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About Lemondish

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    On the Coast
  1. I think this type of comment completely misses the point of these suggestions. The goal isn't to re-balance the game by making the zombies easier and the exposure portions harder, its to make the entire game harder in every way so that finding another survivor and working together is not only encouraged, but almost necessary. Killing them for their beans remains a completely valid option, and is even more justified. Right now, I've killed players without actually needing or even looting anything off their corpse. The fact that they were nearby and had a weapon that could pose a risk was enough of a reason for me to end them. If the world was so much more dangerous, how much longer might you survive if you stick together?
  2. A gamble my friends and I make ALL the time. We take turns leading the charge through a town until we hit a building. The one in front is almost always safer :) Granted, now that zeds spawn super fast we've had to rethink our strategies. Tend to always put our AKM buddy as crowd control while we sneak around taking a peek into buildings before booking it to the car.
  3. Thanks for the server. Totally loving it right now. Hope it gets updated to soon :)
  4. Lemondish

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Have we added pooping yet? I see outhouses EVERYWHERE in Chernarus. I say we should have to use em. Constant poopin' in the forest should lower humanity too.