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Please, say NO to helicopters.

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Helicopters make no sense if dayz is going for the realism approach.


The odds of not only finding a helo but also having a pilot + a person who knows how to maintain it would be far too rare for them to be plausable.

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So you guys who say no to helis, are basically saying let us not add helis, even though their controls and functions are already built into the game?

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Yea more of a focus on cars and other auto mobiles would be better for the game.


Helicopters should not be a thing.


They have far too many negatives associated with them to warrant their introduction.

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Well, I'd rather see motorcycles and armored vehicles. Helicopters will make camps useless and if are made realistic, such as needing a lot of knowledge to know how to fly and needing a lot of fuel, what would the point even be?




Yes, add helis, make them so complex that the ratio of successful flight to crashed flight is 1:450.


:D !

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Well, I'd rather see motorcycles and armored vehicles. Helicopters will make camps useless and if are made realistic, such as needing a lot of knowledge to know how to fly and needing a lot of fuel, what would the point even be?




Yes, add helis, make them so complex that the ratio of successful flight to crashed flight is 1:450.


:D !

That probably be me but more like 1:10,000 ratio of a successful flight without getting some sort of problem (getting shot down, run out of fuel, heli "accident", etc.)

Edited by The Lone Survivor

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Helicopters make no sense if dayz is going for the realism approach.

The odds of not only finding a helo but also having a pilot + a person who knows how to maintain it would be far too rare for them to be plausable.

I'd take helicopters over players crapping in the woods any day.

Gameplay trumps realism every time. ;)

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So you guys who say no to helis, are basically saying let us not add helis, even though their controls and functions are already built into the game?


Controls and functions for tanks are there already too, does that mean they should add tanks ?

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Well, I'd rather see motorcycles and armored vehicles. Helicopters will make camps useless and if are made realistic, such as needing a lot of knowledge to know how to fly and needing a lot of fuel, what would the point even be?




Yes, add helis, make them so complex that the ratio of successful flight to crashed flight is 1:450.


:D !

Armored vehicles.....dear god no. >.<

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Choppers need to happen, but i agree they should be REALLY rare, the thing about them is that yes they are really fast and great for transportation and finding bases, but you are such a HUGE target, and not just in the air. Setting a heli down close to other survivors, even heroes, would be quite dangerous because even the biggest heroes has to feel a little tempted with the opportunity of getting a chopper. Huge risk = huge reward. It fits the game. And no it probably isnt "realistic" but zombies... 

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Alright, so this is a direct topic response to FrostDMG's topic. I believe that helicopters must be in Dayz Standalone, but they would be hard to maintain and have more difficult flying controls. The low thunder of a chopper passing overhead is one of the many good excitements to Dayz. Basically, this topic is about discussing what you would like to see implemented for helicopters/ what helicopters should there be?



Alright, so this is a direct topic response to FrostDMG's topic. I believe that helicopters must be in Dayz Standalone, but they would be hard to maintain and have more difficult flying controls. The low thunder of a chopper passing overhead is one of the many good excitements to Dayz. Basically, this topic is about discussing what you would like to see implemented for helicopters/ what helicopters should there be?


Merged with Frost's topic.

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I don't really see the point in adding them, it's supposed to be a survival game being able to go to every single town in minutes and get all the food is just stupid.


You would be surprised how many players want to turn this into just another pvp Cod. There are only a handful of us that want true "die of starvation" survival game. And it seems devs are catering the larger group. I can also see h1z1 and all other survival games going this path because true survival is boring, who wants to spend a night locked inside while 100s of z's roam outside. Its much more interesting doing a rambo.

So yes I agree with you, helicopters and other high tech weaponry should not exist in an apocalyptic setting

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It is time for my fruity opinion of the matter.


After having played Epoch with my clan mates, I would like to share my EXPERIENCE on the matter. Rather then just listen to half of you bitch for either side not bringing up any points/experience (most of you).


Now, from my experience with helicopters over the past few days, I have come to this conclusion:

  • I don't know how to fucking fly these things, so I'm going to stick with land vehicles because I keep crashing and/or worst.  
  • There doesn't ever seem to be enough ammunition for these things, even with traders in Epoch, people just don't seem to actually focus/use these and rather spend their money/effort on other sources,they're mainly a form of fast but fragile transportation. 
  • When going on NPC bandit raids that come in the form of random events on our server, they would land their helicopters far fucking away at risk of being shot out of the air.
  • One of my clan mates tried to see how fast/"go faster" to a location in a Helicopter, it decided in turn to flip the fuck over and crash into the trees killing us all.

TLDR -> Helicopters aren't flying tanks of death (unless you crash them), they take some ability to even fly (which I lack and thus stay far away from them, but others fly with ease), and they would not fly low/land near any NPC events at risk of (albeit aimbot NPCs) of being shot the fuck down in inglorious death. 


I think you're also thinking its far too easy to get these things, I've ran across four helicopters over this week, both which needed a shitton of work to get going, and one was the one I mentioned above flipping and crashing when attempting to go faster. 


Though this was EPOCH, with trader merchants in which he bought a shitton of parts after selling off some of his armory. By comparison with what I assume would be in DayZ Standalone, aka having to manually loot through towns and finding these parts, and then GETTING to the helicopter, using what I assume would be carried over, a tool box. On that note, perhaps we might need to even have all these random tools in our inventory to use? I've seen pliers, wrenches, screwdrivers in game. Perhaps we'll have to collect these tools this time, and put them into a tool box?


Pros of a Helicopter:

  • Fast movement - Able to bypass land based obstacles. 
  • In the air - possibly a more difficult target
  • (If Armed/Can shoot regular weapons out of): Possibly able to provide some aerial cover fire.

Cons of a Helicopter:

  • Loud - Can be heard from distances before its even in viewing range
  • Best places to land are clear flat areas --> Anything else is trouble/death
  • Have to level correctly before parachute attempts, otherwise fuck up rotors/break heli
  • (If Armed) Need specific magazines/boxes for any attached guns. Good luck finding those, or have fun loading the chamber every ten seconds while flying
  • You have to find parts to fix up the Helicopters to use/maintain them.

Look @ Pros, Look @ Cons.


Helicopters only provide aerial support/view, and/or faster travel opportunities


They're loud and noticeable, and bitch please when they land to refuel jump those bitches. For that matter, when they land/hover to drop people off, jump those bitches.


People would have difficulty landing some of these helicopters in say, a fucking forest. Pro tip: Why is your super secret hidden base in plain site in a big open area? I can't even fly helicopters let alone land them nicely without major difficulty


On the note of Attack Choppers/Armed ones, where you think you gonna get that ammo for them MGs or even find the magazines/boxes to hold them properly?


They are already supposedly planning to tone down military grade gear, and already I barely find M4 clips/ammo outside of military bases, unless someone died or left them there. Y'all think you're going to find enough ammo, and not to mention whatever kind of storage device the guns use to hold the ammunition, in abundance for these helicopters?


For that matter, I'd like to reiterate the annoyance of FINDING THE PARTS to REPAIR/MAINTAIN said things, especially when people are probably going to be popping you all if you get close enough to shoot. DayZ right now is a KoS fest, you think that your precious helicopters will be safe?  On the note of items, perhaps you have to find Parachutes now instead of having them? Hope you got a chute equipped or you're going to have fun times with gravity.


Also, we don't even have land vehicles yet, stop freaking the fuck out.


/End of my Fruity Opinion.


-Pineapple Wolf

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Comparing DayZ to Epoch is not a very good example.  Have you played anything besides Epoch?

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I've played the mod before, though the most recent was Epoch.


On that note, Epoch does contain features we'd like to see in the future in SA and makes a good comparison point. Base Building, storage, lack of cheese. 

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Armored vehicles.....dear god no. >.<


So you can't have a car that doesn't go down in 5 shots from an AK?


I meant cars with plating on 'em, Mad Max style, gosh.

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So you can't have a car that doesn't go down in 5 shots from an AK?


I meant cars with plating on 'em, Mad Max style, gosh.

Max Max style....OHHHH see now that I don't mind. I thought you were talking like this type of armored vehicles...


Edited by DJ SGTHornet

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Most of your argument is based on if helicopters can engage though, what if they are just civilian. Me and my group had our own mod server once and we had the exact issue of dick heads flying down the coast and killing fresh spawns so we just took out the choppers with guns and only had the civilian models in. It worked quite well most people lost interest in them for combat and they were used for things such as re con, rescue operations and transport. They should be really rare and hard to get going. Maybe it could also be something you actualy have to learn to fly make it really complicated and add a flying manual or something I dunno.


Either way I could live with or without them, they have just never been that big of an issue for me and have only really added experiences but they must be rare and a bastard to keep fuelled. 


Why will they be? No way will they not be able to hold multiple people, and if people can shoot at them they should be able to shoot back else it's just stupid.


Just because shooting them worked in the mod doesn't mean they'll have it work the same in the SA, plus you have the issues with lag and such hitting them would be highly based on luck while they can just rain down fire upon you until you keel over.



@topic, It doesn't matter if they are "rare" clans will just spawn in right where helicopters show up and take them just to go kill people, unless the fuel etc for them stays on the server itself then they can just have one guy with fuel and parts and go on a rampage.


They really make no sense to add as said it's not a PVP game.

The single good thing about them being added would be watching people crash and burn while they're extremely glitchy.

Also what if people find ways to cheat and make fuel canisters last forever or something, there's bound to be some kind of loophole they can abuse.


Bandits are terrible enough as it is don't give them air superiority.

MAYBE some heroes would take heli's and kill bandits, but the ratio of heroes to bandits is like 1:500.


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I'd like to point out, half of these scenarios for helis seem to involve them being incredibly plentiful.


If only a couple of helis spawn per server, you're not going to have constant air raids. If fuel is rare and maintenance is hard, people aren't going to go joy riding around the map looking for hapless players.


We don't know what its going to be like, so don't start crying about how OP it is before it even exists.


Oh, and at the above poster ,UltimateGentlemen, hopping servers at helo spawn points on high pop servers is quite literally suicide.

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I'd like to point out, half of these scenarios for helis seem to involve them being incredibly plentiful.


If only a couple of helis spawn per server, you're not going to have constant air raids. If fuel is rare and maintenance is hard, people aren't going to go joy riding around the map looking for hapless players.


We don't know what its going to be like, so don't start crying about how OP it is before it even exists.


Oh, and at the above poster ,UltimateGentlemen, hopping servers at helo spawn points on high pop servers is quite literally suicide.



The people who are actually experienced with this game (the mod) are not worried about people "joy-riding", they're worried about people dominating the map by destroying/stealing all other vehicles/tents.


It doesn't matter how RARE something is.. It still offers the same benefit and that benefit is NOT GOOD FOR THE GAME.


In fact, it could be argued that the more rare/difficult to maintain they are, the better for those who actually get them.


2 Heli's on the map? Takes less time to get and gain complete control.

8 Heli's on the map? Much harder, but still possible.

40 Heli's on the map? Very difficult to get and control.

But it doesn't even matter how many there are or how difficult they are to control or fly or maintain and it doesn't matter how much armor or weapons or storage they have.. Having ANY heli on the map AT ALL, gives players the opportunity to fly over the entirety of the map and destroy/control everything, and it allows them to pick up and drop off players across the map in a matter of minutes rather than hours.

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Yeah, I love helicopters in the mod. I love what they add to the game. Sorry, more vehicles please.


And rarity/ease of use/ease of maintenance is a massive factor in deeming helicopters as inappropriate/appropriate. Dismissing it as a factor is just silly.

Edited by Katana67
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Got reminded: no parachuting from helicopters. Your heli gets shot down, YOU get shot down. You want to drop people off, you have to get down to ground level, not fly over while they all bail out. Adding parachutes isn't necessary and wouldn't be beneficial.

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