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The ONLY Realistic Way to Prevent Deathmatching: Make DayZ a Living Hell

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By making the game HARDER you actually PROMOTE PVP. When poeple gonna learn ? If everything is super rare' date=' why would I cooperate? It is more advantageous to me to just kill anyone and loot the scarce loot.


Not really friend...can I call you friend?If loot is rare and weapons that spawn are basic shit then will you have time to run to NWAF and camp for hours?No,you will instead be searching the map trying to survive.Now if your really good and last a loooong time then maybe you will start to build an arsenal.Then its all good for you to go out and KOS,you deserve it.Artificial/realistic way to control banditry.

I read about people and how they can be well geared inside a 1/2 hour.bad for gameplay.....make it 2 days and then this game will SHINE!!! ;)

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Haters gonna hate.

But that man speaks the truth.

Thanks' date=' man.

I would look forward to the challenge, though most will probably say "Then everyone will be even MORE desperate!" The trick though, is that in this scenario, asking for help will be more beneficial than taking their items. The idea here is to give players more power than their items.

I think that if this kind of change were to be made, it should all be unleashed in one big update...And everyone and everything gets wiped. Force everyone to live in fear and hopelessness again.


A great way to make players useful is to give them skills that they gain from reading a book or some other similar mechanic. If everything remains item based, players will have no benefit beyond what they have in their pack. This will inherently lead to people killing others for their items.

In a real zombie apocalypse you wouldn't kill a doctor, because the knowledge they have is more valuable than anything they are carrying. You wouldn't kill a farmer, because they can help you grow food. You wouldn't kill a mechanic because they can help you fix cars.

While I don't really like the idea of 'classes' I think that people should have knowledges that allow them to do things. Not a doctor? You cannot do a transfusion. Not a mechanic? No engine repair.

Want to be a mechanic? Search gas stations for manuals. Want to be a doctor? Search hospitals. Read 3 and you learn a skill. Once you're a mechanic put a wrench on your belt so it's obvious from a distance that you are useful. Doctor? Put a mask over your face or a red cross on your shoulders.

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I agree with a lot of what OP has said. I can also see the merits in a lot of the arguments in this mammoth thread. It seems to me (and I admit I'm pretty inexperienced) that there is no 'delicate balance', as some have put it. Given the option to shoot or not shoot, the sensible player shoots. Unless they're a terrible shot, they have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

I believe that slower, FAR more numerous zombies, less tool belt space and shared advantages for food/medical items combined would be a good foundation for playtesting, and that the other, finer adjustments could be considered to strike that balance people sometimes talk about. But most importantly, the zombies need to be more dangerous. As things stand, they can't hope to compete with other players when considered as a threat.

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This is an amazing idea but making then game too hard will just get people to kill more. Adding despair will desipate remorse.

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Lets make Dayz less playable? What are you smoking. The devs are looking into marketing this mod to masses if they making it "a living hell" there is a small market.

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I would still kill people if the game was a living hell.

I would do it gladly and their supplies would be even more useful.

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fuck all of the shit you just said. I'm never gonna team up with some theater kid who'll probably end up killing me. making the mod harder by making the already broken zombie mechanics worse isnt gonna solve anything. you aren't going to get rid of the pvp in this mod so stop trying to


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This made me scream yes:

"Limit the amount of tools you can carry to like 3"

Just this would add a whole new level of team play needed just to get food from pigs in the woods.

Maybe you have one guy with medic stuff.

One car guy.

And one hunter.

And one scavenger that are best at dodgeing Z (Don't know what tools that would make sence but it would be more awesome)

DAM! Everyone get's 100% more important!

Dam if we get bases and stuff that Rocket wants to add. People could start trading. (Hunter gives meat to a Medic. Medic heals the hunter)

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This made me scream yes:

"Limit the amount of tools you can carry to like 3"

Just this would add a whole new level of team play needed just to get food from pigs in the woods.

Maybe you have one guy with medic stuff.

One car guy.

And one hunter.

And one scavenger that are best at dodgeing Z (Don't know what tools that would make sence but it would be more awesome)

DAM! Everyone get's 100% more important!

Dam if we get bases and stuff that Rocket wants to add. People could start trading. (Hunter gives meat to a Medic. Medic heals the hunter)

I couldn't agree more. Everyone doing everything is why loot is so much more valuable than people. If you're willing to transfuse someone, they'll usually wait until you're done to shoot you in the face.

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Hi. I'm a new player to the game and I found this post recently, so I figured I'd give my thoughts!

I've been playing video games since I was a kid; all the way through elementary school, to middle school, to high school, and now I still play every kind of game. I have never stopped playing games.

Playing Day-Z for the first time was a tough experience for me; I watched plenty of Youtubers play it, and it always seemed like it wasn't all -that- difficult... Then I got into the game itself and thought it was the hardest thing in the world - as time went on, I realized "Hey, this isn't as hard as I thought it was!" and everything began to get a little bit easier as I learned things.

These features you suggest.. they're amazing. Day-Z is a game that's suppose to be hard; it's a game that I personally hate because of how difficult it is, but at the same time, I absolutely love it because of that factor as well. I want to get better at it, form alliances, make bases - become so much more on it and get all the best weapons and items and all that good stuff.

Then I want to bring my friends in on it. I want to take my friends into a city, sneak around, gather ammo - and kill zeds! I want to sit there in a hunkered down position, shooting zeds as they file into a building.

I think these features would be amazing - this is coming from a new player(as in, 3 days ago.) Another thing I think would be cool if it was possible to be added would be higher server populations - but I'm not sure if that would be at all possible.

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There are actually some damn good ideas in this thread. Just the overall idea of limiting what you can do by yourself (through whatever way; less tool slots, etc) is fucking brilliant. This is something I like to rage about when it comes to the recent battlefield games actually; the simple fact that you no longer have specialised classes but instead "do it all, one man army" classes pretty much destroyed the cooperation between total strangers that was a hallmark of the series... well that and removing squad voice chat.

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I just cant see me supporting these changes unless the zombies are at least half the speed they are now. As it is the only way to get a zed off you is to climb a tall hill or run in buildings. With rocket wanting zeds to run in buildings how are you going to get away if they are always on your ass. I think with them running slower the AI pathing would not be as much of a problem.

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Peroxide or Alcohol completely cleans wound' date=' where water still has a chance of infection.


I'm not sure if anyone has suggested this in between the QQ, so I apologize if this is a repeat.

We've seen a ton of empty whiskey bottles which suggests to me that either the entire population of Chernarus decided to tank up in response to their impending doom or the infection was caused by tainted whiskey. In any case, why can't this alcohol item be actual whiskey, and have it also work as a mild painkiller with the obvious side effect of reducing thirst.

I just cant see me supporting these changes unless the zombies are at least half the speed they are now. As it is the only way to get a zed off you is to climb a tall hill or run in buildings. With rocket wanting zeds to run in buildings how are you going to get away if they are always on your ass. I think with them running slower the AI pathing would not be as much of a problem.

I think this type of comment completely misses the point of these suggestions. The goal isn't to re-balance the game by making the zombies easier and the exposure portions harder, its to make the entire game harder in every way so that finding another survivor and working together is not only encouraged, but almost necessary.

Killing them for their beans remains a completely valid option, and is even more justified. Right now, I've killed players without actually needing or even looting anything off their corpse. The fact that they were nearby and had a weapon that could pose a risk was enough of a reason for me to end them. If the world was so much more dangerous, how much longer might you survive if you stick together?

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Somehow I get the feel most of the people who are against the ideas in the OP are just afraid their easy life of banditry will be put in danger.... ;)

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I would still kill people if the game was a living hell.

I would do it gladly and their supplies would be even more useful.

So do it, the changes mentioned are not designed to stop you, rather make you think about it before just randomly shooting them.

In a nutshell, the goal of the OP's post is to make zombies harder to deal with so people think about shooting before actually doing it.

Yeah you could shoot the guy and take his shit, but if zombies were harder to deal with and you were lone wolfing it, wouldn't it be better to keep him alive long enough to survive the horde, then kill him and take his shit?

Because the OP's point is clear: It's more advantageous to shoot on sight then it is to work together with strangers.

I believe the zombies do need to be harder. 90% of my deaths are from other players, it should be closer to a 50/50 split, but zombies are just too easy right now compared to other players. If zombies are little to no threat, what the hell is the point?

Hell you can practically walk right past them at night and even during the day, and even if they see you, you can just run through a large building or up a hill and easily escape them, or shoot them if you can spare the ammo and giving your location away.

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Or at least make it an option, right now "hardcore" servers are no 3rd person and no side chat. Oh wah, THIS should be hardcore mode.

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these ideas are AMAZING!

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I like the idea but forced coop does not work and it is just not fair for more casual players.

Imagine if you only can play two hours a day' date=' or even worse. If you have no friends playing with you, cause not everybody is a fan of dayz, and so on.

I think coopgaming should give you a bonus. Add a socialfactor that would be nice, working like a buff.

For example: If you are attacked as a member of team, you have more "will to survive" making you bleed less and you are more resistant to stress because you know your not alone in the battle. Such things would be cool, but never make Dayz a game only for people who play 5 hours a day with 10 friends.

so long Rudson.


Just to expand on this..

Good idea but could be seriously exploited by bandit scum.

A group bonus should only be available to a group that isn't engaged in focused murders to reflect the inherent instability and insecurity amongst such a group of moral douchebags. ie: if my buddy will kill total strangers just for gear why not kill me for mine?

A group that does not commit random murders would have a proven track record of cooperation and would therefore have a much higher "trust rating" for lack of a better term, positively impacting all of the groups members.

"It's easier to steal than share."

I hear this excuse all the time on the forums' date=' and it's bullshit.

The problem in this mod is not PvP. PvP is awesome. If I get shot because a player is starving to death, and needed my beans...well I'm okay with that. If a player has nothing but a crowbar and beats me to death for the winny on my back, again that's okay.

What is NOT OKAY is the guy sitting on the hospital roof with the DMR just popping people to see the "Murders:" number tick up one-by-one. That, boys and girls, is a douche.

There is nothing wrong with lone wolf play. There is nothing wrong with PvP. But you need to make the killing more meaningful.

1. Remove military grade equipment. No NVG. No thermal-sight assault rifles. No freaking 50-cal sniper rifles. This is DayZ, not ARMA2. Only weapons should be civilian.

2. Ammo needs to be incredibly scarce. When I find that Makarov mag I should dance a happy dance, not leave it on the ground and spit on it. Every pull of the trigger should be a hard decision. Do I put a few rounds into this guy, hoping he has replacements? Or do I let him walk past me? Or ask him if he has any rounds to spare. And hunting rifle rounds should be so rare they might as well be mythical.

3. Food should be more scarce than it is, but you should be able to go longer without eating. You should feel the hunger more. Rather than losing blood you should lose the ability to run fast, screen should be blurred, etc. Water works fine as it is...IRL you need to drink far more frequently than you need to eat.

This is the big one:

4. Remove the debug monitor and the kill notices, and don't release k/d stats for anyone or put them on the leaderboard. The only reason douches kill is to get that e-peen stroke of seeing their murder count tick up and that "joe has been killed" text. Remove both of those and you will see them run for the COD hills. It's also much more realistic...you shouldn't know if your shot took that guy out...or if he's circling behind you right now to pay you back.

You make these 4 changes and I promise you'll see less douches and more real PvP. The kind of PvP we can live with...


Still on page 10 of this thread, but had to quote this. This is how feel exactly. The weaponry available is way overboard. The amount of ammo available is overboard. And NVG? Really? Just give us the ability to duct tape the flashlight to weapons.

This - all of this....

Especially number four. You'd think people would have enough of this pathetic COD shit.

Good ideas.

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There is nothing wrong with lone wolf play. There is nothing wrong with PvP. But you need to make the killing more meaningful.

1. Remove military grade equipment. No NVG. No thermal-sight assault rifles. No freaking 50-cal sniper rifles. This is DayZ' date=' not ARMA2. Only weapons should be civilian.

2. Ammo needs to be incredibly scarce. When I find that Makarov mag I should dance a happy dance, not leave it on the ground and spit on it. Every pull of the trigger should be a hard decision. Do I put a few rounds into this guy, hoping he has replacements? Or do I let him walk past me? Or ask him if he has any rounds to spare. And hunting rifle rounds should be so rare they might as well be mythical.

3. Food should be more scarce than it is, but you should be able to go longer without eating. You should feel the hunger more. Rather than losing blood you should lose the ability to run fast, screen should be blurred, etc. Water works fine as it is...IRL you need to drink far more frequently than you need to eat.

This is the big one:

4. Remove the debug monitor and the kill notices, and don't release k/d stats for anyone or put them on the leaderboard. The only reason douches kill is to get that e-peen stroke of seeing their murder count tick up and that "joe has been killed" text. Remove both of those and you will see them run for the COD hills. It's also much more realistic...you shouldn't know if your shot took that guy out...or if he's circling behind you right now to pay you back.

You make these 4 changes and I promise you'll see less douches and more real PvP. The kind of PvP we can live with...

Still on page 10 of this thread, but had to quote this. This is how feel exactly. The weaponry available is way overboard. The amount of ammo available is overboard. And NVG? Really? Just give us the ability to duct tape the flashlight to weapons.


1. Make it so its very VERY rare to find.You need incentive and humans like to have things that are better than what they have now.

2. nuthin to add

3. I posted this same thing a day ago.;)

4. Yep,its great for immersion when you fire and drop a player that goes out of your sight.If you know the instant they die it ruins immersion by you suddenly feeling safe or feeling all high and mighty etc.

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I'd like to see:

-Painkiller addiction

-More randomized spawning of weapons and medical supplies.

-failed supply airdrops in forests.

-roving hordes on forest roads

-wild and dangerous animals to spice up the woods

-Other random events to give people more goals than camping the bloody hospital

-close range player ID tags (very short range, no scanning tree lines with crosshairs to find targets). This would help groups ID friends and targets at CLOSE range.

-parachute flares, for fun.

The game is great. Without the bugs the game would be near perfect. I just think some random stuff would make the world feel a bit lively.

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There is nothing wrong with lone wolf play. There is nothing wrong with PvP. But you need to make the killing more meaningful.

1. Remove military grade equipment. No NVG. No thermal-sight assault rifles. No freaking 50-cal sniper rifles. This is DayZ' date=' not ARMA2. Only weapons should be civilian.

2. Ammo needs to be incredibly scarce. When I find that Makarov mag I should dance a happy dance, not leave it on the ground and spit on it. Every pull of the trigger should be a hard decision. Do I put a few rounds into this guy, hoping he has replacements? Or do I let him walk past me? Or ask him if he has any rounds to spare. And hunting rifle rounds should be so rare they might as well be mythical.

3. Food should be more scarce than it is, but you should be able to go longer without eating. You should feel the hunger more. Rather than losing blood you should lose the ability to run fast, screen should be blurred, etc. Water works fine as it is...IRL you need to drink far more frequently than you need to eat.

This is the big one:

4. Remove the debug monitor and the kill notices, and don't release k/d stats for anyone or put them on the leaderboard. The only reason douches kill is to get that e-peen stroke of seeing their murder count tick up and that "joe has been killed" text. Remove both of those and you will see them run for the COD hills. It's also much more realistic...you shouldn't know if your shot took that guy out...or if he's circling behind you right now to pay you back.

You make these 4 changes and I promise you'll see less douches and more real PvP. The kind of PvP we can live with...

Still on page 10 of this thread, but had to quote this. This is how feel exactly. The weaponry available is way overboard. The amount of ammo available is overboard. And NVG? Really? Just give us the ability to duct tape the flashlight to weapons.


I agree with the NVG should be removed.

One option with the high level military guns is that you need to be able to fix them. And then after that find ammo.

Military guns and even more the Ammo should be rare. After all most of the military would have used up all their ammo in the final stand or had it removed if they decided to leave the area when they saw there was no hope.

The Debug monitor should have the kills and murders removed. The game should not be rewarding killing. They should only reward surviving and rebuilding society.

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