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Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

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its been said that rocket already said no to ghillie suits. (3rd party, cannot confirm.)


as far as rangefinders go, i would rather see a LRS with mil dots over a rangefinder. Range your target the old fashioned way.

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True, but the zombies will give away the position. Ball's in your court...


If one is engaging from a distance, or in an area in which zombies cannot readily reach, as most snipers do... then zombies revealing one's position doesn't matter (because it won't happen in the first place). Or if one is using a suppressor... that too.


Zombies will only give away your position if you draw aggro. Which is somewhat easy to mitigate if one is engaging targets from an area in which there are no zombies.


Likewise, one doesn't always have to be shooting something whilst wearing a ghillie suit to remain stealth. Wearing a ghillie suit while just moving through an area can make that player that much harder to detect in the first place. Remaining hidden whilst firing is only one aspect of a ghillie suit. Remaining hidden whilst not firing is another, equally as important, aspect.


Game. Blouses.

Edited by Katana67
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In regards to crafting a Ghille suit, what do you guys think about the idea of having to learn how to craft one? It may seem a little "Sim" like to have to teach yourself how to craft this reading a book. So along with gathering the rare supplies that spawn to craft it, you should have to find a "How To Book" to have the ability to craft. Perhaps all supplies come pristine, and depending on the condition of your how to book determines the quality of suit you create?

I dunno, just a thought to make things that much harder to find and craft to add to it's rareness. Plus these pointless books would become useful to have a look at.

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In regards to crafting a Ghille suit, what do you guys think about the idea of having to learn how to craft one? It may seem a little "Sim" like to have to teach yourself how to craft this reading a book. So along with gathering the rare supplies that spawn to craft it, you should have to find a "How To Book" to have the ability to craft. Perhaps all supplies come pristine, and depending on the condition of your how to book determines the quality of suit you create?

I dunno, just a thought to make things that much harder to find and craft to add to it's rareness. Plus these pointless books would become useful to have a look at.


I mean it ain't rocket science.


BDUs? Check.


Webbing? Check.


Burlap? Check.


Natural Foliage? Check.




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I certainly don't know how to make one ...

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I certainly don't know how to make one ...


I don't either! I know a rough list of ingredients though. Willing to bet the enterprising survivor could figure it out.

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I'm sure they could, just a thought to make it extremely rare and challenging to create something in the game rather than just a couple key components needed and voila .. (Burlap sack + Rope / Rags or Bandages + Sticks). Finding Stick bundles are rare, the Ghillie suit should be even more I think.

Either way, someone already said Dean already nix'd the idea, so we can just dream I guess.

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Either way, someone already said Dean already nix'd the idea, so we can just dream I guess.


I remember him distinctly saying that it's doable, crafted ghillies.

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Cool. Hope so.

(I'd quote your replies but I'm on my cell)

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Ghillies aint anything special, anyone could knock one up in no time.  But you wouldn't do it with natural flora.....if ya start gluing or sticking leafs to a tshirt/jumper, they would all just fall off soon as you started moving. I was able to try a friends one out when he was home not long ago, they are just made from strips of material in the appropriate colour. That being said there wernt many strips on his, and he did say that they sometimes grab handfuls of flora to just jam in the gaps. 


Might be cool if the craftable ones could be messed up. Say you need a sewing kit, any undergarment to attach the strips to, and say 2 torn up anythings for the camo. That way if you decide to craft one it would be the same colours as the garments you....I dunno...."cut into strips". Then not only can we make ghillies to suit where we play most. But if you made one out of a red and a yellow torn up shirt its not gonna turn out so well lol :)

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If one is engaging from a distance, or in an area in which zombies cannot readily reach, as most snipers do... then zombies revealing one's position doesn't matter (because it won't happen in the first place). Or if one is using a suppressor... that too.


Zombies will only give away your position if you draw aggro. Which is somewhat easy to mitigate if one is engaging targets from an area in which there are no zombies.


Likewise, one doesn't always have to be shooting something whilst wearing a ghillie suit to remain stealth. Wearing a ghillie suit while just moving through an area can make that player that much harder to detect in the first place. Remaining hidden whilst firing is only one aspect of a ghillie suit. Remaining hidden whilst not firing is another, equally as important, aspect.


Game. Blouses

these would all be excellent points, if this were the mod. After this past update, I suspect a lot more will happen with zombie development, not guns and military tripe...

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i just Need binoculars and a Mohawk (edit: or orca or hemtt)

Edited by brumey

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none of those are going to be added.

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these would all be excellent points, if this were the mod. After this past update, I suspect a lot more will happen with zombie development, not guns and military tripe...


I suspect a lot will happen with all three aspects. Although your unreasonable hatred for the latter two only pleases me and is revealing of your argument.


And they are excellent points, in consideration of the current Alpha build. Snipers couldn't really make use of suppressors in the mod, and do you honestly expect there to be NO situation in the SA where you're in an area with no zombies? Rocket has pretty much confirmed to the contrary, saying we'll be able to clear out towns temporarily, with nothing to say about random rural areas.


Talking about the current state of the Alpha and not the future-state, which we have no idea what will be. Moreover, the idea of visual stealth ALWAYS stands as a potent advantage in PvP. So, regardless of whether or not there are un-mitigatable zombies (which I doubt there will be in the end-state) one can still exploit the advantages of a ghillie suit.


And for the record, ghillie suits were invented by game hunters in Scotland. Not the military. Aaaaand there are civilian rangefinders used for hunting, relatively cheap, can be bought at your local Walmart or hunting shop.

Edited by Katana67
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So silly to say "hopefully never" come on guys...


you can make a ghillie in minutes in a forest, so why not have that as an option? you know realism ...what we strive for in this game...


same with rangefinders...super rare maybe but dont limit any single item because nancy boy is scared of it being too end game.


same with a 50 calibre sniper rifle, or any sniper rifle (308+). Just have to adjust the rarity tables and carry on.


no single item should be omitted for "fairness" or should i say "fairyness" lol



That is fine but there needs to be a realistic encumbrance model to go with the ASslown 50s.


There is no way in hell you should be able to carry a .50 calibre military sniper weapon with a full pack and mountains of kit and still be effectively mobile.


I preached this throughout the mod. Make the wannabe snipers choose. Overly complex, heavy as fuck long gun with minimal ammo or a backpack and kit.


Not both.


Simple and effective fix. There is a reason 50s were taken out of the mod. Ridiculous engagement ranges pure and simple. There has to be some semblance of gameplay balance decisions made, even in DayZ.

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OP already uses DayzDB to range his shots using the map.. but now needs a rangefinder to make it even easier?


I dislike this type of mentality. IMO, Practice>being handed something for nothing.

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I suspect a lot will happen with all three aspects. Although your unreasonable hatred for the latter two only pleases me and is revealing of your argument.


And they are excellent points, in consideration of the current Alpha build. Snipers couldn't really make use of suppressors in the mod, and do you honestly expect there to be NO situation in the SA where you're in an area with no zombies? Rocket has pretty much confirmed to the contrary, saying we'll be able to clear out towns temporarily, with nothing to say about random rural areas.


Talking about the current state of the Alpha and not the future-state, which we have no idea what will be. Moreover, the idea of visual stealth ALWAYS stands as a potent advantage in PvP. So, regardless of whether or not there are un-mitigatable zombies (which I doubt there will be in the end-state) one can still exploit the advantages of a ghillie suit.


And for the record, ghillie suits were invented by game hunters in Scotland. Not the military. Aaaaand there are civilian rangefinders used for hunting, relatively cheap, can be bought at your local Walmart or hunting shop.

Well, a couple of points, since you're making an assumption about my argument; these things that you are asking for, the guillie an rangefinder are almost assuredly going to be in the game. And they are the weapons of hunters. But in the end this game is about being hunted. One of the key points of going away from the mod and making a standalone version of this game was to create a platform on which the things and the mod did not work. The primary thing that did not work was zombies.


So I suspect in the end that towns Will be littered with zombies. Lots of zombies. PvP will change dramatically. And it's not going to be some guy sitting in the woods with a sniper rifle. It's going to be the 'friend' you made three days ago, who you know has a can of tuna in his backpack. And you are starving and not willing to go near a town.


You refer to the rangefinder and the Gilly suit with familiarity and comfort that brings and probably with thoughts of past escapades. And that's fine. I have enjoyed DayZ for the same points. But I have wanted what the original intent was since it's inception. I want to absolutely fear the zombies.


I referred to the guns and military equipment as "tripe" because they require no development, because they have been there since day one. How much time in the development of Alpha do you think they should spend just making the mod all over again?

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Well, a couple of points, since you're making an assumption about my argument; these things that you are asking for, the guillie an rangefinder are almost assuredly going to be in the game. And they are the weapons of hunters. But in the end this game is about being hunted. One of the key points of going away from the mod and making a standalone version of this game was to create a platform on which the things and the mod did not work. The primary thing that did not work was zombies.


So I suspect in the end that towns Will be littered with zombies. Lots of zombies. PvP will change dramatically. And it's not going to be some guy sitting in the woods with a sniper rifle. It's going to be the 'friend' you made three days ago, who you know has a can of tuna in his backpack. And you are starving and not willing to go near a town.


You refer to the rangefinder and the Gilly suit with familiarity and comfort that brings and probably with thoughts of past escapades. And that's fine. I have enjoyed DayZ for the same points. But I have wanted what the original intent was since it's inception. I want to absolutely fear the zombies.


I referred to the guns and military equipment as "tripe" because they require no development, because they have been there since day one. How much time in the development of Alpha do you think they should spend just making the mod all over again?


I only wore a ghillie suit once or twice in the two years I played the mod, never liked that it cut away the backpack. So, no, it's not out of nostalgia that I think the ghillie suit is useful.


There's nothing about a ghillie suit or rangefinder that will diminish making zombies more of a threat. You're muddling two separate issues - the usefulness of ghillie suits/rangefinders and the threat of zombies.


Military equipment requires a significant amount of development on the part of the team, hence why the M4 is being used as a test-bed for modular attachments in the Standalone. It's by no means a "copy and paste" job from ARMA II. The way in which weapons are implemented in game is now based on objects, not scripts as was the case in the mod.

Edited by Katana67

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I suppose I could find a use for rangefinder. Ghillies should be craft-only and it is not like you can make ghillie suit out of camo clothing and leaves only. What will hold the leaves on your camo clothing? good will and hope?


It is not really hard to hit targets with mil-dot scopes so rangefinder wouldn't make it much easier. Should be civ-grade stuff though.

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'Crafting' a ghillie would probably make it easier than finding one, if they spawned in as rarely as the press vest or pristine LRS, because realistically they appear quite simple to make. Not sure why anyone would think sewing some cloth strips onto some camo gear, or sticking some foliage into webbing would be difficult? Sewing is not rocket science, you needn't be a tailor do a rudimentary job of it.

I'm not against them being in the game though - just ought to have some compromises as has been suggested already. The more choices clothing-wise the better, same applies to a lot of the loot. Greater loot variety will make any specific item harder to find by default as there are only a finite number of spawn points.

Rangefinders? Have the mildots on some scopes, have rangefinders too - if they are a two-slot item people will be forced to decide if they are really worth carrying - and probably, like a compass, after you have things down they won't be 'essential' anyway.

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I think a ghilie suit should give your character lesser chance to be detected by zombies. Since it makes you pretty hard to make out from the bushes and the grass. I also would like to see precision military weapons added into the game that you can actually rely on. I'm so sick of seeing guys run across the NWAF like it's nothing, since there is no gun accurate enough atm to actually kill or break their legs on first shot.

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No reason for the ghillie suit in a zombie apocalypse game. Think about it, if the zombie hordes start attacking who in the military would prioritize grabbing this heavy encumbering and fairly useless piece of equipment.


If anything it should be a piece of gear you can manufacture by gathering stuff and every minute you wear it the suit should slowly fall apart.


As for the range finder, that makes more sense to have.

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There's nothing about a ghillie suit or rangefinder that will diminish making zombies more of a threat. You're muddling two separate issues - the usefulness of ghillie suits/rangefinders and the threat of zombies.

There is one aspect that the guillie and rangefinder could diminish zombies as a threat; Spending time developing those instead of the zombies.

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