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Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)

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^ agreed with that

Plus Zombies still needed to be fixed and they gave them new attacks plus spawning faster. :/

There should be a defined number of zombies on the map per server, say ex. 1000 but when you kill them the count just goes down. No respawn until server restart.

Edited by TheLast-StaR

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The speed of zombies should be between the player's sprint and run speed, that makes for the most exciting and balanced play in my opinion.

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I think the speed is fine.


Zombie alertness should be closer to what it was in the mod.  Audio/Visual range and sneaking mechanics need to be effective.


Zombie respawning needs to happen further away and on a countdown instead of instantly and right next to you.


Zombies need to not be able to see/run through walls.


Oh and there needs to be more of them still.

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Although the new runspeed of some Zeds is a bit annoying, i have to admit, that its kind of good, because now you have to deal with the Zeds, instead of just running away until they lose agro.

The spawning "problem" is something that has to be changed, also the agro-range of ~2.5km.

I really enjoyed the thrill of speed Zeds chasing me through a city, forcing me to stop and get rid of them before i run into more of em, or in worst case into a group of other players.

I haven't got the problem of ruining my gear by one hit so far. Often i even do not start to bleed when hit.

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No respawn until server restart.

Other than the fact that the goal is to eventually never require restarts.

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Their speed is good! It's more realistic to have to deal with pursuing zombies rather than just ignoring them an trotting off.

Though respawns need a big change. I like that they come running to gunshots, but they shouldn't respawn so close! I was with a mate and one respawned between us!!

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As this is discussion is going away from zed changes as such and more in the direction of what people think this game should be like, I'll also throw in my 2 cents:


Zeds need to become a real threat, ok, I accept that. But you will never be able to and most importantly should not aim to make them more dangerous than other players. That may work in some single player title where your computer is dedicated to providing a bot experience just for you with no need to care for how others in your proximity get synced data. And if you want a shooter where you can team up with others agains zombies there is always Left 4 Dead 2 ;)


For me DayZ is different for several reason. The fact that you start with nothing results in several problems here:

1. Whatever the final implementation of zeds will be, it must be possible to survive with nothing.

2. You try to gear up your char for some time. There are several "pros" out there that do that supprisingly fast and then go into pvp to measure themselves against others, but I would say that for most players it takes sometimes hours until you have your preffered weapons and other things. Then there is the whole health system which means you can give yourself a real advantage with getting really energized and hydrated with more trouble like cholera comming in the future.

3. This directly results in the fact that you really don't want to die when you are somewhat equipped. The downside is that some bambies will try to knock geared up player out, after all they have nothing to loose and all to gain. The fact that you and the other players on the map so badly don't want to die is what makes DayZ (and probably several other games that are now developed) so nerve wracking. We (a team of 3) once ran into a barn when three others came in. We were standing about 10 ingame meters apart with everyone yelling ingame that the others should lower their weapons. After about 5 seconds someone lost his nerve resulting in my group being cut down. I didn't shoot a single bullet. After the whole thing the other group started cussing at us "motherf***s" proclaiming that nobody needed to die there. They all survived but were so mad at us nevertheless because one of us supposedly startet the shooting. Only human interaction can get you that thrill. Zeds will never be able to get your blood pumping just like that.

The fact that this is not Battlefield 4 where you spawn 10 seconds later with all your gear gives you a reason to try everything to stay alive. It also makes you feel somewhat sorry for people you kill if you have any empathy at all. There is a reason that many pvp meetups at the coast end without bloodshed while the same cannot be said when you run around at some airfield with your m4 out.


So how should zeds be ballanced ingame? Hell I don't know... . Ideally they are way more than a nuisance to well equipped players while not making it impossible to enter towns for bambies. Should there be groups that roam around? Definitely. Should they swarm you like in Left 4 Dead 2? Probably not. The final implementation of zeds has the potential to make this game absolutely awesome, of course other things are needed for that too. But it could also easily break the game. Possible problems could be:


- too hard for bambies

- as zeds probably will never (and should never) climb ladders, more players could decide that the ideal gameplay is hiding up some roof and wait for other players to come. Sniping is already pretty strong in DayZ. It could easily get overpowered by applying additional incentives to play that way. That would result in many more not so happy people that got sniped and will push the KOS rates up even more.


I don't think it is possible to force human players to cooperate and play only PvE. And the game would get really boring if it was possible. The environment as a whole could easily become the most dangerous thing ingame...plenty of diseases, random slipping when running on wet surfaces combined with too little food and the newly added heart attacks when you get injured (or do you only get them when being shot?)...maybe poisinous snakes? They don't even have to be actually "made" ingame, could just be a random event when running through woods or gras. Now thats an idea. Depending on your health you could even survive a bite if you're lucky enough ;).


To sum things up, this game could become the next best thing since sliced bread or it could become a real desaster. And the implementation of zeds will have a high effect on that. As far as I'm concerned the main interaction, chance and threat must be other players that think and feel like humans. Stealth should be really important, but if you want to measure your sneakiness against some AI, maybe you should play some Thief. Swarming hordes of zeds should exist, but if that is really your thing, maybe Left 4 Dead is the right choice? I think you can even play as a zombie there...read that somewhere I think.


Several comments I read here actually scare me a little bit. It's natural that everyone has a different idea about how the game should develop. But I think some propositions would destroy it. And I don't want that. No matter how people think reality would look like in a "real" zombie apocalypse, some aspects of such "realism" might just make the game boring or unbalanced or plain stupid. i mean really. When you see how zombies are not really eating all that much in most scenarios compared to how long they live, they most probably are cold blooded. Doesn't mean i want to move to Canada just so they frozen lumps standing around and I can dispose of them with a hammer as they will break into thousands of little pieces when hit. Nothing against Canada...


EDIT: Please don't implement random poisinous snake bites when running through woods or gras. I was just joking! NOOO, PLEASE!! DON'T!!!

Edited by bautschi
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I think they should of added both type of zombies the slow ones and the fast ones for some intressting gameplay also the new zombies need some work it's not really ready for testing right now snice they can't even hit you while running even if they do a jump attack and there a bit buggy as there not hitting you i think they should walk slower while there in a 5 meter range of you.

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Zombie can now hit you even if you run away. They just catch up, hit you once, then run again.

Personally, I don't think that this is a bad change. It gives the game a bit more challenge, otherwise your only threat is a bandit or another survivor (I just can't count the few Heroes as a threat, i play like one myself).

I also found some sort of a bug here. I ran away from a zombie. The terrain went down constantly, but it wasn't enough to slow down a sprint. Then i suddenly stopped and pulled out my gun. I didn't even have to use it, because the zed flew past me and died. I don't think that it was a fellow survivor that killed it for me, for 2 reasons: 1. he probably saw that i got an M4 on my back and would have thought that i could handle it myself. 2. I didn't hear a shot.

I actually don't miss the stealth part, zombies are kind of rare all the time, at least on the servers I play on. Avoiding them is a bit time consuming, but it saves bullets or a bit of unneccessary attention.

Edited by Drunken Knife

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Orrr.... just take notes from ARMA 3 Dayz Breaking Point Mod. Jesus Christ those guys did it basically for free and they packed the map with tons of zombies that move at just the right speed, without jumping at you and clipping through walls like we need the ghost busters or something. Not to mention how well those zombies are animated......... Rocket just pick up the phone and hire whoever made that mod, because that's how zombies are done.

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all this crying about bamies having it hard and so on, ther point of the game is you sneak about, head north, get geared up and the game becomes "easier" in the sense you get eventually armed as a reward for barely making it out of the coast alive, at which point the only real threat becomes the pve aspect of the game and other players who didnt do stupid things like try to gear up in elektro or cherno. the respawn mechanic IS PLACEHOLDER, and i think it is in PLAC E to help people get used to the fact that soon, when the new zombie system (which is being worked on from scratch to address all the issues of clipping and so on) is in place, zombies are gonna fuck u hard if you decide to use your gun as opposed to axing or fighting them with other melee/bare fists.


the reason so many people bought arma 2 for this mod was because it was so much harder and a lot more fun and original than your usual multiplayer shooter games, plus a lot of people love the survival horror aspe ct of it. PLAYERS ARE DEFINITELY NOT intended to be the most dangerous part of the game, they are however the most unpredictable aspect and this is what makes the game. in my opinion. if people think this game should not be about zombie survival and that it should be less realistic, please do give me your steam account and i will pass it on to someone who SHOULD be playing dayz with me instead of you winding up on the shit end of my axe like a cry baby.

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I see this more as general venting of frustration rather than just "zombie feedback".  Nothing too wrong about expressing feelings for the purposes of encouraging discussion and ideas.  I'll leave the thread here as long as it remains on topic and civilised.

Edited by Sula

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Hey guys, this is a zombie game, now you cry about this?

I think its a lot of fun to deal with the zombies at the moment.
You can run away through houses, trees and others.
Or you do all silence like in the good old arma 2 mod,
than you don´t pull them and you can loot whatever you want ;)

If you want only pvp and no zombies so go and play bf or cod

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i was going to make a post about this.. anyway, i love the fast and more lethal zombies, i DIED from zombies, i ran out of bandages, lol.

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From what I noticed, they are only mildly harder then before.


Yesterday evening I managed to take down 7 or 8 with a kitchen knife in Dubky. Of course they were coming in waves and the hardest part was when I had to fight 3 at the same time. I still didn't get hit once.


A couple of minutes later I found a fireaxe and after that I took 5 jumping at me at the same time. Just circle around them and hit. If you don't have an axe try to hit the head.


IMO, they still go down too easy. Mainly because you can only attract 5 or 6 max at the same time. The premise of zombie threat genre is the threat of being either:


A. Infected

B. Swarmed by a horde of 20 - Infinity


I would love to see both. Only then would I consider zombies in this game a threat. Getting a few scratches and manage to overcome a situation with a few good boxing moves and doges is not threatening at all.


And to all the people who say "Zombies catching me when I'm running with my m4 in hands is unrealistic!" - ffs holster that gun! It's very hard to sprint (and I mean giving your best) with a few kilos in your hands. Hell, half of the population would probably just trip after 100m.

Edited by retro19
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And to all the people who say "Zombies catching me when I'm running with my m4 in hands is unrealistic!" - ffs holster that gun! It's very hard to sprint (and I mean giving your best) with a few kilos in your hands. Hell, half of the population would probably just trip after 100m.

Yeah people seem to lack common sense on here. This is like the guy who made a thread the other day saying not to defibrillate your friends because it will give them a heart attack.

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And to all the people who say "Zombies catching me when I'm running with my m4 in hands is unrealistic!" - ffs holster that gun! It's very hard to sprint (and I mean giving your best) with a few kilos in your hands. Hell, half of the population would probably just trip after 100m.


having run with a rifle before i totally agree with you. and trust me its way diff when you are running with a real rifle then an airsoft one. you have to split your attention between running, making sure you dont kill a buddy while your running, and monitoring yourself as to yours chasers proximity when it come to zed. oh and you forgot the balance issues while carrying a loaded pack as well. I would reduce the range to 50m and under before the average joe/jane becomes zombie chow.


oh, and ninja_meh, keep it constructive please.... 

Edited by mightytechmarine

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Yeah people seem to lack common sense on here. This is like the guy who made a thread the other day saying not to defibrillate your friends because it will give them a heart attack.

Afaik heart attacks have been implemented in the latest patch. If defibrillating someone would give that player a heart attack? I don't know.

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The zombies right now are perfect. They are actually now a challenge to deal with and distract players from pure pvp.


All the players crying about the zombies are the ones who hate being disturbed by the zombies while they try and gun down other players.

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having run with a rifle before i totally agree with you. and trust me its way diff when you are running with a real rifle then an airsoft one. you have to split your attention between running, making sure you dont kill a buddy while your running, and monitoring yourself as to yours chasers proximity when it come to zed. oh and you forgot the balance issues while carrying a loaded pack as well. I would reduce the range to 50m and under before the average joe/jane becomes zombie chow.


(if you are to try to say that m y points are not constructive, try making some points worth noting yourself. constructive in this thread is relating to if how and why the mechanics are and are not good, working and so on... you make no suggestions of any use and are merely backing up a single point made by someone that people are crying because they want to cling to two rifles instead of one and therefore cannot run away from zombies)


oh, and ninja_meh, keep it constructive please.... 


most if not all of my points ARE constructive on this issue. I just have an abrasive attitude which makes me seem like im just tryna slap people down, im not. but in reality if this game is to be what was promised to us since the last few years of playing the mod, what im saying is just a reflection of how the majority of the community feel about this game.


After having just played the game again for another hour or two i can safely say the zombies as they are are not a huge threat, the issue seems to be which server i am on. some servers the zeds desync of themselves was enough to mean i would get hit or killed by them  (because they were not where my client displayed them but in fact probably behind me or something) and also i had an instance of killing two zeds with single and double blows from a baseball bat, the respawn mec hanic kicked in and two zeds spawned out behind a tree or bush and did not head for my location at all. but then some invisible zed seemed to enjoy trolling me while i bandaged and killed me without jhesitation.


To summarize constructively, the zombies and their mechanics as they are, are definitely not perfect, but i think are a good enough challenge at this stage in development to make people think before they kill another player or zombie with a loud firearm (which is the intended aim i beleive, as rocket said the whole team are trying to find a way to pull the new players lured to the game away from the COD BF shoot everything that moves mentality) as stated a number of times previously, these zombies are NOT the zombie code that will make it into the game and there is a seperate team from Bohemia working on creating functioning zeds from the ground up code wise (and presumably some extra graphics in there too)


The main issue i think that causes so much whining about the zeds in the first place is the desync from certain servers and ping issues etc, causing the already imperfect zed behavior to be erratic at best. Namely the awareness mechanic, seems from server to server to be hugely different, which suggests that what causes zeds to seem to notice you from "2.5KM" away (please that literally has never happened to anyone without an over active imaginatiuon) is because actually you ran past a zed, but on your screen the zed was further away (because of server client lag etc. this is what needs fixing next, and im pretty sure is being worked on vbery hard by a group of people who know this is the issue.

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Ninja_Meh: Posted Today, 09:40 AM

>all this crying about bamies having it hard and so on, ther point of the game is you sneak about, head north,

>get geared up and the game becomes "easier" in the sense you get eventually armed as a reward for

>barely making it out of the coast alive,

if bamies means bambis (I think it does) then the answer is simply balancing. I simply don't think it is the sign of a good game to provide an environment that is hard at the beginning resulting in plenty of bambideaths and then all of a sudden get easier.

And why should the point of the game be anything like going north??? Ok, there are concentrated spawn points, fine. The first bigger cities (i.e. electro) will therefore result in plenty of killing of the still "weak", fine. I also decided to go to electro the first three spawns I had. Learned not to do that any more. Still not seeing why that should have anything to do with going north. YES, currently you can go there relatively fast (meaning you usually don't die from starvation or thirst) and get some loot quickly. A lot of pvp guys meet there and die, fine. All fun. There is military loot, the people absolutely new to the game aren't there but dying in electro...fine. I just don't see how it should be a goal of the game to "easier" gear up some place and therefore trying to "barely making it out of the coast alive". I like the sea. Theres yummi fish, the salt water is perfekt for skin care, maybe even helps against some pests like flea, what the h*** do I know... . And who wants to be inland for weeks just to make a point? Have you ever considered how bad you guys actually smell after a few days??? I simply take my daily swim in the ocean and unless there are shark-zeds, I'm fine. Ultimately there is nothing wrong with the coast. If there is currently, it's by design. And I don't know if that is really so great.

The north. PAH! Do you want to become king of winterfell or what?


>at which point the only real threat becomes the pve aspect of the game and other players who didnt do stupid

>things like try to gear up in elektro or cherno.

So then the only real threat is pve AND pvp??? Per definition, yes sir. Correct. Nothing else left after all.


>the respawn mechanic IS PLACEHOLDER, and i think it is in PLAC E to help people get used to the fact that soon, when the new >zombie system (which is being worked on from scratch to address all the issues of clipping and so on) is in place, zombies are >gonna fuck u hard if you decide to use your gun as opposed to axing or fighting them with other melee/bare fists.

I don't think most people complain that zeds are generally to hard. They are just not "right" for lack of a better word. I personally want them to get harder, deal more (health) damage, but not by hitting me with their hands from 5 meters away or ruining my raincoat with every second hit, it took hours after all to get that thing. Yes its a placeholder and I think a lot will change there especially as melee is changed. But this is actually a thread with the main purpose to discuss the zed differences that came with the last patch.


>the reason so many people bought arma 2 for this mod was because it was so much harder and a lot more fun and original than >your usual multiplayer shooter games, plus a lot of people love the survival horror aspe ct of it.

I don't think you can say that it is actually harder than your usual shooter. I dare you to present me your uncheated BF3 account with a 10 Kill vs Death ratio. Let's see if that is easier than DayZ. It's more complex, offers more posibilities and people behave differently because they actually have something to lose, when they die. A nice slow learning curve? Great, I love it. Harder? Simply wrong. The fact that it takes some time to have your first positive results does not mean it is harder. Just that we DayZ players are stubborn. Or maybe we have masochistic tendencies... .


>PLAYERS ARE DEFINITELY NOT intended to be the most dangerous part of the game

What exactly is that statement based on? Did Dean say that? Never seen a source to it. You can make an environmentally extremely hard game, it will frustrate the h*** out of new players, but you will ultimately find out, just how to work with the environment and AI and then what...all of a sudden, it's boring as hell. When the game is done, the only remaining evolving variable is other players. I doubt it is even possible in games like these to provide anything more dangerous than other players, when you learned the workings of the ingame world. Of course random meteors could fall on your head. But that's not really the point. I also remember that one pesky Super Mario level that is just soooo hard, but in DayZ I don't have to jump right over some hole in the ground, I can walk around the hole. Or turn around.

I don't know if we will ever be at that point, but we certainly don't have the possibilities to create a virtual environment that even has the simple things that kick your butt in real live. Just imagine sneaking up to a zombie and stumbling over a root? Or are there millions of branches lying around that make unexpected sounds when you step on them? People will learn how to master the enviromental things.


>they are however the most unpredictable aspect and this is what makes the game. in my opinion. if people think this game >should not be about zombie survival and that it should be less realistic, please do give me your steam account and i will pass it >on to someone who SHOULD be playing dayz with me instead of you winding up on the shit end of my axe like a cry baby.

There is a recrutement section here, maybe you'll find someone there. Basically it's a game where everyone can do whatever you want with given resources (beans, m4...) in a given environment (zeds, health system, starvation). I doubt people will actually get into it and behave just like you think they should behave in the "real world" when there are zombies running around... . If your behaviour in such an environment would actually be scraping of the remains of those "weaker" than you that managed to wind up on the shit end of your axe, then I do not want to be your friend. No, sir ;)


Don't get me wrong, it's not my intention to annoy you, but your post simply rubbed me wrong on so many things. Who knows, maybe I have it all wrong, but I just can't imagine the environment being the main problem concerning one's survival for long. I got my first death though zeds ingame. Then I starved once. Then I learned not to go directly into electro in a dead sprint. Then... ... ... ... .


My mouse was really troublesome and almost completely took me out of the game concerning pvp. That changed now with the latest update. As I was always well fed and watered and had military loot, just no real way of using it against others because of my mouse, the game started to be boring. And nerve wraking. There is simply no sense in running around and dying in all pvp situations simply because the user input is wonky. Took pretty much exactly 50h, and I did really run around a lot, once geared up on an empty server to test out all the different guns that were in the game... No matter how harsh the environment will be, people will master it and get bored. Of course it is possible to make it so extreme, that everyone simply will die. Some in 10minutes, some will last 5 hours if they are lucky. At that point no new players will buy the game at all though, so that is not likely to happen.


Note to self: Don't write so extremely long posts.

Edited by bautschi

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Ninja_Meh: Posted Today, 09:40 AM

>all this crying about bamies having it hard and so on, ther point of the game is you sneak about, head north,

get geared up and the game becomes "easier" in the sense you get eventually armed as a reward for

barely making it out of the coast alive,


Even dean hall himself has said the idea of the game is to spawn in somewhere along the south coast, and make your way north if you want to find the best gear spawns. The coast is considered the most likely place to get murdered, especially if you are fresh spawn so...




if bamies means bambis (I think it does) then the answer is simply balancing. I simply don't think it is the sign of a good game to provide an environment that is hard at the beginning resulting in plenty of bambideaths and then all of a sudden get easier.


this is the way of all zombie surival, be it in films, games whatever. if george a romeros films started with a guy in night vision goggles killing all the other characters in the film to save them the hassle of innevitably getting bitten and turning and thus fucking up his day, the film would be pretty shit and definitely not great to watch. same applies to this game, you start, you have nothing you work hard to remain undetected and head north (as suggested by every sensible player ever and dean hall) so you can find some gear that will keep you alive AND you have less chance of meeting KOS idiots also as they tend to just hit up all the coastals till they find some crappy gun and can kill fresh spawns


And why should the point of the game be anything like going north???


Ok so, the premise behind the "point of the game being anything like head north" you spawn at the south majorily (although since standalone iv noticed i spawn at berezino more often than not so now the aim is not only head north, but also head north west (should you want to see any good gear as the majority of military loot is in and around north west airfield) just because that is the main focus in the game does not mean you HAVE to do so, but if you like to play the game and get good gear it is advised to head north after spawning, i guess you could always swim south but that would just be stupid


Ok, there are concentrated spawn points, fine. The first bigger cities (i.e. electro) will therefore result in plenty of killing of the still "weak", fine. I also decided to go to electro the first three spawns I had. Learned not to do that any more. Still not seeing why that should have anything to do with going north. YES, currently you can go there relatively fast (meaning you usually don't die from starvation or thirst) and get some loot quickly. A lot of pvp guys meet there and die, fine. All fun. There is military loot, the people absolutely new to the game aren't there but dying in electro...fine. I just don't see how it should be a goal of the game to "easier" gear up some place and therefore trying to "barely making it out of the coast alive". I like the sea. Theres yummi fish, the salt water is perfekt for skin care, maybe even helps against some pests like flea, what the h*** do I know... . And who wants to be inland for weeks just to make a point? Have you ever considered how bad you guys actually smell after a few days??? I simply take my daily swim in the ocean and unless there are shark-zeds, I'm fine. Ultimately there is nothing wrong with the coast. If there is currently, it's by design. And I don't know if that is really so great.


Ok im wholey ignoring this part, very little sense is spoken here and it gave me teh lulz for the smelly players up north jibe :) i for one like to have guns with ammo and scopes and things that help keep me alive in general, so i just head north, then double back once im kitted and come down to try help new spawns do the same.


The north. PAH! Do you want to become king of winterfell or what?


:/ ok confused, not really sure what that means.


>at which point the only real threat becomes the pve aspect of the game and other players who didnt do stupid

>things like try to gear up in elektro or cherno.

"So then the only real threat is pve AND pvp???"

the only real threat is PVE AAAAND pvp with people who did NOT try to gear up in the south. how is an axe wielding bambie gonna compare with my aiming down sights from over 500 metres away in a fight... not great chances on his side i can tell you, which would be why i would not aim for him but keep an eye out for any bandits who may be looking to kill said kind of bambie, thereby saving bambi the hassle of heading north to gear up (take him to bandits body and tell him loot that bitch) if anything that kind of pklay leads to great new in game friendships so is well worth trying out some time


Per definition, yes sir. Correct. Nothing else left after all.


Actually if the mod is anything to go by there will be a fuck tonne of alternative things to do, such as farming, forraging and generally surviving in communities without using killing each other for scavenged resource tactics. also base building and what not, as the game stands there is kill or be killed or run away north and come back and try help people not get killed by people who lioke to kill people who cannot yet kill..... if that makes sense


>the respawn mechanic IS PLACEHOLDER, and i think it is in PLAC E to help people get used to the fact that soon, when the new >zombie system (which is being worked on from scratch to address all the issues of clipping and so on) is in place, zombies are >gonna fuck u hard if you decide to use your gun as opposed to axing or fighting them with other melee/bare fists.

I don't think most people complain that zeds are generally to hard. They are just not "right" for lack of a better word.


dude read any place where info or forums are holding dayz information and you will see most people complaining they are too hard, AND broken, i just think they are a little broken but then i just sprint at them axe held high and fuck them up before the lag lets them notice me, lag works both ways you know


I personally want them to get harder, deal more (health) damage, but not by hitting me with their hands from 5 meters away or ruining my raincoat with every second hit, it took hours after all to get that thing. Yes its a placeholder and I think a lot will change there especially as melee is changed. But this is actually a thread with the main purpose to discuss the zed differences that came with the last patch.


agrred, zeds were just stupid and pointless, and now are a threat and most people cry about that change, having been in this community for a long while of the mod i can tell you every time they buffed zeds or changed them, people cried (namely bandits as mentioned by someone before as it is they who always attract the zeds by trying to kill unarmed players in elektro bere and so on)


>the reason so many people bought arma 2 for this mod was because it was so much harder and a lot more fun and original than >your usual multiplayer shooter games, plus a lot of people love the survival horror aspe ct of it.

I don't think you can say that it is actually harder than your usual shooter.


Ok stop and think for a second, what "usual shooter" spawns u into a team deathmatch with no guns WHATSOEVER and then when it finally gives you a gun after x amount of hours running around hiding from zombies then gives you, u guessed it, NO AMMO lol by way of definition those circumstances in themselves make this game harder than your usual shooters by default


I dare you to present me your uncheated BF3 account with a 10 Kill vs Death ratio.


I dont play FPS shooters since modernwarfare 2 topped them all then got systematically ruined and so on, also on that note i got a 24 kill streak using a bolt action sniper on that game in team deathmatch hardcore so, if i had been a douche and recorded that years ago, i would gladly of shown you a double the KD you ask about

Let's see if that is easier than DayZ. It's more complex, offers more posibilities and people behave differently because they actually have something to lose, when they die. A nice slow learning curve? Great, I love it. Harder? Simply wrong. The fact that it takes some time to have your first positive results does not mean it is harder. Just that we DayZ players are stubborn. Or maybe we have masochistic tendencies... .


>PLAYERS ARE DEFINITELY NOT intended to be the most dangerous part of the game

What exactly is that statement based on? Did Dean say that? Never seen a source to it. You can make an environmentally extremely hard game, it will frustrate the h*** out of new players, but you will ultimately find out, just how to work with the environment and AI and then what...all of a sudden, it's boring as hell. When the game is done, the only remaining evolving variable is other players. I doubt it is even possible in games like these to provide anything more dangerous than other players, when you learned the workings of the ingame world. Of course random meteors could fall on your head. But that's not really the point. I also remember that one pesky Super Mario level that is just soooo hard, but in DayZ I don't have to jump right over some hole in the ground, I can walk around the hole. Or turn around. (or think you did both these things then desync and break your leg in a field on your own with no way to kill yourself)


But really you should read more of what dean posts if you cant find the sources on him saying that he wants this game to be primarily PVE, and to make it so to find more ways to stop the KoS mentality (ie horrible zombies that relentlessly punish you for alerting even one of them to your whereabouts)


I don't know if we will ever be at that point, but we certainly don't have the possibilities to create a virtual environment that even has the simple things that kick your butt in real live. Just imagine sneaking up to a zombie and stumbling over a root? Or are there millions of branches lying around that make unexpected sounds when you step on them? People will learn how to master the enviromental things.


Indeed sir people will learn to master these things, they are known as bandits and heroes its up to you to decide which you want to be,


>they are however the most unpredictable aspect and this is what makes the game. in my opinion. if people think this game >should not be about zombie survival and that it should be less realistic, please do give me your steam account and i will pass it >on to someone who SHOULD be playing dayz with me instead of you winding up on the shit end of my axe like a cry baby.

There is a recrutement section here, maybe you'll find someone there. Basically it's a game where everyone can do whatever you want with given resources (beans, m4...) in a given environment (zeds, health system, starvation). I doubt people will actually get into it and behave just like you think they should behave in the "real world" when there are zombies running around... . If your behaviour in such an environment would actually be scraping of the remains of those "weaker" than you that managed to wind up on the shit end of your axe, then I do not want to be your friend. No, sir ;)


its fine you would not be my friend no sir, you would definitely be friends with mr hatchy the hatchet hatch though, he got infected a few weeks back in a mod i was playing and now seems to lust for the blood of people who does not likes meh


Don't get me wrong, it's not my intention to annoy you, but your post simply rubbed me wrong on so many things. Who knows, maybe I have it all wrong, but I just can't imagine the environment being the main problem concerning one's survival for long. I got my first death though zeds ingame. Then I starved once. Then I learned not to go directly into electro in a dead sprint. Then... ... ... ... .


dont worry i am not annoyed by your response to my post, this is constructive debate about what does and does not make this game better or worse in differing viewpoints of said debate, and if my post rubbed you up the wrong way it had the desired effect, A.) because this game was designed with hardcore gaming in mind (dean has said this since the beggining) and B.) because for there to be progress in the development of this game there needs to be a certain balance between what the people who casually play this game want, and what people who think every other game after playing this game is not quite as fun as this afterwards want.


I dont want the game to be so super realistic that no one other than nutters like me want to play it, but i also dont want these people to throw their toys out of their pram and ruin one of my favbourite games of all time and turn it into a pvp based game with zombies in, theres a crap game already out for people who like that stuff and its called COD. oh and also WARz *rollseyes and remembers its now called* "Infestation"



zombies now = a lot harder to deal with = much better for the game = much worse for the impatient players = makes me grin like a masochist


My mouse was really troublesome and almost completely took me out of the game concerning pvp. That changed now with the latest update. As I was always well fed and watered and had military loot, just no real way of using it against others because of my mouse, the game started to be boring. And nerve wraking. There is simply no sense in running around and dying in all pvp situations simply because the user input is wonky. Took pretty much exactly 50h, and I did really run around a lot, once geared up on an empty server to test out all the different guns that were in the game... No matter how harsh the environment will be, people will master it and get bored. Of course it is possible to make it so extreme, that everyone simply will die. Some in 10minutes, some will last 5 hours if they are lucky. At that point no new players will buy the game at all though, so that is not likely to happen.


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for me post length is no issue, unless its crying, no one in these forums that had an account pre stand alone likes cry babies. the fact we are talking in length about what we see as important to the game or what is wrong with any current systems in place makes these posts legit as hell yeahs

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Had five teport on me, glitch through the walls and whatever other obstacles I tried to hide around. Then the server resets. Found a new server, waited a while to respawn, then I am getting chased all over again. I realize after shooting a few that they are literally respawning in the train that's following me. At some point, even with a pretty good lead, I start taking damage and bleeding from nothing. Phantom zombies, on top of everything else.

My character is dead, now. And no doubt will spawn on a completely lootless coast whenever I play again. As that also seems to be somewhat bugged.

Why wouldn't you fix the damned zombies from wall hacking before you make them run faster than us?

Edited by Odysseus

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