3rd person servers and only a handful of 1st person servers working and they were basically all full all the time :(

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  On 9/12/2014 at 3:38 AM, R.Neville said:

Both Exp AU/NZ servers appear to be hung at "Wait for Host". As well as the AU/NZ 1st/3rd person Exp server bouncing in and out of existence every minute or so in the server browser.  :(


Although,I played for an hour this morning and it's much better than previously... Melee very responsive and hits where you want it.


I didn't really see an increase in performance but but it wasn't worse either.


Didn't die from hypothermia while running around in a t-shirt. Spawned in Cherno and almost died from Zeds but lived, good stuff.


I didn't crash for the hour I played as well, plenty more to test though. Almost ready for stable I think.

Yeah having same trouble unable to get on and the servers keep vanishing and reappearing in the server list.


Not sure its ready for stable seeing it hasnt been stable for even 24 hours yet and there are a few bugs (like the strange lighting in houses when looking from different angles)

But it certainly seemed to play ok but knowing the general public if it has anymore bugs than current stable the out cry will be HUGE lol..

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Above everything else......



The random/phantom sounds are ALMOST gone.....my god what a fucking relief.


I think I heard maybe 3 or 4 distinct phantom sounds in a 4 hour session on a 40/40 server.



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The servers at us ea west are dropping every 5 minutes. I was playing there with us friends. Its REALLY 5 minutes, server drop people, not restarting.

The most uk or de seever worked normal for me.

U cant hit in melee, with a baseballbat. Its a pain in the ass.

The melee with most other weapons i used yet, was muuuuch better.

There spawns to much food and such, in my opinion.

Otherwise it seems pretty fine this version, the 2 hours i play was pretty nice, walking psth and everything wprked well, even if i dont know how stun baton works on humans yet. On zombies it drops them to ground with 1 attack. When someone buzz me, i had red message about electro, but didnt pass out.

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So after learning to avoid certain food I had no ctd's. Hurray. Suddenly sodas was high vaule loot :). (I crashed to desktop if I used tuna, spaghetti and sardines) Thoose we where warned about! I also had chd from eating peaches! I didn't test rice, powdered milk seamed ok to eat for me atleast. All fruits works and sodas aswell.


Some of the experimental servers restart randomly far to often, others stay up quite a while.


I've been running around the map scavenging for assault rifles and such. I found the density of 5.56 and 7.69x39 ammo beeing  okay, however finding a magazine for the akm or ak101 was a hard task.

I found a few akm, and only one ak101 far more sparse than previously on .49.


Finally found a ak101 which i actually had  found a magazine for, so now im really dangerous, watch out if your north west on 1p ;)

I've yet to find the ak scope though, anyone found one? Can they still spawn in normal garages like in previous patch?


The tents at airfield with only one opening seams to have no loot, I did find the odd item there but that was like 1 item per 20 of thoose tents..


Light guns like sporters are common, mosin rarer, sks was quite a easy find, assault rifles very rare as they should be. I've not yet found a crash site on current experimental build, are they temporarly disabled?

It bothers me abit though to find sporters and mosins in military bases and the nwaf. I don't think they fit what should be there, sks, handguns and assault rfiles is what i would like to find there. I'm devided about the mosin to be there or not. It's afer all a very powerfull gun in the right hands.


Oh yeah found myself two flashbangs and a he greande in barracks, nice addition to that loot table. Will come handy when i run into them annoying camo campers. :=

Fire jacket was a cool find.


Doors beeing randomly open or closed is nice, but it needs work. Some times a door apear open, and you can enter, but when you want to cloose it, it only gives the option to open it first, after doing so you can cloose it, This makes the process long and very dangerous. Same things goes for some closed doors, they need to be closed first and then opened.


A few concerns about zombies, some of them choose to ignore doors are shut, some of them hits you trhough walls from several meters away. Zombies also completly ignore fences and doors shut in fences.

The changes to zombie behaviour is nice!

Edited by Fatsug
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Cattle Prod?  Why?  Doesn't do nearly as much as the stun baton does to zeds.  Stun Baton is the shit, I love zapping a hopper and see him leap higher and farther than EVER from the jolt, it amuses me to no end.


Had a real pretty Soviet Officers Hat, but that was last night and I had turned Fraps off, before I could turn it back on for a screenie, "my leg hurts",  "I think my leg is broken" "you are dead", in the middle of a field and I was only one on server.  Thanks Obama. 


Today went pretty well, spawned in to Electro twice, fell to my death at Riffy once, got knocked out for no apparent reason once, woke up and still had all my stuff but I was bleeding (that was just plain weird).  CTD happened twice but I could live with it.


I have noticed that closing doors is a lot more difficult than before, which is a bitch when you are trying to lock the zeds out.  Also, tried to change a battery in my stun baton while fighting a zed, yeah, don't do that.  Speaking of, looks like you can kill 3-4 zeds per battery with the stun baton (it might be more because I tend to double and sometimes triple tap), the issue is that unless you detach the battery from the baton it still appears to be pristine when it no longer is.  Definitely a bug that I will report tomorrow since I'll be off work.

Edited by Barnabus

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US West servers are dropping like flies. At least US Southwest is, every 10-25 mins or so

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Maybe it's just me but I never noticed bell tower sounds in Standalone. I spawned in Cherno today and sure enough I heard the bell tower ring out. I know it was in the mod but did they recently add this or has it always been there in SA?

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The bells, the bells....

I hope you are right, the good thing in the mod was you knew what time it was, now when are we getting watches and why is time not working ?

Alpha !


New goal ingame: check the bells.

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It's that time of the year again. One 40 player server vs whole Europe.


"All right Europe, get in. Unfortunately the seats are limited, so, you'll have to fight for them... By tapping this button."



Edited by Exorade
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  On 9/12/2014 at 6:29 AM, Boneboys said:

The bells, the bells....

I hope you are right, the good thing in the mod was you knew what time it was, now when are we getting watches and why is time not working ?

Alpha !


New goal ingame: check the bells.

I did not play mod. What bells doing in game ? Why I have to check bells ?

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  On 9/12/2014 at 6:46 AM, Exorade said:

It's that time of the year again. One 40 player server vs whole Europe.


"All right Europe, get in. Unfortunately the seats are limited, so, you'll have to fight for them... By tapping this button."



Hope they feed the gerbils tomorrow, I have the day off and NOTHING to do, don't make me go play RUST....

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Awww man.  I was just having an epic battle with infected in Novoselky after seeing another survivor being chased by them.  I told him I had a machete and I would kill them.  Well,  I eventually had about 5 of them on me lol and I told him if I survived he could have my hunters backpack.  Then the server restarted :(.  I'm sorry man with accent, it was quite fun tho.  

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