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About deviantdigi

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  1. deviantdigi

    Joining a Low Pop Server

    I don't give two shits, aslong as you don't spawn back behind me :P
  2. deviantdigi

    Simple Solution to Banditry

    Its so simple. Come Dayz jeez. See how simple it is? Seriously geez' lol
  3. deviantdigi

    Spike Strips

    Though I don't really care much for the idea. I would <3 to see the reactions of hitting a spike strip.
  4. deviantdigi

    DayZ Workshop?

    A few other games I can think ofhave done this and were successful (Minecraft). A few other refused it and were still successful (Terraria). Arma MP is so locked down when it comes to mods that aren't server accepted. So idk, I think its a cool idea from a community aspect.
  5. deviantdigi

    Weapon condition/degredation

    Wheres the not possible poll option?
  6. deviantdigi

    Should I risk going to electro?

    Perhaps you can find other means. But all in all, you're not going to make it very far if your hesitant about running into other players. March in there balls deep and take what you need. You're not going to live forever.
  7. deviantdigi

    guns and loot?

    If you hit up a few decent loot locations and there isn't anything there. Change servers, Rarely, servers will have loot spawning problems. Or if your on a really high pop. server. The loot could be taken.
  8. deviantdigi

    Bear Traps - Why Were These a Priority?

    I don't beleive bear traps were priority by any means. Allow me to speculate, but majority of the issues we want fixed. Aren't that simple as bear traps. Perhaps they added them to provide more content and keep interest. Its hard to complain about more free content.
  9. deviantdigi

    Why make a suggestion at this point?

    My gawd Login! Point taken? Hahaha.
  10. Greetings, Given this recent interview @ http://www.gamebreaker.tv/pc-games/exclusive-dean-rocket-hall-interview/. So, we got the current status, priorties and possibilities for the game. Being the updates to now. Lets be realistic. No one asked for bear traps.
  11. deviantdigi

    I do not like Hienz beans my man

    Can't you hate by comment like everybody else? Oh nvm, you made a thread!
  12. deviantdigi

    Can we add an 'Autorun' button?

    Odds are your gonna get middle finger carpal tunnel before this even gets taken into consideration. Save yourself the hassel and buy a G510 Keyboard: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/31322-guide-how-to-add-auto-run-function-for-g510compliant-keyboards/ or use your steam overlay.
  13. deviantdigi

    This needs to be an MMO!

    What are you people SMOKING!? Haha. Dayz is a mod for ARMA. The devs are still working on a way to stop players from DCing. The possibilites are endless! HIGHLY DOUBT IT!
  14. deviantdigi

    Why go to Elektro or Cherno

    Forever alone.
  15. You are on a forum. PvP Will always be in this game. It will always be of topic. Deal with it.