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The ONLY Realistic Way to Prevent Deathmatching: Make DayZ a Living Hell

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Nice to have you with us, Xist3nce. =)

I promise I won't shoot-on-sight if I see your name. xD

(For clarity, I'm the guy who's been ranting about people not reading for 3 pages...and then you show up. Thank you for reading! <3)

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Well great :D glad I joined the forums finally, and hopefully we don't meet under medical conditions, oh and because my spotters have been twitchy lately, almost killed a defenseless guy because he was trying to salute me XD

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Itd be cool to have a more dynamic environment with basic free running.. to copy from another thread XD

So when your chased by zeds through a town, you dont just run through like forest gump, you crash through fences, you knock over abandoned trollies and damaged sign posts you smash through windows, clamber through small holes in the roof and walls, you scamper up and down trees.

I think it would add to the aesthetics of a desperate struggle for survival. Not to mention opening up the environment that lil more.

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Itd be cool to have a more dynamic environment with basic free running.. to copy from another thread XD

Perhaps in the standalone version.

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You could go uber excessive and have dynamic spawn points. Ie, Spawn at a car crash bleeding/shock/broken bones, spawn on beach already cold and ill, spawn in boarded up house surrounded by zeds starving and thirsty XD

You have my beans man!

One of the best ideas i heard. And make respawn impossible before you reach 30 minutes on your new character.

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How about we stop looking for deterrents to playstyles we don't agree with? How about making adjustments to the engine that encourage these wildly different attitudes?

My suggestion is this; a flexible class system that makes survivors better at surviving and bandits better at banditry (this isn't exhaustive, of course, and would include whatever major role you could think of). A player who focused on survival would be able to last longer without food or water, could more efficiently strip a carcass (and thus acquire more delicious steaks) and would be able to carry more survival-oriented gear, in lieu of being tooled up with a beefy weapon like most players after their first week or so.

The Survivor would be encouraged to pursue their chosen playstyle because they wouldn't be able to carry tons of ammo, and wouldn't be as effective in PVP (mechanically) as a seasoned bandito, but it would be easier for a Survivor class to...well...survive out in the sticks, living off of the land.

Players who focused on banditry would become better at shooting, gaining a tighter crosshair and a steadier hand, and perhaps the ability to reload more quickly and efficiently than a Survivor. They would have a knack for finding ammunition and would be able to carry more of it than a Survivor, and could perhaps even craft their own cartridges from discarded materials. As a tradeoff, the Bandit would not be able to carry as many survival-oriented tools as the Survivor, perhaps trading an easily-accessible hatchet for a shoulder holster or a sling for his primary weapon. He also perhaps would not be as adept at carving edible meat from the bones of animals that he kills.

The Bandit would be encouraged to pursue his chosen playstyle because playing as a Bandit would entail that you have to steal from others to account for all of your needs. You would not necessarily have to kill to achieve your ends, and in some cases already this can be disadvantageous, but lacking the Survivor's self-sufficiency would oblige you to banditry.

As regards skins, I would personally go for a wide range of fully-cosmetic skins selectable at spawn, with more in the way of the clothing we already have. You shouldn't immediately be able to tell that someone is a bandit and likely to kill you, but with this system you would be able to take a glance at their gear and make a value judgment on whether or not they are a threat.

Just some thoughts. I know these are far from perfect, but I had this smidgeroon of an idea in my head and thought I would share it. ;)

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It's not as clear cut as that though is it.

You say the reason people hunt players is because zombies are too easy. I've got news for you, even if people start teaming up because they are harder, all we will see is solo players not able to play, and groups of bandits instead of a majority of solo bandits. As a player that likes to play solo 50% of the time, I wouldnt fancy my odds against groups of bandits, or the zombies... You go from deathmatch to team deathmatch effectively.

Some good ideas there though - things like splint for broken bones, i've been saying that for a while now. Morphine should be used in order to regain walking (albeit with some vision blur and sound loss) but it shouldnt 'fix' bones. We are missing splints, maybe created using the hachet - 'Create Splint'?

I would like to see player names or something, I know it takes away from the realism etc but half the time you dont know if the person youve just grouped with is the same person that shot you the day before...

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First of all: Sorry if I am reposting, but i don´t want to read 22 pages of comments, so i refer to the main topic.

In my opinion, the basic idea of your suggestions is pretty good, but it would be too much of "oh f*ck, i´m starving, and, oops, i´m also overheating, and wow, i´m still bleeding!" and it would make the players too dependent to strangers, and some of us don´t want to cooperate with anybody they do not know, because we all already learnt something in DayZ: Don´t.Trust.Anyone. Groups of players, which aren´t rare, would still be able to shoot every stranger they see, and I would say that most of us started to play the DayZ mod at least with one friend. It would also cause a lack of fun if you have to care about your damn health all the time, and i don´t think everyone would like to play with this difficulty. All of your ideas at once could make a hardcore version of the mod, but not a standalone version.

Otherwise, some of your ideas fit this phase of the mod, like the increasement of the amout of zombies. I think, it would be enough, to increase the amount of zombies, reducing their speed, and increasing their hearing (remember: the hearing of loud sounds, it won´t make any sense if ten groaning zombies hear a crawling survior from two miles away), which would increase the danger of (for example) camping on a roof with a sniper, because they will hear you, and you won´t have enough bullets. This would also increase the use of meele weapons, wire fence, and other ways to defend a camp or something similar. PvP in cities would also get reduced, because you would have to hide or leave the city quick after killing a player (and the zombies would surround you pretty quick). You could also increase the amount of vehicles without worrying, because they will help you to move between citys, but won´t help you to move inside them. A higher amount of zombies would also allow new ways of mass-defeating of zombies, maybe by using fuel to make a big fire, and a hooter to make them going in. Maybe, zombies should be made more dumb, to allow single players to escape from them more easily by getting out of their sight and starting to crawl away. This change would need more accessible buildings, maybe moveable furniture, and ways to get away from zombies without a fight - unfortunatly for the makers.

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How about we stop looking for deterrents to playstyles we don't agree with? How about making adjustments to the engine that encourage these wildly different attitudes?

My suggestion is this; a flexible class system that makes survivors better at surviving and bandits better at banditry (this isn't exhaustive, of course, and would include whatever major role you could think of). A player who focused on survival would be able to last longer without food or water, could more efficiently strip a carcass (and thus acquire more delicious steaks) and would be able to carry more survival-oriented gear, in lieu of being tooled up with a beefy weapon like most players after their first week or so.

The Survivor would be encouraged to pursue their chosen playstyle because they wouldn't be able to carry tons of ammo, and wouldn't be as effective in PVP (mechanically) as a seasoned bandito, but it would be easier for a Survivor class to...well...survive out in the sticks, living off of the land.

Players who focused on banditry would become better at shooting, gaining a tighter crosshair and a steadier hand, and perhaps the ability to reload more quickly and efficiently than a Survivor. They would have a knack for finding ammunition and would be able to carry more of it than a Survivor, and could perhaps even craft their own cartridges from discarded materials. As a tradeoff, the Bandit would not be able to carry as many survival-oriented tools as the Survivor, perhaps trading an easily-accessible hatchet for a shoulder holster or a sling for his primary weapon. He also perhaps would not be as adept at carving edible meat from the bones of animals that he kills.

The Bandit would be encouraged to pursue his chosen playstyle because playing as a Bandit would entail that you have to steal from others to account for all of your needs. You would not necessarily have to kill to achieve your ends, and in some cases already this can be disadvantageous, but lacking the Survivor's self-sufficiency would oblige you to banditry.

As regards skins, I would personally go for a wide range of fully-cosmetic skins selectable at spawn, with more in the way of the clothing we already have. You shouldn't immediately be able to tell that someone is a bandit and likely to kill you, but with this system you would be able to take a glance at their gear and make a value judgment on whether or not they are a threat.

Just some thoughts. I know these are far from perfect, but I had this smidgeroon of an idea in my head and thought I would share it. ;)

Ok... THG... I see your point about playstyles, but this doesn't discourage any type of playstyle (well for decent players), In the current DayZ universe, one well placed man can take out a group of five easily, those mechanics never change, just the situation occurring afterward does, for survivors, injuries would have to be managed, and fast if the bandit were to be still approaching. Now here is an extremely touchy point to people, the amount of murder, and the amount of teamwork ratios will most likely not change, because well, it's the current mode of play that everyone has been accustomed with. Some people would like to think rational thought is always involved, yeah It would be fantastic for players to have to act as they would, but the main point still remains, this would be breaking core game values, aswell as being nearly impossible for anyone just here to play around. Personally I'm not sure where you saw the encroachment on playstyles anywhere in that OP, but I could be wrong. The short of what I'm saying is that...

1: There should be No change of current core gameplay PVE,PVP shouldn't change. (punishment for playstyles as you all say)

2. Any decent Lone wolf bandits out there can handle a challenge, I've seen one man destroy a clan and one of my own personal snipers. (we walked up on the conflict)

3. The added mechanics Encourage some extra teamwork, definitely not required, and still doesn't change anyone's attitude towards PVP or true lone wolves.

4. I just had the urge to buy a kitten. Should probably get that checked, (completely unrelated bullet point)

Also, like the class idea except that would be a true change of core gameplay, and would more solidly define players to what they did, currently it's a grey area. Personally I think it would be received well by most of the player base, except the die hard classic alphas. Imo, It could be fun and a new take on DayZ, or a disaster among some of the more simulation based thinkers of the community. The skin idea is completely agreeable, customization is what most people agree, but then there'd be optimization or one type. Respect brosef, you got da' beans. :D

It's not as clear cut as that though is it.

You say the reason people hunt players is because zombies are too easy. I've got news for you, even if people start teaming up because they are harder, all we will see is solo players not able to play, and groups of bandits instead of a majority of solo bandits. As a player that likes to play solo 50% of the time, I wouldnt fancy my odds against groups of bandits, or the zombies... You go from deathmatch to team deathmatch effectively.

Some good ideas there though - things like splint for broken bones, i've been saying that for a while now. Morphine should be used in order to regain walking (albeit with some vision blur and sound loss) but it shouldnt 'fix' bones. We are missing splints, maybe created using the hachet - 'Create Splint'?

I would like to see player names or something, I know it takes away from the realism etc but half the time you dont know if the person youve just grouped with is the same person that shot you the day before...

As is this would increase very little in either direction, just the players that tend not to handle zombies easily would group more, true lone wolves have no intention of needing anyone's help, hence the name lone wolf. Now to the payer names... I see where you are going with it, considering every time I turn around I have to study my own snipers to make sure they're mine, had a few almost alliance crushing moments, but proper communication fixed it before anyone got a heavy round in their skull, but the problem being is because it makes pvp a bit more easy considering you don't have to wait to identify targets anymore, just catch part of a name, know it's no yours, and pull the trigger. I think the level of unknown in DayZ is one of it's most important qualities, personally I believe it wouldn't help a medic like me out, but bloodthirsty bandits would enjoy knowing they're team. :D Respect nonetheless.

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Agreed. And make military guns (IE: The L85 AWS) UBER RARE (0.11 spawn chance)

Isn't the L85AWS pretty damn rare already?

A friend found one at a heli crash site, and today he was literally hunted to death (over a distance of several miles) by a pack of bandits, who apparently wanted that thing.

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I'd only group up with a hot girl for the sex. Otherwise I'd run around half naked with a few guns living off the land and masturbation would be my only escape from reality.

God knows what I'd do if there was a Zombie apocalypse though.

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Well I can't speak for anyone else then me and my friends, but we like the challange as it is even though we all agree on that the griefers/pvpers will be the death of this game eventually.

With that I am talking about those of you who become really happy when you kill some poor sod over a field and don't even bother looting him as you saw he was just packing a gun or simple rifle or worse, nothing.

Being a true bandit at a survival game like this is about surviving too, beating away the last bit of morale you have just to loot something useful for you to live another hour or day. Choosing a different approach to scavenge. Not killing people for fun adding them to the dozen just because you've camped the airfield for a week and looted a sniper, nightgoggles and ghillie. That is the signs of a serialkiller, not someone doing what he or she thinks is neccessary to survive.

New players are discouraged to continue or even start in the current gameclimate, I know lots of people whos already stopped playing this game as they think its going to be another Haven and Hearth, where the pks took over the game completly and you either had to join them or simple be unable to really enjoy it.

Now we won't be able to change the mentality of some people playing online games, but we can change the game-mechanics so that they won't have it as easy. Being a bandit shouldn't be as easy or easier then being a survivor, add nightmares, add mood-fluxuations, breakdowns, shock etc to the mix then, make being a killer realistic too to a point where too many lives on your conscience results in auto-suicide like where most killers in reality end up. (I'm joking a bit about the previous, but being a killer is easier then being a surivor at the moment and that has to change for the game to keep growing)

Without any balance between being a survivor or bandit, there is no future for this game in my opinion.

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Excellent suggestions, OP. Please have my babies, err beans.

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Making the game hard as fuck isnt going to discourage bandits its going to make more of them. The only thing your suggestions will do is make it hell for new players and recently spawned players. dont go on this long rant for change in the game because someone took your beans. By the way there isnt to much murder you just like to bitch and moan when you die

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Making the game hard as fuck isnt going to discourage bandits its going to make more of them. The only thing your suggestions will do is make it hell for new players and recently spawned players. dont go on this long rant for change in the game because someone took your beans. By the way there isnt to much murder you just like to bitch and moan when you die

Read the rest of the topic. The OP altered some of his changes to take care of your valid (albeit rude) complaint.

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Making the game hard as fuck isnt going to discourage bandits its going to make more of them. The only thing your suggestions will do is make it hell for new players and recently spawned players. dont go on this long rant for change in the game because someone took your beans. By the way there isnt to much murder you just like to bitch and moan when you die

You are an angry dude. You should also explain your reasoning. That was useless post otherwise.

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You are an angry dude. You should also explain your reasoning. That was useless post otherwise.

Some reasoning thank you. It's people like that that bring community image down, It makes us look like a bunch of raging kids either mad because they got shot, or mad because they like shooting. Doesn't really matter all that much anyway considering people adapt, as per the course of history.

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Wish I had friends to play Day Z with. People my age are all about consoles :/

And I do think that making the game harder will reduce murder, but people who have a group of friends/clan/whatever that they play this game with will still sit around in cities shooting people on sight for fun.

So, add an endgame to reduce the bored snipers in Cherno, too.

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I like your ideas very much!

That would be the kick in the ass for all those "he-doesn´t-even-have-a-hatchet-but-i-shoot-him" guys!

But how realistic is it for the devs to implement these things?

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I like your ideas very much!

That would be the kick in the ass for all those "he-doesn´t-even-have-a-hatchet-but-i-shoot-him" guys!

But how realistic is it for the devs to implement these things?

Quite actually, this adds to the simulation aspect of the game aswell. Rocket has said before that if they do go stand alone,new features are quite easily added, without the limitations of this being a mod.

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And you know what has happened ? - many people don't play anymore, and those that do, spend a lot of time on the forums now, whinging that the game is "too hard" . . . . .

It has basically killed the playerbase, and all because of listening to the forum folk.

This is actually not happening. The player base continues to increase. Where are you getting the idea that it is decreasing dramatically? Rocket's vision for DZ is brutal and unforgiving. Where are you getting your info?

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This is actually not happening. The player base continues to increase. Where are you getting the idea that it is decreasing dramatically? Rocket's vision for DZ is brutal and unforgiving. Where are you getting your info?

^This^ ^_^

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Awesome Idea. I fully support this.

Random beans for you.

I'm honestly surprised the Devs haven't said anything in this thread yet

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