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What has the standalone become ?

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My character is a psychopath. He feels no emotion. 

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Good. I'm not saying that emotions should work like something ala hunger or thrist. They would be a lot more complicated if Bohemia implemented them (I hope).


What do you envision?

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They could add a system where the ghosts of the players you killed flashed in your vision. Or maybe the more players you kill the more zombies look like other players and only when you get close to them do you realize they are zombies. Maybe increase the random bullet-loading noises you already hear in-game.

There are many ideas but the only way they would work is if emotions were persistent. Otherwise, once persistent items and bases are added, players would just suicide and gear up again instantly to be free of the effects of their psychotic proclivities.

Edited by scriptfactory

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If hacking was that bad Frankie would have showcased more than one.


I've personally never seen a hacker in the SA in all my hours. I did see a guy walk through a hangar wall but it could have just as easily been desync.   As for shooting Frankie, I would have done the same thing just to say I did it.  I personally would never hand a stranger a loaded weapon.  That's just dumb.

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I agree. But many DayZ players don't want to hear that. Hopefully there is actually a game designer at BI that will realize this and turn the current deathmatch shooter into an actual survival game. I love PvP but I also want to be able to experience survival at some point.

Had an idea last night, let me know what you think:


The developers in this case are not only building the game and it's mechanics, they're also building the players. Warning label or not, 1.7 million copies have been sold (or thereabouts). That's a lot of players. The current environment DayZ provides to the players is this:

  • Abundant food, ammo, water, weapons, clothes, delivered on demand when servers restart
  • Many ways to harm or grief other players
  • Lack of any sort of external driving forces other than other players

If DayZ is aiming to create a survival game player, it's failing. The environment doesn't put survival first. The devs are unintentionally creating thousands of KOSers instead of creating survivors. Regardless of what DayZ does to combat the deathmatch, once the players are set in that mentality there's not much you can do to change that. They can stop this by making new and existing mechanics equivalent to what they will be at release. Not exact, equivalent. If guns are supposed to be accurate and rare, make them accurate and rare. If food is supposed to be rare and starvation is supposed to be a real threat, make it one.


That's sort of the gist of it.


They could add a system where the ghosts of the players you killed flashed in your vision. Or maybe the more players you kill the more zombies look like other players and only when you get close to them do you realize they are zombies. Maybe increase the random bullet-loading noises you already hear in-game.

There are many ideas but the only way they would work is if emotions were persistent. Otherwise, once persistent items and bases are added, players would just suicide and gear up again instantly to be free of the effects of their psychotic proclivities.

Gotta disagree with you there. Putting in systems like the mod's humanity and bandit skin were and are too ham-fisted. They make the moral decisions too clear cut and there are many edge cases that can't be accounted for (self defense). I think that by providing an environment that puts survival first they can improve a lot of things in DayZ. Less food, less water, less weaponry, more zombies, the ability to hold an area free of zombie spawns, loot that doesn't respawn on server restart, and the ability to store gear.

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If DayZ is aiming to create a survival game player, it's failing. The environment doesn't put survival first. The devs are unintentionally creating thousands of KOSers instead of creating survivors. Regardless of what DayZ does to combat the deathmatch, once the players are set in that mentality there's not much you can do to change that. They can stop this by making new and existing mechanics equivalent to what they will be at release. Not exact, equivalent. If guns are supposed to be accurate and rare, make them accurate and rare. If food is supposed to be rare and starvation is supposed to be a real threat, make it one.


Based on my observations from playing on Experimental (were loot is much more rare) I think that this will do little to lessen KoS and would probably increase it. Fresh spawns would start camping Elektro in the hopes of killing players with their fists.



Gotta disagree with you there. Putting in systems like the mod's humanity and bandit skin were and are too ham-fisted. They make the moral decisions too clear cut and there are many edge cases that can't be accounted for (self defense). I think that by providing an environment that puts survival first they can improve a lot of things in DayZ. Less food, less water, less weaponry, more zombies, the ability to hold an area free of zombie spawns, loot that doesn't respawn on server restart, and the ability to store gear.


I don't really like the idea of a humanity system as well. Those were only ideas for an emotion-based system.


Ideally I would like to see teamplay mechanics strengthened by adding a very simply party system. Basically if a reward system that requires teamplay was added as well as the ability for players to team up without fear of being shot in the back KoS would probably decrease dramatically.


They could do something like add random helicopter crash sites that were visible for kilometers. These sites could have powerful PvE enemies and also extremely rare loot. On top of that add an (admittedly, unrealistic) party system that removes the ability for teammates to shoot each other. Players would start forming parties immediately to loot these sites and fight off other groups of both player and non-player enemies.

Right now we are playing DayZ deathmatch but what I really would like to experience is DayZ team deathmatch. In-game party and clan support would change the entire DayZ experience in, what I feel, would be a positive way.

Edit: Regular mode parties couldn't shoot each other. Hardcore mode would, of course, allow party members to shoot each other offering a true hardcore experience for those elite 1PP players.

Edited by scriptfactory

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If hacking was that bad Frankie would have showcased more than one.


I've personally never seen a hacker in the SA in all my hours. I did see a guy walk through a hangar wall but it could have just as easily been desync.   As for shooting Frankie, I would have done the same thing just to say I did it.  I personally would never hand a stranger a loaded weapon.  That's just dumb.

Based on the fact that right at the beginning of the "QQ hacker" part the guy he is playing with is crouched motionless on the catwalk with him and then without moving his character just starts sliding backwards right through a wall I'm gonna say they were just on a shitty Desync server. Either that or Frankie was knowingly playing with a hacker who was also speed hacking and has no right to talk.


Also watch some videos of the actual speed hacks in the game. They are also flying threw the air and moving about 20x faster than the guy Frankie is crying about. And again the guy hadn't even moved 1 step for the previous like 10 seconds before he shoots Frankie so he would have died either way hacker or not.


He was just jumping on the "QQ SA sucks and the devs lied about everything" bandwagon.

Edited by Weedz

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They could add a system where the ghosts of the players you killed flashed in your vision. Or maybe the more players you kill the more zombies look like other players and only when you get close to them do you realize they are zombies. Maybe increase the random bullet-loading noises you already hear in-game.

There are many ideas but the only way they would work is if emotions were persistent. Otherwise, once persistent items and bases are added, players would just suicide and gear up again instantly to be free of the effects of their psychotic proclivities.


Not sure if any of this would be possible to achieve. Even if it were, its never going to stop people killing. Why would anyone care about these effects? Most would just find them annoying at best.


Also I disagree with the concept of anything persisting beyond death in game.


You want to stop DayZ being a deathmatch, which is fine, but this would be the worst possible way of doing so. Here's some simple things that would work:


1. More stuff to do in game

2. Make the character more valuable than gear

3. Better zombies


etc etc.

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Not sure if any of this would be possible to achieve. Even if it were, its never going to stop people killing. Why would anyone care about these effects? Most would just find them annoying at best.


Also I disagree with the concept of anything persisting beyond death in game.


You want to stop DayZ being a deathmatch, which is fine, but this would be the worst possible way of doing so. Here's some simple things that would work:


1. More stuff to do in game

2. Make the character more valuable than gear

3. Better zombies


etc etc.

Explain how you'd do 1 & 2.

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just off the top of my head.....


#1 crafting + player economy + Vechiles, persisten objects


#2 useful acquired skills over time 


#2 is also stated by Dean in the latest interviews, something like this is planned.

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Based on the fact that right at the beginning of the "QQ hacker" part the guy he is playing with is crouched motionless on the catwalk with him and then without moving his character just starts sliding backwards right through a wall I'm gonna say they were just on a shitty Desync server. Either that or Frankie was knowingly playing with a hacker who was also speed hacking and has no right to talk.


Also watch some videos of the actual speed hacks in the game. They are also flying threw the air and moving about 20x faster than the guy Frankie is crying about. And again the guy hadn't even moved 1 step for the previous like 10 seconds before he shoots Frankie so he would have died either way hacker or not.


He was just jumping on the "QQ SA sucks and the devs lied about everything" bandwagon.



I think cheating is peaking right now. Although I do not understand why one would like to cheat in this type of game. When it is all about surviving, exploring and player vs player interaction/cooperation.


I hope that this will stop soon.

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Not sure if any of this would be possible to achieve. Even if it were, its never going to stop people killing. Why would anyone care about these effects? Most would just find them annoying at best.


I don't even like that idea. They were just ideas for an emotion-based system.


Also I disagree with the concept of anything persisting beyond death in game.


Item persistence will already be possible. This will, in my opinion, lead to an increase in KoS as character life will be de-valued even further.


You want to stop DayZ being a deathmatch, which is fine, but this would be the worst possible way of doing so. Here's some simple things that would work:


1. More stuff to do in game

2. Make the character more valuable than gear

3. Better zombies


  1. More stuff to do in-game will not reduce KoS. There will still be a significant portion of the community that are dedicated to griefing.
  2. This will also not decrease KoS. In fact, it may increase it due to the increased sense of disappointment and sadness at losing character progress. Permadeath is both a blessing and a curse in this regard.
  3. Better PvE challenges may slightly decrease KoS but it will never lead to an extensive decrease in the griefing mentality of players or the inability for players to trust each other.

In my opinion there are only two ways of reducing KoS to manageable levels:

  1. Add challenges that require a group to surmount (e.g. premium loot requires a team).
  2. Add the ability to trust other players (e.g. a party system.) Totally "unrealistic" but totally necessary to dissuade the "friendly, friendly, shoot" behavior.

Adding both of these would be optimal. KoS would decrease but not disappear. Gameplay would become team oriented. Groups of randoms could team up to take on groups of clans. Instead of immediately shooting on sight people would determine if a random was possibly an asset or a hindrance.

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Google search, really?

You realize that you can white any game there and get same results, also realize how many of those sites will just screw you over without you getting any cheats, if you get its most likely outdated and you are banned in no time.

People who really cheat dont get their cheats through that google search.


I don't even like that idea. They were just ideas for an emotion-based system.



Item persistence will already be possible. This will, in my opinion, lead to an increase in KoS as character life will be de-valued even further.



  1. More stuff to do in-game will not reduce KoS. There will still be a significant portion of the community that are dedicated to griefing.

    - It will reduce the time people will spend kossing at the coast for just for fun of it, as they have more interesting fun stuff to do.

  2. This will also not decrease KoS. In fact, it may increase it due to the increased sense of disappointment and sadness at losing character progress. Permadeath is both a blessing and a curse in this regard.

    - It very well may decrease, always you engage to combat there is a change you will die even if you shoot first. So its better to leave it be and go around.

  3. Better PvE challenges may slightly decrease KoS but it will never lead to an extensive decrease in the griefing mentality of players or the inability for players to trust each other.

In my opinion there are only two ways of reducing KoS to manageable levels:

  1. Add challenges that require a group to surmount (e.g. premium loot requires a team).
  2. Add the ability to trust other players (e.g. a party system.) Totally "unrealistic" but totally necessary to dissuade the "friendly, friendly, shoot" behavior.

Adding both of these would be optimal. KoS would decrease but not disappear. Gameplay would become team oriented. Groups of randoms could team up to take on groups of clans. Instead of immediately shooting on sight people would determine if a random was possibly an asset or a hindrance.

Same time would defeat alot of this games purpose and make it just another mmo. Specially if there is some friendly fire system in these "parties", which wont go well in this game. Also if not what the point of the party.

Edited by Zeppa

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It will reduce the time people will spend kossing at the coast for just for fun of it, as they have more interesting fun stuff to do.


Many KoSers do not find the survival component to be fun. They enjoy KoSing and griefing.



It very well may decrease, always you engage to combat there is a change you will die even if you shoot first. So its better to leave it be and go around.


People enjoy KoS. They want to participate in the deathmatch. They don't care if their character dies. Once persistent loot is added they will have even less of an impetus, regardless of the loss of character advancement. If we take Nether as an example we can see that adding skills did absolutely nothing to reduce the KoS mentality in that game.



Same time would defeat alot of this games purpose and make it just another mmo. Specially if there is some friendly fire system in these "parties", which wont go well in this game. Also if not what the point of the party.


Just another MMO? What survival MMO exists that is like DayZ? If you point me in the direction of a game that is exactly like DayZ except with a party system I will immediately stop playing this game. Here is a hint, though; none exist.


I would say that a party system is the #1 way to reduce KoS. It is also opposed by people that love KoS since it will lead to bands of randoms forming groups and fighting back against the KoSers. Once team-based objectives are added (e.g. random helicopter crash sites) more and more players will want to form teams and factions to get the good loot. Random killings would still be possible and griefers would still exist but now randoms (without Teamspeak) would have the ability to fight back. It would also lead to interesting standoffs if they added a "hostage taking" mechanic as they could use other players as human shields.

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#2 is also stated by Dean in the latest interviews, something like this is planned.

You got source for that?

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Have you ever heard of the concept of "cognitive dissonance"? It is definitely not d-sync and lag. -_-

It looks like Desync and lag to me, and I've played   alot of arma 2/ 3/ standalone

The guy is twitching and teleporting slightly- the CLASSIC signs of Arma lag and desync which has been happening so much across standalone and arma 3 recently!

Day Z standalone usually does it if you are STREAMING, like Frankie fucking is! I didnt see him CLICK on his name in players and check his D Sync did you?


I constantly check player list if players look laggy- chances are its him desyncing lol.


Why does everyone cry wallhack? Frankie is in a large metal garage with many opening windows and the main door open, its a tin shack that bullets can penetrate


Due to the high upload requirements. Or carrying a yellow ammo box.

Cognitive dissonance, is kind of where you do something you dont want to, like a smoker still having cigarettes,,, so why is that relevant?

Watch the video a couple times and explain your points better

Edited by AgentNe0

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IMO major part of the people who KOS, kos because they think the opposing person is likely to do the same and I dont blame them.

Its hard to change this habbit, but I dont think majority of kosers(endgame) do it because its fun but because there is nothing else to do anymore.

By saying another MMO, I mean the key features. Party system, next its npc's, safe zones, point based skill system, fractions... you name it.

Point of dayz has been being completely free from these aspects, I understand that compromises has to be made but I would leave these generic mmo stuff as a last option. I dont say the game cant still be good but, I would prefer one without. It just takes away the possibility of improvisation, backstabing etc.

But then again even if these wont help reduce, they wont increase kos so no harm done.. they only add aspects and features.

I dont understand why people who think the heart of this is KOS fun would be playing this, there is plenty of titles that offer more fun KOSing.

PVP seeking people I understand in this game, as it has the permadeath factor that add to the combat. But these arent the regular kossing type that are plenty.

Also the state that KOSing is most problematic,is when you wont even get the change to form that party when you are shot in the face. If you get shot after you have formed the "unformal" party now its more or less your fault for letting your guard down. Its not KOS anymore then, its just killing you.


You got source for that?

It was one of the interview from the rezzed just do a youtube search and watch few of those. He did not confirm it, but talked it as an option. If I remember right it was in this one, same can be found with video also.


Edited by Zeppa
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IMO major part of the people who KOS, kos because they think the opposing person is likely to do the same and I dont blame them.


This is my opinion as well. The cause of KoS is lack of ability to trust others.


Its hard to change this habbit, but I dont think majority of kosers do it because its fun but because there is nothing else to do anymore.


I should have been more specific. A certain amount of players enjoy KoS so as long as it is possible it will be in the game. I am more concerned with the players that feel they are forced to KoS, which sucks, to be quite honest.


By saying another MMO, I mean the key features. Party system, next its npc's, safe zones, point based skill system, fractions... you name it. Point of dayz has been being completely free from these aspects, I understand that compromises has to be made but I would leave these generic mmo stuff as a last option.


I don't think it is necessary to add all of these features. NPCs will comes with mods anyway. Same with safe zones, skill systems and factions. This game will devolve into a shitty deathmatch experience unless something is done. Add a minimal party system that is configurable per host is better than adding PvE servers, NPCs, etc. It is a simple change that would affect the game in a large way.




I dont say the game cant still be good but, I would prefer one without. It just takes away the possibility of improvisation, backstabing etc.


How does it take away from improvisation?There shouldn't be a GUI anyway with a list of the players in your party. The necessary change would be the crosshair. Change it from a dot to an 'x'. Players could still backstab others. They could just leave the party. It could add a wealth of new gameplay possibilities (taking hostages, using other humans as shields, etc.)


I stopped playing vanilla Mod due to griefing and hackers. If nothing is done the same situation will exist in SA. I feel that Rocket should either explicitly state that this is intended behavior or come up with game mechanics to counter this. I don't know about you but I would love to have a strong community play vanilla after modding support and private hives are added.


Edit: Adding a basic party system is not difficult. Instead of the community saying "this is not DayZ" at least add the option for server admins to activate.

Edited by scriptfactory

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I should have been more specific. A certain amount of players enjoy KoS so as long as it is possible it will be in the game. I am more concerned with the players that feel they are forced to KoS, which sucks, to be quite honest.

This is true, but its not the majority and not so "game breaking" group. (fun kossers). I agree.


I don't think it is necessary to add all of these features. NPCs will comes with mods anyway. Same with safe zones, skill systems and factions. This game will devolve into a shitty deathmatch experience unless something is done. Add a minimal party system that is configurable per host is better than adding PvE servers, NPCs, etc. It is a simple change that would affect the game in a large way.

Agreed, something needs to be done... but Im afraid it cant be achieved with simple party system.


How does it take away from improvisation?There shouldn't be a GUI anyway with a list of the players in your party. The necessary change would be the crosshair. Change it from a dot to an 'x'. Players could still backstab others. They could just leave the party. It could add a wealth of new gameplay possibilities (taking hostages, using other humans as shields, etc.)

Sure it largely depends how its implemented, but ifs only the X. Thats the problem, what good is the party feature if it can be negated but simple klicking the leave party and pulling the trigger second after?

I dont see how it would wealth these possibilities as you refer in the last part, that is if its just simple "FF on and X crosshair in party" system and no other gameplay features are changed.

This kind of party system would be only a "skin", nothing really working as its countered by simple leave party. Could even be advantage for the KOSer when you form party the "innocent" member could get that secure trusting feeling and suddenly party is left and you are dead..

Leaving party timer would negate that backstabing possibility, and people who wont from party would become automatically assumed killers like everyone is atm.


I stopped playing vanilla Mod due to griefing and hackers. If nothing is done the same situation will exist in SA. I feel that Rocket should either explicitly state that this is intended behavior or come up with game mechanics to counter this. I don't know about you but I would love to have a strong community play vanilla after modding support and private hives are added.

I totally agree, Im fairly certain that at some point I have to seek for that community that have even vaguely similar mind set to mine to truly enjoy this game.


Edit: Adding a basic party system is not difficult. Instead of the community saying "this is not DayZ" at least add the option for server admins to activate.

I could live with that, if they add the filter option at the same time :D

Easyer to respond in the quotes to get some sort of order in it :rolleyes:

Edited by Zeppa
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Sure it largely depends how its implemented, but ifs only the X. Thats the problem, what good is the party feature if it can be negated but simple klicking the leave party and pulling the trigger second after?


Players would still have to remain attentive. You couldn't just immediately trust whoever you were with. But your trust could be verified by simply looking at the other player. After a while actual trust would form.


I dont see how it would wealth these possibilities as you refer in the last part, that is if its just simple "FF on and X crosshair in party" system and no other gameplay features are changed.
This is only one component. The other would be team-based objectives. Helicopter crash sites with smoke that could be seen for kilometers. Have super-powerful military zombies guarding the crash site and you have a PvE challenge (so it wouldn't just be easy-mode looting.) Other players would provide the PvP aspect as they would also be trying to get the loot. This is just one idea. Adding multiple team-based objectives would transform the game. It would still be a sandbox environment but there would be many new dimensions of gameplay.
This kind of party system would be only a "skin", nothing really working as its countered by simple leave party. Could even be advantage for the KOSer when you form party the "innocent" member could get that secure trusting feeling and suddenly party is left and you are dead.
This is DayZ. Sabotage should be a part of the game. I would much rather travel with a guy, fight off a horde of zombies and other players, get some sweet loot and then get stabbed in the back than the experience we have now...
...in other words, running through the forest and then you see a black screen saying "You are dead." Or running through the woods seeing another dude and choosing not to engage because he will probably shoot you. Or simply seeing another person and shooting them because they would probably do the same thing to you.
Leaving party timer would negate that backstabing possibility, and people who wont from party would become automatically assumed killers like everyone is atm.

The game doesn't need any more timers. In fact, something should be done to get rid of the timers we have right now. They suck.

Edited by scriptfactory

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I dont really mind if they would add this party system you describe, but still I find it unneccessary without alot of content to go with it and some restricting factor which dont appeal to me. Like I said already we are talking about supermobster and events, what next.. npc's and quests related to PvE and events  :D 
These other features are things that make this party system work on other mmo's...

To be fair I would like various dynamic events, not necessary with these super zombies but animated helicrash/plane/ship at shore etc that atracts zeds all around to make it harder. Groups playing on server would dominate these events when random people try to get organised, quite the impossible scenario if it cant be done alone. Even events that doesnt offer anything special apart from the regural looting, like burning cars along the roads and so on.. just to spice up things.

High risk, High reward, Groups dominate, killing fest anyway. Group kills everyone else or randoms shoot each other for the loot.
Low risk, high reward, Same as above.
High risk, low reward, event gets ignored.
Low risk, low reward, same as anything lootable.
Its really hard to get it balanced, if there is anything people give value its going to be one of the first two scenarios, if there is nothing special it wont get attention or its regular loot spot.

Still it wouldnt matter if there is party function or not, even with these events and PvE. Someone wants to kill you they can, so... is it helping feature and would it really work, have keep my mind and say its not.

KOSing is really an impossible scenario to control if we have to keep some sort of freedom ingame..

Only real question is who are the developers going to screw over to help the situation. Everyone is not going to get to play as they wish.
People wont act same ingame as rl, 95% of people killing in this game woudnt do it in rl.. doesnt matter what they claim. Thats why KOS is a problem in game that provides "too much" freedom.. Double edged sword really.

Only way they could help this is to somehow add that value to the character, that you would think twise before engaging battle.
This can go both ways, people avoid eachother and/or its wild west shoot out in town when you go around the corner, which one draws faster... In both cases I would wellcome the character value, as developing skill etc as mentioned before.



This is DayZ. Sabotage should be a part of the game. I would much rather travel with a guy, fight off a horde of zombies and other players, get some sweet loot and then get stabbed in the back than we have now... in other words, running through the forest and then you see a black screen saying "You are dead."

But this is the main issue, and party function wont affect this  :(

Edited by Zeppa

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You got source for that?


Skills: It will mainly be passively skillbased. So as you get better at repairing certain things, you will be able to repair more and more badly damaged stuff. It won't be something you'll put a skillpoint in. It will only be the more you do it, the better you get at it





In the Live stream with Rocket  (20.02.2014) :)

Edited by LaughingJack
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Had an idea last night, let me know what you think:


The developers in this case are not only building the game and it's mechanics, they're also building the players. Warning label or not, 1.7 million copies have been sold (or thereabouts). That's a lot of players. The current environment DayZ provides to the players is this:

  • Abundant food, ammo, water, weapons, clothes, delivered on demand when servers restart
  • Many ways to harm or grief other players
  • Lack of any sort of external driving forces other than other players
If DayZ is aiming to create a survival game player, it's failing. The environment doesn't put survival first. The devs are unintentionally creating thousands of KOSers instead of creating survivors. Regardless of what DayZ does to combat the deathmatch, once the players are set in that mentality there's not much you can do to change that. They can stop this by making new and existing mechanics equivalent to what they will be at release. Not exact, equivalent. If guns are supposed to be accurate and rare, make them accurate and rare. If food is supposed to be rare and starvation is supposed to be a real threat, make it one.


That's sort of the gist of it.


Gotta disagree with you there. Putting in systems like the mod's humanity and bandit skin were and are too ham-fisted. They make the moral decisions too clear cut and there are many edge cases that can't be accounted for (self defense). I think that by providing an environment that puts survival first they can improve a lot of things in DayZ. Less food, less water, less weaponry, more zombies, the ability to hold an area free of zombie spawns, loot that doesn't respawn on server restart, and the ability to store gear.

Exactly what I've been thinking.It's so easy to play against the environment that it gets boring quickly.

Also death is just losing gear for little time and you can find yourself from the same place where you die in couple of minutes and sometimesv even get your old gear.

The game doesn't challenge you to survive yet and I hope that Rocket and his team sees what needs to be changed in the core so this won't be just a big deathmatch game in v1.0.

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