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Drunken Knife

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About Drunken Knife

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Drunken Knife

    hunting and executing medics LOL

    Haha, DayZ Hero Squad is in too. Lets kill those bandits. Thats what heroes are here for. DayZH Hero squad is with you if you need our help.
  2. Drunken Knife

    Drunken Rebles | 30 players | US-CA

    Probably will take a look at it. I am not from the US or anywhere near that, i am european. But my Steam name is Drunken Knife, so... :P
  3. Drunken Knife

    They are getting ballsy...

    Best explanation ever. Beans for you Sir!
  4. Drunken Knife

    <Name> killed by <Name>

    And somehow you feel the need to respond to me. Look, i already am pissed today because a friend of mine is in a coma since this weekend. So just stop risking me to get really mad, ok? And no, i don't joke about that kind of stuff.
  5. Drunken Knife

    Should I feel bad?

    If my friend dies, he knows if it was from zombies or a shot/axe. This means, every player in sight will die. I play like a hero, but if they start shooting, i KoS, especially if they already killed my mate.
  6. Drunken Knife

    Go to the forest of trees

    Staying with my caves! Although, what we probably would need too, are mountains. Not just some hills, but real mountains. Look at Skyrim for example, this type of mountains. Maybe a little town somewhere hidden, not showing up on the map, because it became a ghost town before the epidemic started. Canyons anybody? Keep the ideas coming guys.
  7. Drunken Knife

    Ethnic Discriminations

    http://pix.echtlustig.com/1302/oesterreich-keine-kaengurus--nur-kuhlimuhs.jpg Austria, dats my home! :) I haven't met an american yet, at least not ingame. I would love to though, because i 1.) want to improve in my english speaking and get rid of that german accent and 2.) i don't like the british english that much. Don't get me wrong, it sounds awesome, but i rather learn the easier to understand language. Although, maybe later, i want to learn the british english too :P
  8. Drunken Knife

    <Name> killed by <Name>

    All those bandits saying no -.- This IS a good idea, no matter what the other guys say. BUT, and thats the big but, don't make it a public message, but more like a private message like when you have hunger. This wouldn't effect the killer, because as long as there is no global chat he can't give away his killers name to all players on the server. It would be a pain to actually tell everybody, unless there is a forum where all players are registered and active. And it isn't to blame the bandits, it is to blame the cheaters. How can you determine a name on a server? A) he tells you, B) you check him after he is dead. C) dunno if there is a third method Means, if a cheater is there, it is unlikely that he will be killed, so it is up to impossible to know who the cheater is. Also, why not make it like the Titanfall devs? If there is a cheater in the game, and they know for sure that he cheats, he isn't able to connect to normal servers any more. He will only be able to join servers with other cheaters. This isn't a bad idea. They can continue cheating and play like they want, but the majority of the servers is clean of them.
  9. Drunken Knife

    "Trust" system/ player identification

    How stupid can all of you guys be? I survived in the mod for 6 months, countless shootouts and stuff. L2p the newb says, that started DayZ most likely with the SA xD.
  10. Drunken Knife

    Causes the for existence of KOS.......poll

    Didn't read my post to the fullest, ignoring you now.
  11. Drunken Knife

    "Trust" system/ player identification

    Wow buddy, you aren't really bright. If you would have used the search function, you would have seen that there didn't exist one like that.
  12. Damn, why on monday? I would have gotten there with some friends and saved your gear. Shot you, you come back, get your gear and move on. If nothing works, that probably would be the best idea. But i can only play DayZ on weekends. :(
  13. Drunken Knife

    "Trust" system/ player identification

    Ok mods, please lock this thread and move it to the graveyard. Too much people giving non constructive criticism. Instead of them giving some constructive feedback, they just say no without any VALID argument. They could try to mess around with the idea, change it a bit, whatever, but instead, they whine that it would be unfair because they want to play the cowardish playstyle and KoS.
  14. Drunken Knife

    "Trust" system/ player identification

    Bandits going crazy. Bandits are mad. Sorry, but i don't listen to them, especially as founder of a Hero squad.
  15. Drunken Knife

    "Trust" system/ player identification

    I know that all bandits say no to this idea. Thats why I am not asking them. I am asking the survivors and heroes out there, not the bandits.