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Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

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Why do I have discover such a bug that i'm not payd for doing, it as more qualified people could made it?

I discovered and posted out the problem of the red broken chain that nobody done even the more qualified, and after that my post has been canceled because of danger of abusing a bug. A Bug has not never been noticed before? Since the 0,43 and even more there was this glitch and always users like us had to report them.

Since May....since May has been know by reading a feedback that what is the problem occouring by fps drop but we are continuing loading the game of stuff and making it heavier.



For half of the salary i'd surely work better.

You paid to do it. that's what early access is for

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You paid to do it. that's what early access is for


Ye but since 0,43 i started isn't hilaryous that no one competent discovered that? Do they wait the Holy Spirit coming above from the sky?



Anyway back to the topic:


Weather clothes effects still to be reworked. Maibe who made them didn't join the army or never picked up a military gear i would probably fire him to give the seat for someone more competent:

TTKSO jacket and Gorkas jacket can be weared also in hot condition.


As an ex discharged Army corporal i geared up with military stuff also under 40 Degrees. My country is Hot with mediterrean climate, not the Russia.

It might be hot, but never as the same as a country like: Italy, Greece, Spain, Turkey, Egypt, Marocco, Tunisia, Middle America, South America, Indocina


Then, considering that by looking at the color of the trees and brushes we are playing on a AUTUMN SEASON, and if someone is fussy then SPRING ok (as if sometime we see the breath it can't be winter and neither summer)? But on the country we are playing I really don't think that even if i wear up a TTKSO Jacket on a sunny day should be right to die by hot, in russia?...at least i had not to forget to drink some water. That's all!

Edited by GunnyITA

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Really really frustrating patch. Spawned in Berezino and ran a huge route that too me through Elektro and Cherno all the way to Balota. All I managed to find were bits of various ammo types and a blaze 95 with 3 bullets. Most places were empty with no loot whatsoever until I made it to Komarovo and found this...



Pretty much the entire police station looked like that in every room. Loot overflowing everywhere. Then I went to the second floor and zombies punched me through the wall from downstairs and broke my leg. Then this happend...



I got pinned behind a child's backpack and couldn't even get to the zombies hitting me to kill them. Tried to bandage and morphine then YOU ARE DEAD.


Man this one hurts. That's a long boring way to run for that conclusion. Think it's time for a DayZ break. Come back in a patch or two and check things out again.

Not to down play the problems in this game but you could have dropped your backpack, put on the child's briefcase, drop that behind you and get your own backpack again.

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ahhh now i get it: it's Alpha! And Alpha means work in progress... ahahaahaa ok ok and i wuz thinking i paid 20bucks for an already finished game... Really, you guys got me there. And i was all like "wtf this crap does not do what it says on the box" and now i notice that there is no box and i did not read it... Everything seems so much more clear to me. In fact, everything starts to make sense now. Makes me want to hug a Zed big time!


Thank you guys, you've enlightened me so freaking hard that my eyeballs started to burn like a freaking road-flare. Now i demand deans beans for finally getting it! gimme some more!



Edited by robophant
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-both in .048 and both in 0.49  i realized that sometime if you are using an item and you are aggroed by a zombie...

In Soviet Russia zombie is aggroed by YOU!

Edited by robophant
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The supermarket now looks like.....a supermarket...food galore!


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There seems to be a new random sound since 49, the firing or hitting of a crossbow bolt. I mostly hear it in and around the new "under construction" town.

Edited by SAK

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Cant join anyservers since last patch.
Stucked in "waiting for host" or most of the servers are 40/40.
I know its a reccurent pb, but how can I fix it? 

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The loot mountains does seem an interesting problem. On the one hand it has the nice effect of giving an incentive to go nearly everywhere. I think for the first time ever I saw clear evidence of people in Myshkino. The downside is that it's slightly crazy and really makes the spawn areas a no-man's land. With few players this probably wouldn't be an issue as more loot spawn points would be available at any time. On a crowded server though, insanity ensues.

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I've either been snipped twice in the head whilst inside with very limited possibilities of a shot in a couple of hours or i'm just dropping dead at times while healthy & energised.

Edited by MadTommy

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TTKSO jacket and Gorkas jacket can be weared also in hot condition.


I think the weather/clothing-system is more complex or complicated as it looks to us at the moment. As far as I could observed in that short time also (warm) headgear, gloves and colors (black UK vest, black shirt etc.) raises the temperature.

Allegedly you have the most temperature loss through the head.


Ofc the system needs adjusting or even some rework like many different game mechanics in dayz. But the developers have to start somewhere to get datas, statistics, feedback etc. This process is necessary to find a balance with the system.


At the moment I found a good combination for me it works very well at sunny and cloudy servers (NO sweat, hot, chilly or cold messages at all!):


- tan colored tactical shirt

- summer hunter pants

- beige baseball cap and beige gloves

- brown jungle boots (they have vent holes)

- chest holder (it protects you as good as a UK or press vest)

Sure when it starts to rain I have to replace the tactical shirt with rain coat.


If you are a fresh spawn, yes you have to take off sometimes/maybe often your hoody or change to a colored T-shirt if possible. And it's funny how fast you start to sweat as hell with motorbike helmets and wool coats, but we can't deny that this is realistic when we sprint/jog like maniacs all the time.

In real life I guess I would get problems with cycle and probably before that would happen rather hyperventilation. Because as an average civilian I don't have the constitution, endurance, hardiness and calmness of an trained soldier!


Actually I am a big fan of the weather/temperatur system by now, though its for sure not perfect. 





Cant join anyservers since last patch.

Stucked in "waiting for host" or most of the servers are 40/40.


At the moment are only 3 or 4 3rd person servers on, the rest is off or stuck in restart loop...


Btw you can't rely on what the DayZ Server "History" shows you (players, time etc.) , you have to look always what the Dayz Browser shows you under "Internet". 

Edited by Sharplooter
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Green Hodie on a cloudy day and i feel hot ....

So that i removed my TTKSO pants for grey cargo pants and i'm ok.


Dieing by hot for pants in autumn season in Russia? Priceless..... gg Dean, keep go on.

Edited by GunnyITA
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After losing connection to a server, all my items other than my hat, sunglasses, coat and shotgun dissappeared.




So after succesfully wasting about 40 minutes of my day clicking the refresh button and watching the "joining game" "Error fuck you" screen.


I kinda wondered why there's no QUERY SYSTEM for the server browser.

Edited by Exorade

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Happend the same to me too. And the worst... no bandages and melee weapon^^



At the moment many servers are crashing/restarting randomly, sometimes after only 10-15 mins runtime... three servers were I hid some ak(m)s and a hunter backpack are completly down. At 40/40 servers I usually run just with shitty gear around, hehe.

Edited by Sharplooter

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over 50% of the servers are unavailable 0/40, the rest are full


edit: fixed! now all full and I still can't get on


edit: back to 50% down. must be a manual reboot or something

Edited by freethink

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I suppose "Internet" showed it just wrong like "History" in the browser. The times are still different between the servers.




Maybe I found accidently a new dupe bug, will try to reproduce it again later. Should I really describe it in the bug tracker where everyone can read it?





I know that they are still down freethink. I catched the short period where they looked like they were online again too, but this was just wrong displayed like usually in the "History"

Edited by Sharplooter

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I played til 3 am this morning and met a person at the balota airfield , he saw me first and luckily didn't want to fight as he only had a few bullets in a sporter and a chambered 1911 (and most likely friendly to boot) ... We joined up on team speak and from there played a good 3 hours straight running all around the western side of the continent checking out the whole hyperthermic thing and we ended up having to stop a number of times to swim in the ocean (bonding moment for sure lol ) .

The thing was my character was fine for the whole trip (I wore a black t shirt and black cargo pants and a sweet ass polka dot bandana ) but my friend seemed to be over heating frequenty (he had on some type of hunter pants with a pilotka hat and a mil vest with some hunting jacket ) .

So it seems obvious that jackets overheat you easily and that you should always run in a tshirt unless it's raining , which can be annoying but makes for a whole new dynamic of how people keep their inventories , less weapons and ammo and more survivor supplies like jackets and things to make fires and cook food with... I just can't wait until accelerated servers come back then we can see a whole day night transition in like 8 hrs and have a use for watches (I love the feeling of only having a certain time until dark , it makes you feel like there's actual consequences if you don't get back to camp In time ) and hopefully some type of personal outdoor thermometer is put in , I would love to know the exact temperature to know if it's below freezing or not ..

Can't wait to see this game around Halloween , it's really comin together and when it's "gored up" a bit more (I'm hoping they add some scary elements around Halloween :0) it will really feel like a zombie survival game : terrifying , bloody , and hard to survive but having many options to do so , this game has been so bare of real personality for so long (it's still been fun but it's felt more like arma with a new inventory until just recently when more survival elements like persistence , tents and body temperature were added ) and I've honestly felt like there was no true scary zombie element but now that we truly have to worry about our bodies and zombies are getting more plentiful and scary it seems as though this is now the game I've been dreaming of ever since I first played resident evil outbreak online .

So all in all I believe this is the absolute best patch ever , I really hope over the next few patches they keep emphasis on building survival mechanics like improving the body heat system and trying to fix the accelerated server feature , as these features like I said earlier , truly make this game an amazing experience , now we just need barricades accelerated time and watches and daddy's set for a while .

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Feed shack I believe according to dayzdb.


Today was my first starvation death in over 800 hours of gameplay. LOL

I  ended up dying in a very undignified way--on my knees searching a tree for apples in vain outside a barren novodmitrovsk.

I starved to death for the first time today, too. Food has never, ever been an issue for me until 0.49.


Man this one hurts. That's a long boring way to run for that conclusion. Think it's time for a DayZ break. Come back in a patch or two and check things out again.

I'm going to keep at it, but I'll be playing less frequently for a little while too I think. Which really sucks because I have a few weeks off work and was really looking forward to just playing some DayZ. But, the one thing I don't want to do is become frustrated and not want to play at all.


over 50% of the servers are unavailable 0/40, the rest are full


edit: fixed! now all full and I still can't get on


edit: back to 50% down. must be a manual reboot or something

Yikes :(

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I suppose "Internet" showed it just wrong like "History" in the browser. The times are still different between the servers.




Maybe I found accidently a new dupe bug, will try to reproduce it again later. Should I really describe it in the bug tracker where everyone can read it?





I know that they are still down freethink. I catched the short period where they looked like they were online again too, but this was just wrong displayed like usually in the "History"


You can mark the issue as private when you submit it

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Somehow I don't think my post 5 pages back is still read, so I'll put an update showing mistakes and further results in here:

(first post: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/209353-experimental-branch-049-discussion/page-8#entry2097237


upper body wear warmth supplied:

<cold>  nothing < shirts, hoodies < military jackets, rain coat, riders jacket <(pretty sure) wool coat <warm>


EDIT: Forgot to mention that I'm of course not sure if shirts and hoodies or mil jackets, ... have the same value, they seemed to be equally usable at specific weather situations I had.


Jeans, hunter/ military pants seem to have warmth values somewhere around shirts or military jackets.


EDIT - again: Feedback from a friend suggests that Cargo Pants are cooler than ttsko pants. He claims that he can combine that with a military jacket in hot weather without getting hot, so:


<cold> Cargo Pants < ttsko pants <warm> ... I guess there is a excel sheet somewhere with all the exact values from the game files by now and I'm making a fool of myself here :)


- On a sunny warm afternoon with hiking boots and hunter or military pants wearing more than shirts/hoodies will result in your body temperature rising.

- On a sunny warm afternoon only a hoody is enough to wear (spawned naked and was freezing till I found it.) As the same applies to only wearing jeans/hunter/mil pants, the warmth value of such pants is probably somewhere around shirts/jackets.

- I have not tested/found shorts, maybe they provide less warmth than long pants.

- Jumping into water/getting wet makes your clothes cooler. Same with rain.

- It was never cool enough to test if wool coats are interchangable with rain coats or something, the weather just does not cooperate, we have no night, ... .

- Having hyperthermia does not seem to impact players, just switch to something you are not hot in any more or use water to that effect.

- Having fitting gear (not being hot or cold) does not balance your body temperture to a good level, it says where it is - at least you don't die.

- Don't forget you can wring out the clothes you wear, should hypothermia get a problem, this get's you dry faster.

- Ruined clothes provide the same warmth as not ruined, if memory server right.


If you are in or close to hyperthermia but you want to go through towns with your trusty military jackets, simpy take cool down breaks where you combine getting wet by sitting in water and taking of your jackets and pants. You can also travel distances with clothes in your backpack and cool down on the way, if you don't fear running around in undies. If your body temperature is normal or even close to hypothermia, you can be sweating for a while before getting hyperthermia. Remember that getting out of hyperthermia and then not being cold or hot only means that you still are at the border to hyperthermia. Your body body is not able to balance the temperature to normal, you have to do it.


Not tested: Hightened water/energy use when hot/cold, but I highly suspect higher water loss when hot, I did not test it WOBO or Merino DayZ style though.


I'm interested in:

- energy water needs with states

- does pristine/worn, ... matter?

- not tested, someone else nows this for sure: do you get unconscious or die immediattely when you go too deep into hyperthermia or hypothermia?

- has anyone experienced really cold weather and tested raincoats/wool coats, ... ?


Some is obviously missing here, I think someone wrote that making a fire can get you dry faster and supply warmth, but my problem has always been keeping the temperature down.



SPAWNING NAKED in vybor seems be different now, you are naked but not energized and hydrated. Even on a sunny afternoon that means, you need something to wear.


I'm not sure ppl here are still interested in this, but I just got asked, so I thought, why not update it here.

Edited by bautschi
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Been running around with cargo pants and green hoodie and switching to rain coat when necessary.  Having no problems with temperature.  Seems to be a bug where you can wring out your clothes immediately with no animation if you have a weapon in your hands.

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